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    About this Episode

    Molly Carmel, LCSW is a leading addiction and eating disorder
    therapist and founder of Beacon by MC - and which offers individual
    and group solutions to help people break free from their destructive
    relationships with food and dieting. Known for her irreverent,
    “straight talk, no chaser” attitude, she’s also the author of the
    innovative book, Breaking Up with Sugar: A Plan to Divorce the Diets,
    Drop the Pounds, and Live Your Best Life and the host of the podcast,
    What You're Craving.

    Molly is fiercely devoted to helping people break free of their
    destructive relationship with food, dieting, and negative body image
    to create the big beautiful lives they deserve. After battling an
    eating disorder for over 20 years and finding no solution in available
    treatment, she began to trailblaze her professional path, obsessed
    with helping people find real and sustainable healing. She’s never
    looked back.

    Molly has extensive training in Substance Use, Eating Disorders and is
    intensively in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Recognizing that it’s
    not all about the food and the limitations of a "brain-only" approach
    in treating complex issues like addiction and eating disorders, she is
    also a trained Shaman, Reiki healer, a certified Tibetan bowl singing
    practitioner, certified in BREATHE breathwork, a dedicated devotee of
    daily meditation, and a certified intenSati instructor

    Molly graduated with a Bachelor’s in Social Work from Cornell
    University and a master’s in Social work from Columbia University. Her
    work has been featured on The Today Show, The Dr. Oz Show, Dateline
    NBC, Anderson Cooper 360, and Extreme Makeover as well as in People
    Magazine, the Los Angeles Times and the New York Times. She's been a
    guest on The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast, Keeping it Real
    with Jillian Michaels, and Ever Forward Radio with Chase Chewning.

    Molly’s Fired Up 2024 Online Retreat is happening on Sunday, Jan 21,
    2024 from 11-5 EST - it’s an amazing opportunity to find your inner
    spark and get into a space of POWER for the new year. Learn more at
    https://mollycarmel.com/fired-up/ - and use the code MOLLY10 to get 10%

    Links and Social Media Handles:

    Website: mollycarmel.com

    IG: @mollycarmel

    YouTube: Molly Carmel

    Tiktok: @realmollycarmel

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mollycarmel.buws


    Recent Episodes from Food Junkies Podcast

    Episode 167: Michael Cowl Gordon MD

    Episode 167: Michael Cowl Gordon MD

    Dr. Michael Cowl Gordon is a family physician and addiction specialist, who practiced in Wisconsin and Georgia for over 50 years, until he retired last year. 

    He completed medical training at the University of Illinois College of Medicine in 1967 As well as he received his board certification in Addiction Medicine in 1986. Inspired by his own recovery journey, as well as those of his patients, Dr. Gordon has dedicated much of his career to understanding and treating addiction.

    He is author of  "The 12-Step Pathway: A Heroic Journey of Recovery”, which is a collection of individual stories,  demonstrating how people struggling with addiction can embark on a transformative journey of recovery using the 12 step program, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. By utilizing the metaphor of the hero's journey, as conceptualized by Joseph Cambell, he convincingly explains why the 12-step program holds the key to overcoming addiction. Although the 12 step program is almost 90 years old, it still offers a journey of recovery that is motivating and inspiring, for all addictions, including the newer food addiction.

    The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede your healthcare provider's professional relationship and direction. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.

    Episode 166: Ann Saffi Biasetti, PhD, LCSWR, CEDS, CIAYT

    Episode 166: Ann Saffi Biasetti, PhD, LCSWR, CEDS, CIAYT

    Ann Saffi Biasetti, PhD, LCSWR, CEDS, CIAYT, is a practicing clinician for over 34 years. She is a Transpersonal Psychologist specializing in somatic psychotherapy, eating disorders, and trauma recovery. She is the originator of the Befriending Your Body Program, a program of somatic self-compassion for disordered eating recovery and the Embodied Life training center for yoga therapeutics. She is a certified mindfulness teacher, Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) teacher, and Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT).

