
All Things Divorce


18 Episodes

All Things Divorce will talk about, you guessed it, all things divorce. From crazy divorce stories to helpful family law insights from lawyers, mental health professionals, and other experts. This will be the podcast that leaves no divorce stone unturned. You will hear from the experts and you will hear from the gossips. Divorce is a difficult thing for people to go through. The majority of people go through their divorces without attorneys. This is the place to check in and get some insight on what will be happening during your divorce.Launi Sheldon is a semi-retired divorce attorney. After 18 years of family law litigation, Launi went into consulting. Why? Because divorce sucks. It's hard. It's hard for the litigants, it's hard for the attorneys, it's so hard for the kids, and honestly, it's hard for most judges. Check out Launi's websites at www.AllThingsDivorce.com and www.StrategicLegalServicesAZ.omSteve Sheldon, who will be a regularly featured guest, is a retired Maricopa County Superior Court Judge, whose last six years on the bench were in family law. Steve is now a well respected mediator, arbitrator and private judge . Check out Steve's website for more information. www.SteveSheldonLaw.comWe hope you love our podcast. If there are any subjects you think would be good for us to address, please feel free to reach out to us. We can't give legal advice, but we can generally discuss the subjects.

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Episodes (18)

Dr. Robert DiCarlo talks IFT - Intensive Family Transformations

Dr. Robert DiCarlo talks IFT - Intensive Family Transformations

All Things Divorce

Dr. Robert DiCarlo and Launi Sheldon talk about his new program Intensive Family Transformations.  IFT helps families with mild to moderate child resistance in families.  This was an interview I was really excited about, for so many reasons.  First, I'm a big fan of Dr. DiCarlo.  He's very well respected and a really nice man.I've also been seeing the abduction videos going around on social media about kids having to go to camps to reunify with abusive parents.  I wanted Dr. DiCarlo to share how their program is different.  IFT and Dr. DiCarlo do.  The IFT program includes the entire family. Listen and find out how this program is very different from those other programs.  You can reach out to Dr. DiCarlo through either of his websites. https://www.arizonafcp.com/https://www.iftaz.com/As alway, listening to this podcast does not create a doctor patient relationship or an attorney client privilege. This podcast is made for entertainment purposes only and not to provide legal advice. If you want to reach out to Launi Sheldon, you can reach her at:www.StrategicLegalServicesAZ.comhttps://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

July 20, 2023

Complex Divorce Fact Pattern commented on by Annette Burns and Nicole Stoutner

Complex Divorce Fact Pattern commented on by Annette Burns and Nicole Stoutner

All Things Divorce

Launi Sheldon created a complex divorce fact pattern and asked Annette Burns and Nicole Stoutner to address the issues. We ran out of time in this fact pattern because it was simply too complex. But we did touch on Orders of Protection, Domestic Violence, Special Needs Children, Spousal Maintenance, Exclusive Use of the Home, Right of First Refusal, and other issues. Check out our podcast for clarity in complex issues. You can reach Launi Sheldon @ www.StrategicLegalServicesAZ.comYou can reach Nicole Stoutner@ www.SheldonStounter.comYou can reach Annette Burns @www.HeyAnnette.comhttps://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

July 13, 2023

Forgiveness After Divorce - Dr. John Moran shares his expert advice on Forgiveness

Forgiveness After Divorce - Dr. John Moran shares his expert advice on Forgiveness

All Things Divorce

Launi Sheldon talks with Dr. John Moran about Forgiveness after divorce.  We know forgiveness is not easy. But Dr. Moran explains that you can't truly have peace in your life until you forgive.  He also explains what forgiveness is and what forgiveness is not. All Things Divorce Podcast Host, Launi Sheldon, talks with Dr. John Moran about how to forgive after divorce and the fact that forgiveness is necessary for you to have your own peace. Dr. Moran gives some tips on getting to forgiveness. Dr. Moran has authored and co-authored several books on child resist and refuse (commonly referred to as alienation).  He's been speaking about this topic for more than 20 years. Dr. Moran's BooksOvercoming The Alienation Crisis: 33 Coparenting solutions.https://amzn.to/3MJubKAOvercoming the Co-Parenting Trap: Essential Parenting Skills When a Child Resists A Parenthttps://amzn.to/3MJubKABook recommended by Dr. MoranForgiveness Is A ChoiceA Step-By-Step Process for Resolving Anger and Restoring Hopehttps://amzn.to/3ok1MBkHelpful websites recommended by Dr. John Moranhttp://www.evworthington-forgiveness.com/https://internationalforgiveness.com/https://fetzer.org/resources/resources-forgivenesshttps://www.theforgivenessproject.com/www.AllThingsDivorce.comwww.ProperComm.comwww.StrategicLegalServicesAZ.comhttps://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

