

    Explore "ESG" with insightful episodes like "La chasse au carbone : du Big Bang à Ennemi public n°1 (avec Eric Schoumsky) | Finance responsable et Marchés carbone", "Science AND Beauty with Nicolas Hieronimus", "“Fed” Up with Carbon: Central Banks & Climate Change", "Josef Hauser" and "ESG Reporting – The Implications of Pillar II International Tax Reforms" from podcasts like ""2050 Investors (en français)", "AND is the Future", "2050 Investors", "Altes und neues aus dem Mühlviertel" and "Andersen Nigeria's Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    La chasse au carbone : du Big Bang à Ennemi public n°1 (avec Eric Schoumsky) | Finance responsable et Marchés carbone

    La chasse au carbone : du Big Bang à Ennemi public n°1 (avec Eric Schoumsky) | Finance responsable et Marchés carbone

    Enfilez vos bottes, vos chapeaux, attrapez vos fourches et vos mangroves car nous partons à la chasse au carbone !

    Bien que le dioxyde de carbone ne représente que 0,04 % de notre atmosphère, soit 421 parties par million (ppm), sa concentration moyenne a doublé par rapport à celle observée au cours des trois derniers millions d'années. Tout ce dioxyde de carbone supplémentaire accumulé depuis l'ère préindustrielle a déjà provoqué un réchauffement planétaire de 1,1 degré Celsius, déstabilisé le climat de la Terre et déclenché la 6e extinction massive de la biodiversité dans l'histoire de notre planète.

    Une solution : mettre la tête du carbone à prix et le poursuivre en justice, en fixant un prix pour le carbone. Depuis son introduction par l'Union européenne en 2005, l'idée de la tarification du carbone a été présentée par les économistes comme l'un des meilleurs moyens de lutte contre le changement climatique : faire payer les pollueurs pour les dommages environnementaux causés par leurs émissions.

    Rejoignez Kokou Agbo-Bloua dans un voyage dans le temps jusqu'à l'origine du temps lui-même, le Big Bang, pour retracer l'histoire du carbone depuis ses origines cosmiques jusqu'à son rôle dans le changement climatique. Il étudie également la science pour comprendre la formation du carbone, son rôle dans le cycle du carbone et son impact sur l'atmosphère terrestre.

    Dans cette quête, nous plongeons également dans le monde des marchés du carbone et des solutions de capital naturel. Kokou échange avec Eric Schoumsky, responsable des solutions de capital naturel à la Société Générale, au sujet du rôle des marchés du carbone dans le financement des solutions basées sur la nature et de la manière dont le marché pourrait évoluer d'ici à 2050. Kokou interroge Eric sur les risques potentiels de manipulation et l'impact potentiel sur les ménages à faibles revenus dans un contexte d'inflation élevée et de changements géopolitiques.

    Rejoignez nous dans cette course poursuite à travers le tableau périodique pour découvrir le monde complexe et fascinant du carbone et son impact sur notre planète. « La chasse au carbone : du Big Bang à Ennemi public n°1 » est un épisode incontournable pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la science, à l'environnement et à l'avenir de notre planète.


    Présentation et écriture : Kokou Agbo-Bloua. Édition : Vincent Nickelsen, Jovaney Ashman et Linda Isker. Conception et production : Emmanuel Minelle, Radio K7 Creative. Production exécutive : Fanny Giniès. Réalisation : Marc Valenduc. Traduction : Nathalie Magne. Adaptation Française : Direction Romain Lefebvre avec la voix de Stefane Marques. Musique : Rone. Création graphique : Cédric Cazaly

    Bien que le podcast traite des marchés financiers, il ne recommande aucune décision d’investissement particulière. Si vous n’êtes pas certain du bien-fondé d’une décision d'investissement, veuillez consulter un professionnel.

    Science AND Beauty with Nicolas Hieronimus

    Science AND Beauty with Nicolas Hieronimus

    The purpose of L’Oréal is to create beauty that moves the world. According to CEO, Nicolas Hieronimus, ‘to move’ can have two meanings: “One is to change things, such as using green sciences and reducing package as a way to move the world. But moving is also about emotion. Beauty is about emotions; it’s about bringing people self-confidence.” Ilham and Nicolas have a fascinating conversation about science AND beauty, discussing topics such as beauty and tech, how to be sustainable and profitable, and the importance of promoting diversity in the beauty industry.

    Nicolas Hieronimus has spent the majority of his career at L’Oréal, one of the world’s largest cosmetic companies. He started his career at the company as a Product Manager for the Garnier branch in 1987 and was named CEO of L’Oréal in 2021. Describing himself as a ‘beauty junkie’, Nicolas has reinforced L’Oréal’s commitment to sustainability, inclusivity, transparency, and cutting-edge technology, solidifying L’Oréal’s position as a beacon of innovation and ethical responsibility in the beauty industry.


