

    Explore "mask" with insightful episodes like "The Iron Mask", "Ep. 78 Mask Off - 後疫情時代", "La tendenza della settimana: Maschere e cerottini, saponi solidi e altre tendenze del beauty (di Alessandra Magliaro)", "Stop Believing In FOOL'S GOLD" and "ABA Pandemic Update with Paul Benda: March 2, 2022" from podcasts like ""Bad Movie Club", "Abulasika 阿布拉希卡", "ANSA La tendenza della settimana", "Al The Producer" and "ABA Pandemic Update"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    The Iron Mask

    The Iron Mask
    Hello and Welcome to this weeks episode.

    We're all over the place this week. Myself, Mr Chris Johnson and Mr Mat 'Simo' Sims randomly find ourselves in a tea dispute in China.... or was it a prison fighting for our freedom in London.... or doing what ever in Russia.... who knows! What we do know is that we're very badly dubbed in........... The Iron Mask..........

    Mail us at badmovieclubpodcast@gmail.com for any feedback about the movies or show or if you want to join us at anytime your all more than welcome.

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    Ep. 78 Mask Off - 後疫情時代

    Ep. 78 Mask Off - 後疫情時代
    第78集來啦! 疫情說長不長,說短也不短 從爆發至今可能已經過了三年 大部分的國家甚至都已經選擇跟病毒共存 你有什麼深深被疫情影響的地方嗎? For the Night is Dark and Full of Terrors 你準備好大喊 Abulasika 一起迎接挑戰了嗎?! == 時間軸 00:00 自我介紹( CeKarez 也有缺席的一天哪!) 00:49 特別邀請( 毛很多、耳朵很硬,跟喋喋不休的人可以聽我們這集哦!) 02:32 Pozi 覺得自己受影響最多的是戴口罩( 不化妝又可以翻白眼) 03:41 阿嗚就是在疫情之前就會買一盒口罩在家準備的人 07:18 阿嗚可能認不出脫下口罩的同事 09:18 後疫情時代阿嗚去到哪都很注重洗手清潔 14:17 線上面試帶來新的模式 17:43 飛機票又貴又難買!!! 19:10 航空業大爆噴 20:13 在西方國家,戴口罩通常會被認為是病重的象徵 21:40 阿嗚吃個飯嗆到差點沒嚇死一個老婦人 23:56 挑戰 == 歡迎大家到我們的 IG 上留言分享你在疫情之下有什麼深遠影響? Abulasika IG : https://www.instagram.com/abulasika/

    La tendenza della settimana: Maschere e cerottini, saponi solidi e altre tendenze del beauty (di Alessandra Magliaro)

    La tendenza della settimana: Maschere e cerottini, saponi solidi e altre tendenze del beauty (di Alessandra Magliaro)
    Nel vocabolario della bellezza patch pad, gel mask, solid bar, eye lift, oil monster
    sono i nuovi termini da sapere per essere aggiornati. Alla fiera mondiale del settore appena chiusa a Bologna, il Cosmoprof, per viso, corpo, capelli 'vegan e naturale' sono le parole d'ordine ma qui i rimedi della nonna non c'entrano, sono formule, concentrate, spesso con un solo ingrediente e con percentuali impensabili anni fa di origine naturale, frutto di ricerche avanzate. Un viaggio curioso dalla Corea all'Italia su cosa metteremo sulla pelle nel prossimo futuro.

    ABA Pandemic Update with Paul Benda: March 2, 2022

    ABA Pandemic Update with Paul Benda: March 2, 2022
    In the latest episode of the biweekly Pandemic Update podcast, ABA SVP Paul Benda discusses the continued good news around declining case counts and updated masking guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Benda also talks about Novavax’s vaccine, a study from New York on the efficacy of vaccines for children ages 5 to 11, Omicron reinfection protection and multiple new reports on the origins of COVID-19.

    Mask-genics & the Aquarium of Ghouls (Hour 2)

    Mask-genics & the Aquarium of Ghouls (Hour 2)
    Alternate Current Radio presents: BOILER ROOM - Learn to protect yourself from predatory mass media cartels and social media feedback loops.

