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    After listening to Russell Brunson say for the 10th time.  You can attract different people to you depending on the stories you tell.  It finally sinks in as the truth.  I see that many of the stories I tell are more “heart centered” which tend to gravitate towards the women.  So I have a more female audience.  And as I start to tell more adrenaline fulled stories the men are starting to pop up their heads. 

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    Mischa Zvegintzov 00:00

    Oh my gosh, I just had an epiphany. And I want to talk about storytelling and the type of stories that you tell how that is going to attract a certain segment of your, a certain segment of audience, right. And it's funny as I say that, it's like duh, even hearing myself say it. It's like, Duh. But you can only hear, which you can hear when you're ready to hear it.

    Mischa Zvegintzov 00:34 (INTRO) Imagine a conscious contact with God so strong, that no matter what you are doing, or not doing, that, no matter what your kids are up to, or not up to, and that whether you've got the person of your dreams, or they're just not cooperating, that you are happy content, and at peace, a space where everyone else's thoughts, attitudes and actions are beautiful, and exactly as they are supposed to be. Well, this is the space where I like to play. My name is Misha Z. And this is today's pitch, slap. Join me as I shed light on the thoughts, actions and attitudes that are causing you pain. And we train our minds to go to the capital S inner self, the joy that is waiting for us, the God within.

    Mischa Zvegintzov 01:27 So here we go. Let's talk about the epiphany that I had the the idea that you can, that you can attract different markets, by the stories that you tell. And we all know that in sales, and marketing, that telling stories is a very powerful tool. Especially if they're related to yourself. And you're the attractive character, shall we say? I love I think Russell Brunson is a master story teller, clearly a master storyteller. And he talks about how inventorying your stories, and being good at talking in parables, AKA a story. And in Dot Com secrets. I was listening to the audio version the other day.  He was talking about how maybe it wasn't on.com secrets, maybe it is, I'm sure it's in there somewhere. But it's definitely and I was watching a video of his excuse me. And effectively, he was saying, I've heard him tell the story in different places. But the story goes, he you know, is very good at selling men, like bringing in men to his, into his, into his realm into his service realm. Right. He's very good at bringing that in, and then helping them and, you know, building his business with with manly customers, but that his stories that he was always telling. Typically we're around wrestling and, and such in more of manly style things.

    Mischa Zvegintzov 03:28 And for anybody who was unfamiliar with Russell Brunson, he, he speaks from stage a lot. And then he sells and he hopes for what's called the table rush. And it's the name of this podcast. So new name of this podcast. So people are excited to buy, they rushed to the table at the back of the presentation room to sign on the line that is dotted hand over their credit cards, what have you, he's the master at, at finding out what the customer needs and wants. So and he fills that, that need and tell stories to help do it and and so he said, You know, one time he was selling from stage and consistently men would show up and or men would buy, right and then he would have a table rush of men. And then this one time, he was having a moment and he got extra vulnerable. And he told the story about how him and his wife were having troubles having you know, getting pregnant and so they had to go through the fertility treatments and stuff like that. And he was crying and you know, and then he looked up at the table rush when it was you know, time to sell and everyone was buying And there was, you know, 50% women, when there was never usually any women. And so yeah, I had the aha moment of oh, wait a minute, like, like, the, the, the tale I tell is very important.  But so is tailoring it to perhaps a wider... tell an additional story to get the other part of the audience, I guess, is the way to say that.

    Mischa Zvegintzov 05:31 And I've been thinking as, you know, it just hit me. And I had was on a walk and had my microphone with me, thank goodness, because I was like, Oh, my audience, I've been trying to talk to men, you know, to two men. And, but I have this large female audience. And it hit me because I tell these emotion, very emotional stories about, about the moments of realizing my kids and time with kids are so important. And, and these more you know, I don't know, feminine stories.  I don't know, call it but you will. I'm trying to not to stereotype or generalize or, or, or, or, you know, get pass judgment or whatever this is, strip all that out if you can't, but as I talked about, you know, redemption with Dawn, the boys mom, I talked about healing the heart, I talked about lots of these, what seemed to be typically female based themes. I'm getting a lot of that audience which is awesome. Because currently, I am absolutely down to provide, you know, entrepreneurial, lead gen and conversion, conversion services to both men and women. As I shift from sort of a healing modality to a business modality, and, and backdooring, the, the spiritual healing side of things. And surprise, surprise, as I talk more business, I talk more business strategy. More men are popping into my radar, who groove on that.

