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    Acquisition Meditations w/ Charlie Morgan

    Welcome to Acquisition Meditations! 

    The majority of you that have stumbled across this podcast probably view client acquisition as a major bottleneck. 

    It's safe to say that after scaling 2 business to 7 figures, client acquisition is something that hasn't been a problem for myself for a very long time. 

    This podcast is all about how to eliminate client acquisition as a bottleneck, sign more clients, make more money & have a ton of fun doing so. 

    In the past 4 years, I've signed well over 1000+  B2B clients across my marketing & consulting agency & in this podcast, I am going to teach you how I did it & how you can do the exact same. 


    To Your Success, 
    Charlie Morgan 

    P.S. Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@charliemofficial

    en-usCharlie Morgan268 Episodes

    Episodes (268)

    266. I made 'no effort' vids for 30 days & got 30k new subs lmao

    266. I made 'no effort' vids for 30 days & got 30k new subs lmao

    Hello agency owners, coaches & consultants,

    In the past 30 days, I generated 30,000 new subscribers from producing videos that took little to no effort whatsoever.

    In this podcast, I’m going to share how exactly I've done that.

    I hope you find it helpful :)

    265. How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind For Wealth & Success

    265. How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind For Wealth & Success

    Your mind is your greatest asset when you are starting out in business. 

    Unfortunately, most people do not understand this & let their minds go to waste. 

    When used correctly, your mind can attract anything & everything you’ve ever wanted in this life. 

    In this podcast, I’m going to show you how you can reprogram your subconscious mind to achieve wealth, success & anything else you desire. 

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    264. Step by step how i'd make $10k per month asap if starting again

    264. Step by step how i'd make $10k per month asap if starting again

    Looking to get to $10,000 per month with your agency?

    Look no further. 

    In this podcast, I’m going to be sharing the exact step by step blueprint that I would follow to get there in record time, if I had to start all over again. 

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    261: how millionaires get rich lol

    261: how millionaires get rich lol

    Ever wondered how millionaires get rich? 

    As someone who has gotten to this point, as well as studied others who have as well, I’ve learnt a lot about what it truly takes. 

    In this podcast, I will be sharing my personal observations with you & how you can also become a millionaire yourself. 

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    260: How To Quickly Get Out Of a Rut Like a Millionaire

    260: How To Quickly Get Out Of a Rut Like a Millionaire

    Ever find yourself in a toxic period of doing absolutely nothing productive?

    If you answered yes, then don’t beat yourself up - we’re human. 

    It’s natural to find yourself in these ruts from time to time where you just fall off the path briefly. 

    What’s important however is that you get out of it ASAP & get back to where you need to be. 

    In this podcast, I go over how to do exactly that so that you never let a short term rut keep you down. 

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    259. How To Focus For 12+ Hours a Day Like a Millionaire

    259. How To Focus For 12+ Hours a Day Like a Millionaire

    Focus is everything in business. 

    When you are able to lock in, you can pretty much achieve anything that you desire. 

    Most people haven’t even experienced what true focus is. 

    They do 1 hour of work, fiddle with their phone between work blocks & fall into the trap of thinking that’s what focus is. 

    It isn’t. 

    True focus is when you can lock in for hours & hours with no distractions whatsoever. 

    No phones, no notifications, no wandering to random thoughts in your mind, no nothing. 

    It’s just you & the work in front of you for an extended period of time - that’s it. 

    If you are able to do this day in, day out, there is no reason whatsoever as to why you can’t achieve everything you have ever wanted. 

    In this podcast, I’m going to be sharing how to focus like a millionaire & make the work at hand effortless, every single day. 

    Watch it here: https://youtu.be/zdmCEy_8aMQ 

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    258. How to be consistent when you're not motivated

    258. How to be consistent when you're not motivated

    Being consistent is easy when you are motivated. 

    But what about when you don’t have motivation? 

    What about the days & nights where you don’t want to do anything but drown yourself in misery?

    When you are able to stay consistent with your actions irregardless of how you feel, that is when you will see success. 

    Those are the days that truly make a difference in your life. 

    In this podcast, I’m going to be going over how to stay consistent when you’re not motivated, so that you can triumph over any emotions you have & get the work done no matter what. 

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    257. How to think like a billionaire (long term thinking)

    257. How to think like a billionaire (long term thinking)

    One of the most important skills you can have as a business owner is the ability to think. 

    Far too many people fail to think critically about their decisions & halter their success as a result. 

    When it comes to achieving your goals, you MUST think in the long term. 

    This involves looking at second order consequences before you move forward with a decision. 

    Most will look at the short term benefits of a decision before even assessing the long term ramifications. 

    That’s the difference between those who have significant success & those who do not. 

    The ones that do, always think 5 steps ahead & are able to make decisions that may not be favorable in the short term but extremely lucrative in the long term. 

