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    Podcast Summary

    • Speaker compares podcast host to late-night TV and Oprah, discusses potential podcast role and authenticity.Speaker expresses admiration for podcast host, suggests authenticity enhancements, and shares thoughts on reality TV and Twitter personalities.

      During a conversation, the speaker expressed his admiration for a podcast host, comparing him to late-night television and Oprah. He also discussed the possibility of joining the podcast team and suggested hiring a real scientist and a bailiff for authenticity. The conversation then shifted to the topic of reality TV and the possibility of fake bailiffs, leading to a discussion about OJ Simpson and his presence on Twitter. The speaker also mentioned his fondness for following Jose Canseco on Twitter and shared a personal story about meeting him when he was young. The conversation ended with a debate about a Bigfoot sighting and the authenticity of a famous Bigfoot video.

    • Size and ability vary greatly between individualsUnderstand that life isn't always fair, accept reality, and strive to do your best within limitations.

      Size and ability in life are not always fair or within our control. The discussion touched on the incredible drinking habits of Andre the Giant and the expectations placed on children by their parents. Andre's ability to consume vast amounts of alcohol was a reminder of the vast differences in size and ability between individuals. Meanwhile, the speaker's realization that he would never be a professional shortstop despite his father's encouragement was a lesson in accepting reality and understanding one's place in the world. The conversation also touched on the complexities of performance-enhancing substances, with the speaker expressing conflicting views on the safety and morality of their use. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the importance of facing reality and understanding that life isn't always fair, but that we can still strive to do our best within the limitations we face.

    • Jose Canseco's Depression and Hormonal Imbalances Not Directly Linked to Testosterone LevelsCanseco's struggles with depression and hormonal imbalances stemmed from external factors, not low testosterone levels. The importance of considering complexities in individuals' lives and the prevalence of misinformation on social media were also discussed.

      Jose Canseco's experiences with depression and hormonal imbalances are not directly linked to his testosterone levels, but rather to external factors such as injuries from MMA fights and the end of his baseball career. The discussion also touched upon the prevalence of misinformation and fake news on social media platforms. Canseco's story serves as a reminder that individuals may face various challenges in their lives, and it's essential to consider the complexities of these situations rather than jumping to simplistic conclusions. The conversation also highlighted the impact of smoking on physical and mental health, and the importance of setting personal goals to make positive changes.

    • Understanding Addictive BehaviorsAddictive behaviors provide pleasure, freedom, or relief, but can negatively impact health. Recognizing underlying reasons and finding healthy alternatives is crucial for managing them.

      People are often drawn to addictive behaviors, like smoking cigarettes, despite knowing the negative consequences. These behaviors can provide a sense of pleasure, freedom, or relief from stress. The speaker in this conversation shared his personal experience with smoking cigarettes and how he was able to quit, but still found himself tempted to smoke occasionally. He also acknowledged his addiction to sleep and how important it is for overall health and wellbeing. The conversation highlights the complexity of addictive behaviors and the challenges people face in managing them. It's important to recognize the underlying reasons for engaging in addictive behaviors and to find healthy alternatives to cope with stress and other challenges.

    • Health Risks of Substances: Tobacco, Vaping, and Heavy MetalsSpeaker shares concerns about health risks of substances, personal experiences, skepticism towards regulation, potential long-term consequences, and desire for caution and awareness.

      The speaker expresses concerns about the potential health risks of various substances, including tobacco, vaping, and heavy metals. He shares personal experiences and anecdotes, expressing skepticism towards government regulation and the potential negative effects on young people. The speaker also reflects on the allure of these substances, particularly cigarettes and vaping, and the potential long-term consequences of their use. The conversation touches on the historical context of Native American use of natural antidepressants and the environmental impact of mining and battery production. Ultimately, the speaker expresses a desire for caution and awareness when it comes to the substances we consume and their potential effects on our health and the environment.

    • Health Hazards of Mining Rare MineralsMining rare minerals can leave behind harmful waste, potentially contaminating water and soil. Personal stories of cancer from pesticides and smoking-related isotopes were shared, highlighting the uncertainty and limitations of modern medicine. Regenerative medicine, like stem cell therapy, is a promising prospect but not yet proven.

