
    336. How to Educate Your Children | Jeff Sandefer

    enMarch 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Empowering Students Through Education with Jeff SandiferJeff Sandifer believes that education is crucial in developing incentives and work ethic in students, and Acton Academy's K-12 program blends traditional and modern methods to empower students in changing the world.

      This conversation with Jeff Sandifer, an entrepreneur and educator, discusses his background and experience in childhood education. Sandifer is the founder of the Acton Academy, a K-12 program that blends the one room schoolhouse, the Socratic method and 21st century technology to empower students in changing the world. Sandifer's entrepreneurial spirit began at a young age when he started his first business at 16 years old, and by age 26 he had developed an oil and gas investment firm with several billion dollars in assets. This conversation highlights the importance of education and providing opportunities for students to develop their own incentives and work ethic.

    • Understanding the Socratic Method for Decision MakingThe Socratic method is a teaching strategy that guides individuals to make decisions based on a presented case. Through two questions, learners can understand the consequences and become courageous decision-makers.

      The Socratic method is a teaching strategy that encourages individuals to understand what to do next and why. A case is presented, and learners are asked to make a decision based on the dilemma, trade-offs, and moral choices. In this strategy, there are two questions: Would you do A or B? What do you mean by A? The entire goal is to help individuals make decisions and understand the consequences. The strategy is also useful in learning how to become courageous and implement decisions. Through a diverse set of cases, one can find commonalities and understand the underlying principles.

    • The Power of Exploration and Questioning in Finding One's PathQuestioning and exploring doubts can lead to personal transformation and success. Pursue competence over prestige and socratically explore with others. Be like Joe Rogan and ask the questions that matter.

      In this conversation, Jordan Peterson and Jeff Sandefer discuss the importance of questioning and exploring in order to find one's path in life. Sandefer shares how he was lost and unsure of what to do with his life, but instead of chasing prestige, he chose to pursue competence and socratically explore with a group of others. This led to his own internal transformation and the founding of the successful schools with his wife. Peterson highlights the importance of honest questioning and pursuing doubts as they contain the seeds of progress. This is exemplified by Joe Rogan's success as a media figure who simply asks the questions he himself has.

    • The Value of Asking Honest and Fair Questions in Personal and Professional GrowthAdmitting ignorance and asking "stupid" questions is essential for learning and growth. Offering choices and challenging curriculums attracts more students, leading to success in both personal and professional endeavors.

      In this conversation between Jordan Peterson and Jeff Sandefer, they discuss the power of asking honest and fair questions, and the importance of admitting ignorance and asking "stupid" questions in order to learn and grow. Peterson and Sandefer also highlight the success of their entrepreneurship program, which focused on offering students choices and a challenging curriculum, ultimately attracting more students and teaching a quarter of them. This conversation emphasizes the value of humility, curiosity, and a willingness to admit ignorance and ask questions in both personal and professional growth.

    • Jeff Sandefer's Alternative Education JourneyAlternative education methods may be more effective in fostering individual vision, and traditional schooling may have been created to produce obedient soldiers rather than encourage creativity and innovation in students.

      Jeff Sandefer and his partner were fired from their teaching positions at the University of Texas because of their teaching style. However, they continued their work by teaching a class off-campus, which grew into an MBA program that won various awards and was eventually accredited. Sandefer's experience with his own children's education led him to question traditional schooling methods and consider alternative education options. This supports the idea that the public education system was originally created to produce obedient soldiers, and may not necessarily foster individual vision in students.

    • The Evolution of Education: From Obedience to IndividualityEducation was once designed to produce obedient workers, but in today's world, it's important to help each child find their special talent and pursue it. Acton Academy believes every child is a genius with a unique calling.

      The public education system was created to produce disciplined, obedient workers for industrialization. The system was adopted by the United States and Japan and led to the militarization of Japan and the outbreak of WWII. However, in today's post-industrial world, the obedient worker/soldier model may not be the best for human development. Acton Academy in Austin, Texas was created with a different approach to education. Every child who enters the school is believed to be a genius who deserves to find a calling that will change the world. The school's mission is to help each child find their special talent and pursue it, regardless of IQ or societal expectations.