    Dr. Biasetti specializes in integrating somatic self-compassion into disordered eating recovery. She consults and lectures extensively on the topics of somatic psychotherapy, embodiment, polyvagal theory in recovery and interoceptive awareness, and eating disorder recovery and is an instructor at the Center for Mindful Body Awareness. She has featured CE webinars and workshops through PESI and trains professionals in the Befriending Your Body (BFYB) certification program for eating disorder recovery.

    She is the author of Befriending Your Body: A Self-Compassionate Approach to Freeing Yourself from Disordered Eating and The Awakening Self-Compassion Card Deck: 52 Practices for Self-Care, Healing and Growth. Dr. Biasetti maintains a private practice in Saratoga Springs, NY.

    Follow Dr. Biasetti:
    Facebook: An Embodied Life with Ann Saffi Biasetti
    Website: https://www.anembodiedlife.com
    Website: https://www.befriendingyourbodyprogram.com
    Lunchtime Learning Series: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/february-lunchtime-lecture-series-tickets-817133196387?aff=oddtdtcreator&fbclid=IwAR0Os883Rz-itTLP_8kuPVEA78Ae9gUtlm5SxhsJMLakwd3kdGqpj5q87uY

    The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede your healthcare provider's professional relationship and direction. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.


    FJ Recovery Stories Episode 4: Debbie Mattatall

    FJ Recovery Stories Episode 4: Debbie Mattatall

    Today, CJ has the pleasure of interviewing a dear friend, Debbie Mattatall. Debbie is one of the warmest, kind, and compassionate people you will ever meet.  She is always willing to lend a helping hand, especially to those friends in recovery. Debbie is a staple in our recovery community where she shares thoughtful insights and practical tools to help the next person recover. This is an episode you won’t want to miss!

    Feel free to join our supportive community on Facebook: Sugar-Free for Life Support Group - where we believe "I'm Sweet Enough." https://www.facebook.com/groups/SugarFreeForLife/?mibextid=oMANbw

    If you're considering personalized assistance, CJ, a Certified Addiction Professional specializing in Food Addiction, is here for one-on-one coaching. Reach out to CJ at cjnguy@myfoodaddictioncoach.com.

    Interested in sharing your recovery story on our show? We'd love to hear from you! Please email FJRecoverystories@gmail.com.

    Episode 165: David Wolfe

    Episode 165: David Wolfe

    David Wolfe, co-author of The Fix for Cravings, and cofounder of SUGARx Global. 
    Once an artisan bread maker and Registered Dietician, David left those careers and is now a  Food Addiction Counsellor and food  addiction Coach, as well as a Certified High Performance coach. David received his Master’s in Clinical Nutrition from Ohio State University in  2012 and worked as a registered dietitian for ten years in Critical Care, Bariatric Surgery and elderly care. He was also the dietician who designed the abstinent food plan for the food addiction residential program at Renascent preCovid. 

    While a dietician, David received his food addiction training at INFACT  (International Food Addiction and Counselling Training) in 2017 and since that time, has been the under study to Bitten Jonsson; he is currently a faculty member for  her Holistic Medicine for Addiction program. Of special interest to us, David had his own battles with sugar and grain, and like many of us, has identified other struggles, namely coffee, screens, alcohol and more. 
    David is coauthor of the groundbreaking book 'The Fix for Cravings',  along with Cynthia Myers Morison. He is a vocal advocate for understanding Addiction Interaction Disorder, championing the idea that addiction is a singular beast with many masks. His favourite analogy is “ Switching outlets is like  switching  seats on the Titanic: the ship is still sinking!’ Thus his treatment is focused on changing the dynamic of addiction itself. As visionary cofounder of SUGARx Global, David offers an online food addiction recovery platform, using his holistic blueprint of CARE: Connection, Action, Recovery Protection and Education. 

    The Craving Crusher Checklist: 3 Steps To Crushing Your Craving:

    FREE 15 Minute Breakthrough Your Cravings: Sessions: https://calendly.com/sugarxglobal/breakthrough

    Our website: Sugarxglobal.com 

    The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede your healthcare provider's professional relationship and direction. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.



    Episode 164: Dr. Sandy Van

    Episode 164: Dr. Sandy Van

    Dr Sandy Van. Dr Van is a medical specialist in obesity medicine. She is a staff physician at MEDCAM and runs a virtual Weight Management Program in downtown Toronto.  She is not your standard bariatric physician; she has a unique focus on treating not only the physical and pharmaceutical aspects of obesity but also the psychological and behavioral dimensions.