    In the first hour Hesher and the gang are looking into the headline zeitgeist at claims that mask wearing makes people 'more attractive', the decline of American cities as places like Portland, Houston and so many other cities are experiencing massive crime spikes, Central Banking Digital Currency saber rattling from the international financial cartels, unchecked looting and theft on the railways and OpEd writers suggesting that California "abolish parenthood" in the name of "equity."

    In the second hour the Boiler Room delves into the Covidian landscape and the World Economic Forum's latest summit of ghouls, including everyones favorite antagonists such as Klaus, Faucci, Xi and more. The grossly underestimated statistics in the VAERS system of mRNA experimental gene therapy (sold as vaccines) injuries and deaths, the waste and environmental toll of 'PPE-World', looking to places like Austria and Ireland for what to expect in the worst cases of medical/Fortune 100 tyranny, fascist companies like Carhartt and Nike firing employees due to EUA mandated experimental drug uptake, punitive measures taken against doctors and scientists 'for spreading misinformation' and much more!

    Hesher, Spore, Ruckus, Chopper, Whitebird, Mindspace Art

    Recorded LIVE
    Alternate Current Radio Webpage: https://www.alternatecurrentradio.com/

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    Alternate Current Radio BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/alternatecurrentradio/

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    Full BOILER ROOM Archive: https://www.spreaker.com/show/boiler-room_2

    Daily Ruckus: https://www.alternatecurrentradio.com/category/news-radio/daily_ruckus/


    Mask-genics & the Aquarium of Ghouls (Hour 1)

    Mask-genics & the Aquarium of Ghouls (Hour 1)
    Alternate Current Radio presents: BOILER ROOM - Learn to protect yourself from predatory mass media cartels and social media feedback loops.

    In the first hour Hesher and the gang are looking into the headline zeitgeist at claims that mask wearing makes people 'more attractive', the decline of American cities as places like Portland, Houston and so many other cities are experiencing massive crime spikes, Central Banking Digital Currency saber rattling from the international financial cartels, unchecked looting and theft on the railways and OpEd writers suggesting that California "abolish parenthood" in the name of "equity."

    In the second hour the Boiler Room delves into the Covidian landscape and the World Economic Forum's latest summit of ghouls, including everyones favorite antagonists such as Klaus, Faucci, Xi and more. The grossly underestimated statistics in the VAERS system of mRNA experimental gene therapy (sold as vaccines) injuries and deaths, the waste and environmental toll of 'PPE-World', looking to places like Austria and Ireland for what to expect in the worst cases of medical/Fortune 100 tyranny, fascist companies like Carhartt and Nike firing employees due to EUA mandated experimental drug uptake, punitive measures taken against doctors and scientists 'for spreading misinformation' and much more!

    Hesher, Spore, Ruckus, Chopper, Whitebird, Mindspace Art

    Recorded LIVE
    Alternate Current Radio Webpage: https://www.alternatecurrentradio.com/

    Alternate Current Radio YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AlternateCurrentRadio

    Alternate Current Radio BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/alternatecurrentradio/

    Support BOILER ROOM & ACR: https://www.alternatecurrentradio.com/donate/

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/alternatecurrentradio

    Shop BOILER ROOM Merch Store: https://www.alternatecurrentradio.com/shop/

    Full BOILER ROOM Archive: https://www.spreaker.com/show/boiler-room_2

    Daily Ruckus: https://www.alternatecurrentradio.com/category/news-radio/daily_ruckus/


    Episode 101: Jason's X-Mas Party and Todd's Mask Incident

    Episode 101: Jason's X-Mas Party and Todd's Mask Incident
    Episode 101 is here! This week the guys talk about Jason's Christmas house party. Todd gets into it with 7-11 clerk about his lack of mask, How does San Francisco deal with crime compared to Polk County Florida? The difference is night and day, shocking, we know. fake ID's, animal torture and a brand new Karen, once again from Massachusetts. What's up with Massachusetts?