    • The Incredible Capabilities of Children and the McKayla School ApproachChildren can achieve great things with a compelling reason, tribe, and freedom to explore. The McKayla School teaches a broad range of cognitive abilities, emphasizing self-management, self-governance, and real-life skills to prepare students for top universities.

      Children are capable of far more than we imagine. Regardless of IQ, if we provide people with a compelling reason and a tribe, they can learn and achieve incredible things. The McKayla school in the UK teaches children with a broad range of cognitive abilities at a high rate, and 75% of their graduates get accepted to top universities. Jeff Sandefer's approach requires children to participate in their own self-organization and emphasizes self-management, self-governance, and building a culture. By providing children with choices and experimenting, they can learn by doing and find a balance between freedom and responsibility. The experience for the youngest children is similar to Montessori-like learning to do real work.

    • The Benefits of Montessori EducationMontessori education emphasizes meaningful work and play, prepares children for real-world challenges, and rewards progress and conduct through constructive evaluation, leading to personal growth and better performance.

      The Montessori method emphasizes meaningful work and play for children of all ages. As children mature, their games become more like real-world occupations, giving them the necessary skills and knowledge to tackle real-world challenges. This starts as early as age 11 or 12, when apprenticeships can begin. The method also upholds high standards of attainment and rewards progress, effort, and conduct through badges, public exhibitions, and 360 peer reviews. This evaluation process is important for both children and adults as it helps give and receive valid criticism in a constructive way, ultimately leading to personal growth and better overall performance.

    • The Importance of Positive Criticism and a Growth Mindset in EducationIt's crucial to provide children with freedom, responsibility, and positive feedback, while also maintaining structure and teaching formal subjects. A growth mindset, where children are encouraged to learn at their own pace, can lead to successful education outcomes.

      The conversation discusses the importance of positive criticism and separating the good from the bad. They mention a successful school that uses a growth mindset and gives children more freedom and responsibility. The school focuses on play, but also teaches formal subjects such as reading and math using tools like Khan Academy. The speakers stress that children learn at their own pace and that parents should be patient. The school has expanded to many locations and is constantly improving its model through a decentralized network of contributors.

    • How to Teach Literacy with Jeff Sandefer and Jordan PetersonStart with fun and engaging literature like comic books before moving on to more complex texts. Implement a badging system for peer review and evaluation to promote quality literature and accountability. This approach has resulted in a zero failure rate and instilled a joy for reading in students.

      In this conversation, education experts Jeff Sandefer and Jordan Peterson discuss how to teach literacy. Sandefer suggests that children shouldn't start with difficult classics, but instead begin with comic books and magazines. This can help children develop a love for reading before moving onto more complex texts, such as Harry Potter, Democracy in America, and War and Peace. Sandefer also emphasizes the importance of peer review and evaluation through a badging system, where students pitch books they've read and earn recognition based on their efforts. This system encourages students to choose quality literature and reflect on its impact, while also promoting accountability through audits and peer review. Ultimately, Sandefer's approach has resulted in a zero failure rate for literacy, aside from dyslexic students, and has instilled a joy for reading in his students.

    • Controlling Free Rider Narcissists in a Micro-SocietyTo prevent the 4% of people with Dark Tetrad traits from bringing down a cooperative system, it's necessary to maintain a balance of tough-mindedness and warmheartedness. Recognizing their manipulative behavior is crucial to keeping them in check.

      In a micro-society, it is necessary to have control mechanisms to prevent free rider narcissistics from taking over. The "Dark Tetrad" traits of machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, and sadism are prevalent in about 4% of the population, and they can be parasitic predators who game the system to attract credit for themselves without putting in any work. While cooperative systems work 96% of the time, the 4% of people with these traits are toxic and can bring the whole system down. This means that some level of tough-mindedness is required to keep the free riders at bay, while also maintaining warmheartedness and encouraging actual attainment. The community must learn to recognize the small lies and game-playing behavior of these individuals to help prevent them from taking over the system.

