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    Biden Won't Like What Texas Gov. Just Said on Fox News | Michael Malice & Sara Gonzales

    enJanuary 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Texas' Border Security Measures and Supreme Court RulingGovernor Greg Abbott discusses Texas' border security efforts, the Supreme Court's ruling, and encourages President Biden to enforce immigration laws, while Sarah Gonzalez expresses pride in being a Texan during this time.

      During this discussion, the topic of border security and the Supreme Court's ruling on Texas' efforts to secure its border were addressed. Governor Greg Abbott explained Texas' actions to secure the border due to the federal government's negligence in doing so. The state has put up barriers and made arrests of criminals entering illegally. Joe Biden was encouraged to enforce the laws and stop illegal entry. Sarah Gonzalez expressed pride in being a Texan during this time as she felt this was a long-overdue fight. Additionally, there was a light-hearted moment where Michael Malice was teased for being a New Yorker turned Texan, and Sarah Gonzalez announced her new unfiltered show starting Monday. However, an apology was made earlier in the show for an offensive word used during the live broadcast.

    • States' Rights and Border Control: A Constitutional DebateStates believe they have the right to protect themselves when the federal government fails to secure borders, sparking debates about constitutional responsibilities and potential national divide.

      The ongoing debate surrounding border control and the role of states versus the federal government has come to a head, with Texas taking action and sparking discussions about constitutional responsibilities and potential national divorce. The speaker, Malice, expresses their belief that states have the right to protect themselves when the federal government fails to do so, and criticizes the Biden administration for what they view as negligence and even treason. They also reference the historical context and the intentions of the founding fathers regarding the balance of power between the federal government and the states. The speaker also touches upon the perceived hypocrisy of those on the right who are seen as going against the Supreme Court, while maintaining the belief in separation of powers and the importance of the courts. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and tensions surrounding border control and the interpretation of constitutional responsibilities.

    • Political Climate and the Role of Rules and InstitutionsSpeakers questioned the importance of adhering to rules and institutions in the current political climate, expressing concerns about Supreme Court objectivity, federal government overreach, and potential for a 'national divorce' between blue and red states. Emphasis on bipartisan cooperation to address pressing issues, such as border security.

      The current political climate, as discussed, raises questions about the importance and effectiveness of adhering to rules and institutions when the opposing side disregards them. The speakers expressed concerns about the Supreme Court's objectivity, the federal government's overreach, and the potential for further erosion of state sovereignty. They also touched upon the idea of a "national divorce" or division between blue and red states, and the potential consequences of such a situation. Ultimately, they questioned whether it's possible for the political landscape to change course and emphasized the need for bipartisan cooperation to address pressing issues, such as border security.

    • Border Patrol: Protect or Process?The debate over border patrol's role continues, with some prioritizing border protection and others viewing them as processors. The speaker advocates for stronger border security to keep Americans safe and secure.

      There's a fundamental disagreement between the right and the left regarding the role of border patrol. While some believe their primary job is to protect the border and keep unvetted strangers out, others see them as processors tasked with handling the influx of immigrants. This disagreement has led to heated debates and a lack of consensus on how to address the situation at the border. The speaker expresses frustration with the current state of affairs, citing examples of harm caused to Americans and the financial burden of accommodating large numbers of immigrants. They argue that more resources should be dedicated to enforcing border security and deporting those who enter the country illegally. The speaker also criticizes the lack of accountability for those entering the country and the potential harm that could result from an unchecked influx of immigrants. Ultimately, they believe that a more robust border enforcement strategy is necessary to ensure the safety and security of American citizens.

    • US Political Landscape: Stalemate and Secession ThreatsThe US political landscape is at a standstill with a tied House and Senate, causing difficulties for major moves. Secession threats from Texas and other states, as well as the potential return of Donald Trump, add to the uncertainty and complexity.

      The political landscape in the United States is currently at a stalemate, with both the House and Senate tied, making it difficult for significant moves to be made. The ongoing issue of state secession, led by Texas and other governors, is a major point of contention and could potentially lead to unprecedented territories for the Biden administration. Additionally, the return of former President Donald Trump and the potential for a similar rise to power as seen in fascist regimes in history, are concerns that cannot be ignored. The historical parallels between Europe's fascist regimes and the current US political climate, as well as the role of the establishment in enabling such figures, are important to consider. These issues, along with the ongoing cultural debates and controversies, add to the complexity and uncertainty of the current political climate.

    • Name-calling and labeling political opponents may not be effective strategiesFocusing on daily expenses and economic issues is more important to the average American than name-calling or labeling political opponents. Effective strategies for engaging and persuading swing voters include focusing on issues that matter most to them and finding ways to connect with them.

