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    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring abandoned buildings can lead to fascinating discoveries, but be cautious and respect boundaries.Exploring abandoned buildings can uncover history and intrigue, but it's crucial to respect property and avoid dangerous situations.

      Exploration can lead to intriguing discoveries, but it's important to be cautious and respect boundaries. In August 2018, a 14-year-old boy discovered an abandoned building, which used to manufacture cards and World War 2 supplies. One morning, he and his older stepbrother sneaked in and found a large room filled with electronics and buttons. They also saw office trailers with an unusual office inside. Later that day, they returned with more friends and found a devil symbol spray-painted on the ground and entered a room called the "dark room." As they descended the stairwell, they saw a shoe on the ground. While these discoveries were intriguing, the group should have respected the property and avoided trespassing. The building held a rich history and potentially dangerous elements. Therefore, it's essential to be aware of the potential risks and consequences when exploring unknown places.

    • An Unexplained Paranormal AttachmentA strong fascination with an old, allegedly haunted building may lead to a paranormal attachment, causing unexplained occurrences such as moving objects, figures, and self-closing doors.

      The described experience can be explained as an instance of a psychic or paranormal attachment. The individual, who felt a strong connection to the old, allegedly haunted building in Dansville, Pennsylvania, may have unintentionally attracted the attention of a supernatural entity. This attachment manifested in various ways, such as moving objects, unexplained figures, and even self-closing doors. The individual's fascination with the building might have played a role in the attachment, as people are often drawn to the unknown or intriguing. Despite the ambiguous nature of the occurrences, it appears that the individual's interaction with the building led to a persistent and unexplained paranormal experience.

    • Personal hauntings caused by dark energiesDark energies can attach to a person, causing a personal haunting, even if the location isn't traditionally considered haunted.

      The attachment of a dark energy or spirit to a person can occur when they linger in a place where other dark energies may exist, even if the location itself isn't traditionally considered haunted. This can lead to a personal haunting that follows the person in their day-to-day life. The exact nature and intensity of the haunting may be unclear, but the possibility of it being caused by dark energies attracted to the location, rather than a spirit or ghost that was already present, is a valid explanation. The shadowy figure and the attachment to a physical object, such as a sandal, add to the believability of this phenomenon. However, it's important to remember that without concrete evidence, it's impossible to know for sure what actually occurred.

    • Impact of Negative Experiences on IndividualsUnexplained occurrences may stem from unresolved negative experiences or emotions, seeking help from a psychic or medium can provide insight.

      Negative experiences and emotions can have lasting impacts on individuals, potentially leading to paranormal phenomena. The speaker believes that the man in the first story may be experiencing an attachment from an unresolved experience, possibly due to a lack of proper goodbyes. In the second story, an author's experimentation with casting off negative energy led to improvements in his mood, but on Christmas Eve, he was alone and felt the absence of loved ones, potentially contributing to his emotional state. While the speaker doesn't advocate for reckless actions, they suggest seeking the help of a psychic or medium for those experiencing unexplained occurrences.

    • A man's encounter with a supernatural entity leads to an unexpected relationship in his dreamsA man's fear of a supernatural entity in his home transforms into an enjoyable relationship in his dreams, leaving him with a newfound appreciation for the unexplained.

      The experience of seeing a supernatural entity in his home during a late-night movie session left a profound impact on a man, transforming his fear into an unexpected relationship in his dreams. Despite growing up without celebrating Christmas due to his mother's religious beliefs, he found himself alone one night watching a movie named "Beyond Skyline." Suddenly, he sensed something staring at him from the stairs, and despite his fear, he saw a girl standing there, reminiscent of the infamous character Samara from "The Ring." The encounter left him frozen in fear for hours, but eventually, the sensation vanished, and he was left with a lingering curiosity. A year later, the same girl, whom he came to know as Elisa, began appearing in his dreams. Instead of instilling fear, they shared enjoyable experiences, even playing together as Marvel characters Spider-Man and Black Cat. The relationship continued for several weeks until it abruptly ended. In 2019, the man had another encounter, this time with his friend at an empty park late at night. Although the nighttime park visit might not have been the safest decision, the man's previous experiences had left him with a newfound appreciation for the unexplained.