    • The Impact of Socialization and Society on BehaviorEarly socialization can significantly reduce aggressive behavior in children, while societal factors play a critical role in shaping an individual's behavior. Despite inequality in creative domains, everyone can make valuable contributions, and resilience is essential in developing a strong mindset.

      Children who display aggressive behavior at age two have a high chance of being socialized by age four, significantly reducing their aggressive tendencies. However, those who are not socialized by age four have a higher chance of becoming bullies, delinquents, and even criminals. The culture and society play a crucial role in shaping an individual's behavior and level of conscientiousness. The 80/20 rule states that 20% of individuals in a particular area produce 80% of the results, which drives inequality in creative domains. However, there is a diverse range of potential contributions that one can make, and stories of resilience and overcoming obstacles are crucial to developing a strong mindset.

    • Prioritizing Gratitude Over Victimhood to Achieve FocusPracticing gratitude is a courageous moral virtue that can help overcome distractions and prioritize focus. Apprenticeships offer valuable opportunities for self-management and self-governance, demonstrating worth and value in society.

      Distraction vs. focus is a matter of prioritization. If victimhood is the focus, then gratitude is the only antidote. Gratitude is not the naive belief that the world is a perfect place. It's a practice and a moral virtue, which requires courage to find light in even the darkest place. Young people need to learn how to build a society, self-manage, self-govern, and treat other human beings. Apprenticeships provide a significant opportunity for children to demonstrate their worth by showing up early, working late, washing floors, and proving themselves. The success rate of apprenticeships is high, indicating that unlike Marxist theory, people want to be valued, not exploited.

    • The Apprenticeship Relationship: Navigating the Fine Line Between Exploitative and GratifyingAs a mentor, it's important to offer guidance and support without overstepping boundaries. Encourage the apprentice to find their own path and focus on leading by example through personal growth.

      The relationship between an apprentice and their mentor can be exploitative, but it can also be a source of human gratification. This is because the ability to act as a parent proxy is present in all of us, and it's attractive to offer someone the opportunity to establish a relationship with someone younger and foster their development. However, there's also a self-interested aspect to the mentor offering their generosity. The best way to approach this kind of relationship is to give the apprentice the tools to find something that matters in their life and serve someone else. It's also crucial to refrain from over-parenting or intervening too much. Instead, focus on being a good role model and working on yourself.

    • The Importance of Letting Go and Fostering Autonomy in Both Children and the ElderlyAllowing both children and the elderly to be independent and take responsibility for their actions is crucial in promoting success and retaining dignity. It's essential to experiment with different motivational systems to better regulate behavior and find better ways of governance during times of community collapse.

      The section discusses the difficulty parents face in letting go of their children and allowing them to become independent. Overprotective parenting can lead to narcissism and inhibit a child's success. It is important to foster autonomy in children and encourage them to do things on their own. The same approach should be applied to caring for elderly individuals, as it helps them retain their dignity and responsibility. The section also highlights the importance of developing a positive community ethos and experimenting with different motivational systems to regulate behavior. A collapse in the community should be viewed as an opportunity to try new approaches and find better governance structures.

    • A New Model for Organizing a Studio and Interpersonal CommunicationAllowing individuals to take the lead and fostering competition can lead to effective problem-solving and organization. Follow Jeff Sandefer's example by stepping back and letting others take charge.

      Jeff Sandefer shares a powerful way to organize a studio that he discovered while working as a guide in a middle school. After he was asked to leave, the studio broke down and lost its effectiveness. However, upon his return, he found that the students had taken masking tape to divide the studio into eight city-states with different governance systems, and people were voting with their feet on where to reside. This competition between invitations turned out to be an incredibly effective model for organizing the studio. Sandefer credits his ability to step back and let the students take the lead to his experience with Socratic teaching and micro routines. Jordan Peterson notes that this approach is useful in interpersonal communication as well, allowing individuals to properly identify and solve problems.