    01:30- Introduction to the beauty industry

    04:03 - Taking professional risks that pay off

    08:29 - Being a purpose-led company

    11:45 - Being sustainable AND profitable

    15:45 - Tech for beauty

    20:23 - The importance of psychological safety in the workplace

    23:46 - Introducing Warm Up Mondays

    25:05 -  Promoting diversity in science and beauty

    30:39  - Favorite music and movies

    For additional details about the podcast, show notes, and access to resources mentioned during the show, please visit https://www.syensqo.com/en/podcast

    “Fed” Up with Carbon: Central Banks & Climate Change

    “Fed” Up with Carbon: Central Banks & Climate Change

    Should the world's central banks (Fed, ECB, BoE...) launch a coordinated "green quantitative easing" programme to simply print the $3.5 trillion a year needed to finance the energy transition? Is this a realistic solution or too green to be true?

    This episode of the 2050 investors podcast puts the 'central' back in central banks. Since their creation in the 17th century, central banks have been tasked with managing monetary policy, overseeing the banking system and the core mandate of maintaining 'price stability'. But climate change is becoming a major threat to their mandate, posing a real risk to economic and financial stability in the medium to long term.

    In this latest episode, Kokou explores the delicate balancing act that central banks must perform as they seek to be independent in ensuring that inflation remains under control, while at the same time contributing to economic and financial stability and playing a central role in the fight against climate change. There is more to central banking than meets the eye.

    Don't worry if you've forgotten your Economics 101 course, or if you've never taken one, because we're going to give you a quick crash course in the complicated role of the central bank, using references from the series Money Heist (La Casa de Papel) and the wonderful and magical world of Lord of the Rings.

    And, of course, we take you down memory lane with a brief history of central banks and their evolution from

    World War I through 20th century Japan to the recent 'inflation outbreak' following the Covid19 pandemic.

    Later in the episode you will hear extracts from an episode of "The ECB Podcast" entitled "Tackling climate change as a central bank, between motivation, obligation and limitation". Isabel Schnabel and Frank Elderson, Executive Board members of the European Central Bank, explain the role of the ECB's Corporate Sector Purchase Programme (CSPP), which buys green bonds issued by companies in order to reduce their carbon footprint.

    About this show

    Welcome to 2050 Investors your monthly guide to understanding the intricate connections between finance, globalisation, and ESG.

    Join host Kokou Agbo-Bloua, Head of Economics, Cross-Asset & Quant Research at Societe Generale, for an exploration of the economic and market megatrends shaping the present and future, and how these trends might influence our progress to meeting 2050’s challenging global sustainability targets.

    In each episode, Kokou deep-dives into the events impacting the economy, financial markets, the planet, and society. Through a magical blend of personal anecdotes, in-depth research and narratives overlaid with music, sound effects, and pop culture references, there’s certainly something for everyone.

    Kokou also interviews industry-leading experts, personalities, entrepreneurs and even Nobel prize winners! You will learn from the best on a wide range of subjects on current affairs, market shifts, and economic developments.

    If you like 2050 Investors, please leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Your support will help us spread the word and reach new audiences. If you’re seeking a brief and entertaining overview of market-related topics and their business and societal implications, subscribe now to stay informed!

    Previous episodes of 2050 Investors have explored ESG-influenced financial assets, climate change, AI, greenflation, smart cities, globalization, plastic pollution, food, health care, biodiversity, the energy transition, and more.


    Presenter & Writer: Kokou Agbo-Bloua. Editors: Vincent Nickelsen, Jovaney Ashman, Linda Isker and Théodora David. Production Designer: Emmanuel Minelle, Radio K7 Creative. Executive Producer : Fanny Giniès. Sound Director: Marc Valenduc. Music: Rone. Graphic Design: Cédric Cazaly.

    Whilst the following podcast discusses the financial markets, it does not recommend any particular investment decision. If you are unsure of the merits of any investment decision, please seek professional advice.

    ESG Reporting – The Implications of Pillar II International Tax Reforms

    ESG Reporting – The Implications of Pillar II International Tax Reforms

    This article discusses the concept of Global Minimum Top-up Tax as a key Tax Transparency Driver for ESG Reporting. The Global Minimum Top-up Tax is an International Tax Reform under the Pillar II Tax mechanism that aims at ensuring a fairer and even distribution of taxable profits across jurisdictions that multinationals operate in. It is also an assessment that qualifying Multinationals would have to undergo and these are classified under 3 dynamic assessments The What, The Who and The How.

    The What: This is a reform that test to see if the group of subsidiaries for a multinational corporation have paid a minimum of 15% on the income realized from the particular jurisdiction they operate in.

    The Who: Every large multinational group of companies that have a consolidated revenue balance of €750 million or more in at least two of the last four financial years of reporting would need to be assessed for a possible minimum top-up tax payments.

    The How: For all qualifying multinationals that are within the aforementioned threshold, and that would be subjected to the assessment, the average of the effective tax rate of all the subsidiaries within the group would computed and if less than 15%, the shortfall would be netted off against the 15% benchmark and the resulting difference which is termed the Top-up rate to be charged against the group.

    This assessment enhances what is referred to as Tax Transparency, which is a key sustainability metrics under the Governance pillar of ESG Reporting that Capital market finance providers, Government authorities and other relevant stakeholders look out for.

    In conclusion, with the wave of sustainability reporting taking center stage this year, and the effects of the Pillar Two International Tax Reform coming into full-fledged disclosures this year as well, there is no better time for large multinationals to strategically position their business as a Tax transparent and compliant entity which enhances their ESG story, by undergoing the minimum top-up tax tests.