    • Friends Encounter a Possible Poltergeist in the ParkA poltergeist may have caused unusual emotions and behaviors between two friends during their park encounter, possibly feeding off their emotional energy and triggered by their adolescent transition.

      The encounter between the two friends in the park may have involved an otherworldly presence, possibly a poltergeist, which affected their emotions and behaviors towards each other. Unlike a tulpa, which is willed into existence through intense focus, this entity seemed to have existed before their interaction and may have fed off their emotional energy. Poltergeists are known to be associated with adolescents going through puberty, and the emotional stress of this transition could potentially trigger their activity. The dynamic between the two friends evolved from fear to a more complex relationship, suggesting a maturing aspect to their experience. However, there may be other explanations for their encounter as well.

    • Possible link to demonic activitySpeaker suggests author's experiences could be linked to negative energy following him, rather than a poltergeist, and warns of potential demonic presence

      The speaker believes the author's experience could be linked to demonic activity rather than a poltergeist. The negative energy is not attached to a specific location but seems to be following the person, and demons often attach to individuals instead of places. The speaker also mentions that demons can appear as children to gain trust and that peripheral vision could play a role in such experiences due to its potential power and ability to be more vibrant than a direct focus. However, there is some skepticism about the reality of the girl in the park and the possibility that the experiences were self-created. Overall, the speaker expresses concern for the author's well-being and believes that it's essential to address the potential demonic presence in his life.

    • Discussing potential eeriness in a submitted storySkepticism about a submitted story's believability due to earlier inconsistencies, distinguishing demons from ghosts, and expressing hope for updates on the story while encouraging listeners to submit their own, all while desiring nothing too serious to happen on their podcast.

      The discussion revolved around the potential eeriness and demonic elements in a submitted story for their podcast, "Believing the Bazaar." While both participants agreed that there could be something unsettling happening, they expressed skepticism about the full believability of the story due to earlier inconsistencies. They also differentiated between demons and ghosts, suggesting that getting rid of a demon might not be as simple as saying goodbye. They ended the conversation expressing hope for updates on the stories and encouraging listeners to submit their own. Ultimately, they expressed a desire for nothing too serious to happen in the stories they would be sharing on their podcast.

    Recent Episodes from Believing the Bizarre: Paranormal Conspiracies & Myths

    Sleep Paralysis Stories: Vol 1

    Sleep Paralysis Stories: Vol 1
    Sleep Paralysis Stories: Volume 1

    Over the years we have had tons of listeners submit potential sleep paralysis stories, so we decided to combine a handful of them into a new, unique listener submission collection - sleep paralysis stories!
    Sleep paralysis is a terrifying experience where individuals find themselves conscious but unable to move, often accompanied by hallucinations of shadow figures, entities, and the infamous "old hag."
    Theories range from supernatural encounters to a dream-like state caused by the brain's inability to control the body during sleep. People from various locations have shared their unsettling experiences, highlighting the fear and helplessness felt during these episodes.
    Some individuals, like Madison, have had sleep paralysis for years, with recurring visions of a woman in a 1920s dress and the mysterious "Hat Man." Despite the initial terror, Madison eventually found comfort in these encounters, particularly during a difficult period in her life when a shadow figure appeared to offer support. Alex, on the other hand, had a particularly vivid experience involving a menacing dog and a shadowy figure, leaving him questioning the line between reality and dreams.
    Zacharia, a 15-year-old living in an old San Francisco house, has been sensitive to the paranormal for years. He has seen balls of light, experienced unexplained occurrences, and even encountered an apparition he calls "George."
    Recently, Zacharia has been experiencing nightly episodes of sleep paralysis, accompanied by strange noises and a feeling of being weighed down, leading him to believe that a poltergeist may be responsible.
    Kieren, who has had various paranormal encounters, including UFO sightings and experiences with spirits, learned about sleep paralysis through his studies as a biology major.
    While his first experience was relatively tame, a subsequent episode involved a shadow person appearing in the corner of his eye. By reminding himself that it was a trick of the mind and focusing on relaxing his muscles, Kieren was able to make the shadow disappear and regain control of his body.

