
    About this Episode

    What does home design and your body have in common? They are the places you live in. In this episode, I introduce you to Yoga's sister-science, Ayurveda. Where Yoga is the science of Consciousness Awareness, Ayurveda is the science for Life and Living.

    Recent Episodes from AUM@home

    Have you considered taking a Yoga Teacher Training course?

    Have you considered taking a Yoga Teacher Training course?

    Life is busy and committing to a specific time of day, teacher or space is tough. Attending a Yoga Teacher Training program isn't just about learning how to teach others - it's about learning how to best take care of your Self.

    In this episode, Michelle highlights a few of the key aspects of the YTT she leads and how attending one can change your life for the better.

    Yoga as a Profession

    Yoga as a Profession

    Business endeavours are tough and the business of yoga is not excluded from that. Whether you embark on a solo-preneur gig and teach at other studios or decide to open a studio of of your own, the bottom line is that if you aren’t generating the money needed to pay for your overhead, hard decisions including cut-backs and closures are really your only options. 

    In this episode, Michelle shares her thoughts on Yoga as a Profession and how her teaching practice has unfolded over the years.

    Remember to Breathe

    Remember to Breathe

    I know, easier said than done right? When I'm in the throws of life, feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, remembering to breathe can be one of the farthest things from my mind, and yet I know how invaluable the practice is. 

    In this episode I share with you the importance of breath regulation and how to engage in a simple practice that will shift your Autonomic Nervous System from scattered and stressed out, to calm, cool and collected.

    Welcome to AUM@home

    Welcome to AUM@home

    Join me, your host Michelle Robinson, on this audible adventure as I share with you the rich and ancient teachings and practices of all things Yoga & Ayurveda. As the name of this podcast suggests, AUM@home is an opportunity feel at home in your body, mind and heart. 

    Are you ready to open your eyes to the truth in your heart?

    Tap in to Quietude

    Tap in to Quietude

    Have you ever had one of those moments when the world around you just stopped its swirling and noisy-ness leaving you somewhat spellbound in the vastness of time and space? Where, for just the briefest of moments, no one is calling your name, the phone isn’t dinging, the dog’s not barking and you feel perfectly placed and balanced in your body, your mind and your heart? 

    One of the biggest things I’ve learned on my yoga journey is how to tap into the quietude of these brief moments by simply standing still. And that’s what I want to share with you today.