    Thanks for listening! Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter or find us on Facebook

    Les Chroniques du Nautilus : Exploration du futur des océans (avec Nisha Bakker, Directrice Partenariats chez The Ocean Cleanup)

    Les Chroniques du Nautilus : Exploration du futur des océans (avec Nisha Bakker, Directrice Partenariats chez The Ocean Cleanup)

    Qu'est-ce qui n'a ni début, ni fin, ni milieu mais touche chaque continent ?

    Si vous avez répondu "l'océan", vous avez raison !

    Jules Verne l'a même appelé "l'infini vivant" dans son roman « Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers ». Dans le dernier épisode de 2050 Investors, Kokou Agbo-Bloua nous plonge dans les profondeurs et les mystères des océans à bord d’un Nautilus moderne, le Nautile.

    En 2022, lors de la Convention des Nations Unies sur la diversité biologique (CDB), 150 États membres se sont engagés à préserver et protéger 30% des océans d'ici 2030 : c’est le "30 par 30". Bien que ce soit déjà un pas dans la bonne direction, nous devons encore en faire davantage.

    Rejoignez Kokou dans cette aventure audacieuse qui explore l'importance de l'océan pour le climat de la Terre, la nourriture, l'habitat des animaux et des humains, l'économie et bien plus encore !

    Mais attention, l'aventure prend un sombre tournant lorsque nous rencontrons l'alter ego du Vortex de déchets tout droit venu des profondeurs de l’océan Pacifique nord. Nous découvrirons les effets dévastateurs de la pollution plastique, en imaginant un monstre Kraken né de nos propres déchets.

    Plus tard dans l'épisode, nous échangeons avec Nisha Bakker, Responsable des Partenariats à The Ocean Cleanup : une association à but non lucratif qui œuvre pour débarrasser les océans du plastique. Nisha souligne la nécessité d'un effort mondial pour faire évoluer la chaîne de production du plastique et la gestion des déchets, en évoquant un Traité du plastique. Toutefois, elle est optimiste au regard de la prise de conscience croissante et des progrès observés concernant les initiatives de nettoyage des océans et des rivières.

    Pour conclure ce voyage, Kokou médite sur la résilience dépeinte dans "Le vieil homme et la mer" d'Hemingway, laissant les auditeurs sur un rappel poignant : malgré les obstacles, nous pouvons toujours persévérer.


    Présentation et écriture : Kokou Agbo-Bloua. Édition : Vincent Nickelsen, Jovaney Ashman, Linda Isker et Théodora David. Conception et production : Emmanuel Minelle, Radio K7 Creative. Production exécutive : Fanny Giniès. Réalisation : Marc Valenduc. Traduction : Nathalie Magne. Adaptation Française : Direction Romain Lefebvre avec les voix de Stefane Marques et Stéphanie Felix. Musique : Rone. Création graphique : Cédric Cazaly

    Bien que le podcast traite des marchés financiers, il ne recommande aucune décision d’investissement particulière. Si vous n’êtes pas certain du bien-fondé d’une décision d'investissement, veuillez consulter un professionnel.

    The Nautilus Chronicles: Exploring The Future of Oceans (ft. Nisha Bakker, Director Partnerships at The Ocean Cleanup)

    The Nautilus Chronicles: Exploring The Future of Oceans (ft. Nisha Bakker, Director Partnerships at The Ocean Cleanup)

    What has no beginning, end, or middle and touches every continent?

    If you answered, “the ocean”- Correct!

    Or the ‘living infinite’, as Jules Verne called it in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. This latest episode of 2050 Investors is a splashy one as host Kokou Agbo-Bloua dives deep into the mysteries of the oceans aboard the modern-day Nautilus, the Nautile.

    In 2022, at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), 150 member states pledged to preserve or safeguard thirty percent of the world's oceans by 2030: or “30 by 30”. While a positive step in the right direction, more still needs to be done.

    Join Kokou in this daring adventure exploring the importance of the ocean in shaping Earth’s climate, providing food and habitat for animals and humans alike, the economy and so much more!

    But be aware as the adventure does take a dark turn when we encounter the deep-water alter ego of the Great Pacific Garbage patch. We will learn about the devastating effects of plastic pollution, envisioning a Kraken monster born from our own waste.

    Later in the episode, we speak with Nisha Bakker, Director Partnerships at The Ocean Cleanup. The Ocean Cleanup is a non-profit foundation working daily to rid the world's oceans of plastic. Nisha emphasises the need for a global effort to change the system of plastic production and waste management, mentioning the development of a Plastic Treaty. However, she’s optimistic of growing awareness and progress in ocean and river cleaning initiatives.

    As the journey concludes, Kokou reflects on the resilience depicted in Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea," leaving listeners with a poignant reminder that, despite the challenges, we can persevere.

    About this show

    Welcome to the exciting world of 2050 Investors, the podcast that's your ultimate guide to conquering the ever-evolving landscapes of Finance, Sustainability, Globalization, and ESG!