    In this podcast, I’m going to go over the importance of long term thinking & how to actually think like a billionaire so that you can make the best decisions possible. 

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    256. How to Become a Millionaire When You’re Broke

    256. How to Become a Millionaire When You’re Broke

    Do you want to become a millionaire?

    I’m going to show you how exactly you can do that. 

    In this podcast, I’m going to share the exact blueprint to follow, even if you are starting with absolutely nothing. 

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    255. Beginner vs Rich Cold Email Template (Got Me 1,500+ Clients)

    255. Beginner vs Rich Cold Email Template (Got Me 1,500+ Clients)

    By this point, you all probably know how much I love cold email. 

    Just by using this channel alone, I’ve been able to sign hundreds of clients across my agency & consulting business. 

    With so many ways to make cold email work, there are of course so many ways to make it go wrong as well. 

    In this podcast, I’m going to draft up a winning template for you all LIVE, so you can see what exactly goes into a winning formula. 

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    254. How To Train Your Mind To Become a Millionaire

    254. How To Train Your Mind To Become a Millionaire

    When it comes to succeeding in business, mindset is everything. 

    Without a winning mindset, no amount of strategies & tactics can save you. 

    At the end of the day, it all comes down to you & your mindset. 

    A common trap that entrepreneurs fall into is blaming everything but themselves. 

    Their tactics, outreach, niche, etc. 

    As soon as they start to look inwards, they then proceed to see results & it’s no surprise whatsoever. 

    In this video, I’m going to be going over how to train your mind to become a millionaire & ultimately achieve everything you want. 

    Watch it here: https://youtu.be/Q3W10K2P8_k 

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    253. Best SMMA Cold Email Templates To Get Clients in 2024

    253. Best SMMA Cold Email Templates To Get Clients in 2024

    Looking to cut the guess work & get your email systems working within a matter of minutes?

    Look no further, as I’ve got you covered. 

    In this podcast, I’m going to be sharing with you the exact cold email templates that you can leverage, to generate an abundance of appointments solely from email. 

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    252. Greatest SMMA Cold Email Template Of All Time (10,000+ Meetings Booked)

    252. Greatest SMMA Cold Email Template Of All Time (10,000+ Meetings Booked)

    I have built & scaled 2 7-Figure businesses in the past 7 years.

    A pivotal element in both of those businesses have been the use of cold email. 

    Cold email alone has generated me MILLIONS of dollars & it can do the exact same for you, provided that you do it RIGHT. 

    In this video, I’m going to be going over the exact framework & template  that we have used to generate millions of dollars, purely from cold email alone. 

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    251. I Infiltrated Hamza's Brainwashed Cult

    251. I Infiltrated Hamza's Brainwashed Cult

    Ever wondered what Hamza’s cult-like following looked like behind closed doors?

    Recently, I had the pleasure of peeling back the curtains and hosting an in-depth Q&A session for Hamza and his private community.

    We delved into a wide range of topics including business, mindset, money, and more. This wasn't your typical Q&A; we went into a great amount of detail & left no stones unturned for each & every single question.

    Regardless of where you find yourself on your journey, there's absolutely no reason for you not to gain valuable and actionable advice from this conversation alone, that could genuinely change your life.

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    250. The Most POWERFUL Sales Script That Actually Works (SMMA)

    250. The Most POWERFUL Sales Script That Actually Works (SMMA)

    There are a lot of elements that go into a successful sales call. 

    One of those elements is having a winning framework. 

    Now a winning framework consists of many different things such as tonality, cadence, etc.

    Above all however is a bulletproof script. 

    You can have the best tonality, cadence, verbiage, etc, but without a good script, where are you actually leading your prospect?

    Now it goes without saying that a script alone isn’t going to solve your problems & turn you into a sales wizard.

    What it does do however is act as a strong foundation upon which a successful sales call is built on, which allows all of the other key elements to fall into place with a lot more ease. 

    In this podcast, I’m going to be going over the most powerful sales script that I have come across & explain to you why exactly it works. 

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)



    249. How I Book 30-40 Meetings a Day (Cold Outreach SMMA)

    249. How I Book 30-40 Meetings a Day (Cold Outreach SMMA)

    Appointment flow is one of the most important elements in your business. 

    Without it, there is no actual business. 

    It is the lifeblood of your company that will keep the lights on. 

    Sure, sales is important & so is client retention, which I’d argue is probably the most important. 

    But without the ability to generate appointments in the first place, there are no sales & there are no clients to retain as a result. 

    The very first problem that you should be looking to fix in your business is your ability to generate appointments on a consistent & predictable basis. 

    Everything else will follow. 

    In this podcast, I’m going to go over how I personally book 30 to 40 meetings a day purely from cold outreach alone, with pure predictability & ease.

    I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)