    • The Power of Curiosity in Learning and Problem-SolvingEmbrace the unknown and prioritize critical thinking by adopting a curious mindset. This will enable you to engage in productive discussions and explore more holistic problem-solving approaches, leading to more effective decision-making.

      Being curious instead of always trying to be right can lead to life-changing revelations and open up an infinite landscape of learning. By embracing what we don't know and learning to be friends with it, we can prioritize critical thinking, engage in Socratic discussions, and explore the entire problem set. This approach can be applied in various fields and can lead to more effective problem-solving and decision-making.

    • The Importance of Distributed Responsibility and Nested Games in Good GovernanceGood governance requires individuals to take responsibility for themselves and their immediate surroundings. Inequality can be addressed by providing diverse options rather than aiming for equality. Contributing meaningfully and being a good person are ultimate measures of success.

      Good governance involves distributed responsibility and nested games, where at every level, individuals are responsible for themselves and their immediate surroundings. This is the opposite of a totalitarian system where every person lies all the time. In a well-governed system, the answer to inequality isn't equality but rather a diverse range of options where the distribution of inequality is normal. Additionally, the ultimate measure of success is not just making money but contributing something meaningful, being a good person, and having loved and been loved. It is important to prioritize these moral choices and self-rank in different ways to become who one was meant to be.

    • The Importance of Being Careful with Money and Reconsidering the Value of CollegeCareful management of money is crucial to avoiding vices. Consider alternatives to traditional college education, recognizing both costs and potential benefits beyond just academic training.

      Money can be an enabler of vice, so it is important to be careful with it. Acton Academy offers a unique approach to education, but for those interested in a smaller step towards entrepreneurship, the Children's Business Fair is a great option. Many colleges are seen as being more about prestige than competence, and as a result, people are beginning to see college as a tool that may or may not be necessary. College can serve other purposes, such as providing a transition point, establishing a new group of peers, and helping people find a mate, but it is important to recognize the high cost and potential drawbacks.

    • The Traditional Model of Higher Education is Being Challenged by Distance Learning and Rising Costs.Higher education costs are steep, but some campuses are exploring alternatives to deliver high-quality academic outcomes. Well-designed institutions promote autonomy among participants and emphasize learning over education.

      The traditional model of higher education is being threatened by distance learning and the high cost of education. The cost of public education is estimated to be north of $32,000 per student annually and can range up to much more than that. The education system is not an efficient system, with a ratio of five adults to one student. However, there are successful campuses that are running at a much lower cost due to their ability to create alternatives that deliver extraordinary academic outcomes. Education is not the same as learning, and if the institution is well-constituted, maximal autonomy on the part of the participants is produced.

    • The success and scalability of a practical education systemThis education system emphasizes critical thinking, practical skills, and individual agency, while also prioritizing economic, religious, and political freedom. It encourages action rather than victim mentality, and fair debate to prevent ideological capture.

      This conversation between Jordan Peterson and Jeff Sandefer highlights the success and scalability of their education system, which emphasizes six-week quests and practical skills rather than rote memorization. Additionally, they prioritize economic, religious, and political freedom and emphasize fair debate to prevent ideological capture. While they advocate for tolerance and acceptance of different sexual orientations and temperaments, they do not condone victim mentality and encourage individuals to take action to address their challenges. Overall, their system offers an effective model for education that values critical thinking, practical skills, and individual agency.

    • The Pitfalls of Victimhood Narratives and the Importance of Personal AgencyMaking a meaningful impact requires taking action and dedicating oneself to a cause, rather than relying on simplistic or reactive narratives about social inequalities. Genuine moral virtue requires effort and dedication.