      The mining of rare minerals may leave behind harmful waste, potentially contaminating water and soil. This was discussed in relation to cadmium and other minerals that were once considered waste but are now valuable. The speaker also shared personal stories of individuals who developed cancer due to exposure to pesticides and smoking-related isotopes. The uncertainty and limitations of modern medicine were also highlighted, with the speaker expressing skepticism towards it due to a lack of understanding of the body's inner workings. The potential for regenerative medicine, such as stem cell therapy, was mentioned as an exciting prospect, but not yet proven. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being aware of potential health hazards and the limitations of current medical knowledge.

    • Importance of good bedside manner in healthcareA healthcare professional's bedside manner can significantly impact a patient's experience and recovery. Prioritize mental well-being for both patients and healthcare professionals to improve outcomes.

      Having a healthcare professional who not only possesses medical knowledge but also exhibits a good bedside manner is crucial for patients. The speaker shared an experience of a traumatic event involving a loved one, where the doctor's bedside manner was less than comforting, leaving him feeling stressed and unable to shake the experience. He emphasized that doctors, too, experience intense stress and trauma in their line of work, and it's essential to recognize and prioritize mental well-being. The speaker also reflected on how his mindset can impact his performance, whether it's on stage or in other aspects of life, and encouraged focusing on positivity rather than dwelling on negativity to alleviate anxiety.

    • Overcoming Anxiety on StageStaying present and focused during performances, even in high-pressure situations, can help overcome anxiety and panic attacks.

      Performing on stage can be a challenging experience, especially when dealing with anxiety and external pressures. Pat and Dan, musicians in the conversation, shared their experience of performing at a festival with a massive crowd, which triggered anxiety and panic attacks for Pat. They both faced intense moments during their performance, and Pat's anxiety was heightened due to the large crowd and the pressure to perform. Dan helped Pat through the situation by calming him down and keeping him focused on the moment. Later, Pat sought help from a hypnotist to manage his stage fright and overcome his panic attacks. The experience taught them the importance of staying present and focused during performances, even in high-pressure situations.

    • Personal experience with hypnosis for anxietyHypnosis can help reduce anxiety and improve performance, but it's important to consider the context and potential stressors involved.

      Hypnosis can help people overcome anxiety and perform better, but it can also cause unnecessary stress. The speaker shared his personal experience of being hypnotized for the first time by a hypnotist named Vinny Shorman, who helped him feel mentally safe and free of regular anxiety. However, during a Grammys performance, the speaker got nervous despite being hypnotized, as it was an unfamiliar and high-pressure situation. The speaker also mentioned that imperfection is a natural part of being human and that it's essential to embrace it rather than striving for perfection. Overall, hypnosis can be a useful tool for managing anxiety and improving performance, but it's important to consider the specific context and potential stressors involved.

    • The Grammy's significance questionedWinning a Grammy can be an honor, but some artists may feel it's insignificant when compared to their favorite bands without one. The value of the award and the fairness of the selection process are often debated.

      The Grammy Awards, while exciting and a notable achievement, can feel meaningless when your favorite bands without Grammys are considered. The speaker in this conversation had a surprising experience of winning a Grammy right after Neil Young, leaving them with more Grammys than him within minutes. However, this victory was tainted by the realization that some of their favorite bands, like The Clash, don't have Grammys. The speaker pondered over the value of the Grammy and questioned if it's just a self-congratulatory event. They also wondered about the fairness of only one winner being chosen among many deserving artists and the potential impact of splitting votes. Ultimately, the speaker expressed their desire to focus on the love for music and performing, rather than participating in contests and elections.

    • Art vs Industry PressuresArtists may face pressure to conform to industry standards and prioritize commercial success over creative vision, but maintaining control over sales and revenue and focusing on dedicated fanbase can lead to authentic art creation.

      The music industry places significant emphasis on metrics like album sales, ticket sales, and streaming numbers, often pushing artists to engage in practices that may not align with their creative vision or financial interests. This conversation between the artist and their team highlights the tension between the desire to create art and the pressure to conform to industry standards. The artist expresses frustration with the idea of bundling album sales with ticket sales and giving a portion of the ticket revenue back to the record label, as it would result in a significant financial loss for the artist. Instead, they prefer to maintain control over their sales and revenue, focusing on creating music for their dedicated fanbase rather than chasing after commercial success or arbitrary metrics. The artist also criticizes the industry's obsession with social media interaction and streaming numbers, arguing that it overlooks the importance of curating unique and eccentric art that may not conform to mainstream trends. Ultimately, the artist's stance is that they will continue to create music for their fans, regardless of industry pressures or metrics.

