
    AUDACITY With Letisha Bereola

    AUDACITY is more than just a podcast. It's your personal corner of the world where you can supercharge your faith, find motivation, and take action toward the vision in your heart. In each episode, Letisha Bereola, CEO of Paradigm Media Group (a podcast development and Production company) and former EMMY nominated News Anchor, uncovers the pockets of fearlessness within you and shows you how to ignite your God-given destiny. From practical advice to spiritual guidance, AUDACITY is your go-to resource for pushing past your limits and stepping into the extraordinary life you were destined to have. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a career-driven go-getter, or simply a woman with a burning desire for more, AUDACITY will empower you to overcome obstacles, embrace your true potential, and create the life you've always envisioned. Letisha left her successful TV news career to chart her own path in media. It took AUDACITY to do it and faith to pursue it. Join her as she chronicles her journey and invites you along with her.
    enLetisha Bereola77 Episodes

    Episodes (77)

    A Prayer For You

    A Prayer For You

    In this mini-episode, Letisha airs a GLOWY devotional for her podcast listeners. She's inspired by Numbers 6 and prays for blessing, favor and protection for everyone under the sound of her voice. Don't skip- Get your blessing! 


    Subscribe to GLOWY Audio Devotionals here. 

    Faith Beyond Familiarity: Breaking Free from Your Comfort Zone

    Faith Beyond Familiarity: Breaking Free from Your Comfort Zone

     Letisha invites you to venture beyond the familiar and embrace an extraordinary life outside of your comfort zone. In this episode, you'll confront the barriers that keep you comfortable and explore what it would look like to live a life beyond limiting beliefs and the status quo.


    Join Letisha's newsletter and receive a bonus episode, when Disruption Is Really Divine Design. 


    Ready to take your faith walk to the next level? Learn more about GLOWY Audio Devotionals here. 

    Reset Your Faith: Get Out Of A Rut & Back In Rhythm

    Reset Your Faith: Get Out Of A Rut & Back In Rhythm

    In this brief yet powerful podcast episode, we delve into the universal experience of feeling stagnant and disconnected from our faith. Letisha speaks directly to listeners who may have found themselves off course, reassuring them that they are not alone in experiencing moments of doubt and distance from God. Drawing from personal experiences and reflections, the episode emphasizes the unwavering love and kindness of God, who eagerly awaits our return.


    Want to join Letisha's email list? Grab a free bonus podcast episode and you're in!

    Subscribe to GLOWY Audio Devotionals.

    The Beauty of Disconnect: Finding God in the Quiet

    The Beauty of Disconnect: Finding God in the Quiet

    In this episode, Letisha explores the allure of living an inward life, disconnected from the noise of social media and cultural trends. The discussion delves into the desire for intimacy with God and the challenge of navigating distractions in today's hyperconnected world. Drawing inspiration from Heidi Baker's insights, the episode reflects on the call to go deeper and embrace a quieter, more contemplative existence.


    • Introduction: The fascination with individuals living disconnected from social media and cultural trends.
    • Reflecting on genuine experiences versus online validation.
    • Exploring the desire for intimacy with God and the call to deeper spiritual connection.
    • Examining personal habits and the overwhelming influx of information in daily life.
    • Discussion on the addictive nature of social media platforms like TikTok.
    • Reading excerpts from Heidi Baker's book "Birthing the Miraculous" and the invitation to go low and deepen one's relationship with God.

    Conclusion: Embracing silence, disconnecting from the noise, and finding true life in the presence of God.


    Subscribe to GLOWY Devotionals

    Join Letisha's Email List & Receive a Free Gift:    When Disruption is Really Divine Design

    Heidi Baker's Book Birthing The Miraculous 

    Crafting Our Legacy: The Story of Our Lives

    Crafting Our Legacy: The Story of Our Lives

    The power of storytelling can be leveraged by all of us, in fact, some of us are called to tell our stories in a meaningful way. Have you felt the nudge to share more of your life's lessons with the world? It's time. 

    In this episode, Letisha makes the case for why all of us should be considering our legacies as we are creating them, and to go a step further and tell our stories as a force for good. 


    Sign up for GLOWY Here.