      In this conversation, Jordan Peterson and Jeff Sandefer discuss the pitfalls of victimhood narratives and the importance of taking personal agency to address injustices. They also question simplistic analyses of social inequalities, emphasizing that wealth and age do not necessarily equate to advantage, and that the pursuit of genuine moral virtue requires dedicating one's life to a cause. Sandefer also talks about his moonshot project in higher education, highlighting the need for innovative approaches to tackle complex problems. To make a meaningful impact, individuals must take action and dedicate themselves to a cause, rather than relying on simplistic or reactive narratives.

    • Discovering your Next Adventure with The AcademyThe Academy offers challenges to help individuals find their purpose and confidently plan for the future. They are conducting an experiment to find patterns and attract young adults to develop actionable visions for their lives.

      The Academy is focused on helping people discover their next great adventure in life by creating a series of challenges that can be done alone or in a group. These challenges are designed to help people figure out what to do with their lives next. The end goal is for participants to be able to stand in a room full of people they have invited and confidently announce their plans for the future. The Academy is running a grand experiment to see if they can find patterns of how people stumble into an adventure or calling, and they plan to use the results to attract high school and college-aged individuals. The aim is to provide people with methods to develop a vision for their life that's actionable, just like in the Future Authoring Program.

    • Jeff Sandefer and Jordan Peterson discuss a new approach to finding one's callingA program focused on storytelling and archetypes may lead to people discovering their passions and meeting future partners, creating new pathways to success for young people all over the world.

      Jeff Sandefer and Jordan Peterson discuss the need for a bottom-up approach to finding one's calling, as traditional colleges are no longer helping individuals in this regard. The two envision a program where high school and college students come together to do challenges, which may lead to people discovering their passions and even meeting their future partners. This program would be focused on storytelling and archetypes, aimed at helping individuals on the ongoing humble search for continued enlightenment. While the experiment may not be perfect, both Sandefer and Peterson see it as a necessary step towards creating new pathways to success for young people all over the world.

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    Info Page: https://www.alberta.ca/premier.aspx

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    This episode was recorded on June 28, 2024



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    On X https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor 

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    Buy Tickets to “Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot”  https://www.angel.com/tickets/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot?utm_source=google-ads&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkJm0BhBxEiwAwT1AXNLKBwIwZgec8P6mId1nHLkQiJLyUWRUSU6RfngcU_rdJtWuStXtgxoCTpAQAvD_BwE


    “Sound of Hope” website https://www.angel.com/movies/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot


    Press and Cast information https://www.angel.com/press/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot 

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    For Dr. Eithan Haim:

    Legal defense fund via GiveSendGo - https://www.givesendgo.com/texas_whistleblower


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    Katharine Birbalsingh is Headmistress and co-founder of Michaela Community School and former Chair of the Social Mobility Commission. She is known as “Britain’s Strictest Headmistress”, following the ITV documentary about Michaela. Michaela’s Progress 8 score placed the school top in the country the last two years. In 2023, OFSTED graded the school as “Outstanding” in every category. Birbalsingh read “Philosophy & Modern Languages” at the University of Oxford and has always taught in inner London. She has made numerous appearances on television, radio, and podcasts and has written for several publications. Birbalsingh has also written two books and edited another two, the last of which is “The Power of Culture,” which is about Michaela.  Birbalsingh was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 2020 and Honorary Fellow of New College, Oxford in 2021.


    This episode was recorded on June 15th, 2024



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    For Katharine Birbalsingh:


    On X https://x.com/miss_snuffy


    Documentary on the Michaela school  www.strictestheadmistress.com


    Website for the Michaela Community school in Wembley, London. Here you can sign up for a visit www.michaela.education 

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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, a Senior Fellow with the Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at The Harvard Kennedy School, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the bestselling author of “Infidel” (2007) and “Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now” (2015). Born in Mogadishu, Somalia, Hirsi Ali strove to live as a devout Muslim during her early life, but in 1992, fled to the Netherlands to escape a forced marriage. She became a citizen and went on to study at the University of Leiden. From 2003 to 2006, Hirsi Ali served as an elected member of the Dutch parliament and then moved to the U.S., where she founded the AHA Foundation to protect and defend the rights of women from harmful traditional practices. In 2024, Hirsi Ali founded Restorationbulletin.com, where she explores the forces of subversion plaguing Western society.



