
    Star Wars

    Explore "Star Wars" with insightful episodes like "Foire aux Vins d’Alsace : Des animations pour petits et grands enfants", "Episode 73 - STAR WARS Episode 31: Fructose Family Reunion", "Star Wars Visions Vol 2", "This Week in Animation 5-11-23" and "Lawnmower Man Versus Star Wars - A New Hope" from podcasts like ""ACTUALITES - AZUR FM", "BastardQuest", "Animation Deliberation", "Animation Deliberation" and "Back to the Balcony"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Foire aux Vins d’Alsace : Des animations pour petits et grands enfants

    Foire aux Vins d’Alsace : Des animations pour petits et grands enfants

    Les familles sont également attendues à la Foire aux Vins d’Alsace de Colmar. Pour sa 74ème édition, l’événement accueille quelques nouveautés à destination des plus jeunes (et des grands enfants !). Parmi celles-ci, des parades sont désormais organisées les mercredis, samedis et dimanches à 17h. L’opportunité de se replonger dans les univers de Pokémon, Star Wars ou encore celui des super-héros. Johann Haas, président de l’association Le 68ème Impérial, nous en parle. 

    Le lien vers l'article complet : https://www.azur-fm.com/news/foire-aux-vins-dalsace-des-animations-pour-petits-et-grands-enfants-1601  

    Star Wars Visions Vol 2

    Star Wars Visions Vol 2

    Andrew and J Scotty return to a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away to give their reaction and review of Star Wars Visions Vol 2, now streaming on Disney Plus!

    Use my special link zen.ai/staywhelmed12 to save 12% at blendjet.com. The discount will be applied at checkout!

    This Week in Animation 5-11-23

    This Week in Animation 5-11-23

    This week on Animation Deliberation's This Week in Animation, we talk Across The Spider-Verse tickets going on sale, Avatar Studios first look at Kyoshi, impressive Young Justice watch analytics, how the WGA  Strike might impact animation and address some Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 feedback!

    Use my special link zen.ai/staywhelmed12 to save 12% at blendjet.com. The discount will be applied at checkout!

    Lawnmower Man Versus Star Wars - A New Hope

    Lawnmower Man Versus Star Wars - A New Hope

    Patrick Coppolino and Kristian Reimer join Jimmy to determine once and for all which movie has the worst special effects. Patrick Coppolino makes a pretty convincing argument for 1992's The Lawnmower Man. Kristian Reimer makes a surprisingly convincing argument for every tampered version of 1977's Star Wars - A New Hope. Most shocking reveleation: Patrick has never seen Star Wars.

    Bally Alley Astrocast: Episode 18 - BASIC Games - Cross Country Racer and Star Wars

    Bally Alley Astrocast: Episode 18 - BASIC Games - Cross Country Racer and Star Wars

    In episode #18 of the Bally Alley Astrocast podcast, the hosts, Chris and Adam, cover two games written in Bally BASIC called "Cross Country Racer" and "Star Wars" by Doug Shaeffer, an amateur Astrocade programmer. These games were archived, along with other programs, by Paul Thacker in February 2022 from an Astrocade collection bought on Ebay by Nate Reeder in January 2022. Paul says, "These seem to me to have been made for personal use rather than with a goal of publication, but there's still some cool stuff in here [...]." Also covered is one piece of feedback and some recent updates to the Bally Alley website."

    Recurring Links 

    Show Notes

    We have limited show notes again for this episode. If there's something in the podcast that you want to hear more about and a search on the Internet won't turn it up for you, then contact the Astrocade discussion group on Groups.io.

    • Doug Shaeffer Tapes - The complete tape archive of Doug Shaeffer's Astrocade Tape Collection.
    • "CHRDIS" Articles by Mike Skala - The three-part "CHRDIS" articles describe how to use the Bally Arcade's built-in Character Display routine from within Bally BASIC to create fast graphic displays. First published in the November and December 1982 and February 1983 Arcadian newsletter. Mike Skala says, "I've seen quite a bit of software lately utilizing the Graphic Character Maker, a machine code routine that Arcadian has published in the past year. This allowed us to use a display routine from the on-board ROM and put complex graphics on the screen instantly, rather than a slow series of BOX and LINE commands. The major drawback here was when moving the graphics, erasing and redrawing: it left us with considerable flashing or blinking. If you have been with us for a while, you know that we are continually evolving and improving; the following tutorial is our new generation of screen animation for the Astrocade!"


    There is some feedback covered in this episode, and we would love to hear your thoughts and comments about this (or any) Astrocast episode or about your history with the Bally Arcade/Astrocade. The best way to contact us is via email at BallyAlley or through via the Bally Alley Discussion Group at Groups.io.

    Next Episode's Coverage

    Perhaps "AstroBASIC" will get some coverage in Episode #19. It makes sense, since Astrocast #18 covered two BASIC games. Astrocast #17 was supposed to cover the material in the "AstroBASIC" manual and it was recorded, but it didn't turned out the way I had hoped that it would sound, so the "AstroBASIC" manual overview has been put off until I can cover it with a co-host like Chris, a BASIC programming ninja, or Paul, who has also programmed in BASIC. We will also cover "Outpost 19," an AstroBASIC game by WaveMakers that will fit naturally into an episode that shares its numbering with the game. We also may try to cover a game that was released on cartridge, but that coverage may be bounced to a future episode because "Outpost 19" may be the most involved game written in BASIC on the Astrocade.