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    Bizarre News and Alien Abduction Blind Ranking

    Bizarre News and Alien Abduction Blind Ranking
    It's time for a new monthly segment! On the fourth Friday of every month, you can expect Bizarre News and Blind Rankings.

    This month in Bizarre News, we discuss a wide variety of topics. From a puzzling earthquake in Turkey followed by a dazzling display of UFOs, to a mysterious neon blue cloud hovering over Quincy, Massachusetts, we explore the strange and the supernatural.
    But that's not all! We also delve into the fascinating world of paranormal curiosity, as we reveal which U.S. state tops the charts for ghostly searches. West Virginia, with its rich history and eerie landscapes, takes the crown as the epicenter of the otherworldly.
    Next, we venture into the cosmos, where scientists may have stumbled upon evidence of hyper-intelligent civilizations living in theoretical Dyson spheres. Could these advanced beings be harnessing the power of stars and black holes?
    We'll explore the tantalizing possibilities. Finally, we'll take you on a journey into the heart of the Angeles National Forest, where a hiker's recent encounter with a set of mysterious tracks has sparked a frenzy among Bigfoot enthusiasts. 
    Also, we finally have Producer Ben on the main feed and are playing Blind Rankings.
    This month, Ben has chosen 8 Alien Abduction stories that must rank, but the catch is, we don't know the list of abductions when we start ranking them.
    We hope you enjoy these new segments!

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    The Contorting Entity Hugo

    The Contorting Entity Hugo
    The Contorting Entity Hugo

    It's listener submission time again! The listener has requested to stay anonymous, so as always, we got a Sophia story!

    From a young age, Sophia possessed an innate sensitivity to the paranormal, able to sense the emotions and energy of those around her, including spirits. Despite her belief in ghosts, she had never directly encountered a shadow person until she was 12 or 13 years old. 
    In her bedroom, she began to feel a presence watching her, which she eventually named "Hugo." Initially, the presence seemed benign, but after a series of unsettling events, including a lotion bottle mysteriously moving and recurring dreams of Hugo clinging to her wall with large, black eyes, Sophia's fear grew, forcing her to seek refuge in her sister's room. 
    Sophia's family home in Georgia, shared by her parents, sister, and grandparents, held its own secrets. She always felt nervous in her grandparents' house, hearing strange noises at night that were dismissed as the settling of an old house.
    As a young adult, while living in a nearby mother-in-law suite with her fiancé, Sophia experienced intense feelings of panic and unease when alone in the main house, particularly while using the bathroom. These feelings eventually subsided, only to be replaced by scratching sounds and other unexplained occurrences.
    One morning, while Sophia's grandfather was confined to a hospital bed in the living room, she heard knocking and footsteps while showering. The footsteps ran down the hallway towards the spare rooms, but the door, known for its loud creak, never opened. When Sophia emerged from the bathroom, she found the door still shut and her grandfather claiming to have heard nothing.
    Shaken, she quickly left the house, marking the end of her personal encounters in the family home. Despite the passing of her grandfather, Sophia's grandmother (Nanny) continues to reside in the house, claiming to have friendly encounters with ghosts.
    Both Sophia and her Nanny have experienced moments that felt like the presence of her late grandfather, leaving them to wonder about the reality of their experiences. Though the fear was genuine at the time, Sophia now reflects on these events with a sense of curiosity and wonder, forever changed by her journey through the paranormal.