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    For Ayaan Hirsi Ali:


    On X https://twitter.com/Ayaan?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Restoration Bulletin https://www.restorationbulletin.com/

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    Hey, hey, hey!  This is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud!  We’ve got some great stuff for you today including an awesome installment of Agnė iš Vilniaus.  But before we get to it…

    I forgot to mention on the last episode that we now have free pdf files for every episode of Lithuanian Out Loud on our blogpage.  A pdf file is simply a downloadable print version of our programs.  You can go to the page and download them or get them automatically using iTunes.  If you don’t have iTunes on your computer you should get it, it’s completely free.

    One our listeners is Jim from Delaware.  Jim has created a chat room using Skype and it’s called "Learning to speak Lithuanian for English speakers.”  From what I understand this is a tool that beginner, intermediate and advanced speakers can use to practice Lithuanian.  Jim is inviting native speakers to join the chat room if they like.  We’ll post the web address of Jim’s chat room on the Lithuanian Out Loud blogpage.  Good luck with your project, Jim!

    Today we have something special for our listeners.  Along with this episode I’ll include a downloadable electronic book that Andrius Repsys of Šiauliai, Lithuania is offering to everyone for free.  This is an awesome professional looking book that you can download to your computer, open and view.  It’s got tons of interesting facts about Lithuania including pictures, graphics and text.  You have to download it and look at it, you won’t regret taking the time.  Andrius Repsys is an artist from www.qhoto.net and not only has he done a fantastic job with his book, he was kind enough to give Lithuanian Out Loud some free advertising by placing our name on each page of his book.  Labai ačiū, Andriau!  That was a kind gesture.

    Finally, we have some listeners who are traveling in Lithuania and some who live there.  We’d like to invite all of you to post your experiences on the Lithuanian Out Loud blogpage.  Have you had any interesting experiences?  Good or bad, doesn’t matter.  Have you learned any interesting words or phrases?  How are your travels?  As expected?  Better?  Worse?  Just post your comments on the blogpage.  Our community would love to read them. Alright, now here’s Agnė iš Vilniaus with an unbelieveable contribution!  Take it away Agne!

    Hello, I am Agnė.  Even if you don’t know Lithuanian well, this song could be just the right thing for you to start singing Lithuanian.  Because this song has two voices and one of them is really, really, really simple.  It would be like this…

    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa

    Actually, this tumbararasa doesn’t mean anything.  It’s just made to keep the rhythm.  Let’s repeat once more…

    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa

    Now, you will continue like this and I will add another voice, okay, so you are continuing this fragment of tumbararasa and let Lithuanians do the rest.  Just totally relax, okay?  Let’s start!

    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa (etcetera)
    Ėjo senis lauko arti, pasiėmęs pypkę karčią

    An old man was going to sow a field, taking a bitter tobacco-pipe

    Ėjo senis lauko arti, pasiėmęs pypkę karčią

    An old man was going to sow a field, taking a bitter tobacco-pipe

    and after this we need to learn the second part of this song which would be like this…

    Oi lylia oi lylia, oi lylia oi lylia
    Oi lylia oi lylia, dainuok linksmai

    Oi lylia oi lylia, oi lylia oi lylia
    Oi lylia oi lylia, dainuok linksmai

    Ready to repeat?  Okay, let’s start…one, two, three…

    Oi lylia oi lylia, oi lylia oi lylia
    Oi lylia oi lylia, dainuok linksmai

    Oi lylia oi lylia, oi lylia oi lylia
    Oi lylia oi lylia, dainuok linksmai

    Oi lylia also means nothing, no meaning, but dainuok linksmai, dainuoti – to sing and linksmai – cheerfully, joyfully.  So, dainuok linksmai would be, sing cheerfully.