    Join Kokou Agbo-Bloua, Societe Generale's Head of Economics, Cross-Asset & Quant Research, as he investigates the economic and market megatrends shaping both our present and the future, aligning with 2050's global sustainability objectives. If you're looking for a swift and entertaining overview of markets-related topics and their business implications, this podcast is for you!

    Each episode will get you a comprehensive grasp of current affairs and the impending evolution of markets and economics as Kokou Agbo-Bloua engages analysts, educators and entrepreneurs in insightful conversations. Explore critical topics including Climate Change, ESG goals, Mobility, Globalization, Energy Transition, Health Care, Inflation, Artificial Intelligence, Smart finance, Labor Development, and more. Don't miss out on this engaging show!

    Subscribe now to stay informed about our latest episodes, dropping each month. If you find our content valuable, please leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Your support helps us raise awareness of the podcast and reach new audiences.


    Presenter & Writer: Kokou Agbo-Bloua. Editors: Vincent Nickelsen, Jovaney Ashman, Linda Isker and Théodora David. Production Designer: Emmanuel Minelle, Radio K7 Creative. Executive Producer : Fanny Giniès. Sound Director: Marc Valenduc. Music: Rone. Graphic Design: Cédric Cazaly.

    Whilst the following podcast discusses the financial markets, it does not recommend any particular investment decision. If you are unsure of the merits of any investment decision, please seek professional advice.

    Counterproductive Sustainable Investing: Is Brown the New Green?

    Counterproductive Sustainable Investing: Is Brown the New Green?

    This week, Kelly Shue, Professor of Finance at Yale School of Management, joins the podcast.  Earlier this year, Professor Shue and her co-author, Professor Samuel M. Hartzmark, published “Counterproductive Sustainable Investing: The Impact Elasticity of Brown and Green Firms.”  Their research paper concludes that the sustainable investing practice of divesting high-emitting companies (referred to as “brown” firms) in favor of low-emitting companies (referred to as “green” firms) is counterproductive to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

    Here are some of the questions that Peter and Jackie ask Professor Shue: Why did you conclude that the sustainable investing practice of divesting away from high-carbon companies towards low-carbon ones is counterproductive? What are some examples of “brown” and “green” companies?  What are the shortcomings of measuring the percentage GHG emission reduction of a company, as opposed to absolute reductions? Were you surprised to learn that oil, gas, and energy-producing firms are key innovators in the United States’ green patent landscape? What are your thoughts on the anti-ESG movement, where some US states are asking their pension funds to divest ESG-orientated companies? Do you think institutional investors, who have made hard goals around reducing their financed emissions, should consider changing these goals? What are the shortcomings in using the company-level ESG ratings provided by firms such as Sustainalytics, MSCI, and Bloomberg to identify green companies?

    Other content referenced in this podcast:

    -   Counterproductive Sustainable Investing: The Impact Elasticity of Brown and Green Firms (2023) 

    The ESG-Innovation Disconnect: Evidence from Green Patenting (2021) 

    Yale Insights: Green Investing Could Push Polluters to Emit More Greenhouse Gases (2023) 

    Please review our disclaimer at: https://www.arcenergyinstitute.com/disclaimer/

    Check us out on social media:

    X (Twitter): @arcenergyinst
    LinkedIn: @ARC Energy Research Institute

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    Home Sweet Home: Solutions for Climate-Resilient Housing (ft. Ben Richford, real estate finance expert) | urbanisation, sustainable living

    Home Sweet Home: Solutions for Climate-Resilient Housing (ft. Ben Richford, real estate finance expert) | urbanisation, sustainable living

    Why do we say, "there’s no place like home"? This iconic phrase appears in "The Wizard of Oz" to remind us of the human need for familiarity, belonging and protection. Over the past centuries, our homes have followed a Darwinian process of evolution by natural selection of efficiency. From caves to skyscrapers, they’ve protected us from wild animals, natural disasters, and the changing climate.  

    Current estimates put the total number of houses at around 2 billion and by 2050, we will need to house around 10 billion people, all looking for familiarity, belonging, comfort and security.

    So, in this latest episode of 2050 Investors, we go house hunting with Kokou Agbo-Bloua and take a deep dive into the past, present, and future of housing.

    How can we create sustainable homes for all, and will we adapt in time in the face of the big bad wolf of climate change?

    We start off this episode with a cautionary tale of "The Three Little Pigs" 🐷🐷🐷 : a sobering reminder of the need to build for tomorrow.

    Later we embark on a historical odyssey into the history of housing across cultures — from Egyptian sun-dried bricks to the sprawling skyscrapers of New York.

    And finally in this episode, Kokou sits down with Ben Richford, Co-Head of Real Estate Sector Research at Societe Generale, to gain more insight into how the housing and real estate markets can strive for a fair and sustainable future.

    The conversation also touches on the sector's adaptation to climate change and the predicted megatrend of urbanisation, the social aspect of the housing transition, and the economic drivers behind changes in the real estate market.

    About this show

    Welcome to the exciting world of 2050 Investors, the podcast that's your ultimate guide to conquering the ever-evolving landscapes of Finance, Sustainability, Globalization, and ESG!