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    Madeleine Arnoux, Marius DeWilde, and Maurice Masse Alien Encounters

    Madeleine Arnoux, Marius DeWilde, and Maurice Masse Alien Encounters
    This week on Believing the Bizarre we have three incredibly alien encounters that took place in France.

    Our first story takes place in the summer of 1944, when 13-year-old Madeleine Arnoux was on a bicycle ride to pick up food from a nearby farm. 
    During a brief rest in a meadow, she stumbled upon a strange, metallic craft and tiny humanoid creatures dressed in brown one-piece suits. Frozen in fear, Madeleine eventually fled the scene, keeping her encounter a secret for nearly 30 years before finally sharing her story with the world.
    Fast forward to 1954, when railway worker Marius Dewilde experienced a chilling encounter near his home in Nord, France. One night, his dog's incessant barking led him to discover a strange object and two small humanoid figures near the railroad tracks.
    Paralyzed by a beam of light from the object, Marius helplessly watched as the beings boarded their craft and ascended into the night sky. In the aftermath of the incident, investigators discovered physical evidence supporting Marius's account, solidifying his place in UFO history.
    Our final story takes us to the picturesque region of Valensole, France, where farmer Maurice Masse had a close encounter of the third kind in July 1965. While taking a cigarette break, Masse noticed an oval-shaped object landing in a nearby lavender field, accompanied by two humanoid figures.
    When one of the figures raised a cylindrical device, Masse was struck by a beam that left him paralyzed on the ground. As the figures boarded their craft and flew away, they left behind physical evidence that would later support Masse's incredible story.
    These three extraordinary French alien encounters serve as a testament to the enduring mystery and allure of UFOs in France and beyond.

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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    Jim Harold - Interview

    Jim Harold - Interview
    We are so excited to interview the paranormal podcaster himself, Jim Harold. Another Northeast Ohio paranormal podcaster, Jim Harold is a podcasting pioneer - starting all the way back in 2005.

    In this interview, we get into why he got into podcasting, some of his favorite stories, any campfire stories that were less than believable to him, retro causality, and more. 

    Jim Harold hosts the Paranormal Podcast along with Jim Harold's Campfire.

    Additionally, Jim Harold releases books that include stories told to him on the Jim Harold's Campfire Podcast, and his newest book - Volume 6 - just dropped May 7th, 2024.

    Pick up your copy here: https://www.amazon.com/True-Ghost-Stories-Harolds-Campfire-ebook/dp/B0CTHQSX85/

    Make sure to check out both The Paranormal Podcast and Jim Harold's Campfire. 

    By the way, you can now expect a new interview with someone in the paranormal world every second Friday of the month!

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    The Haunted Monte Cristo Homestead

    The Haunted Monte Cristo Homestead
    Trigger Warning - Animal abuse and suicide 

    The Haunting of Monte Cristo Homestead: Australia's Most Haunted House

    In the heart of Junee, nestled between Sydney and Melbourne, lies the Monte Cristo Homestead – a place that has earned the reputation of being Australia's most haunted house. The history of this eerie residence dates back to 1885 when Christopher William Crawley, a wealthy farmer and founder of Junee, built the homestead for his family.
    Despite the initial struggles, Crawley's fortune changed when the Great Southern Railway Line opened in 1878, and he established a successful hotel along the rail line. 
    However, the Crawley family's story took a dark turn following Christopher's death in 1910. His wife, Elizabeth, became a recluse, confining herself to the attic chapel for the next 23 years. After the last Crawley left in 1948, the house fell into disrepair until Reginald and Olivia Ryan purchased it in 1963, transforming it into a doll museum.
    It was then that the true extent of the homestead's haunting became apparent. The Ryans reported numerous supernatural occurrences, including ghostly lights, the inexplicable deaths of their animals, and the presence of at least ten ghosts.
    Among these spirits are Christopher and Elizabeth Crawley, a pregnant maid who jumped to her death from the balcony, Harold – a disabled boy chained in the coach room, Morris – a stable boy who died in a fire, Ethel – an infant who died on the stairs, and Jack Simpson – a caretaker shot to death on the porch in 1960.
    Visitors to the Monte Cristo Homestead have experienced a range of paranormal phenomena, from feeling icy hands on the stairs to hearing the screams of the deceased. The bloodstains of the pregnant maid are said to reappear on the steps, and children become inexplicably agitated when entering certain areas of the house.
    The haunting of Monte Cristo Homestead has solidified its status as one of the most terrifying and intriguing paranormal locations in Australia, drawing in those brave enough to explore its dark history.

