
    Alliance Bible Church - Mequon, Wisconsin

    Captivating generations with the satisfying gospel of Jesus Christ.
    enAlliance Bible Church397 Episodes

    Episodes (397)

    The Gospel From All Angles - Part 4

    The Gospel From All Angles - Part 4

    Red skin. Horns. Pitchfork. What comes to mind? Most likely you thought of the devil. But is this how he is described in the Bible? And how exactly does he operate? Why would God even create him in the first place? Join us as we look at another facet of the glorious gospel!

    1) The dawn of Satan
    2) The domain of Satan
    3) The defeat of Satan

    Text: Genesis 3:15, Hebrews 2:14, 1 John 3:8

    The Book About Everything - Part 10

    The Book About Everything - Part 10

    In a book dedicated to promoting the holiness of God's people, did you ever think one of the topics Paul would bring up is "marital intimacy?" Even this part of our lives needs to be done God's way. Join us as we continue our "sub-series" on the Christian sex ethic.

    The Christian sex ethic is...
    1) Anti-ascetic
    2) Anti-hedonistic
    3) Mutually self-giving

    Text: 1 Corinthians 7:1-7

    The Book About Everything - Part 9

    The Book About Everything - Part 9

    In this message, we begin a "sub-series" on the Christian sex ethic. What is sexual immorality? How do we glorify God in our bodies? It's a thousand piece jig-saw puzzle we'll start assembling.

    How do we glorify God with our bodies in a sexually disordered world?
    1) Question the prevailing winds
    2) Know your enemy
    3) Give your body an upgrade

    Text: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

    The Book About Everything - Part 8

    The Book About Everything - Part 8

    "I think we are too ready today to see vindication or vengeance through adversary proceedings, rather than peace through mediation... Good Christians, just as they are slow to anger, should be slow to sue." - Antonin Scalia

    This is a good summary of the apostle Paul's teaching in 1 Corinthians 6. Join us as we resume our series, "The Book About Everything."

    Three important principles for the church to faithfully live out when it comes to settling personal grievances:
    1) Keep it in-house
    2) Reenact the gospel
    3) Value the church's witness 

    Text: 1 Corinthians 6:1-11

    Meet Jesus - Part 10

    Meet Jesus - Part 10

    "And they lived happily ever after."

    Why do so many fairy tales and children's stories end this way? God put that desire in us. We long for "happily ever after." We hope it's true. Someone is going to get an ending like that. Who? Join us to find out.

    Four blessings and four woes that together they function to:
    1) Comfort the disturbed
    2) Disturb the comfortable
    3) Forecast the great reversal

    Text: Luke 6:12-26

    Meet Jesus - Part 9

    Meet Jesus - Part 9

    What do you think will give you contentment? What will provide you the satisfaction you long for? The answer to that could be a lengthy list. But most, if not all, items on that list will disappoint in the end. We settle too easily for secondary things. So what won't disappoint? Join us and find out.

    Sabbath ("rest"):
    1) How to miss it
    2) Tastes of it
    3) How to get it in full

    Text: Luke 6:1-11

    Major Themes: Love

    Major Themes: Love

    When it comes to football, there is one key factor that distinguishes every player from a fan. While both might wear jerseys, know plays, love the team, watch films, recite stats, and more, only one of them steps onto the field and plays the game. It is a distinguishing quality. For a genuine Christian, there is also a distinguishing quality, and should be a major theme in the character of our church. Join us for the final message of the Major Themes series as we take a look at this key factor.

    1) The law of love.
    2) The ability to love.
    3) The need for love.

    Text: John 13:31-35

    The Carols of Christmas - Part 3

    The Carols of Christmas - Part 3

    Who is Parson Brown? What is figgy pudding? Why are we telling scary ghost stories? Some of our favorite Christmas tunes have strange language in them. When we sing a song like "O Holy Night", there shouldn't be any mystery as to what we are declaring. It contains the best news you'll ever hear.

    1) Feel the worth of the Savior
    2) Exhibit a unique community

    Text: Luke 2:1-20

    The Carols of Christmas - Part 2

    The Carols of Christmas - Part 2

    "Peace on earth" shows up on Christmas cards and wrapping paper, but if that's what Jesus was supposed to bring, how do we explain the bloodshed of the 20th century? And what does "veiled in flesh the godhead see" mean? Or what's up with this reference to "sun of righteousness?" "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" is a favorite of many, but its treasures are often hidden underneath unfamiliar lyrics. Join us as we learn from this beloved Christmas carol.