    Join Kokou Agbo-Bloua, Societe Generale's Head of Economics, Cross-Asset & Quant Research, as he investigates the economic and market megatrends shaping both our present and the future, aligning with 2050's global sustainability objectives.  If you're looking for a swift and entertaining overview of markets-related topics and their business implications, this podcast is for you!

    Each episode will get you a comprehensive grasp of current affairs and the impending evolution of markets and economics as Kokou Agbo-Bloua engages analysts, educators and entrepreneurs in insightful conversations. Explore critical topics including Climate Change, ESG goals, Mobility, Globalization, Energy Transition, Health Care, Inflation, Artificial Intelligence, Smart finance, Labor Development, and more. Don't miss out on this engaging show!

    Subscribe now to stay informed about our latest episodes, dropping each month. If you find our content valuable, please leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Your support helps us raise awareness of the podcast and reach new audiences.


    Presenter & Writer: Kokou Agbo-Bloua. Editors: Vincent Nickelsen, Jovaney Ashman, Linda Isker and Théodora David. Production Designer: Emmanuel Minelle, Radio K7 Creative. Executive Producer : Fanny Giniès. Sound Director: Marc Valenduc. Music: Rone. Graphic Design: Cédric Cazaly.

    Whilst the following podcast discusses the financial markets, it does not recommend any particular investment decision. If you are unsure of the merits of any investment decision, please seek professional advice. 

    Home sweet home : Solutions pour un habitat durable (avec Ben Richford, expert finance immobilière) | Urbanisation, mode de vie durable

    Home sweet home : Solutions pour un habitat durable (avec Ben Richford, expert finance immobilière) | Urbanisation, mode de vie durable

    Pourquoi dit-on, « on n’est jamais aussi bien que chez soi » ? Cette phrase emblématique tirée du « Magicien d'Oz » nous rappelle simplement notre besoin d'appartenance et de protection.

    C’est pour répondre à ce besoin qu’au cours des siècles derniers, nos maisons ont suivi un processus darwinien d'évolution par la sélection naturelle de l'efficacité. Des grottes aux gratte-ciels, ils nous ont protégés des animaux sauvages, des catastrophes naturelles et du changement climatique. Selon les estimations actuelles, le nombre total de logements s'élève à environ 2 milliards et, d’ici 2050, nous devrons héberger environ 10 milliards de personnes, toutes à la recherche d'un environnement familier, d’appartenance, de confort et de sécurité.

    Comment pouvons-nous créer des logements durables pour tous et comment nous adapter à temps au grand méchant loup du changement climatique ?

    Nous commençons cet épisode par le conte « Les trois petits cochons » 🐷🐷🐷: un sombre rappel de la nécessité de construire pour l’avenir. Plus tard, nous nous lançons dans un voyage au cœur de l'histoire du logement à travers les cultures - des briques séchées au soleil des Égyptiens aux gratte-ciels tentaculaires de New York.

    Enfin, dans cet épisode, Kokou reçoit Ben Richford, Co-Responsable de la Recherche du Secteur Immobilier au sein de Société Générale, pour mieux comprendre comment les marchés du logement et de l'immobilier visent un avenir équitable et durable.

    La discussion porte également sur l'adaptation du secteur au changement climatique, sur la mégatendance annoncée de l'urbanisation, sur l'aspect social de la transition du logement et sur les moteurs économiques à l'origine de l’évolution du marché immobilier.


    Présentation et écriture : Kokou Agbo-Bloua. Édition : Vincent Nickelsen, Jovaney Ashman, Linda Isker et Théodora David. Conception et production : Emmanuel Minelle, Radio K7 Creative. Production exécutive : Fanny Giniès. Réalisation : Marc Valenduc. Traduction : Nathalie Magne. Adaptation Française : Direction Romain Lefebvre avec la voix de Stefane Marques. Musique : Rone. Création graphique : Cédric Cazaly

    Bien que le podcast traite des marchés financiers, il ne recommande aucune décision d’investissement particulière. Si vous n’êtes pas certain du bien-fondé d’une décision d'investissement, veuillez consulter un professionnel.   

    #20 What is the importance of sound ESG standards when operating in the pulp and paper industry?

    #20 What is the importance of sound ESG standards when operating in the pulp and paper industry?
    Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance, or ESG, as it is more commonly known, has rapidly become a defining factor for investors as they look for companies that have sound environmental performance and social and employment standards. But what does ESG mean when applied to the pulp and paper industry? For producers this means ensuring that sustainable development takes place across the entire supply chain in both environmental and social aspects, from the sourcing of raw material to the recyclability of products and everything in between. For global suppliers such as ANDRITZ, it means ensuring all its stringent ESG goals are met when it comes to manufacturing and supplying technology wherever the company operates in the world. In this podcast we hear from experts on ESG from both sectors of the industry: Susan Brunner, Head of Product Sustainability & Positioning, Mondi Group and Caroline Hofer, ESG Manager, ANDRITZ about the challenges involved in setting ESG goals in a rapidly changing world when it comes to regulations and compliance. To find out more visit our website: https://www.andritz.com/group-en/gr-sustainability?utm_source=podigee&utm_medium=season-2-episode-20&utm_campaign=spectrum-podcast&utm_id=spectrum-podcast

    Lose Yourself in Sports (Part 1): How Game Changers changed the Game | Impact and Sustainable Solutions of the Sports Industry

    Lose Yourself in Sports (Part 1): How Game Changers changed the Game | Impact and Sustainable Solutions of the Sports Industry

    “You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow.