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    The Rotenburg Cannibal

    The Rotenburg Cannibal
    The Rotenburg Cannibal

    This episode contains GRAPHIC VIOLENCE/GORE*

    Armin Meiwes, known as the Rotenburg Cannibal, claimed that his fascination with cannibalism began during his adolescent years, sparked by the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel." As a tech-savvy individual, Meiwes discovered online communities where people shared their fantasies about cannibalism and even their desire to be eaten. 
    In March 2001, he posted an ad on the "Cannibal Cafe" forum, seeking a willing volunteer aged 18 to 25 to be slaughtered and consumed. Bernd-Jurgen Armando Brandes, a 43-year-old microelectronics engineer from Berlin, responded to Meiwes' ad, agreeing to be slaughtered and consumed.
    On March 9th, 2001, Brandes traveled to Meiwes' home, where they videotaped the event to prove consent. The gruesome act began with Brandes taking sleeping pills and cough syrup, followed by Meiwes cutting off Brandes' penis, which they both attempted to eat but found too tough.
    Meiwes then fried some of Brandes' body fat with seasonings, but overcooked the penis, ultimately feeding it to his dog. As Brandes grew weak from blood loss, Meiwes ran a bath for him and checked on him periodically while reading a Star Trek book. After a few hours, Meiwes stabbed Brandes in the throat, killing him. He then hung the body from a meat hook, beheaded and dismembered it, storing parts in his freezer and burying the head in his garden.
    Over the next 10 months, Meiwes consumed an estimated 44 pounds of Brandes' flesh. In July 2001, Meiwes attempted to lure another victim through online chat rooms. Although he met with five men, he did not kill them, presumably because they did not consent.
    A college student who had conversed with Meiwes, disturbed by their discussions, reported him to the authorities. Police discovered human remains in Meiwes' freezer and the incriminating four-hour video recording.
    When questioned, Meiwes admitted to consuming his victim with a bottle of South African red wine, using his best cutlery, and decorating the dinner table with candles. He described the taste as similar to pork. The case of Armin Meiwes remains one of the most shocking and disturbing instances of consensual cannibalism in modern history.

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    Guardian Angels

    Guardian Angels
    Guardian Angels
    From ancient Judaic texts to modern esoteric beliefs, the concept of guardian angels - divine entities assigned to watch over humans - has captivated cultures across the ages.
    Explore the origins of this widespread phenomenon tracing back to the Babylonians and Assyrians.
    We discuss the hierarchies and ranks of angels described in Christianity, from the supreme Seraphim and Cherubim that commune directly with God, to the powerful Virtues and Archangels like Michael, Raphael and Gabriel tasked with specific virtues and roles.
    Learn about guardian angels themselves, the lowest rank believed to be individual spiritual companions and protectors accompanying each person from birth to death.
    Understand their perceived purpose of shielding humans from harm when "it is not their time." Join us as we delve into this fascinating belief found across Abrahamic faiths as well as Hinduism and Buddhism. Whether viewed as literal or symbolic, guardian angels have provided comfort and inspiration to billions throughout the centuries. But, are they believable? Listen now!