    1) Peace on earth and mercy mild/God and sinners reconciled
    2) Veiled in flesh the Godhead see/Hail the incarnate deity
    3) Son of righteousness/ris'n with healing in his wings

    Text: Luke 2:14; John 1:1,14; Malachi 4:1-2

    The Carols of Christmas - Part 1

    The Carols of Christmas - Part 1

    "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" is one of the oldest Christmas carols we sing, but have we ever understood what "ransom captive Israel" or "Dayspring" or "rod of Jesse" means? Join us as we familiarize ourselves with this hymn filled with hope for a bright future!

    1) Ransom captive Israel
    2) Dayspring
    3) Rod of Jesse

    Text: Isaiah 35; Luke 1:76-79; Isaiah 11:1-3

    Hot Topics: "Don't Judge Me!"

    Hot Topics: "Don't Judge Me!"

    Welcome to the ace of spades, diplomatic immunity, "it's none of your business what I do behind closed doors." The "do not judge, lest ye be judged" card gets played a lot. Who can argue the point? It's Scripture! But have we understood that biblical text correctly? Join us as we delve into this hot topic!

    1) The call to judge
    2) How to judge

    Text: Matthew 7:1-6

    The Gospel From All Angles - Part 3

    The Gospel From All Angles - Part 3

    When we consider the gospel, our minds don't tend to go to the Old Testament (and especially not to Abraham). However, we find that there is a relationship with Abraham and the gospel. In fact, it was preached to him! What is the connection between the blessing of Abraham and the person and work of Christ? Join us as we take a look at another angle of the gospel!

    3 Implications:
    1) The gospel is for all people
    2) The church is God's nation
    3) You will never be cut off

    Text: Genesis 12:1-3

    The Book About Everything - Part 7

    The Book About Everything - Part 7

    When you were born again, you were made part of the family of God; an adopted son or daughter. You now have the great privilege and calling to bear the family resemblance; to be like your heavenly Father. So how do we help each other with this? Join us as we think about three ways to maintain the holiness of the church.

    1) Communally
    2) Expulsively
    3) Repentantly

    Text: 1 Corinthians 5

    The Book About Everything - Part 6

    The Book About Everything - Part 6

    “I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.” —Alexander the Great

    “No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it.” —Andrew Carnegie

    “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” —Warren Bennis

    There's no shortage of perspectives on leadership. While we may be quick to quote the ear-candy of others on the topic, how many have really dug into what Scripture has to say about leadership? We'll explore four qualities of leaders who unify.

    Church leaders who unify are...
    1) Jesus-pleasers
    2) Biblically faithful
    3) Self-sacrificing
    4) Imitable

    Text: 1 Corinthians 4

    The Book About Everything - Part 5

    The Book About Everything - Part 5

    From childhood to adulthood, we're meant to grow out of some things and grow into other things. The same is true of the Christian life. We'll consider marks of "spiritual adulthood." Do you have them?

    1) Selfless contentment
    2) Modest view of church leaders
    3) Insistence on sound doctrine
    4) Reverence for the church

    Text: 1 Corinthians 3

    Major Themes: The Art of Following

    Major Themes: The Art of Following

    In the life of a local church, central themes begin to emerge and take shape over time. Whether it’s through theology, polity, or major events, these themes slowly rise to the surface and form the broad brush strokes of a church's identity. We’ll examine another major theme that the Scriptures prescribe for the church and how this good, yet challenging, theme drives us again to the true and final head of the church, Jesus Christ.

    1) Our Leaders
    2) Our Congregation

    Text: Hebrews 13:7-13

    The Book About Everything - Part 4

    The Book About Everything - Part 4

    If a church chooses to be a plain, simple, vanilla church that doesn't use trendy or attractive means to get people in the doors, like giving away two new cars each Sunday, how will they ever reach people? Join us to find out how it is the church has never had a problem reaching people.

    1) Don't be infatuated with the applause of a dying world.
    2) Pray for the supernatural work of the Spirit in a dying world.

    Text: 1 Corinthians 2:6-16