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    Navigating the Cancer Maze

    Navigating the Cancer Maze aims to share time-proven strategies in a “Let’s talk about it” atmosphere with the aim of making the journey through cancer more easeful through knowledge. The program is solutions focused for patients at all stages of cancer. Acknowledging and dealing with fear and trauma surrounding cancer is essential for any Health Restoration Plan as is pre-planning for any setbacks that are likely to be met along the way. Although we hear a lot about cancer in the news, for many patients cancer remains a personal, silent and deeply unexpressed grief. It is important to acknowledge the reality of a cancer diagnosis, while being authentic about process and keeping possibilities open. The best outcomes are experienced when the best of conventional medicine is paired with the best of complementary supported by an empowered patient.
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    Episodes (127)

    Special Encore Presentation of How to Navigate the Carers Maze: Grace Gawler and Ellen Slater

    Special Encore Presentation of How to Navigate the Carers Maze:  Grace Gawler and Ellen Slater
    Ellen Slater has had a life-time of personal care-giving & then chose a vocation in care-giving as well as a career as a family therapist and counselor. For 6 years Ellen has been Manager for Counseling, Family Support and Advocacy programs with Carers Queensland. Carers Australia is the peak body for carers. Carers Queensland is responsible for a National Carers Counseling Program (NCCP) which, Ellen has been privileged to manage. In Queensland the organization has 13 professional counseling staff, where they offer face to face counseling, telephone counseling & home visits. This is a state wide program. Ellen has recently resigned from her position at Carers Qld to follow her heart and passion into her next venture and adventure; Joyland Carers Retreat near Korora beach, Coffs Harbour in Northern NSW. www.joylandcarersretreat.com.au More about Ellen Slater on the Guest page. CONTACT CARER'S QLD: www.carersqld.asn.au More resources and info for USA caregivers at gracegawlermedia.com

    Special Encore Presentation: Navigating the Vascular maze in Cancer Medicine – Clotting Risks for Cancer Patients - What You Can Do

    Special Encore Presentation: Navigating the Vascular maze in Cancer Medicine – Clotting Risks for Cancer Patients - What You Can Do
    Although I have been aware of increased likelihood of vascular events for cancer patients, surprisingly, it is rarely discussed. Over the years I have witnessed abnormally high mortality rates from cancer patients travelling overseas for treatments. Many times their fate was not due to their cancer, but DVT, pulmonary embolisms or other vascular events. Events that could have been avoided had they been aware of preventable measures they could take. To explore this issue I wanted to find someone who has worked with vascular issues for decades and who has knowledge of cancer. Introducing Dr John Singe a highly skilled vascular surgeon with more than 30 years experience who will take us on an amazing and educative journey through the convoluted inner landscape of our veins and arteries. Learn about prevention and safe air-travel for cancer patients who are 7 times more prone to blood clotting events than others. Knowledge is power, and this knowledge definitely can save lives.

    Special Encore Presentation: Navigating the Cancer Maze with Dr Julie Crews: Why We Need to Search for the Truth in Cancer Cure Stories

    Special Encore Presentation: Navigating the Cancer Maze with Dr Julie Crews: Why We Need to Search for the Truth in Cancer Cure Stories
    Ethicist Dr Julie Crews takes an investigative look through the magnifying glass to examine new trends in cancer entrepreneurship where patients who are either still in recovery themselves or who claim they have beaten the odds without medical evidence, are influencing the treatment choices of millions of other cancer patients around the globe. Another group of patients influencing choices are those who have had adequate medical treatment for their cancer, but then champion their ‘cure’ to the use of dietary regimens, alternative medicine, meditation and other healing forms. Authentic hope is a powerful ally, but false hope as a recent article published in the West Australian suggests, provides More Hype than Hope. Dr Crews contributed to that media piece. If asked about buying a product in a store – do we accept being lied to about its efficacy? In cancer the stakes are high-do we want lies or truth? The search for truth in healing stories is imperative for patients whose lives really depend upon it. Learn more at www.gracegawlermedia.com

    Special Encore Presentation: How our immune System Fights Cancer: Knowledge to Help you Navigate the Cancer Maze