    • Encountering Aerosmith at the MTV Movie AwardsInteracting with famous musicians can reveal their unique quirks and human side, creating unforgettable experiences.

      The experience of attending award shows and interacting with famous musicians can be surreal and unexpected. Musicians come from various backgrounds and genres, yet they are often grouped together in these events. The speakers shared their experience of performing at the MTV Movie Awards in 2012 and encountering Aerosmith, where they discovered that even renowned artists have unique quirks and requirements. They also reminisced about the Aerosmith video game, which added to the surreal experience. Furthermore, the speakers discussed their personal experiences with panic attacks and how sharing their struggles can positively impact fans. The encounter with Aerosmith and the realization of their unexpected travel arrangements showcased the human side of fame, making the experience all the more memorable.

    • A transformative van trip in EuropeIn 2003, a panic attack during a cramped van trip in Europe left this individual feeling disoriented but opened him up to new experiences, unexpected challenges, and a broader perspective.

      This individual had a transformative experience during a van trip in Europe in 2003. The cramped, dark conditions of the van triggered a panic attack, which was a first for him. The experience left him feeling disoriented and vulnerable, but also opened him up to new experiences and perspectives. He encountered unexpected challenges, such as paying to use a bathroom in Belgium, which added to his sense of unease but also led to moments of humor and connection. The trip exposed him to a different culture and introduced him to new music, broadening his horizons. Despite the initial distress, he came away from the experience with a newfound appreciation for the unexpected and the ability to find humor in unexpected situations.

    • Approaching Change with a Critical and Open MindSeek out authentic and diverse sources of inspiration and knowledge to approach change effectively.

      While motivational messages and positive reinforcement can be effective in making changes in perception and behavior, it's important to consider the source and the authenticity of the message. Hiring a hypnotist or following a motivational speaker exclusively might seem appealing, but it's crucial to ensure that they have real-life experiences and a diverse range of knowledge to offer. Moreover, the continuous repetition of the same positive message can raise suspicions. Instead, it's essential to seek out individuals who can provide a balanced perspective and practical advice. The discussion also touched upon the power of art and music in shaping our perspectives and the importance of understanding the context behind significant cultural shifts, such as the rise of file sharing and the impact it had on the music industry. In essence, the key takeaway is to approach change with a critical and open mind, seeking out authentic and diverse sources of inspiration and knowledge.

    • Unfair Revenue Distribution in the Music IndustryStreaming services should value streams based on engagement to fairly reward artists, and the current unequal distribution of revenue remains a concern despite less infrastructure in the digital age.

      The music industry's current revenue distribution model is not fair to artists, especially those who don't have commercial hits. During a conversation, the speaker discovered that their label pays artists a small percentage of the vast amounts of money they receive from stock floated to music companies. The speaker argues that streaming services should value streams based on engagement rather than equalizing them, as listeners who actively engage with music should be rewarded more. The speaker also criticizes the large sums of money going to popular artists while many struggle. The speaker reflects on the past when infrastructure costs were higher and labels provided more support, but now, artists only need someone to help distribute their music. The speaker concludes that the current digital age requires less infrastructure, but the unequal distribution of revenue remains a concern.

    • The Black Keys' DIY approach to music and eventual successStarting from financing and recording their own album, The Black Keys used DIY methods to tour and get discovered, maintaining their unique sound and authenticity throughout their career.

      The DIY approach to music, starting with financing and recording their own album, touring with minimal infrastructure, and eventually getting discovered through sync licenses, was instrumental in The Black Keys' success. However, with the decline of major record labels investing in new artists, bands now face greater challenges in getting through the initial threshold. Despite the potential downsides of commercial success, such as acquiring a more fickle fan base, The Black Keys' unique sound and authenticity have remained consistent, allowing them to maintain their identity and fan base regardless of their label or level of recognition.

    • Rediscovering the Power of MusicMusic can transport us back in time, inspire creativity, and evoke emotions. The speaker values creating and connecting with music that resonates with them, despite its popularity or commercial success, and laments the lack of platforms to discover and share lesser-known music.

