
    180 Life Church

    A weekly podcast for 180 Life Church.
    en180 Life Church141 Episodes

    Episodes (141)

    Living With Less

    Living With Less

    Our possessions can sometimes be the biggest hindrance in our relationship with God and others. Crystal Hall, our Women's Ministry Director, unpacks the story of the Rich Young Ruler and asks the question, can you live with less so that more of God can live in you?

    180 Life Church
    enFebruary 18, 2024

    The Sabbath was Made for Man

    The Sabbath was Made for Man

    Often we look at Spiritual Disciplines that are for the hyper spiritual.  What if I told you that practices like Sabbath are for you! A day of rest is something you were designed to require and is something that has the potential to make all the difference in you walk with Jesus.  Join us as Pastor Josh unpacks how Sabbath isn't just the rule, it's the design. 

    180 Life Church
    enFebruary 11, 2024

    Ditch the Distractions

    Ditch the Distractions

    We live in a world full of noise and distractions. Our attention is constantly being pulled from one thing to another. In all of this white noise, God calls us to be alone and quiet with Him. Today we are going to look at the Spiritual Discipline of Silence and Solitude. We will see that Jesus models it and countless numbers of his apprentices down through human history have found life with God through it. While at first it sounds jarring and unachievable, by taking some simple steps we can enter into a regular rhythm of silence and solitude and in so doing we will be refreshed, renewed, and transformed.

    Are You Tired?

    Are You Tired?

    Most of us know that we are tired, but few of us know where we can find rest.  Join us as we point you to where you can go to get the rest that your soul needs.  

    180 Life Church
    enJanuary 28, 2024

    Jesus Interrupted

    Jesus Interrupted

    We view interruptions as bad things, but that isn't the perspective that Jesus models for us. Join us as Pastor Josh unpacks how interruptions are often designed to be opportunities. Don't hurry through the interruption or you just might miss it. 

    180 Life Church
    enJanuary 21, 2024

    The Cost of Hurry

    The Cost of Hurry

    Have you ever felt short of time? Do you wish you had more time in your day? Join us as Pastor Josh unpacks what our schedules can and should look like as we intentionally follow Jesus. 

    180 Life Church
    enJanuary 14, 2024

    Listen Like Mary

    Listen Like Mary

    In a world that values busyness and loud, Jesus shows us that quieting ourselves and listening are more valuable. How can we tune our spiritual ears to hear His voice above all the noise? Crystal Hall, our Women's Ministry Director, shares how a life marked by listening to God transforms us, and why it should be a priority in our lives this year and beyond. 

    180 Life Church
    enJanuary 09, 2024

    Unlikely Heroes

    Unlikely Heroes

    When we think of heroes, we often have a vision of someone with superpowers saving the world from destruction. But what if we can all be heroes? It seems unlikely but, with God, it is true. We will look at the example of Moses. We will see that he comes up with a number of excuses as to why he can’t be a hero; why he can’t do what God is asking of him. But God has answers for all of Moses’ excuses and what we find is that while he did not have the position, the power, the skills, or the words to be a hero, none of that was an obstacle for God. We all probably have the same excuses as Moses, and God has the same responses for us. We can all be unlikely heroes and can be used by God to do remarkable things in 2024. All we have to do is be willing to step up and step in.

    180 Life Church
    enDecember 31, 2023

    The World Wants Your Worship

    The World Wants Your Worship

    The world will persuade you to value the things of this world over the Kingdom of God. From wealth, success, power, accolades, youth, etc. How do we not fall for what it deems as worthy of our worship? How do we keep God at the center of our hearts when we're persuaded otherwise? This morning Crystal Hall, our Women's Ministry Director, dives deeper into this as we study Daniel 3 in our "Get in the Game" series.


    Teach Me to Play

    Teach Me to Play

    God, our Creator and Savior, gives us the opportunity to talk to Him. We do this through prayer. In this message we look at how Jesus taught his disciples to pray and in the same way teaches us. We discover that the purpose of prayer is to surrender our will to God, not to impose it on Him. After finding the right place to pray, we start by addressing God as our Heavenly Father, and then acknowledging who He is. We then dedicate our lives to His ways, and then petition for provision, pardon, and protection. By getting into the habit of praying regularly, we will see our lives transformed, as well as those of the people around us.