    Special Encore Presentation: How our immune System Fights Cancer: Knowledge to Help you Navigate the Cancer Maze
    My guest on Navigating the cancer Maze this week is Prof Dr. Jérôme Galon, Research Director at INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research) & leader of the INSERM Integrative Cancer Immunology laboratory, at the Cordeliers Research Centre. His current interests & major contributions concern basic & translational research in cancer immunology, using systems biology. His laboratory has made some ground-breaking findings demonstrating that the adaptive immune response within a tumor was a better predictor of survival than traditional staging based on the size and spread of a tumor.The new wave of immunotherapies reflects what has been known for some time; that the answer to cancer is in you! But it is not that simple. Our immune system is complex and intricate & as science unravels its mysteries, we are developing new understandings of how the immune system can be captured & recruited in the laboratory; retrained and returned to you the patient! www.gracegawlermedia.com

    Learning the Art of Survivorship | How to Navigate the Cancer Maze

    Learning the Art of Survivorship | How to Navigate the Cancer Maze
    The aim of today’s show is to help you find a path through the cancer maze by learning how to become an exceptional patient with the possibility of living through and beyond cancer. Like many of life’s major crisis events, cancer is a daunting prospect. In order to survive and thrive; a cancer diagnosis requires you to learn & develop a new skill set; a new way of prioritizing self, time to deal with the trauma of diagnosis and what it might mean for you in terms of accepting change, being adaptable and flexible. Decisions can feel overwhelming because your life depends upon those decisions & the consequences of making them. There is an immediate need to focus, plan, question, set goals, prepare for setbacks etc. Whether or not you are first time cancer patient or dealing with a second or third recurrence, if you have been battling on your own – there can still be much to learn. http://www.gracegawlerinstitute.com/survivor-training/ and www.gracegawlermedia.com

    Special Encore Presentation: Navigating the Medical Imaging Maze - What scan should I have?

    Special Encore Presentation: Navigating the Medical Imaging Maze - What scan should I have?
    Dr Nevil Chimon researches and develops radio tracers for medical imaging. The science, processes & advances of imaging techniques, & the radio-pharmaceuticals that magically make our inner parts visible to doctors for more accurate diagnosis; is the topic for today's Navigating the Cancer Maze. Dr Nevil Chimon shares his passion and invaluable information for cancer patients about the different types of cancer & the best medical imaging to assist diagnosis. This is information that you need to know! All patients become intimately involved with the process of cancer imaging, & the relationship often lasts for 5 or more years. Listen to Dr Chimon talk about medical imaging. He is a medical science graduate of UCLAN, BSc (Hons), Manchester University, MSc and NUS, PhD, with Post-Doctoral training in Molecular Imaging & Radiochemistry completed at the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research & Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre, UK. Follow my BLOG for more info www.gracegawlermedia.com

    Special Encore Presentation of How to Navigate the Cancer Maze with the Help of your General Practitioner: Cancer Practice and Emotional Support

    Special Encore Presentation of How to Navigate the Cancer Maze with the Help of your General Practitioner: Cancer Practice and Emotional Support
    Dr Bruce Whelan is a specialist GP who has been in practice for 45 years. A previous guest on the show, episode titled ‘Spinning Gold from Straw: How trauma transformed a Doctor’s Life and Practice’; today I will be asking him about his role as a GP working with cancer patients. The role of the GP is ever-changing; once the family doctor who made house calls and knew the names of all of a patient’s family members, the GP's role has morphed into rapid delivery medicine with crowded waiting rooms and time constraints. However, there is a new and emerging role for GP’s in cancer and supportive care medicine. The need is great for patients and families and a new model of care is timely. A graduate of the University of Queensland School of Medicine-1967, Dr Bruce Whelan has been in general practice since 1971. He also specializes in pain management, so I will be specifically asking him about tips for pain management for cancer patients. Learn more at gracegawlermedia.com

    Special Encore Presentation: Special Encore Presentation: Navigating the Brain Cancer Maze| Promising Results From World-First Brain Cancer Trials