May 20, 2023

Using Forensic Accountants in Divorce with Chris Gorman

Using Forensic Accountants in Divorce with Chris Gorman

All Things Divorce

Forensic Accountant, Chris Gorman, talks with All Things Divorce, Launi Sheldon about how to search for money, what to look for, what is considered community waste, and how to use bank statements and tax returns to find hidden money.  You can find Chris at:www.GCGAZ.comYou can find Launi at:www.StrategicLegalServicesAZ.comwww.ProperComm.comwww.AllThingsDivorce.comwww.SheldonStoutner.comhttps://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

April 28, 2023

Dan Riley Talks about QDROs - Qualified Domestic Relations Orders

Dan Riley Talks about QDROs - Qualified Domestic Relations Orders

All Things Divorce

Launi Sheldon talks with Dan Riley about QDRO - and some things to watch out for.  Dan is a certified family law specialist and also a certified QDRO Specialist.You can find Dan at:Riley Law Firm 112 N. Central Ave. Suite M07Phoenix, AZ 85004(602) 640-0719www.rileyplc.comhttps://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

April 15, 2023

Kaine Fisher talks with Launi Sheldon about Dividing and Valuing Assets

Kaine Fisher talks with Launi Sheldon about Dividing and Valuing Assets

All Things Divorce

All Things Divorce's Launi Sheldon speaks with Scottsdale, Arizona Family Law attorney Kaine Fisher about dividing assets before the final decree and valuing assets.Kaine Fisher can be reached at:www.RoseLawGroup.comLauni Sheldon can be reached at:www.StrategicLegalServicesAZ.comwww.ProperComm.comwww.AllThingsDivorce.comhttps://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

April 12, 2023

Court Appointed Advisor (CAA) Beth Garrow talks about her procedure and what she has the ability to do

Court Appointed Advisor (CAA) Beth Garrow talks about her procedure and what she has the ability to do

All Things Divorce

Beth Garrow talks with All Things Divorce's Launi Sheldon about being a Court Appointed Advisor.  Court Appointed Advisors are neutral advisors to the court.  Court Appointed Advisors are an affordable alternative to full custody evaluations and limited scope assessments.https://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

April 10, 2023

Why Mediation is often better than Litigation with Retired Judge Steve Sheldon

Why Mediation is often better than Litigation with Retired Judge Steve Sheldon

All Things Divorce

All Things Divorce Host, Launi Sheldon, talks with Retired Judge Steve Sheldon about why Mediations are often better than Litigation for divorcing couples. If you would like to learn more about or reach out to Retired Judge Steve Sheldon, check out his website below.www.SteveSheldonLaw.comIf you would like to learn more about or reach out to Launi Sheldon, check out her websites below.www.StrategicLegalServicesAZ.comwww.AllThingsDivorce.com (under construction)www.ProperComm.comwww.SheldonStoutner.comhttps://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

March 29, 2023

Managing Clients' Expectations During Divorce with Jennika McKusick

Managing Clients' Expectations During Divorce with Jennika McKusick

All Things Divorce

Host of ALL THINGS DIVORCE, Launi Sheldon, talks with Attorney Jennika McKusick about managing clients' expectations when they are going through a divorce. Divorce is hard and expectations may be too high.  Listen to hear Jennika talk about how to help manage expectations. You can reach out to Jennika McKusick or learn more about her through the website below.www.ComplexDivorceLaw.comYou can reach out to Launi Sheldon or learn more about her through her websites below.www.StrategicLegalServicesAZ.comwww.ALLTHINGSDIVORCE.com (under construction)www.ProperComm.comwww.SheldonStoutner.comhttps://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

March 29, 2023

Dividing Assets before Divorce and Valuing Assets - Kaine Fisher

Dividing Assets before Divorce and Valuing Assets - Kaine Fisher

All Things Divorce

Launi Sheldon, of All Things Divorce, talks with Kaine Fisher, Partner of Rose Law Group, about dividing assets before your divorce is final, and also talks about valuing assets. You can reach Kaine Fisher through the Rose Law Group website below.www.RoseLawGroup.comYou reach Launi Sheldon through one of her websites below.Launi@StrategicLegalServicesAZ.comwww.StrategicLegalServicesAZ.comwww.ProperComm.comwww.AllThingsDivorce.com (under construction)https://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

March 28, 2023

Online Resources for Divorce with Billie Tarascio of Modern Law

Online Resources for Divorce with Billie Tarascio of Modern Law

All Things Divorce

Launi Sheldon talks with Billie Tarascio, attorney, entrepreneur, and Founder of Modern Law, about the resources that are available online and how she created a really helpful Facebook page.For more about Billie, check out her website.  www.MyModernLaw.comFor more information about Launi Sheldon, check out her websites below.www.ProperComm.comwww.StrategicLegalServicesAZ.comwww.AllThingsDivorce.com (under construction)https://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

March 28, 2023

Greg Davis says you can sue your ex in Civil Court.