    So, now let’s put together all the song.  Just mixing first part, second part, first part, second part and see what happens.  Ready!  Let’s go!

    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa
    Tumba tumbararasa (etcetera)

    Ėjo senis lauko arti, pasiėmęs pypkę karčią

    An old man was going to sow a field, taking a bitter tobacco-pipe

    Ėjo senis lauko arti, pasiėmęs pypkę karčią

    An old man was going to sow a field, taking a bitter tobacco-pipe

    Oi lylia oi lylia, oi lylia oi lylia
    Oi lylia oi lylia, dainuok linksmai

    Oi lylia oi lylia, oi lylia oi lylia
    Oi lylia oi lylia, dainuok linksmai

    Ėjo boba tuo keleliu, rado pypkę ant kelmelio

    An old woman was going the same way and found a pipe on a stump (diminutive form)

    Ėjo boba tuo keleliu, rado pypkę ant kelmelio

    An old woman was going the same way and found a pipe on a stump (diminutive form)

    Oi lylia oi lylia, oi lylia oi lylia
    Oi lylia oi lylia, dainuok linksmai

    Oi lylia oi lylia, oi lylia oi lylia
    Oi lylia oi lylia, dainuok linksmai

    Oi tu boba nekvailioki, man pypkutę atiduoki

    Oh, you, old woman, don't tomfool, give me back my tobacco-pipe (diminutive form)

    Oi tu boba nekvailioki, man pypkutę atiduoki

    Oh, you, old woman, don't tomfool, give me back my tobacco-pipe (diminutive form)

    Oi lylia oi lylia, oi lylia oi lylia
    Oi lylia oi lylia, dainuok linksmai

    Oi lylia oi lylia, oi lylia oi lylia
    Oi lylia oi lylia, dainuok linksmai

    That was super Agne!  What an awesome performance!  Thank you for taking the time to record this, transcribe it for us, send it to us and allow us to share it with the world.  Your contribution is priceless!  Ačiū milijoną kartų.  Thanks a million times.


    Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Raminta and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language.  Today we’re in the month of July which in Lithuanian is liepa.

    Okay, I think we all agree that Lithuania is not one of the largest nations in the world.  But, the next time you’re tempted to say Lithuania is a small country, think about this.  Lithuania is larger than Denmark.  It’s bigger than Taiwan, Netherlands, and Belgium.  So, whenever I hear anyone mention Lithuania is small, I just tell them it’s not that small.  It’s bigger than Switzerland.

    Today we’ll learn a new declension…

    Pradėkime, let’s get started!

    Oh!  Good idea, we should get started first!

    Today we’ll learn a new declension.  It’s called the vocative or šauksmininkas.  Šaukti is the verb, to shout.  Šauksmininkas is the declension we use when we’re shouting at someone, when we’re speaking to someone, when we’re addressing someone or when we just want to get their attention.

    Šauksmininkas is not difficult.  The declensions are simple, except for words that end in –as.  So, we’ll start with the words that end in –as and the rest will be easy.



    Mindaugas, come here!                     
    Mindaugai, ateik čia!

    Vladas, stay healthy!                         
    Vladai, būk sveikas!

    Vladas, Vladas, I like this word Vladas.  Pretty name!  But, I don’t think it’s Lithuanian.  Vladas - Vladimir, it seems – Russian.

    If a person’s first or last name ends in –as, then –as changes to –ai.

    Jonas, look there!                             
    Jonai, žiūrėkite ten!

    Vytautas, stop buzzing!                     
    Vytautai, nustok zysti!  (stop bothering)

    Good morning Algirdas!                    
    Labas rytas Algirdai!

    Good evening Ąžuolas!                     
    Labas vakaras Ąžuolai!

    If a noun, which is not somebody’s name ends in –as, it changes to –e.  For example, the word for sir or mister is ponas. 



    Let’s get his attention.


    thank you, sir!                                  
    ačiū, pone!

    The word for father is tėvas.


    Happy birthday, Father!                     
    Su gimimo diena, Tėve!