    Special Encore Presentation: Special Encore Presentation: Navigating the Brain Cancer Maze| Promising Results From World-First Brain Cancer Trials
    Today I will be interviewing Professor Rajiv Khanna a leading researcher at The QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia; a world progressive translational research institute focused on cancer, infectious diseases, mental health and a range of complex diseases. Professor Khanna has been researching immunotherapies & has had a major breakthrough in the treatment of the aggressive brain cancer Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). Professor Khanna developed a technique to modify the patients’ T-cells in the laboratory, effectively “train” them to attack the virus, and then return them to the patient’s body. When the killer T-cells destroyed the virus, they also destroyed the cancer. “It’s becoming increasingly clear that immunotherapy - manipulating a person’s own immune system – is a rich new frontier for cancer treatment,” Professor Khanna said. Be informed about the answer to cancer. Support Immunotherapy week. More info www.qimrberghofer.edu.au & gracegawlermedia.com

    Navigating the Cancer Maze | i am the answer to cancer |Cancer Immunotherapy

    Navigating the Cancer Maze | i am the answer to cancer |Cancer Immunotherapy
    Last weeks interview with Prof Brendon Coventry has ignited patients' interests in immune therapies. There is a shift occurring in cancer therapies and this requires new knowledge and integration of how immune therapy can be used as a part of a cancer treatment program. So today I am presenting a previous interview with Jill O’Donnell-Tormey, PhD from Cancer Research Institute (CRI). Where is the answer to cancer? The answer is 'i am the answer to cancer' because my immune system has the answer. CRI is a non-profit organization founded in 1953 & today’s global leader in supporting & coordinating research aimed at harnessing the immune system’s power to conquer all cancers. Jill will explain immunotherapy & its value to cancer patients as well as the different types of cancer immunotherapy available. There will be patient stories & an exploration of the very latest in immunotherapy. More at: www.gracegawlermedia.com http://www.theanswertocancer.org/news-about-cancer-immunotherapy

    Navigating the Melanoma Maze with Professor Brendon Coventry

    Navigating the Melanoma Maze with Professor Brendon Coventry
    Like many advanced cancers, advanced Melanoma is renowned to be refractory to treatments. On today's show, my guest Professor Brendon Coventry, an Adelaide-based oncology surgeon suggests there may be another way. With a special interest in Melanoma Surgery, he is also a researcher whose interests include anti-tumour immune response in human malignancies, tumour Immunology and cancer vaccine treatments. Results of Prof Coventry et al research paper, pub 2014 titled “Vaccinia Melanoma Cell Lysate Vaccine (VMCL) Trial for treatment of advanced Stage IV Melanoma with and without Chemotherapy”, in collaboration with Professor Peter Hersey; captured the attention of medical and scientific community. Trial conclusions reported “relatively high complete response rates, useful clinical responses & long term survival with little toxicity”. Prof Coventry with colleague Martin Ashdown, has an active interest in timing of therapy in association with cancer vaccines www.gracegawlermedia.com

    Can Fibre Diffraction Diagnosis Detect Cancer Years Before its Onset | Yes says Professor Veronica James

    Can Fibre Diffraction Diagnosis Detect Cancer Years Before its Onset | Yes says Professor Veronica James
    Can cancer be detected long before the process of a mammogram or PSA test? According to Physicist, Professor Veronica James who has devoted her life to Scientific Research; the answer is YES! She has worked on breast cancer since the 1980s & developed Fibre Diffraction Diagnosis, a method to detect cancer using x-rays of nail clippings, hair or skin. An unusual concept; but this almost 80 year old Australian scientist has the science and credibility to back up her research results. In Addition to this interview, visit my blog, gracegawlermedia.com & the Guest Page for visual & scientific proof of Prof James' research. Despite her credentials, she has had to fight tremendous battles to assert her innovative research findings in scientific circles. Her contribution to early detection of cancer is phenomenal. Semi retired, she is presently Adjunct Professor, Research School of Chemistry ANU & wishes to continue cancer research to further develop her methods to help humanity.