      Music, especially for the speaker, has the power to transport us back in time and inspire us to create. Glenn Schwartz, an influential guitar player they saw in their high school days, left a lasting impact on the speaker. Schwartz's electric guitar playing, which the speaker rediscovered two years ago, brought back memories of their musical past and inspired them to make new music with their longtime collaborator Pat. The speaker values creating and connecting with music that resonates with them, regardless of its popularity or commercial success. They lament the lack of platforms to discover and share lesser-known music and have considered creating their own. The power of music to evoke emotions, memories, and creativity is a powerful reminder of its enduring value.

    • Music Discovery in the US vs FranceRadio and streaming platforms should focus on curation and taste in music programming to better serve listeners and support new artists.

      The current music landscape in the US is underrepresenting new and current music on the radio and streaming platforms, leading listeners to feel disconnected and unsatisfied. The speaker's experience in France with Radio Nova, a station that played mostly new and current music, highlighted the difference in music discovery and enjoyment. The speaker believes that the focus on commercial viability and metrics has overshadowed the importance of curation and taste in music programming. The speaker suggests that radio and streaming platforms should invest in building up new artists through taste-driven curation and social media promotion, rather than relying solely on social media numbers and commercial appeal.

    • Social media metrics overshadowing raw talentUndiscovered talent overlooked due to social media focus, curating and promoting music online can help, stay true to artistic vision.

      The power of social media presence and metrics can overshadow the true potential of raw talent in the music industry. The speaker expresses frustration with the prioritization of social media numbers over the quality of music. He believes that there is a wealth of undiscovered talent being overlooked due to this focus on metrics. He suggests that curating and promoting music online could be a solution to this issue. The speaker also shares a personal anecdote about performing at a festival with Lil Wayne and Wayne Newton, highlighting the unexpected and chaotic nature of the music industry. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying true to one's artistic vision and not being discouraged by external factors.

    • Festival Headlining vs. Solo Tour: Band's ReflectionsThe band members express reservations about festival demographics and challenges, considering a break from festivals for solo tours.

      The music industry has evolved, and festivals now often feature odd pairings of artists. This conversation revolves around the decision to headline a festival instead of waiting for a solo tour, with the band members expressing their reservations about the festival scene and its audience demographics. They also share memories of past performances and the challenges they faced with canceled shows. Ultimately, they decide that they might take a break from festivals and focus on their own tours instead. The conversation also touches on the financial aspects of performing at festivals and the ethical dilemmas that come with accepting guarantees for potentially canceled shows.

    • Disconnect between education needs and resources in rural areasAddressing education access in rural areas is essential for individual success and societal progress. Be wary of education scams and their long-term financial and career consequences.

      While advancements in artificial intelligence are being made, there are still significant issues with education and access to opportunities in rural areas. The speaker shares an experience from a county fair where he noticed a disconnect between the need for education and the lack of resources for it. He also shares a personal story of attending an unaccredited art school and the financial burden it caused him. The speaker believes that addressing education and making it accessible to all, especially in rural areas, is crucial for individuals to succeed and for society as a whole. He also warns against the potential scams in the education system and the long-term consequences of attending such institutions.

    • Feeling judged for lack of formal educationDespite no degree, self-reliance and diverse experiences are valuable. Judging based on assumptions is unfair.

      The speaker expresses feelings of resentment and frustration towards individuals who attended liberal arts schools and looked down on him due to his lack of formal education. He feels that these individuals, who often came from privileged backgrounds, judged him unfairly based on their assumptions about his intelligence and socio-economic status. Despite not having a degree, the speaker was resourceful and prepared for life after dropping out of school, and he believes that experiences outside of academia are valuable. Additionally, the speaker shares an amusing anecdote about his confusion over the existence of a supposed Troll 2 movie, highlighting the importance of fact-checking and clarifying misunderstandings. Overall, the speaker's narrative emphasizes the importance of self-reliance, resilience, and the value of diverse experiences.

    • Discovering hidden gems and unique interactionsAppreciation for obscure media stems from personal discoveries and interactions with creators, highlighting the value of experiences over material wealth.