    This opportunity comes once in a lifetime”.

    In this episode about sports, these lyrics from Eminem’s hit song ‘Lose Yourself‘ resonate deeply. Throughout History, from civil rights to diversity and inclusion, sports have deeply shaped, inspired and changed our individual and collective human experiences.

    This episode is a celebration of all things sports. In the first part of this episode, we explore the past, the present and the future of sports, in the face of climate change. We also take a trip down memory lane and revisited some of the best moments in sports history and the stars who ceased the opportunity at the right moment. From Muhammad Ali's 'Rumble in the Jungle' to Serena Williams' US Open in 1999, we explored them all.

    And in part two, Kokou Agbo-Bloua interviews rugby legend Jonny Wilkinson on how you can go beyond your internal limits and awake the star within. Jonny shares with us lessons from his career, which are sure to help you in and off the field.   


    About the show

    2050 Investors offers an investigation into tomorrow’s economic and market megatrends ahead of 2050’s global sustainability targets. Join Kokou Agbo-Bloua, Societe Generale’s Head of Economics, Cross-Asset & Quant Research, as he provides deep dive analysis, with an ESG lens, into current affairs and trends that relate to the economy, the planet, markets, and you. Subscribe to make sure you don’t miss our new episodes.


    Presenter & Writer: Kokou Agbo-Bloua. Editors: Vincent Nickelsen, Jovaney Ashman, Linda Isker and Théodora David. Production Designer: Emmanuel Minelle, Radio K7 Creative. Executive Producer : Fanny Giniès. Sound Director: Marc Valenduc. Music: Rone. Graphic Design: Cédric Cazaly.

    Whilst the following podcast discusses the financial markets, it does not recommend any particular investment decision. If you are unsure of the merits of any investment decision, please seek professional advice.

    Les héros de l'arène (1ère partie) : Comment le sport peut changer la donne ? | Impact et solutions durables de l'industrie du sport

    Les héros de l'arène (1ère partie) : Comment le sport peut changer la donne ? | Impact et solutions durables de l'industrie du sport

    “You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow.

    This opportunity comes once in a lifetime”.

    Cet épisode sur le sport fait fortement écho aux paroles de la chanson d'Eminem, « Lose Yourself ».

    À travers l’histoire, des Droits de l'homme à la diversité et à l’inclusion, le sport a profondément façonné, inspiré et changé nos expériences humaines individuelles et collectives.

    Cet épisode est un hommage à tout ce qui concerne le sport. 

    Dans la première partie, nous explorons le passé, le présent et l'avenir du sport au regard du changement climatique. Nous remontons le temps pour revisiter quelques-uns des meilleurs moments de l'histoire du sport et rendre hommage aux sportifs de légende qui ont su saisir leur opportunité, au bon moment. Du combat de Muhammad Ali dans l’ancien Zaïre à l'US Open de Serena Williams en 1999, nous les avons tous passés en revue.

    Et dans la deuxième partie, Kokou Agbo-Bloua échange avec la légende du rugby, Jonny Wilkinson, sur la façon de dépasser ses propres limites et réveiller le potentiel qui sommeille en chacun de nous. Jonny partage avec nous les enseignements tirés durant sa carrière, qui ne manqueront pas de vous aider sur le terrain et en dehors.


    Présentation et écriture : Kokou Agbo-Bloua. Édition : Vincent Nickelsen, Jovaney Ashman, Linda Isker et Théodora David. Conception et production : Emmanuel Minelle, Radio K7 Creative. Production exécutive : Fanny Giniès. Réalisation : Marc Valenduc. Traduction : Nathalie Magne. Adaptation Française : Direction Romain Lefebvre avec la voix de Stefane Marques. Musique : Rone. Création graphique : Cédric Cazaly

    Bien que le podcast traite des marchés financiers, il ne recommande aucune décision d’investissement particulière. Si vous n’êtes pas certain du bien-fondé d’une décision d'investissement, veuillez consulter un professionnel.  

    Lose Yourself in Sports (Part 2): Interview with Jonny Wilkinson, England Rugby Legend | Challenging Limits & The Universal Power of Will

    Lose Yourself in Sports (Part 2): Interview with Jonny Wilkinson, England Rugby Legend | Challenging Limits & The Universal Power of Will

    “You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow.

    This opportunity comes once in a lifetime”.

    In this episode about sports, these lyrics from Eminem’s hit song ‘Lose Yourself‘ resonate deeply. Throughout History, from civil rights to diversity and inclusion, sports have deeply shaped, inspired and changed our individual and collective human experiences.

    This episode is a celebration of all things sports. In this part two, Kokou Agbo-Bloua interviews rugby legend, Jonny Wilkinson on how you can go beyond your internal limits and awake the star within. Jonny shares with us lessons from his career, which are sure to help you in and off the field.  

    Make sure to listen to the first part of the episode, in which we explore the past, the present and the future of sports, in the face of climate change. We also take a trip down memory lane and revisited some of the best moments in sports history and the stars who ceased the opportunity at the right moment. From Muhammad Ali's 'Rumble in the Jungle' to Serena Williams' US Open in 1999, we explored them all.

