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    live events stress

    Explore " live events stress" with insightful episodes like "Mental Health Series: Managing Stress", "Mental Health Series: Work/Life Balance" and "Mental Health Series: What is Backline?" from podcasts like ""Adventures In Venueland", "Adventures In Venueland" and "Adventures In Venueland"" and more!

    Episodes (3)

    Mental Health Series: Managing Stress

    Mental Health Series: Managing Stress

    BONUS EPISODE (Part 3 of 3) – For our final episode of our Mental Health Series, we speak with Ari Jacobson, Clinical Director at Backline, about handling stress in the live event industry, and signs of it leading to depression in yourself or your peers. One of the most important things is to recognize and have awareness of the stress you are under – often ones not present in typical 9 to 5 jobs. It’s important to understand what your “norm” is so that you’re able to realize when you’re feeling off that norm and rhythm. Our hosts talk through some of their own recurring stressful challenges, and the group discusses the many aspects of this industry that can cause highs and lows in people’s lives. Ari offers excellent tips for balancing a stressful life, and how we should all set realistic goals. We should frame and look at failures as learning experiences and realizing you did your best but have room to grow. It’s important to carve some time out of your day for yourself, however much that can be, and relaxing with some deep breathing that can center us and give us stress relief during our hectic schedules. Managing stress inducing things like emails, or even music you listen to, on stressful days can help reduce stress. Hear about Backline’s free or discounted subscription services (like meditation, yoga, and others) and their free support groups, and how important it is to find like-minded people and friends that you can relate to, trust, and vent to when needed.

    “The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” – Sydney J. Harris

    Backline: Website | Facebook | Twitter/X | Instagram | LinkedIn

    Please note: The Case Management program has eligibility requirements. Click here for more information.



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    Learn more about Event & Venue Marketing Conference

    Meet our team:

    Paul Hooper | Co-host, Booking, Branding & Marketing
    Dave Redelberger | Co-host & Guest Research
    Megan Ebeck | Marketing, Design & Digital Advertising
    Samantha Marker | Marketing, Copywriting & Publicity
    Camille Faulkner | Audio Editing & Mixing

    Have a suggestion for a guest or bonus episode? We'd love to hear it! Send us an email.

    Mental Health Series: Work/Life Balance

    Mental Health Series: Work/Life Balance

    BONUS EPISODE (Part 2 of 3) – Now that we’re acquainted with Backline, for our second part of our Mental Health Series we talk about work/life balance with Hallie Lincoln, Co-founder and Director of Case Management for Backline. Hallie talks about their case management program, where they provide 1 on 1 assistance for all sides of the industry where a mental health professional will get them connected with resources or providers. They have over 600 providers (therapists and coaches) in all 50 states. We discuss common challenges that face people in live events around balancing a hectic but fun work life with a social life, family, and friends outside of work. Hallie gives us insight into some trends and challenges they see with live event professionals they support, such as an increase in burnout – and how hopes for a more balanced and supportive industry post-pandemic haven’t panned out in many ways, with more events and more pressure being packed into tours. She highlights some solutions they have found to be successful, such as creating routines and goals. Our hosts talk through some of their own challenges and ones they’ve observed with peers and Hallie gives great tips for how to approach certain situations and advocate for better balance in the workplace. Hear about the advice and many resources that Backline offers people to help tackle and improve their work/life balance, such as their new Touring Notebook.

    “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” – Dolly Parton

    Backline: Website | Facebook | Twitter/X | Instagram | LinkedIn

    Please note: The Case Management program has eligibility requirements. Click here for more information.



    Follow on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or X/Twitter
    Learn more about Event & Venue Marketing Conference

    Meet our team:

    Paul Hooper | Co-host, Booking, Branding & Marketing
    Dave Redelberger | Co-host & Guest Research
    Megan Ebeck | Marketing, Design & Digital Advertising
    Samantha Marker | Marketing, Copywriting & Publicity
    Camille Faulkner | Audio Editing & Mixing

    Have a suggestion for a guest or bonus episode? We'd love to hear it! Send us an email.

    Mental Health Series: What is Backline?

    Mental Health Series: What is Backline?

    BONUS EPISODE (Part 1 of 3) – Coming off World Mental Health Day last week, we’re presenting our Mental Health Series in collaboration with Backline, a non-profit that connects music industry professionals and their families with mental health and wellness resources. For the first part of this series, we chat with Hilary Gleason, Co-founder and Executive Director for the company, who walks us through the creation of Backline and how the organization has continued to evolve and offer more resources to meet people’s needs. Hilary gives us an overview of the three pillars of their support: case management, support groups, and mental health and wellness resources. With 14,000+ resources accessed via their website, 450+ support group sessions, and 1,300+ case management submissions, Backline is offering a wide variety of support for challenges that often uniquely affect people in this industry. We chat through some general challenges they are seeing people face and also discuss how they continue to expand to reach more people in need – such as their recently announced partnership with Master Tour, the leading touring software used by bands and touring professionals. Learn how you can support Backline’s efforts in your venues or on your tours, and how easy it is to find resources for you and your coworkers.

    “Your mental health is everything — prioritize it. Make the time like your life depends on it, because it does.” – Mel Robbins

    Backline: Website | Facebook | Twitter/X | Instagram | LinkedIn

    Please note: The Case Management program has eligibility requirements. Click here for more information.



    Follow on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or X/Twitter
    Learn more about Event & Venue Marketing Conference

    Meet our team:

    Paul Hooper | Co-host, Booking, Branding & Marketing
    Dave Redelberger | Co-host & Guest Research
    Megan Ebeck | Marketing, Design & Digital Advertising
    Samantha Marker | Marketing, Copywriting & Publicity
    Camille Faulkner | Audio Editing & Mixing

    Have a suggestion for a guest or bonus episode? We'd love to hear it! Send us an email.