Greg Davis says you can sue your ex in Civil Court.

All Things Divorce

All Things Divorce's Launi Sheldon speaks with Arizona Attorney Greg Davis about how Family Law can intersect with Civil Law.   Are you the victim of a personal injury or a sexual assault at the hands of your ex . . . you may be able to file a civil suit simultaneously with your divorce. https://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

March 21, 2023

Greg Davis talks about How To Choose An Attorney

Greg Davis talks about How To Choose An Attorney

All Things Divorce

All Thing's Divorce's Launi Sheldon talks to Arizona Attorney Greg Davis about choosing an attorney that is right for you.  Different types of people need different types of attorneys.  Greg walks through the different types of attorneys to help potential litigants learn how to find someone who will meet their particular needs. https://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

March 21, 2023

Jennifer Mihalovich talks about Child Support in Arizona

Jennifer Mihalovich talks about Child Support in Arizona

All Things Divorce

Jennifer Mihalovich joins Launi Sheldon on ALL THINGS DIVORCE podcast to talk about the ins and outs of child support and answers questions that you may want to know.   Establishing child support, what child support is for, discussion of the guidelines, modifying child support, and deviating from the Arizona Child Support Calculator.  You can reach Jennifer at: https://www.arizonalawgroup.com/about-us/meet-our-attorneys/jennifer-mihalovich/www.AllThingsDivorce.comhttps://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

March 21, 2023

Preparing for Mediation with Launi Sheldon and Annette Burns

Preparing for Mediation with Launi Sheldon and Annette Burns

All Things Divorce

Annette Burns joins Launi Sheldon on the All Things Divorce Podcast to discuss preparing for mediation. In this podcast we discuss preparing clients for mediation and also discuss how attorneys can best prepare for mediation.  Annette shares her expertise about how attorneys should prepare for a successful mediation and also how to prepare your clients for a successful mediation.  Annette is a very skilled mediator, is regularly listed as a Top Attorney in Arizona, has been on Arizona Rules Committees, she is a wonderful mentor and friend.  (Seriously, Annette is the Rock Star of Arizona Lawyers.)As always, listening to our video does not create an attorney client relationship.  The information given is for general purposes and not specific to any one case. You can reach out to Annette via her website: www.HeyAnnette.comAnnette's book can be found at this link: https://amzn.to/3JJ2AaMAnnette has limited her practice to Mediation and Parenting Coordinator Work.https://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

March 16, 2023

Launi Sheldon speaks with her law partner Nicole Stoutner

Launi Sheldon speaks with her law partner Nicole Stoutner

All Things Divorce

Launi Sheldon and Nicole Stoutner are the owners of Sheldon & Stoutner.  Nicole talks about preparing for divorce.  What you should do if you are just thinking about divorce. As usual, listening to this podcast does not create an attorney client privilege. This podcast is intended for entertainment purposes only. Launi and Nicole are only licensed to practice in Arizona, however the information contained in this podcast may be useful for all jurisdictions.  Launi does prepare clients for custody evaluations, depositions, and trials nationwide.Nicole only practices in Arizona.  https://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

March 15, 2023

Launi Sheldon and Marlene Pontrelli talk about Healing From Divorce

Launi Sheldon and Marlene Pontrelli talk about Healing From Divorce

All Things Divorce

Launi Sheldon speaks with Marlene Pontrelli, about healing from divorce.Marlene Pontrelli. Marlene's contact information is https://www.dickinson-wright.com/our-people/marlene-a-pontrelli?tab=0Marlene is a Certified Specialist in Family Law at Dickenson Wright and an author of several books, including Daily Mediations for Healing From Divorce. Her practice focuses on all aspects of family law – from financial matters to custody matters and everything in between.  Besides her Healing form Divorce book, she has authored several divorce books which are on amazon. I will provide a link for all her books – She is licensed to practice in Arizona and California.  The information provided on this podcast is for entertainment purposes, Marlene is only licensed to practice law in Arizona and California. Listening to this Podcast does not create an attorney client relationship with either me or Marlene.https://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

March 09, 2023

Preparing for Divorce with Nicole Siqueiros-Stoutner

Preparing for Divorce with Nicole Siqueiros-Stoutner

All Things Divorce

Launi Sheldon talks with her partner, Nicole Siqueiros-Stoutner about what people can do if they are planning a divorce.  Divorce planning may sound cold, but we have never heard anyone say - Dang, I wish I hadn't planned for my divorce. In fact, quite the opposite is true.  There are things you can plan for in order to make sure you don't get screwed.  https://www.allthingsdivorce.com/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKpwIpSrIOUH1sm-tnk2hw

March 09, 2023

All Things Divorce

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