    Get on Letisha' email list and grab a private, in-depth podcast about disruption here. 


    Follow Letisha on IG: @Letishabereola 

    Bonus: Listen to a GLOWY Audio Devotional

    Bonus: Listen to a GLOWY Audio Devotional

    Before Letisha breaks for the holiday season, she is giving you a full GLOWY audio devotional. Come back to this episode during your quiet time or if you want to listen to a calming, faith-based devotional while you're moving throughout the day.


    Set aside time to get grounded and connect with God in under 10 minutes and come out glowing. 

    What to subscribe to GLOWY audio devotionals? You'll get a new devo every week dropped right into your favorite podcast app for $7.99/month. 

    Sign up here.   

    Connect with Letisha on Instagram: @Letishabereola 

    Chronicles of Glory: A Decade-Long Journey into Purpose

    Chronicles of Glory: A Decade-Long Journey into Purpose

    Join Letisha as she dives into an entry in a decade-old journal and unearths a recurring theme in her life. In this episode, she explores a yearning for purpose and divine calling, dating back to when she first found God and has roots in childhood trauma.


    Letisha reflects on the pursuit of glory, the pitfalls of purpose-driven thinking, and the revelation that, above all, the greatest glory lies in the boundless love of God.


    Connect with Letisha:

    IG: @LetishaBereola

    Become a GLOWY Subscriber here. 

    Get Specific: Set your 2024 Goals Up for Success

    Get Specific: Set your 2024 Goals Up for Success

    Join us in this episode as Letisha opens up about her struggles with goal-setting and the transformative changes she's making in 2024. Learn firsthand how she's pivoting towards specificity and measurability, unlocking a new chapter in her journey toward living out her God-given purpose.


    Tune in for valuable insights and actionable tips on redefining your own goal-setting approach.

    Follow Letisha on IG: @letishabereola

    Subscribe to GLOWY Devotionals

    Bonus: The Inside Story of My Faith-Driven Business Leap

    Bonus:  The Inside Story of My Faith-Driven Business Leap

    Letisha's business releases what she calls her "most important work yet," and she's feeling ALL the things about its release. Only in this bonus episode you'll hear the details behind what propelled her to finally work on a production of her own (hint: she got burned) and how she's pushing through negative self-talk and committing to her God-given vision.


    Become a GLOWY Devotional subscriber here.

    Say hi to Letisha on Insta: @LetishaBereola 

    Have an inquiry? Send an email to info@letishabereola.co

    The Ripple Effect of Thankfulness

    The Ripple Effect of Thankfulness

     According to Oprah, it's the quickest, easiest, most powerful way to effect change in your life.  Gratitude.

    Letisha shares how she pulled herself out of a tough moment through the simple act of thankfulness and how you can also turn things around for yourself. 


    IG: @Letishabereola

    Email: media@paradigmmediagroup.co

    Never Quit: The Inspiring Gems In Sly Stallone's Hollywood Story

    Never Quit: The Inspiring Gems In Sly Stallone's Hollywood Story

    We know about the awe-inspiring story of Rocky Balboa, but what about the man behind the movie? Letisha draws poignant parallels between Sly's struggles and the universal quest for dreams, inspiring listeners to embrace challenges with Rocky-like tenacity. 


    Connect with Letisha:

    IG: @Letishabereola

    FB: GLOWY: A Free Facebook Group For Modern Christian Woman

    Email: Info@letishabereola.co

    A Guide to Unearthing Your Calling: The Pathway to Meaningful Work

    A Guide to Unearthing Your Calling: The Pathway to Meaningful Work

    In this episode of AUDACITY, Letisha embarks on a journey of self-discovery to help you uncover your calling in this season of life. She crafted a set of thought-provoking questions that will guide you in this exploration. What keeps coming back to you? What feels like it never truly dies but takes on new life when you pay attention? We'll delve into what your friends wouldn't be surprised to see you doing and the activities that make you feel complete and help lead you to your God-given calling and a more fulfilling life. 


    Connect with Letisha:

    IG: @LetishaBereola

    Join GLOWY Group, a free Facebook community for modern-day Christian Women. 