      The appreciation for "bad" movies and obscure media stems from the shared experience of discovering them before the widespread use of platforms like YouTube. These discoveries often led to unique interactions with the creators themselves, as seen in the anecdote about Jessica White from the documentary "The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia." The speaker's fascination with West Virginia, despite its apparent poverty and lack of industry, underscores the magic and allure of these hidden gems. The conversation also touches upon the contrasting values of material wealth and experiences, highlighting the potential for personal growth and connection in unexpected places.

    • Growing up in a smaller city can provide unique advantages in the music industryStrong family connections and determination can lead to success in the music industry, regardless of location.

      Growing up in a smaller city like Akron, Ohio, may seem like a disadvantage when it comes to breaking into the music industry, which is often centered in larger cities like Nashville, Los Angeles, or New York. However, having a strong connection to the music industry through family members, as the speakers did with their cousin Robert Quine and uncle Ralph Carney, can provide valuable insights and motivation to pursue a music career. Additionally, the mindset and determination to keep pushing forward, even when facing small venues and modest success, can lead to eventual breakthroughs and larger opportunities. Despite the anxiety and fear of not living up to past successes, the speakers found inspiration in their hometown's vacuum of choices and the passion of those operating within it. Ultimately, success in the music industry may not be directly tied to the size or location of a city, but rather the dedication and resilience of the individuals pursuing their dreams.

    • Building a career in music from the outsideArtists should focus on developing skills and making records independently before signing with major labels to maintain control over their creative process and avoid potential downsides.

      It might be better for artists to build a strong foundation and integrate with the music industry from the outside rather than signing a major record deal too early. The speaker shares his personal experience of being strung along by major labels and the potential downsides of signing without having control over their creative process. He emphasizes the importance of developing skills and making records independently before working with industry professionals. Additionally, the speaker warns against the risks of signing a deal with a label that may not fully understand or support an artist's vision. He concludes by sharing stories of artists who were shelved or dropped by major labels, emphasizing the importance of artistic freedom and the value of taking the time to build a career.

    • Navigating the unpredictable music industryStay true to artistic vision, appreciate the complexities of life, and don't give up despite industry challenges

      The music industry can be frustrating and unpredictable, with many good records potentially being shelved or altered without the artist's original vision. A&R (Artists & Repertoire) personnel, who have significant power in deciding which records get promoted and pushed to radio, may not always have the best intentions or understanding of the music. The odds of a band making it are slim, and the industry is filled with uncertainties and random factors. The speaker shares a personal experience of having an A&R person request changes to a mix, which ultimately prevented the song from getting radio play. Despite the challenges, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying true to one's artistic vision and not giving up, as there are always deeper, unexplainable factors at play in the universe. The speaker also touches upon the idea that our existence itself is a result of countless random events and the importance of appreciating our ancestors and the complexities of life.

    • Exploring the Complexity of Existence and SimulationsWe may be the only intelligent beings in the universe or part of infinite simulations, touring can impact personal life and creativity, and considering different perspectives is important despite limitations of human understanding.

      The nature of existence and the possibility of living in a simulation are complex and thought-provoking concepts. The speaker shared their personal beliefs, which include the idea that we may be the only intelligent beings in the universe or part of an infinite number of simulations. They also discussed the impact of touring on their personal life and creativity. The speaker emphasized the importance of considering different perspectives, even if they contradict each other, and the limitations of human understanding when it comes to grasping the vastness of the universe and the possibility of infinity. Ultimately, the speaker acknowledged the uncertainty and the beauty of not having all the answers.

    • Embracing the present and accepting life's surprisesLife's experiences, good or bad, should be cherished, and embracing the present can lead to unique and valuable moments, even for those with incredible accomplishments or fears

      Accepting the reality of our experiences, even during anxious moments, and living fully in the present can help us appreciate the uniqueness and value of life. Elon Musk, despite his incredible accomplishments and wealth, may still grapple with these existential questions, leading him to make unconventional choices like marrying the same woman twice. Our dreams and the infinite possibilities they represent can be both terrifying and fascinating, and we all have fears, even if they're as seemingly trivial as the fear of sleeping. Ultimately, life is full of surprises, and we should cherish the experiences, both good and bad, that come our way. And who knows, maybe one day we'll have our own schools or even colonize Mars.