    About the show

    2050 Investors offers an investigation into tomorrow’s economic and market megatrends ahead of 2050’s global sustainability targets. Join Kokou Agbo-Bloua, Societe Generale’s Head of Economics, Cross-Asset & Quant Research, as he provides deep dive analysis, with an ESG lens, into current affairs and trends that relate to the economy, the planet, markets, and you. Subscribe to make sure you don’t miss our new episodes.


    Presenter & Writer: Kokou Agbo-Bloua. Editors: Vincent Nickelsen, Jovaney Ashman, Linda Isker and Théodora David. Production Designer: Emmanuel Minelle, Radio K7 Creative. Executive Producer : Fanny Giniès. Sound Director: Marc Valenduc. Music: Rone. Graphic Design: Cédric Cazaly.

    Whilst the following podcast discusses the financial markets, it does not recommend any particular investment decision. If you are unsure of the merits of any investment decision, please seek professional advice. 

    Les héros de l'arène (2ème partie) : Échange avec la légende du rugby Jonny Wilkinson | Repousser les limites de la volonté

    Les héros de l'arène (2ème partie) : Échange avec la légende du rugby Jonny Wilkinson | Repousser les limites de la volonté

    “You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow.

    This opportunity comes once in a lifetime”.

    Cet épisode sur le sport fait fortement écho aux paroles de la chanson d'Eminem, « Lose Yourself ». À travers l’histoire, des Droits de l'homme à la diversité et à l’inclusion, le sport a profondément façonné, inspiré et changé nos expériences humaines individuelles et collectives.

    Cet épisode est un hommage à tout ce qui concerne le sport. 

    Dans cette deuxième partie, Kokou Agbo-Bloua échange avec la légende du rugby, Jonny Wilkinson, sur la façon de dépasser ses propres limites et réveiller le potentiel qui sommeille en chacun de nous. Jonny partage avec nous les enseignements tirés durant sa carrière, qui ne manqueront pas de vous aider sur le terrain et en dehors.

    N'oubliez pas d'écouter la première partie, dans laquelle nous explorons le passé, le présent et l'avenir du sport au regard du changement climatique. Nous remontons le temps pour revisiter quelques-uns des meilleurs moments de l'histoire du sport et rendre hommage aux sportifs de légende qui ont su saisir leur opportunité, au bon moment. Du combat de Muhammad Ali dans l’ancien Zaïre à l'US Open de Serena Williams en 1999, nous les avons tous passés en revue.


    Présentation et écriture : Kokou Agbo-Bloua. Édition : Vincent Nickelsen, Jovaney Ashman, Linda Isker et Théodora David. Conception et production : Emmanuel Minelle, Radio K7 Creative. Production exécutive : Fanny Giniès. Réalisation : Marc Valenduc. Traduction : Nathalie Magne. Adaptation Française : Direction Romain Lefebvre avec la voix de Stefane Marques. Musique : Rone. Création graphique : Cédric Cazaly

    Bien que le podcast traite des marchés financiers, il ne recommande aucune décision d’investissement particulière. Si vous n’êtes pas certain du bien-fondé d’une décision d'investissement, veuillez consulter un professionnel.   

    A Tale of Two Futures: Exploring climate change pathways

    A Tale of Two Futures: Exploring climate change pathways

    This special episode of 2050 Investors takes you to… well, the year 2050! Will we have achieved our goal of net-zero emissions and taken the necessary steps to limit global warming to 1.5 C°? And if not, what will a world on the verge of climate collapse due to human activities look like?  

    Join Kokou Agbo-Bloua as he explores the future, inspired by the thought-provoking series "Black Mirror". Stuck inside a dream within a dream, where fiction and reality are intertwined, will we discover a bright future where humans have taken drastic actions to mitigate climate change and protect our environment?

    Or will it be the worst-case scenario of a dystopian world, where our planet reels under extreme weather conditions and ecological collapse, and food and resource shortages plague countries?  

    Luckily for Kokou, he has his AI companion, the newly upgraded SiriGPT, to make sense of these two juxtaposed worlds. Together we navigate the future, weighing the consequences of the choices we make today to shape the world we wake up to tomorrow.

    The future awaits!  

    About the show

    2050 Investors offers an investigation into tomorrow’s economic and market megatrends ahead of 2050’s global sustainability targets. Join Kokou Agbo-Bloua, Societe Generale’s Head of Economics, Cross-Asset & Quant Research, as he provides deep dive analysis, with an ESG lens, into current affairs and trends that relate to the economy, the planet, markets, and you. Subscribe to make sure you don’t miss our new episodes.


    Presenter & Writer: Kokou Agbo-Bloua. Editors: Vincent Nickelsen, Jovaney Ashman, Linda Isker, Théodora David. Production Designer: Emmanuel Minelle, Radio K7 Creative. Executive Producer : Fanny Giniès. Sound Director: Marc Valenduc. Music: Rone. Graphic Design: Cédric Cazaly.

    Whilst the following podcast discusses the financial markets, it does not recommend any particular investment decision. If you are unsure of the merits of any investment decision, please seek professional advice.