    Special Encore Presentation: From Cancer Good Things Grow - A Survivor's Story

    Special Encore Presentation: From Cancer Good Things Grow - A Survivor's Story
    Jeffrey Deslandes has authored a book about his recovery from cancer. He was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma Stage IV with bone marrow infiltration in 1999. With treatments, he subsequently relapsed 4 times. After his last relapse in 2006, Jeffrey started looking for emerging therapies. He learned of an experimental treatment involving a personalised vaccine protocol. It is now feasible to have something good—a personalised cancer vaccine—created from something bad—your cancer. This one-of-a-kind vaccine re-educated his immune system so that it could identify and destroy his cancer. His is an inspiring, positive, and true story about surviving cancer—and the things it teaches you. You grow as a person. You learn what is really important in life. You discover who your true friends are. A not to be missed episode! Visit - www.gracegawlermedia.com for more and also the URL where you can purchase From Cancer Good Things Grow. ALL proceeds go to further cancer vaccine research.

    Cancer Doesn't Stop for Christmas | Dealing with the Challenges

    Cancer Doesn't Stop for Christmas | Dealing with the Challenges
    With Christmas fast approaching, today I will be talking about my beginnings in cancer recovery just before Christmas in 1974. I will also be discussing key issues for cancer patients that have been highlighted by our guests on Navigating the Cancer Maze throughout 2014; a year of challenges and excitements in the Global Cancer Community. For those following the 'Wellness Warrior' concept of cancer recovery, there are many lessons to be shared. The aim of this show is to educate patients about the many winding & misleading paths within the cancer maze. While for some this is a happy time of year - for others Christmas and New Year celebrations can be very a difficult & emotional time for those currently dealing with life challenging illness, including patients' families. Also challenging is the person who may be missing from this year's Christmas table. There will be tips on how you can cope & what you can do during the holiday period for resources: gracegawlermedia.com

    From Cancer Good Things Grow - A Survivor's Story

    From Cancer Good Things Grow - A Survivor's Story
    Jeffrey Deslandes has authored a book about his recovery from cancer. He was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma Stage IV with bone marrow infiltration in 1999. With treatments, he subsequently relapsed 4 times. After his last relapse in 2006, Jeffrey started looking for emerging therapies. He learned of an experimental treatment involving a personalised vaccine protocol. It is now feasible to have something good—a personalised cancer vaccine—created from something bad—your cancer. This one-of-a-kind vaccine re-educated his immune system so that it could identify and destroy his cancer. His is an inspiring, positive, and true story about surviving cancer—and the things it teaches you. You grow as a person. You learn what is really important in life. You discover who your true friends are. A not to be missed episode! Visit - www.gracegawlermedia.com for more and also the URL where you can purchase From Cancer Good Things Grow. ALL proceeds go to further cancer vaccine research.

    Options, Choices and Treatments for Cancer Recovery

    Options, Choices and Treatments for Cancer Recovery
    At Navigating the Cancer maze we recently celebrated our shows second year. During this time we have had some amazingly talented scientists, researchers, oncologists & doctors as well as successful doctors and incredible caregivers on the show. However, our most popular shows indicate that the Cancer Community is clearly interested in learning more about the immune system and how the new cancer immune therapies can help them. In particular, our most recent show about the immune cycle presented by Martin Ashdown, has generated a lot of interest and even more questions from patients around the world who want to know and understand more about their inbuilt immune cycle. Today I will share how you can get better responses from cancer treatments as well as helping you to assemble your 21st century Cancer Recovery Toolkit. Knowledge of how to apply the immune cycle will value add & help you effectively Navigate Your Cancer Maze. Learn More www.gracegawlermedia.com

    Navigating the Medical Imaging Maze - What scan should I have?