    Sweet dreams, Father!                       
    Saldžių sapnų, Tėve!

    Father!  I love you!  Tėve!                 
    Aš tave myliu!

    Technically, you could talk to a mountain if you like.

    Good morning, Mountain! Labas rytas, Kalne!

    Previously we went over professions such as padėjėjas - assistant or gydytojas – doctor.  If a noun ends with a suffix such as –tojas or –ėjas then this suffix changes to –tojau and –ėjau.

    Doctor, I feel bad                             
    Gydytojau, aš jaučiuosi blogai

    Doctor, look here                              
    Gydytojau, žiūrėkite čia

    Driver, where is the restaurant?          
    Vairuotojau, kur restoranas?

    Driver, are you from Vilnius?             
    Vairuotojau, ar jūs esate iš Vilniaus?

    If a word ends in a diminutive such as –ukas or –iukas as in the diminutive names Justukas or Petriukas, just drop the –as.



    So, there are the words that end in –as.  Big job!  All the rest are simple.

    Here are the rest of the masculine words…

    If a word ends in –is the suffix changes to -i!
    If a word ends in –ys the suffix changes to -y!
    If a word ends in –us the suffix changes to -au!
    If a word ends in –uo the suffix changes to -enie!






    There aren’t many words that end in –uo but here are three…

    Person! – as in asmuo                        

    Stone! – as in akmuo                         

    Dog! – as in šuo                                

    The feminine nouns are extremely easy.

    If a word ends in –a the suffix changes to -a!
    If a word ends in –ė the suffix changes to -e!
    If a word ends in –is the suffix changes to -ie!
    If a word ends in –uo the suffix changes to -erie!
    Sesuo is the only feminine word which ends in -uo

    Mrs. Malinauskienė!                         
    Ponia Malinauskiene!

    Good morning, madame                     
    Labas rytas, ponia

    Raminta, I’m hungry                         
    Raminta, aš alkanas

    Agnė, thanks for the help                   
    Agne, ačiū už pagalbą

    Dovilė, I’m cold                                
    Dovile, man šalta

    Žąsis is the word for goose.  Antis is the word for a duck.  We’ll use these two words here since they’re unusual.  They end in the letter “s” but they are feminine words.

    Go away goose!                                
    Eik šalin žąsie!

    Duck!  Eat a little bread!                    
    Antie! Valgyk truputį duonos!

    Sister, does he speak Lithuanian?        
    Seserie, ar jis kalba lietuviškai?

    Sister, where is Karolis?                      
    Seserie kur yra Karolis?

    Puiku!  Excellent!  You made it to the end of another episode!  Puiku!

    Alright!  That’s it for today!  Thanks for the download!  If you got anything out of this lesson please leave us a review on our iTunes page.

    To leave us comments call our voicemail number that’s in the title of every show or call our Skype voicemail at Lithuanianoutloud – that’s one word, and leave us a message there.
    If you’d like to see the Lithuanian spelling of any word in this series just go to WWW dot Lithuanian dot L I B S Y N dot com.  If you’d like to get these episodes every time a new one is available just go to iTunes and do a search for Lithuanian Out Loud and click subscribe.  It’s completely free.  But, if you don’t want to subscribe on iTunes, just send us an email asking us to alert you every time a new episode hits the internet.  And feel free to make copies of our episodes, put them on cds and pass them out to your friends.
    Thanks to CCMixter.org, Ditto Ditto and Vieux Farka Toure for the podcast music.
    Thanks for tuning in, tell your friends about us, we’ll see you on the next episode of Lithuanian Out Loud.
    I’m Jack and I’ve never met a Lithuanian I didn’t like.  Viso gero!  Sudie!

    To join Jim's Lithuanian Chat Room email him at:


    In the subject line of your email to Jim type:  Request Lithuanian chat link

    Skype voicemail:  Lithuanianoutloud
    email Raminta and Jack at: lithuanianoutloud@earthlink.net 