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    Anything for Love | Katie Grimes

    Anything for Love is the place to be as you're learning how to trust yourself more - whether you're running a business, falling in love, or pursing your wildest dreams. Join Katie Grimes, a trauma-informed Business Coach, as she shares the ups and downs of building an international coaching business while actively healing anxiety and perfectionism. You and I will some laughs whether it's just us or we're guests share their relatable stories of quieting the inner critic and following their hearts. Welcome to ANYTHING for love! It'd mean so much if you'd leave a review!
    enKatie Grimes204 Episodes

    Episodes (204)

    Clear The Money Fear With Kayla Licari Pt. 2

    Clear The Money Fear With Kayla Licari Pt. 2

    Who are you trying to prove yourself to by working yourself to death? 

    OR Are you trying to prove something by working so damn hard?

    Join Katie and Kayla as they unravel the second secret to having financial freedom. This episode is for you if you find yourself working through lunch, checking emails late at night or first thing in the morning, skipping meals, not finding time to exercise, not drinking much water, and barely having any fun. Explore real-life examples and insights from 2 recovering perfectionists to break free from these habits for more financial success and a healthier life. Plus, don't miss the exclusive somatic exercise and nervous system tools that will transform your relationship with money and your physical health. Ready to feel like you have PLENTY? Join the conversation now!


    Clear the Money Fear with Kayla Licari Pt. 1

    Clear the Money Fear with Kayla Licari Pt. 1

    Could you have hidden beliefs that are blocking you from financial freedom?

    Join Katie and Kayla on this 3-part series as they spill secrets to help you realize how much money dictates your life and that the fear of not having enough of it feeds your anxiety. You’ll love this episode if you’re searching for hope, financial freedom, and ways to feel excited about your life again. Sharing personal stories about the impact of financial stress on health and relationships, this chat is as real as it gets. Discover how understanding your true desires and self worth are the keys to wealth and freedom. Katie and Kayla have stories that will make you rethink your relationship with money and how you are structuring your life to work for you or against you. 

    Sex, Prozac & Money

    Sex, Prozac & Money
    The break is OVER! KG is back & ready to share everything you need to know to avoid her mistakes & create your own version of success.
    • the debt you don't want to take on as a business owner
    • going viral & hitting puberty at 40
    • dating, hiring & running a business
    Websites mentioned:

    Comparing Yourself to Others with Rhonda Sawchuk

    Comparing Yourself to Others with Rhonda Sawchuk
    Comparing yourself to others is so normal while also sooo frustrating.
    Nothing like a good ol' spiral down the IG wormhole to wonder why we aren't exactly where we want to be or wondering what we're doing wrong.
    New podcast dropped and my former client and friend, Rhonda talk about how to combat “comparing yourself to others” in love, life and running a coaching business. We talk a lot about LOVE in this episode, too! Enjoy!

    Turning your Passion into Profits with Elizabeth Amado

    Turning your Passion into Profits with Elizabeth Amado
    On the podcast this week, I share about turning your passion into a profitable business - from my decision to pause the recording the podcast to how I'm helping people find their purpose. 
    In the second half of the interview, you hear a past client, Elizabeth share her story about how she turned her passion of helping people figure out how to start a podcast and a business (based on what she calls their GLOW UP) and how she create a business that equally lights her up and at times, can stress her out.  We hold nothing back in this chat. 

    Passive Income - What you REALLY need to know with Kristen O'Neal

    Passive Income - What you REALLY need to know with Kristen O'Neal
    “Passive Income” is getting thrown around A LOT these days…how can I make money in my sleep? The ol' make money without working and it's BULLSH*T.
    On the podcast, we talk about exactly how to create passive income, which (spoiler alert) requires quite a bit of work. Kristen is the one I hired to help organize me and create passive income so I figured she'd be the BEST person to tell you EXACTLY how to create passive income…step-by-step.
    This podcast sounds more like a live coaching session where we spill secrets, give you advice and shortcuts to help you create mo' money!! Enjoy!

    Slower Season Focus

    Slower Season Focus
    “Slow down” was the most common phrases I'd hear at school, at work, etc. and I am NOT someone who likes to slow down. When we go mini golfing together…this will be VERY clear to you. heheh!
    But, in life there are periods where you will be forced to slow down (the year was 2020…and 2021) and you'll be encouraged to learn some lessons about yourself that you may or may not like.
    Which is why on the podcast this week, I talk about the 3 things I focus on whenever business and life slows down in the hopes it's inspires you to normalize and embrace the slower seasons of life. Let's dive in…

    Success + Anxiety

    Success + Anxiety
    “I'm not exactly where I want to be in life” - my date said to me as the car he was driving was driving himself.
    So I quoted Matt Rife (the comedian) and said, “You're in a car that's driving itself…I think you're doing alright for yourself.”
    Success and anxiety can go together like peanut butter & jelly (even if we don't want them to), which is why this week on Anything for Love, I'm sharing my experience with anxiety as I have had more success to normalize the feelings you may be feelin', too. More in this episode…

    Making Money in Your Coaching Business with Jen Reid

    Making Money in Your Coaching Business with Jen Reid
    Does it get any better than a "Wedding Crashers" gif to share that this week's podcast episode is about MAKING MONEY IN YOUR COACHING BUSINESS with Jen Reid?"
    We spill the beans on what you need to know about money as you're thinking about starting a business (we give you some ideas to get money to start it, too) and we share our own experiences with what to charge and how to make more money in your business (I learned that lesson the hard way). 
    You're going to be seeing wayyyy more conversations on the podcast, in my coaching programs and my Instagram about money because MONEY gives you the freedom to make choices in your life that some may call you crazy for and I just say, “add my to the invite list!”