    Navigating the Medical Imaging Maze - What scan should I have?
    Dr Nevil Chimon researches and develops radio tracers for medical imaging. The science, processes & advances of imaging techniques, & the radio-pharmaceuticals that magically make our inner parts visible to doctors for more accurate diagnosis; is the topic for today's Navigating the Cancer Maze. Dr Nevil Chimon shares his passion and invaluable information for cancer patients about the different types of cancer & the best medical imaging to assist diagnosis. This is information that you need to know! All patients become intimately involved with the process of cancer imaging, & the relationship often lasts for 5 or more years. Listen to Dr Chimon talk about medical imaging. He is a medical science graduate of UCLAN, BSc (Hons), Manchester University, MSc and NUS, PhD, with Post-Doctoral training in Molecular Imaging & Radiochemistry completed at the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research & Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre, UK. Follow my BLOG for more info www.gracegawlermedia.com

    An Answer to Cancer - How Your Immune Body-Clock can assist Complete Remission

    An Answer to Cancer - How Your Immune Body-Clock can assist Complete Remission
    Today's show is an encore edition of my interview with Martin Ashdown. If you listened to last week's show, I encourage you to listen again--carefully. If you are a first time listener, you are about to discover one of the most important contributions to cancer medicine in decades! Please visit or JOIN to follow my BLOG www.gracegawlermedia.com for resources and more info about how to apply this significant breakthrough. Just Imagine the possibilities - knowledge of your immune cycle and then timed treatment, making a positive impact on outcome. Surely the ultimate aim of good cancer medicine is Complete Remission? (CR). Early diagnosis helps beat cancer, but what if cancer is advanced? Is timing of treatment the key, the missing link? Did you know that timing of treatment for efficacy can also be applied to Surgery, Radiation, Cyberknife as well as other treatments! Learn how to add this significant breakthrough to your anti-cancer toolkit. It's a simple test!

    An Answer to Cancer - How Your Immune Body-Clock can assist Complete Remission

    An Answer to Cancer - How Your Immune Body-Clock can assist Complete Remission
    Could timing of cancer treatments be the missing link in delivery of cancer therapies? Sounds too simple to be true? Two cancer researchers Martin Ashdown & Brendon Coventry are immunological explorers who not only unearthed a buried treasure; but they have also created a map for other innovative cancer explorers to follow. The treasure is a cancer drug used for more than 20 years that is now providing oncologists with new information about how to best help patients achieve complete remission. The drug called interleukin-2, is providing cancer researchers with something akin to how the Rosetta Stone was used to unlock historical script; the outcome; mapping the immune cycle! Join me with guest Martin Ashdown on Navigating the Cancer Maze to hear the story of this amazing breakthrough. Learn how you can access info about your immune cycle to assist cancer treatment efficacy. Please visit and join my blog for further info & resources from today's show www.gracegawlermedia.com

    What you Need to Know to Safely Navigate the Complementrary Medicine Maze

    What you Need to Know to Safely Navigate the Complementrary Medicine Maze
    With 30 years experience as a botanical medicine practitioner, I know that complementary medicines are very popular with cancer patients. Some believe they are an alternative to conventional medicine, rather than a complement or adjunct to other treatments. Patients tend not disclose natural medicines they are taking when seeing their oncologist. Some oncologists don't ask. Some patients take an each way bet and use both conventional and natural medicines, but in most cases; they will likely never tell their doctor what they are doing. Why? Because they expect a prejudiced attitude, either ridiculing their choice or telling them to stop everything else they are taking or doing that is not considered real medicine. Herein lies an enormous modern-day dilemma because many alternative & complementary medicines are indeed REAL medicines with active phytochemical contents. I will share info re Curcumin as a medicine for cancer patients. Learn more & follow my blogs gracegawlermedia.com

    Why you Need an Experienced Guide to Help you Navigate the Cancer Maze

    Why you Need an Experienced Guide to Help you Navigate the Cancer Maze
    An experienced cancer guide with a best of both worlds approach to cancer is becoming more and more essential in the escalating world of cancer information overload. While clearly patients want to be in charge & empowered when it comes to choosing cancer treatments, much of the knowledge being filtered to them is misleading; some just outright untruthful. But many patients have lost trust in the medical profession’s approach and treatment of cancer. Accordingly, this has created a void in the system which has been readily filled by pseudo-science & magic promises of “cures” that don’t deliver. Time is precious for all patients but for some, a wrong path taken while navigating the maze, can have devastating consequences. How can patients be discerning & use a best of both worlds approach? Today we look at survival strategies & how patients can learn to embrace an intelligent and reliable survival strategy . Join my weekly blog for reliable cancer info at www.gracegawlermedia.com