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    Trench Coat Shadow Man

    Trench Coat Shadow Man
    Welcome to another episode of Believing the Bizarre! It is Listener Submission time, which you know what that means: creepy and personal stories sent to us from listeners!
    In this episode, we follow Travis and Brittney's stories. Travis encounters an abandoned hut, a strange grave, and a weird pentagram with candles in the woods near a concrete junkyard.
    Brittney discusses some of her family hauntings, including an aggressive and terrifying entity who wears a long black trench coat, boots, and has glowing red eyes.
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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    Glitches in the Matrix with Let's Get Haunted

    Glitches in the Matrix with Let's Get Haunted
    Glitches in the Matrix
    This whole "glitch in the matrix" thing has been freaking people out ever since that 1999 movie The Matrix came out.
    The idea is that our reality isn't real - it's just a simulation. Like, are we actually just minds trapped in bodies, or are we code in some crazy digital world? It really makes you think about whether we even exist or not.
    Within this supposed simulated reality, weird stuff happens sometimes that just doesn't make sense. Things teleporting across rooms, seeing the same person twice, getting déjà vu - that kind of trippy stuff. It happens fast and then it's over, but it sticks with you, you know? Makes you question what's actually going on.
    It's not just sci-fi nerds talking about this simulation theory either. Legit scientists like this MIT guy Rizwan Virk have gotten behind it.
    Virk reckons our universe could basically be a super advanced video game based on physics experiments looking at the building blocks of reality. Crazy, right?
    But you've got other big brain physicists at places like Harvard saying it's nonsense and there's no proof.
    Lisa Randall thinks the idea of higher beings making a simulation is just dumb. Still, the whole unknown of it all is pretty mind-bending when you start thinking about dimensions and stuff we can't even comprehend.
    In the end, whether we reside in a simulated world or not remains an enigma. As we ponder glitches in the matrix and the mysteries of multiple dimensions, we're reminded of the boundless complexities that shroud the nature of our existence, inviting us to explore realms both tangible and beyond.

    Check out Aly and Nat's podcast, Let's Get Haunted, here: https://www.letsgethaunted.com/welcome

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    Related Episodes

    117: Gorilla Man, Doppelgängers and Demons, Oh My!

    117: Gorilla Man, Doppelgängers and Demons, Oh My!

    On episode 117 we speak with Jim Harold from the Paranormal Podcast and Alika from The Confessionals artistic design team! Jim comes on to share some of his spooky experiences that keep him going in the paranormal realm. Then we bring on Alika from Hawaii as he talks about seeing a gorilla man in his house, dopplgangers, evil reflects, shadow kids and much more!



    Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheConfessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com

    Email: theconfessionalspodcast@gmail.com

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    Twitter: @TConfessionals

    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw

    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOADhttps://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

    43. 3 Ways To Clear Negative Energy

    43. 3 Ways To Clear Negative Energy

    What you can learn from this episode:

    • What is negative energy?
    • What can you do if you can’t escape the sources of negative energy?
    • We ourselves can become a source of negative energy!
    • Things you can do to release negative energy.
    • And much more!


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    The Haunted Hospital

    The Haunted Hospital
    This week we tackle another Listener Submission story, coming to us from Sarah in Dover. As you can tell by the title - things are about to get pretty spooky in this hospital. Hospitals are already full of intense energy, but if you add in a few entities that like sneaking up behind you and ripping a vacuum out of your hand, things escalate pretty quickly. But, is this hospital truly haunted? Listen now to find out! Support Believing the Bizarre and get tons of extra content by joining our Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/believingthebizarre For updates and extra content, follow Believing the Bizarre on social media: https://www.instagram.com/believingthebizarre/ https://www.facebook.com/believingthebizarre/  You can rep Believing the Bizarre and buy some unique merch here: https://believing-the-bizarre.creator-spring.com/ SPONSORS: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/ohio-hauntings-legends/id1585842345