      Name-calling and labeling political opponents as fascists or hitlers may not be an effective strategy for those opposed to Donald Trump or potential contenders like Ron DeSantis. The average American is more concerned with their daily expenses and economic issues. The use of such labels is seen as an illusion and not taken seriously by many. Additionally, the media landscape is divided between legacy and online media, with significant numbers of people still consuming the former. It's crucial to find new strategies to engage and persuade people, especially swing voters like Karen, who may be hesitant to vote for a felon. The political landscape is complex, and the nomination of Biden or another candidate like Hillary Clinton could be a strong ticket for the Democrats. Ultimately, it's important to focus on the issues that matter most to voters and find ways to connect with them effectively.

    • Suburban voters and disenchanted groups may shift votesSuburban voters, Latinos, and blacks could potentially change their votes due to feelings of being ignored and unheard by the political establishment, encountering friendly Trump supporters, and ongoing social and political issues.

      The suburban white voters and disenchanted groups, such as Latinos and blacks, could potentially shift their votes in upcoming elections due to feelings of being ignored and unheard by the current political establishment. The speakers shared personal experiences of encountering supportive and friendly Trump supporters at rallies, highlighting a growing frustration with the Democratic Party and its perceived corruption. The ongoing social and political issues, including the handling of children's rights and parental involvement, could further influence these voters' decisions. The unprecedented nature of the current political climate may lead to unexpected voting patterns.

    • White suburban women could swing the US presidential electionWhite suburban women, who dislike Trump and hold controversial views, could determine the election's outcome. The political landscape may worsen if Trump is re-elected, and the Republican Party could suffer losses. Candidates' stances and voter turnout will influence the final result.

      The upcoming US presidential election could hinge on the votes of a specific demographic: white suburban women who have a strong dislike for Trump and may also identify with controversial issues like Munchausen by proxy. These voters could decide the election's outcome unless there is a landslide victory. However, the political landscape could worsen if Trump is re-elected, as the Republican Party has suffered significant losses in recent elections. Some Republicans, like Nikki Haley, are running for president, but her stance on issues like transgender rights and war could alienate conservatives, making a win for her a loss for the party. The ongoing Republican primary process and endorsements from influential figures like Tim Scott add complexity to the situation. Ultimately, the outcome of the election depends on various factors, including the candidates' positions, voter turnout, and the political climate.

    • Nikki Haley's past disloyalty to Trump makes her an unlikely VP pickTrump prioritizes loyalty, Haley's continued campaign frustrates him, and Michelle Obama could be a surprise Democratic nominee in 2024

      The possibility of Nikki Haley being chosen as Donald Trump's running mate is unlikely due to her past disloyalty to him. Trump values loyalty above all else, and Haley's continued presence in the race is reportedly frustrating him. Additionally, there are concerns about the number of Democrats and independents who have voted for Haley in primaries, and whether they would support Trump in the general election. Trump currently leads Biden among independents, but Biden's perceived weakness as a leader has raised doubts about his ability to effectively challenge Trump. Meanwhile, rumors have surfaced that Michelle Obama may be considering replacing Biden as the Democratic nominee for the 2024 election. These developments highlight the complexities and uncertainties of the upcoming presidential race.

    • Rumors of Michelle Obama's 2024 Presidential RunRumors suggest Michelle Obama is considering entering the 2024 presidential race due to Biden's low approval ratings and Trump's polling strength, but no concrete evidence supports this claim.

      There are growing speculations about Michelle Obama entering the 2024 presidential race, with some arguing that it's increasingly likely due to Joe Biden's falling approval ratings and Donald Trump's strong polling performance. Sources claim Michelle has been gauging support from donors and Democratic leaders, and there are plans for her to take the nomination without a primary vote during the DNC convention. However, some believe this is a "boomer fantasy" as Michelle has no political resume and has expressed concerns about running against Trump. Despite these speculations, it's important to note that these are just rumors and there's no concrete evidence to support Michelle's entry into the race at this time.

    • Michelle Obama's potential presidential run speculatedThe podcast discussed Michelle Obama's potential presidential run, but no concrete evidence was presented and the conversation was lighthearted and speculative.

      During the podcast discussion, it was suggested that Michelle Obama may not be interested in running for president due to her comfortable lifestyle and financial security. The speakers also joked about their gun ownership or lack thereof during the ongoing events in Texas. Sarah Silverman shared a tragic story about losing her guns in a voting accident. Overall, the tone of the conversation was lighthearted and speculative, with no concrete evidence presented about Michelle Obama's political plans. The speakers also promoted their personal projects and encouraged listeners to subscribe to their podcast and join their respective communities.

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    The Rubin Report
    enMay 21, 2024

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    The Rubin Report
    enMay 21, 2024

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