    Episode 100: Death Threats and Show Me Your Papers

    Episode 100: Death Threats and Show Me Your Papers
    We have reached our milestone 100th episode!! Todd gets death threats and Jason's truck gets broken into. What a way to celebrate. We have a celebrity Karen of the week and our first Charen of the week (also a celebrity). A male swimmer is dominating the women's league (shocking, we know). Congressman Swalwell humps a Chinese spy, but doesn't want you on an airplane unless you're fully vaccinated. Elon Musk ups his Twitter game. All this and much, much more. Tell your mom.

    Airlifting Out of Afghanistan,Public Transit Mask Mandate, and Tesla AVs Love Ambulances

    Airlifting Out of Afghanistan,Public Transit Mask Mandate, and Tesla AVs Love Ambulances
    Tens of thousands of Americans and U.S. allies are stuck behind Taliban lines in Afghanistan with a military airlift as their only hope of escape. The CDC has extended it's public transit mask mandate for 4 more months, and Tesla's autopilot system seems to really really like bright lights such as those atop ambulances and cop cars....

    ABA Pandemic Update with Paul Benda: August 18, 2021

    ABA Pandemic Update with Paul Benda: August 18, 2021

    Paul Benda welcomes you to ABA’s twentieth episode of the weekly Pandemic Update podcast. Once again, it’s all about the Delta variant, which now likely makes up 99% of US cases. This week, Benda discusses current and potential future trends, hospitalization rates—including children—and shares some exciting news about booster shots. He also parses some data on vaccine effectiveness from Israel and newly released CDC studies, and discusses updated OSHA recommendations.

    Episode 82: Jason's Flaky Friend

    Episode 82: Jason's Flaky Friend
    Episode 82: Jason's Flaky Friend. France wants to see your papers, are we next? Watching movies in the hood. Cops and body cams. Todd tries to become a cop....and fails. Vote "no" for once in your miserable lives. Rihanna is a billionaire. When that ass is at its peak. Kathy Griffin with one lung tied behind her back.

    ABA Pandemic Update with Paul Benda: August 10, 2021

    ABA Pandemic Update with Paul Benda: August 10, 2021

    Paul Benda welcomes you to ABA's twentieth episode of the weekly Pandemic Update podcast. Again, not much good news to report this week. Benda discusses the continued spread of Delta and the potential to ration care in some states. He introduces some data on masks and mask recommendations for kids, a new journal article proving COVID is airborne, and a potential timeline for full FDA approval of the vaccine and what it might mean for off-label use. To round it out, he provides some not so good news on the effectiveness of recovered immunity in comparison to vaccine immunity.

    Batman: Mask of the Phantasm with Mark Perez

    Batman: Mask of the Phantasm with Mark Perez

    In this special episode of Gotham Outsiders: The Better Cut, we discuss the animated film, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm. Joining us is one of the hosts of the amazing Pink Milk Podcast, MARK PEREZ! Expect many Star Wars jokes and talking Batman, queerly.

    Mark: @iameldiablito; @ServingPinkMilk

    Chris: @themythofpsyche

    TJ: @troyfin2

    Gotham Outsiders: @GothamOutsiders

    Music and edited by: Nick Oyler

    Logo: Aliza Layne

    The Latest on Delta Variant Safety Precautions, Vaccine Effectiveness

    The Latest on Delta Variant Safety Precautions, Vaccine Effectiveness

    In this bonus episode from the ABA Pandemic Update podcast, ABA SVP Paul Benda breaks down the science behind the Delta variant's hyper-infectious nature—and how things keep getting worse and are likely to get worse before getting better. Benda reviews vaccine effectiveness with Delta; the breakthrough Provincetown, Massachusetts, cluster; and how to mitigate the risk of getting infected. Subscribe to the ABA Pandemic Update wherever you get your podcasts.


    DeSantis Champions Parents, Federal Vaccine Mandate? Bowser's Mask Hypocrisy

    DeSantis Champions Parents, Federal Vaccine Mandate? Bowser's Mask Hypocrisy
    Join Jim and Greg cheer Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for giving parents the power to decide whether their kids will wear masks to school in the coming weeks and shudder as Washington, D.C, allows kids as young as 11 years old to make a decision on getting the vaccine without telling their parents. They also fire back as CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky admits there is discussion in the Biden administration about issuing a federal mandate to vaccine all Americans. And they chronicle the obvious mask mandate hypocrisy of D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser.

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