    When They Can't Afford You

    When They Can't Afford You
    If I had a dollar for every person who said they can't afford to coach with me, I'd be rich! I'm talking about whether it was $100 to coach with me or $10,000.
    After coaching as many people as I have, I thought it was important to share why people buy in this week's podcast episode on Anything for Love. Especially, if you can wonder if the price it right or wonder who'll buy from you.

    $100K Relationship Coaching Business with Sarah Yudkin

    $100K Relationship Coaching Business with Sarah Yudkin
    Relationship Anxiety…have you heard of it before? Well, it's actually quite similar to the anxiety we can feel at work.
    My guest this week is a friend and past client, Sarah (the owner and founder of You Love & You Learn) who helps people, in healthy & loving relationships, stop the stay or go mentality that anxiety can cause.
    We talked about the lessons she has learned as she's been building her business over the past 3 years and had massive growth on Instagram and TikTok within her first year in business.  

    My $90K Mistake with Meg Gerber

    My $90K Mistake with Meg Gerber
    In 2021, I felt really tired and bloated. Not unusual for me, but enough that I thought to call my old functional dietician, Meg, who I had seen years ago when I learned I was allergic to dairy and gluten.
    What I later found out from Meg was that I had very serious infections (plural) in my gut and we had to treat them immediately (that insurance wouldn't cover).
    With Meg's coaching and guidance (she has a really gentle approach that also makes you pay attention), I was able to heal those infections, learn how to cook and start to manage my stress. 
    I didn't even realized I was stressed because I was so stressed - does that make sense? I took a year off from working with Meg to implement what I had learned and take a break from being so mindful of my stress only to find out that I became sick again (I am as I'm writing this to you)
    In this episode, I candidly share the struggles I have been facing, how important it is to recognize the toxic diet /work hard play hard culture we live in and how to slow down so you can speed up your success. 

    How I Made Over $450K on IG

    How I Made Over $450K on IG
    To think that I had $5K in savings in 2019 when I started my business and have since had people buy $450,000 is insane!!!
    That's not a long time at all, but damn, did I learn quickly about how important managing your money, clients expectations and the voices in my head that try to scream “imposter syndrome."
    My goal is to always have my clients achieve more money, faster success and more confidence in a shorter time than it took me. 
    So it felt fitting to surprise you all with a LIVE free training called: "Money Maker" and post it on the podcast for you to hear and share with friends.
    So, let's dive in to what I wish I knew then that I know now…about money and building an international coaching business so you can, too!

    Generating Consistent Income with Community with Emily Wiswell

    Generating Consistent Income with Community with Emily Wiswell
    Making money is the BIGGEST question I get asked and have asked my Business Coaches so it only felt right to talk about this week on the podcast. 
    I asked my client, Emily, owner and founder of the adult dance studio, Seacoast Stilettos about how she built her business. 
    When I first started coaching Emily she had moved her dance studio from “pop ups” at her friends house to an indoor dance studio, then to another friend's studio, and finally a dance studio she can call HOME!
    This was her goal the entire time we were coaching together and I thought, who better to talk about building a community & make consistent cash than Emily (specifically, because it took her time and support through coaching, friends, her community and a belief in herself to get to where she is today).
    Join us this week on the podcast as we talk about MONEY, honey…

    Your Life's Work with Chris Irwin

    Your Life's Work with Chris Irwin
    After interviewing Conor Murphy on the podcast last week about going all in, he suggested I have a chat with one of his best friends, Chris Irwin who normalizes anxiety and depression and how to use our minds to control the feelings we feel. 
    It's a powerful conversation and opened my eyes to my own struggles with anxiety and depression that creep in from time to time. 
    If you have anxiety or depression or have someone in your life who does, this is an episode you will not want to miss.
    Chris talks about this time in the military and the breakthroughs he had that led to him openly talking about mental health online to help other high-achievers and ultimately, led him to start his own company.
    This week on the podcast, Chris and I get real and raw about mental health and the breakdowns that lead to the breakthroughs.

    Therapy vs. Coaching

    Therapy vs. Coaching
    It is officially cool to talk about your feelings and handle uncomfortable situations with dignity and respect (not just the other person, but towards yourself, too.)
    Clients often come to me having gone to therapy, for years, with self-awareness that makes it clear they ARE and HAVE BEEN doing "the work."
    Yet, they may feel this uneasiness about wanting to know how to trust themselves more when it comes to big decisions in life (like  building a successful business that gives them the freedom to travel or even be in a healthy, loving relationship with ease,)
    This week on the podcast,  you'll learn the difference between therapy and coaching to help you figure out which one you may be for you, right now. 



    Would you like to dive in deeper in a 1-1 chat with me? Let's book it, baby!

    Believing You're Worthy of Good Sh*t

    Believing You're Worthy of Good Sh*t

    Do you ever start to doubt if it’ll happen for you (falling in love, having success in your career, etc.)? So often, I hear from people who are starting businesses or even a romantic relationship that they question if it’ll happen for them. 


    And if we’re not careful, we can make THAT come true vs what we actually want to happen. 


    For years, I’ve been studying this idea of believing that you are worthy of getting all the good shit that you want. And I’m here to encourage you to do everything possible to believe that you are worthy of running a successful business (and life).





    Sign up for a private 1-1 session:

    • Business Breakthrough Session (60 minutes)

    A private session to help you feel more confident as you’re growing your coaching business