    • The Impact of Digital Platforms on Music IndustryDigital platforms have transformed music discovery and consumption, offering opportunities for independent artists but challenging traditional metrics of success.

      The evolution of music consumption and distribution has significantly impacted the music industry. The experience of discovering and listening to music in record stores, where one could listen to an entire album before purchasing, has been replaced by digital platforms. While these new avenues offer opportunities for independent artists to gain popularity through social media and streaming services, traditional metrics of success, such as radio play and ticket sales, may not accurately reflect an artist's value. The industry's future remains uncertain, with debates ongoing about the importance of commercial radio and the potential benefits of niche festivals. Ultimately, the way we consume and value music continues to change, and it's intriguing to consider how the landscape will look 10 years from now.

    • The music industry's shift towards artist control and collaborationArtists can leverage social media and streaming platforms to build a following and connect with fans, but record labels still hold financial power through 360 deals. Strategic artists can thrive by retaining control and being financially savvy.

      The music industry has undergone significant changes, and artists now have more control and opportunities to build successful careers without relying on traditional methods like record labels and massive promotional campaigns. Social media and streaming platforms have leveled the playing field, enabling artists to connect directly with fans and build a following organically. However, record labels still hold power through 360 deals, which give them a percentage of artists' earnings from merchandise, ticket sales, and other revenue streams. Artists can choose to reject these deals and retain full control over their earnings and creative freedom, but they must be strategic and financially savvy to thrive in the industry. Additionally, many artists find fulfillment in helping other musicians succeed, producing albums, and running independent labels, making the music industry a collaborative and interconnected community.

    • Valuing the unique experiences and contributions of artistsSupport systems that understand artist's value and financial resources are crucial for artists' success in the music industry, even for those with long careers. Independent distribution networks can help artists gain exposure and succeed without relying on traditional industry structures.

      Understanding and valuing the unique experiences and contributions of artists, even those who have been in the industry for a long time, is crucial for success in the music business. The speakers in this discussion highlight the importance of having a support system that understands the artist's value and helps them navigate the industry, rather than treating them unfairly. They also emphasize the importance of financial resources and the potential of independent distribution networks to help artists gain exposure and succeed without relying on traditional industry structures. The speakers' experiences demonstrate that the music industry can be unpredictable and unfair, but with determination, creativity, and the right support, artists can find ways to thrive independently.

    • Navigating the Record Industry: A Frustrating but Necessary JourneyArtists must learn to navigate the industry, pivot when necessary, and focus on creating authentic art, while record labels should prioritize breaking even and supporting resonating art.

      The record industry can be a frustrating and infuriating business for artists, with long-term contracts, pressure to produce hits, and credit-taking executives. However, not all record companies or executives are the same, and some may take a hands-off approach that benefits the artist. Ultimately, the key is for artists to learn how to navigate the industry, pivot when necessary, and focus on creating art they're proud of, rather than just chasing commercial success. Unfortunately, young talent may struggle to find investors in authentic bands and may need to redefine what success means for them. If running a record label, prioritizing breaking even and supporting art that resonates with the label's values would be crucial.

    • Navigating the Challenges of the Music IndustryStay motivated and find support to succeed in the music industry, despite financial struggles and lack of initial progress.

      The music industry can be challenging for artists, who may face financial struggles and lack of support for long periods. However, the experiences and struggles artists face can contribute to their music and drive their success. The key is to identify what truly moves the needle in the industry and stay motivated, even when progress seems slow. This is a common issue that has persisted for decades, but for some artists, there are better paths to success. The angst and frustration are valid, but finding ways to navigate the industry and pivot with the changing times is crucial. Organizations and platforms that support artists and help them connect with audiences can make a significant difference. Ultimately, the drive and motivation to create and share music are what keep artists going, even in the face of adversity.

    • Creating Authentic Music: A Passionate ConnectionStay true to artistic vision, emphasize improvisation, collaboration, and psychic connection for authentic music creation.

      The key to creating authentic music is not driven by commercial gains, but rather by the passion and connection between the artists involved. The speakers in this conversation, who have been making music together since they were teenagers, emphasized the importance of improvisation, collaboration, and a psychic connection that allows them to create music in the moment. They also highlighted the challenges of maintaining a band and keeping the focus on the music, rather than external pressures or personal conflicts. Their unique approach to music-making, which involves a lack of rules and an emphasis on feeling and energy, sets them apart from other bands and underscores the importance of staying true to one's artistic vision.