    À la croisée de deux futurs : explorations des chemins climatiques

    À la croisée de deux futurs : explorations des chemins climatiques

    Cet épisode spécial de 2050 Investors nous emmène… en 2050. Aurons-nous atteint notre objectif de zéro émission nette et pris les mesures pour limiter le réchauffement climatique à 1,5°C ? Et si ce n'est pas le cas, à quoi ressemblera un monde au bord de l'effondrement climatique à cause de l'activité humaine ?  

    Rejoignez Kokou Agbo-Bloua pour explorer l'avenir, inspiré par la série « Black Mirror ». Dans ce rêve où fiction et réalité se mêlent, découvrirons-nous un avenir formidable où les humains auront pris des mesures drastiques pour atténuer le changement climatique et protéger notre environnement ? 

    Au contraire, ferons-nous face au scénario d'un monde dystopique, dans lequel notre planète souffrira de conditions météorologiques extrêmes, d'effondrement écologique, de pénuries alimentaires et d'appauvrissement des ressources ? 

    Kokou, compte sur son compagnon IA, la nouvelle SiriGPT, pour l’aider à comprendre ces deux mondes parallèles.   

    Ensemble nous explorons cet avenir, en pesant le pour et le contre des choix que nous faisons aujourd'hui pour façonner le monde dans lequel nous nous réveillerons demain.

    L'avenir est à nous !   

    Crédits :
    Présentation et écriture : Kokou Agbo-Bloua. Édition : Vincent Nickelsen et Jovaney Ashman. Conception et production : Emmanuel Minelle, Radio K7 Creative. Production exécutive : Fanny Giniès. Réalisation : Marc Valenduc. Traduction : Nathalie Magne. Adaptation Française : Direction : Romain Lefebvre avec la voix de Stefane Marques. Musique : Rone. Création graphique : Cédric Cazaly

    Bien que le podcast traite des marchés financiers, il ne recommande aucune décision d’investissement particulière. Si vous n’êtes pas certain du bien-fondé d’une décision d'investissement, veuillez consulter un professionnel.  

    EZB, Investoren Summit, Impact Festival, Stuttgart Finance Summit u.v.m. | Ausblick KW37

    EZB, Investoren Summit, Impact Festival, Stuttgart Finance Summit u.v.m. | Ausblick KW37
    Steigen die Zinsen noch einmal oder nicht? Selten tappten die Beobachter im Vorfeld einer EZB-Sitzung so sehr im Dunkeln wie dieses Mal. „Die EZB hat wegen der hohen Inflation seit Juli 2022 ihre Leitzinsen um satte 425 Basispunkte erhöht und damit so aggressiv wie nie seit der Euro-Einführung. Jetzt ist ein bisschen unklar, wie es weitergehen soll“, sagt Mark Schrörs, Leiter des Ressorts Wirtschaftspolitik und Währungspolitischer Korrespondent der Börsen-Zeitung, im Podcast #7TageMärkte. Selbst EZB-Ratsmitglied Klaas Knot, Zentralbankchef in den Niederlanden, habe zuletzt von einer knappen Entscheidung gesprochen. „Das ist schon sehr bemerkenswert, wenn man weiß, dass die Zentralbanken eigentlich – anders als in früheren Jahren oder Jahrzehnten durchaus üblich – die Märkte nicht mehr gern überraschen, sondern eigentlich im Vorfeld eine Guidance dazu geben, was passiert“, erklärt Schrörs. Wie die unterschiedlichen Lager in der EZB argumentieren, analysiert er in der neuen Podcast-Episode. Möglichkeiten zum fachlichen Austausch und zum Netzwerken bieten in den kommenden Tagen unter anderem der Investoren Summit 2023, das Impact Festival in Offenbach und der Stuttgart Finance Summit. Die wichtigsten Infos zu diesen Veranstaltungen und die Übersicht über das Termintableau der Kalenderwoche 37 gibt es im Podcast.

    【華爾街見聞-EP807】 || 聖嬰|極端氣候投資 (股怪教授)

    【華爾街見聞-EP807】 || 聖嬰|極端氣候投資 (股怪教授)
    首播時間:2023/09/05 20:00 今年颱風一個接一個,全球各地近年更因極端氣候導致天災不斷,投資ESG相關項目為改善環境也能盡一份心! 【6週高效學習美股策略】​50分鐘免費試聽直播! 由謝晨彥老師親自操刀授課,透過獨家操作心法帶領想進入美股領域的新手達到收入翻倍的成就! 直播時間:9/21(四) 21:10-22:00 加入試聽等候名單https://lihi3.cc/agZ6c 或加入LineOA(@iu178)輸入關鍵字6us 💼加入愛股怪LINE好友行列【@gp520】💼 🎙️ 節目首播:每週一~週五 20:00 🎙️ 播出平台:Apple Podcast、Android Podcast、SoundOn、Spotify、KKBOX、Mixerbox 🎙️ 最新活動:https://taplink.cc/msfg_invest 🎙️ 聽眾信箱:https://forms.gle/4QwZNntRuLCfbtTAA 🎙️ 支持我們:https://supr.link/amHwl