    MEMORY CARD 19 - Les films adaptés en JV

    MEMORY CARD 19 - Les films adaptés en JV

    Il y a bien longtemps, dans une galaxie lointaine, très lointaine... passer de la pellicule à nos consoles de salon était légion. Du souvent simple produit marketing au titre sympa, il n'était pas rare de retrouver les licences de nos films préférés dans les rayons jeux vidéo suite à leur sortie dans les salles obscures. BMC fait donc son cinéma et vous propose une sélection de quelques blockbusters adaptés en jeux vidéo.

    Twitter BMC: https://twitter.com/BackupCartridge

    Facebook BMC: https://www.facebook.com/Backupmemorycartridge/

    Instagram BMC: https://www.instagram.com/backup_memory_cartridge/

    Episode 678 - Disney at the Cons (C2E2)

    Episode 678 - Disney at the Cons (C2E2)

    On this week's show, I'll be sharing some more audio from the summer convention circuit recorded and contributed to us by our good friend Blake Reilly from The Blake and Sal Show. This time, we have audio from the Chicago Cominc and Entertainment Expo (C2E2). This audio features a panel titled "Creating Star Wars: Playing in a Galaxy Far, Far Away" with Dave Sheidt, Jeffrey Brown, Joe Corroney, Katie Cook, and Ramon Perez. This is a collection of authors and artists who have worked together to bring characters in the Star Wars universe to life in books and graphic novels. They'll talk about what it's like to work in the Star Wars universe and create stories without disturbing an already well-established balance in the force.

    AN-34: Star Wars Visions [The Duel]

    AN-34: Star Wars Visions [The Duel]

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away Garrett and Emily embark on the journey that is Star Wars Visions. Simply put, we nerd...the fuck...out. Garrett pops a nerd boner talking about the similarities of the episode versus the Star Wars movies and Emily nerds out about the inspiration coming from Akira Kurosawa on both the studio and directors behalf.

    AND NOT TO MENTION THE 4-TRACK OST!!! *nailed it* Listen in for the one song we review because it truly depicts the storyline.

    At the end of the day, everything about this episode is a job well done. We got so caught up in our own shenanigans that we didn't even rate it! What's wrong with us!? So here it is:

    Overall rating: 6.8
    (Reasoning: It would have honestly gotten a 7 but it just wasn't enough! We need more, we yearn for more, Keiji Inai!!!)

    YouTube Playlist: AN-34: Star Wars Visions

    Instagram: @animenoisepodcast

    TikTok: @animenoisepodcast

    YouTube Channel: AnimeNoise


    CashApp: $emberbb

    Check out our merch on Etsy! AnimeNoiseWorks

    Support the show

    MEMORY CARD 07 - Attentes 2021

    MEMORY CARD 07 - Attentes 2021

    Pour cet épisode enregistré le 23 janvier 2021, l'équipe vous propose de découvrir ses attentes et souhaits pour 2021.

    Twitter BMC: https://twitter.com/BackupCartridge

    Facebook BMC: https://www.facebook.com/Backupmemorycartridge/

    Instagram BMC: https://www.instagram.com/backup_memory_cartridge/

    Darth Vader

    Darth Vader
    Our most impressive season finale has some serious daddy issues as Brock Wilbur (@brockwilbur) siths down with us to talk about Darth Vader and this Star Wars thing the kids are all so excited about. Also, if you're looking for a great Life Day gift, be sure to check out Brock's book Postal, a hilarious look at a horrible game with an even worse film adaptation. Use the force to tweet at us at @podcastbutevil. All musical credits in this episode are, naturally, to John Williams. Outro: Patton Oswalt - At Midnight I Will Kill George Lucas With A Shovel

    #366: Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter (1983)

    #366: Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter (1983)
    Vor der Aufnahme ihrer Folge zum dritten und letzten Teil der Krieg der Sterne-Trilogie hatte zumindest Patrick mit der Befürchtung zu kämpfen, das Gespräch über Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter (Return of the Jedi, 1983) könnte eher wenig ergiebig sein. Knapp 100 Minuten Schnack rund um Weltraum-Muppets, Schuld und Sühne, die Hochs und Tief von Filmtrilogien und nostalgische Verklärung später war klar, dass die Sorgen des ollen Lohmis unbegründet waren. Außerdem wird herzlich viel gelacht, und nur ganz wenig davon geschieht mit echter Häme. Und Herr Gramsch ist on fire. Sowieso.

    #Attacke2020 (Folge 43)

    #Attacke2020 (Folge 43)
    Aktien, Star Wars und Kondome: Leo und Corbinian labern sich in der letzten Folge des Jahres quer durch alle Themenbereiche, die euch am Herzen liegen. Außerdem etablieren die beiden kernigen Quasselstrippen in dieser Woche eine neue Rubrik! Und Corbinian verrät, warum es ihn auf die Palme bringt, wenn sich Fleischkonsumenten rechtfertigen (obwohl man ihnen keinen Vorwurf gemacht hat). Musik: www.musicfox.com

    Comedic Commentary: Star Wars Clone Wars (Inspired by Rise of Skywalker)

    Comedic Commentary: Star Wars Clone Wars (Inspired by Rise of Skywalker)

    This week, in light of the release of the final instalment of the Skywalker Saga Star Wars: the Rise of Skywalker, Ryan takes us through the only Star Wars movie to bomb in theatres, the prologue to the animated series of the same name, Star Wars Clone Wars!

    Email: contact@thirdreelpodcast.com
    Twitter: @ThirdReelPod
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thirdreelpodcast/

    Amazon Affiliate Link: https://www.amazon.ca/?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=shifti05-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=ec31c95ca9d1040142ab09e2e1066faa&camp=15121&creative=330641

    A Shifting Focus production 

    Theme: "Enigma" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/