    Mischa Zvegintzov 07:45 I was like, Oh, my gosh, I have so many amazing stories to tell. And not only actually business but it's even more specific. I'm sorry, because, you know, women love Business Women love adventure, too. When I talk about my, my gambling escapades, and I was a professional gambler. And, and played in the World Series of Poker, you know, in in the early 2000s, being on the front end of the big wave of that. Or if I talk about my snowboarding, or more adrenaline fueled stories, or stitches, or big wave surfing, not big, big wave surfing, but big wave surfing for me where I ended up getting stitches. But as I talk more of these adrenaline stories they resonate with a more male audience. And so I'm like, Oh, my gosh, I've been such in this coming out of you know, divorce, Broken Heart sadness, you know, finding new purpose, heart centered language.  You know, for the past six or seven years, of course, that that that language tends to be attracting more female based audience.  But I don't know I feel super vulnerable to saying all this but I'm saying it anyway. I'm, I just see it. It's true. let's generalize. Let's call a spade a spade. A, you know. Yeah.

    Mischa Zvegintzov 09:41 So anyway, I'm going to I'm going to tell some more. Some more stories based from the adrenaline side of things. I don't know if adrenaline side of things is it but yes, actually, it is because I have another major epiphany, which I'm going to I have my first story teed up and ready to go. And it also has to do with a little bit of a function of maturity as a male and reignited business. So I believe that that thank you for listening, thank you for being a part of my aha moment of telling different stories to pull in different segments of your audience. And that's it, let's let's grow our businesses. Let's take risks. Let's live a life of adventure.

    Mischa Zvegintzov 10:40 (OUTRO) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for spending time with me today. As someone who has committed to growth and service to this world, I so appreciate your willingness to come with me go within and serve our world through change. If you found value in this podcast and you know someone who can use this message, share this episode with him, share it so our mission can be achieved one episode at a time and of course subscribe so you can hear more and lastly, for more resources on what has helped me on my journey and can help you on yours. Go to www.belove.media/resources forward slash resources. That's www.belove.media/resources. Thank you again for listening.

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    - 866-989-4499 - Free plug for Bobby Newman's phone number for interventions.

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    Check out Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute)here https://www.amii.ca/

    Check out the Upper Bound AI conference Mara mentioned here https://upperbound.ai/

    Email Mara Cairo here laura.cairo@amii.ca

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    • Rob's views on how AI might reshape societal norms and job markets.

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    • The role of persistence and incremental changes in achieving business success.
    • Barry’s experiences in media, including his appearance on the History Channel.
    • Concluding thoughts and key takeaways for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

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    686 - Revolutionizing Marketing with AI: A Conversation with Tailwind's Danny Maloney

    686 - Revolutionizing Marketing with AI: A Conversation with Tailwind's Danny Maloney

    In this episode, Mischa Zvegintzov sits down with Danny Maloney, the CEO and founder of Tailwind, to explore the transformative power of AI in marketing. Danny discusses how Tailwind is helping small businesses and solopreneurs by automating and optimizing marketing strategies. From creating content to managing ad budgets, Tailwind is making it easier for businesses to reach their target audience effectively. Danny shares success stories, insights on the future of AI in marketing, and tips for small businesses looking to leverage AI technology.

    Show Notes:

    • Introduction to Danny Maloney and Tailwind.
    • The role of AI in today's marketing strategies.
    • How Tailwind is empowering small businesses and solopreneurs.
    • Success stories and testimonials from Tailwind users.
    • Discussion on the future of AI in marketing.
    • Tips for small businesses on incorporating AI into their marketing plans.
    • Q&A with Danny Maloney: Insights on AI, entrepreneurship, and digital marketing trends.
    • Conclusion and takeaways for listeners.

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