    • Navigating relationships and career in twentiesAppreciate good relationships, learn from challenges, and embrace uncertainty for personal growth

      Navigating relationships and success in one's twenties can be incredibly challenging. The speaker shares his personal experience of touring with girlfriends and the co-dependent dynamic it created, leading to feelings of guilt and financial struggles. He emphasizes the importance of learning to appreciate good relationships and going through difficult experiences to grow stronger. The speaker also reflects on the role of timing and luck in their career, and the idea that their unique bond is rare despite the many challenges they faced. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that embracing the uncertainty and challenges of life, even if it feels like a simulation, is a necessary part of personal growth.

    • Real life's complexity argues against simulationDespite the intriguing idea of living in a simulation, the complexities of real life experiences, such as relationships and personal growth, suggest otherwise. Unique occurrences, like Elon Musk marrying the same woman twice, and the possibility of mass hypnosis through media, highlight the depth and authenticity of our experiences.

      The complexity and intricacy of real life experiences, including relationships and personal growth, argue against the possibility of living in a simulation. The speaker shares the example of Elon Musk marrying the same woman twice as evidence, suggesting that such occurrences are unlikely in a simulated reality. The discussion also touches upon the topic of aging and the potential relief of ending a long-term relationship, even at an older age. Additionally, the mention of mass hypnosis through media, such as the movie "The Peanut Butter Solution," adds another layer to the conversation, implying that memories and experiences may not be as straightforward as they seem. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of recognizing the depth and authenticity of real-life experiences.

    • Exploring Troll 2's Unique Blend of Found Footage and Special EffectsThe movie 'Troll 2' showcases the absurdity of combining found footage and special effects, with goblins adding to the entertainment value. Hacking and online security, personalized license plates, and creativity were also discussed.

      The discussion revolved around the movie "Troll 2" and the unique blend of found footage and special effects. The speakers shared their thoughts on the film's absurdity and the element of goblins in the story. Another topic that emerged was the idea of hacking and the potential consequences of having one's online accounts compromised. The speakers also touched upon the concept of personalized license plates and the cleverness of using words to trick people. Despite the various topics, the conversation remained connected through the themes of entertainment, technology, and creativity.

    • The Double-Edged Sword of Social MediaSocial media can be a powerful tool for connection and creativity, but it's important to use it mindfully. Words and actions online can have long-lasting consequences, and it's crucial to consider context and intent before reacting.

      Social media can be a double-edged sword. While it can be a platform for creativity and connection, it can also be a breeding ground for bullying and misunderstandings. The speaker shares his experience of being bullied on Twitter for a harmless mistake, which escalated into a vicious cycle of retaliation. He also discusses the controversy surrounding Justin Trudeau's past actions, which highlights the importance of context and understanding in interpreting past actions. The speaker emphasizes that people should be mindful of their words and actions online, as they can have long-lasting consequences. Additionally, he reminds us that people grow and learn from their mistakes, and it's important to consider the context and intent behind them.

    • Impact of Technology and Changing Consumer Habits on EntertainmentTechnology and changing consumer habits have led to a shift in how people consume media, with a large percentage of viewers preferring to watch on their phones. Artists are encouraged to tour extensively to make up for the costs of flying privately. The discussion also touched upon the potential connections fans make between different shows.

      The entertainment industry and consumer habits have significantly evolved since the 1990s. A harmless movie like "Doogie Houser, M.D." with a young doctor protagonist would raise eyebrows today. The rise of technology and streaming platforms has led to a shift in how people consume media, with a large percentage of viewers preferring to watch on their phones. This trend is also reflected in the music industry, where artists are encouraged to tour extensively to make up for the costs of flying privately. The conversation also touched upon the potential connections between different shows and how fans make these connections, even if they have not watched every episode. Overall, the discussion highlighted the impact of technology and changing consumer habits on entertainment and the business behind it.

    • Exploring a new idea togetherOpen-mindedness, collaboration, and positivity are key to achieving success in implementing new ideas.