    We interviewed Sandy two years ago, exploring how she used her understanding of food addiction and eating disorders with her weight loss patients. Today, we want to focus on the medications, particularly the GLP1s, that are so popular. How has the widespread use of these meds changed her practice, if at all?


    Dr. Sandy Van is a licensed medical doctor in Family Medicine and diplomat of the American Board of Obesity Medicine. She is the founder and medical director of Haven Weight Management, a virtual medical clinic focused on obesity care. Additionally, she co-founded 3 Sails, a social learning program for mental resiliency in weight management, and is a staff physician at MEDCAN, an Executive Health Clinic. She dedicates her practice to helping individuals achieve sustainable weight loss through psychotherapy tools and medical management.

     Dr. Van offers a unique voice for the medical community regarding behavioral obesity treatment. Her professional initiatives have included speaking engagements regarding applying psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy for weight loss and providing consultation to healthcare practitioners. She is also a frequently invited media guest on national television and radio. Her mission is to evolve the field of behavioral weight management and effect lasting change in the many individuals who struggle with weight.

    Dr. Van received her Doctorate of Medicine, followed by the completion of a residency in Family Medicine at the University of Toronto.


    The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede your healthcare provider's professional relationship and direction. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.



    Food Junkies Podcast
    enFebruary 14, 2024

    FJ Recovery Stories Episode 03: Molly Painschab

    FJ Recovery Stories Episode 03: Molly Painschab

    On today's podcast episode of Food Junkies: Recovery from Food Addiction Stories, CJ Nguy is joined by Molly Painschab. Molly is a thoughtful and authentic person who speaks from her heart and is passionate about Food Addiction Recovery. She has a wealth of experience in the area of Food Addiction and is known for their ability to connect with audiences on a personal level. I'm confident that you'll enjoy and learn from Molly’s story today.

    Feel free to join our supportive community on Facebook: Sugar-Free for Life Support Group - where we believe "I'm Sweet Enough." https://www.facebook.com/groups/SugarFreeForLife/?mibextid=oMANbw

    If you're considering personalized assistance, CJ, a Certified Addiction Professional specializing in Food Addiction, is here for one-on-one coaching. Reach out to CJ at cjnguy@myfoodaddictioncoach.com.

    Interested in sharing your recovery story on our show? We'd love to hear from you! Please email FJRecoverystories@gmail.com.

    Episode 163: Jamie Morgan Reno

    Episode 163: Jamie Morgan Reno

    Jamie Morgan Reno is a lifelong, severe processed food addict cursed with a slow metabolism, who, in 2008, lost over 200 lbs without surgery or pills. Jamie speaks to and works with communities of recovering processed food addicts to share her lessons, tools and resources on how to navigate recovery while living in this disease-promoting, processed food-filled world.

    Jamie and her recovery partner, Paige Alexander, created their podcast, Real Food Recovery, in 2023, which explores how this devastating condition affects every aspect of our lives, bodies, psyches and spirits. 

    They dive deep into the realities of addiction and how to recover from it, finding abstinence from sugar, flour and processed carbohydrates along the way. In September 2023, the RFR podcast turned into a virtual, action-oriented recovery community that offers connection, growth, and belonging for those struggling with cravings, food obsession, and compulsive behaviors around processed food.

    Follow Jamie, Real Food Recovery and the Podcast here:



    Episode 162: Brad Reedy, Ph.D

    Episode 162: Brad Reedy, Ph.D

    Dr. Brad Reedy has a degree in in Family Science and a Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy. He has served on the board of the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs and the Utah Department of Child and Family Services.
    After years as a parent educator having broadcast over 1,000 webinars on parent and family issues, Dr. Reedy released the book, The Journey of the Heroic Parent: Your Child's Struggle and the Road Home. Using his personal story and stories from thousands of clients, he shares wisdom on how to think about parenting. Parents are asked to shift from relying on experts for advice to learning how to think about parenting questions by truly understanding themselves and doing their own work.
    In The Audacity to Be You: Learning to Love Your Horrible, Rotten Self, Brad talks about how all our relationships are connected to the relationship we have with ourselves. He shows how the foundation for intimacy with partners, our ability to parent effectively, and the meaningfulness of our lives can be tied to how well we have unraveled our unique childhood history. The book is a simple but bold exploration into what makes us human and why happiness and connection are elusive for so many. Dr. Reedy's work is counter-intuitive, but the reader will often have the experience of being found and understood as they make their way through his work. Many readers say that reading his work is like hearing something for the first time that you already knew but just didn't have the words for.
    Dr. Reedy is the Executive Clinical Director of Evoke Therapy Programs, an experience based therapy program for adolescents, young-adults, and families. Brad’s research and clinical experience includes parenting issues, attachment, adults/adolescents with substance abuse issues, developmental psychology, and children suffering with grief and loss. His podcast Finding You: An Evoke Therapy Podcast is a recommended listen for all parents AND all human beings with any issues at all.

    Brad’s Books and Website: https://drbradreedy.com
    Evoke therapy Programs: https://evoketherapy.com
    Finding You Podcast: https://evoketherapy.com/resources/podcast/

    The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede your healthcare provider's professional relationship and direction. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.

    FJ Recovery Stories Episode 2: Clarissa Kennedy

    FJ Recovery Stories Episode 2: Clarissa Kennedy

    Today, CJ is joined by Clarissa Kennedy, who generously shares insights into her journey of recovery and provides a glimpse into the fulfilling life she embraces today. Her story is a testament to resilience, courage, and the tenacity to keep going. On the other side of addiction was the life she was waiting for. Additionally, Clarissa opens up about her latest revelations – yet another exquisite blessing that emerges from the ongoing process of recovery and the commitment to self-improvement.

    Other podcasts Clarissa has shared her story on:

    Episode 110: Unsweetened Sio ~ Siobhan Harris

    Compassionate Conversations ~ Esther Kane

    Episode 114: Life After Sugar ~ Netta Gorman

    Episode 103: What you are Craving ~ Molly Carmel

    Feel free to join our supportive community on Facebook: Sugar-Free for Life Support Group - where we believe "I'm Sweet Enough." https://www.facebook.com/groups/SugarFreeForLife/?mibextid=oMANbw

    If you're considering personalized assistance, CJ, a Certified Addiction Professional specializing in Food Addiction, is here for one-on-one coaching. Reach out to CJ at cjnguy@myfoodaddictioncoach.com.

    Interested in sharing your recovery story on our show? We'd love to hear from you! Please email FJRecoverystories@gmail.com.


    Episode 161: Dr Naim Akhtar Khan

    Episode 161: Dr Naim Akhtar Khan

    Dr Naim Khan is Professor of Physiology (Exceptional Class) at Burgundy University, Dijon (France). He is Head of a research team on Nutritional Physiology & Toxicology, affiliated to Inserm Research Center (UMR1231). He is principal (co)authors of more than 250 research peer-reviewed articles. He is the Editor of Nutrients, PlosOne and J Clin Med. He has been visiting professor at U Chiba, Japan and U Cagliari, Italy. He is Fellow of Royal Society of Biology, UK. He has been Innolec laureate at Masaryk University, Czech Republic; awarded the Robert Naqué Prize by the Société de Physiologie (France); Nutrition & Food Excellence Prize by National Academy of Medicine (France) and nominated as Ambassador for Research by the Burgundy State (France). He founded a start-up “Ektah” that obtained the iLab Prize (France).

    Dr Khan has been Secretary General and is acting as Secretary for International Affairs at the Société de Physiologie (France). He is founding member of the African Society of Physiology and Physiopathology, Senegal. He is expert-member in different commissions like ATRBSA Algeria; National ANR France; InnovIris Belgium; National Agency for Food Security (Anses) France. He has been collaborating on obesity physiology with India, Morocco, Tunisia, Benin, Senegal and Ivory Coast. We at Food Junkies are especially interested in his review of the literature of fat addiction.

    For those who had difficulty understanding Dr. Khan the transcript of the episode is available on our website at:


     The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede your healthcare provider's professional relationship and direction. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.