    Rethinking Ambition & Stepping Into Anointing

    Rethinking Ambition & Stepping Into Anointing

    What would happen if we stopped letting ambition drive our career and started letting our anointing take the lead? Letisha shares how she's trying to shed her ambitious identity and step into a new, more powerful version of herself. 


    Connect with Letisha:

    IG: @letishabereola

    Bookings: Info@letishabereola.co

    A Journey Through the Seasons: Navigating the Complexity of Relationships with Elise Roberts

    A Journey Through the Seasons: Navigating the Complexity of Relationships with Elise Roberts

    In this episode of the AUDACITY podcast, Letisha interviews Elise Roberts, the Executive Producer of News & Programming for theGrio, a division of Allen Media Group, as they dive deep into the importance of intentionality in maintaining relationships, whether they be with family, friends, peers, or colleagues. 

    Here are some key insights to take with you after listening to this episode: 

    • Evaluate and re-evaluate relationships, both old and new. Be mindful of reciprocity, consider the efforts you’ve made in being intentional with your friendship, and set boundaries to foster healthy relationships and workplace dynamics
    • Navigate changing seasons with courage, self-awareness, and honesty. Take stock of who you are as a a relative, a friend, or an employer/employee, and discover where each role begins and ends. 
    • Face difficult conversations head-on and learn how to accept the outcome with no ill will and with compassion, not only for the other party but for yourself as well. 

    Guest Bio:

    Elise Roberts is the Executive Producer of News & Programming for theGrio, a division of Allen Media Group. Currently, she oversees several hours of programming for theGrio with Eboni K. Williams, theGrio Weekly with Natasha Alford and The Hill with April Ryan.

    Connect with Elise: 

    LinkedIn: Elise Roberts

    IG: @EliseRobertsTV

    Connect with Letisha:

    LinkedIn: Letisha Bereola


    Bookings: info@letishabereola.co

    AUDACITY With Letisha Bereola
    enSeptember 29, 2023

    Breaking Barriers With Minnesota Twins Executive Meka Morris

    Breaking Barriers With Minnesota Twins Executive Meka Morris


    In this episode of the AUDACITY podcast, Letisha interviews Meka Morris, a leader and beacon of boldness, in a powerhouse conversation about breaking barriers. Meka’s audacious spirit is an inspiring demonstration of the transformative power of diversity in leadership and redefinition of traditional narratives. 

    Take these inspiring insights after listening to this episode: 

    • Being audacious means being willing to do what hasn’t been done and leaning in when others are leaning out, being bold when others refuse to be, even if it requires some personal sacrifices along the way. 
    • Find strength in the presence of other black women in the room and give yourself grace for being one of them, for being able to get things done. 
    • Changing the world includes taking stock of what you do and have done despite any and all limiting circumstances and recognizing it. Be intentional with how you take care of yourself, because a refueled you means more capacity to make an impact.
    • Stay unapologetic and do not lose optimism. Welcome foreign experiences and treat them as opportunities to create space for other people of color. 


    Meka Morris, who joined the Minnesota Twins as the club’s first-ever Senior Vice President & Chief Revenue Officer in August of 2021, was elevated to Executive Vice President, Chief Business Officer in November of 2022. In her role, Morris leads the organization’s collaborative efforts to drive continued business growth and development, with a specific focus on the exploration and optimization of potential new and evolving revenue streams.

    Connect with Meka: 

    Instagram: @mekamorris

    Connect with Letisha:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/letisha-bereola-53051730

    Instagram: @letishabereola

    Bookings: info@letishabereola.co


    AUDACITY With Letisha Bereola
    enSeptember 22, 2023

    Embracing Discomfort: The Path to Growth and Fulfillment

    Embracing Discomfort: The Path to Growth and Fulfillment


    -Discussion about being in a season of exciting projects and feeling on the verge of something great-

    -Acknowledgment of discomfort and challenge in important work- 

    -Comparison to CEOs who build in time for thinking and processing responsibility

    -Tension and discomfort due to stretching and growth

    -Connection to the quote about discomfort being a sign of growth 

    - Encouragement for those feeling discomfort to keep going

    - Emphasis on the journey to becoming the person one dreams of being

    AUDACITY With Letisha Bereola
    enSeptember 08, 2023