      Despite expressing initial reservations, the speaker ultimately endorses the idea as amazing and encourages its implementation. The conversation suggests a collaborative effort towards a shared goal, with the speaker expressing gratitude for being part of the discussion and expressing affection towards the group. The tone is positive and supportive, with a sense of appreciation for the collective brainstorming and problem-solving efforts. The speaker's words indicate a belief in the potential of the idea and a commitment to moving forward with it. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open-mindedness, collaboration, and positivity in achieving success.

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    Remi Warren is a hunting guide, writer, television personality, and host of the "Live Wild" podcast. www.remiwarren.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2153 - Dave Smith

    #2153 - Dave Smith
    Dave Smith is a stand-up comedian, libertarian political commentator, and podcaster. He's the host of the "Part of the Problem" podcast, as well as a co-host of the "Legion of Skanks” podcast. www.comicdavesmith.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2152 - Terrence Howard

    #2152 - Terrence Howard
    Terrence Howard is an actor of stage and screen lauded for his work in "Crash," "Iron Man," "Empire," and "Shirley," as well as a musician and researcher in the fields of logic and engineering. www.terryslynchpins.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2151 - Rizwan Virk

    #2151 - Rizwan Virk
    Rizwan Virk is an entrepreneur, video game pioneer, film producer, computer scientist, and author of several books, among them "The Simulation Hypothesis" and "The Simulated Multiverse." www.zenentrepreneur.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
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    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/

    012: Risks of Creating Something from Nothing

    012: Risks of Creating Something from Nothing

    In this introspective episode of the Buckets of Change podcast, host Nick Goblirsch delves into the transformative power of embracing change and creativity. From questioning one's career path to making bold moves in life, Nick shares his personal journey and the pivotal moments that led him to find joy and fulfillment beyond the corporate world. Discover the essence of taking risks in creativity and how expressing one's true self can lead to unexpected and gratifying outcomes.

    Within the conversation, Nick reflects on his return to a professional HR chapter meeting after a five-year absence and the warm reception he received upon showcasing his more authentic self. He explores the challenges and rewards of creating content and putting oneself out there, emphasizing the importance of being original and true to yourself. This episode is packed with inspiring insights for anyone considering a career change or seeking to inject more purpose into their work and life.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Taking risks by exploring new career paths can lead to personal fulfillment and joy.
    • Expressing oneself authentically on platforms like LinkedIn can make a significant impact on professional relationships and opportunities.
    • Creativity involves risk, but the act of creating "something from nothing" can leave a vital legacy.
    • Success in content creation and brand building requires patience, consistency, and the courage to be original.
    • Making changes in your career or life path can open up unpredictable and potentially rewarding futures.

    Are there signs that change me be necessary in your life, especially in your current career path? TAKE THIS FREE 5 Minute Buckets of Change Assessment to see if those signs for change are right in front of you.  CLICK HERE to take your Buckets of Change Assessment

    FOLLOW me on the SOCIALS:

    On your Phone - Instagram & Facebook @bucketsofchange and on TikTok @nickgoblirsch

    On your Desktop - Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bucketsofchange/ and coming soon to Facebook 

    EMAIL the SHOW: nick@bucketsofchange.com

    Music on this composed and performed by Bjurman - "Hiccup (Instrumental)". So grateful for your talented tunes. 

    Marc Rebillet

    Marc Rebillet
    Santino sits down with musical sex machine Marc Rebillet to chat about unadulterated nudity with fans during shows, playing "hey mister" as a teen looking for booze and making his father proud in the afterlife wherever he may be. SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS! SHADY RAYS SUNGLASSES 😎 https://shadyrays.com/ Get 50% off two or more pairs when you use promo code WHISKEY SCREWBALL WHISKEY- Drink the original and most awarded peanut butter whiskey. Enjoy it responsibly. Don't be a dummy. KEEPS - Don't let your hair go www.keeps.com Use promo code WHISKEY for your first month of treatment FREE Check out MARC: https://www.marcrebillet.com/ For all things CHEETO: http://www.andrewsantino.com/ ALL STANDUP DATES ARE CHANGING AS WE SPEAK AND GET THROUGH THIS THING. Join our Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/whiskeygingerpodcast Buy Merch: https://shop-andrew-santino.myshopify.com Follow Santino on Insta and Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ & https://Twitter.com/cheetosantino Whiskey Ginger Insta and Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeygingerpodcast/ & https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices