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    About this Episode

    Today we are revisiting one of Rachel's Top Episodes talking all about taking action! Did you know there are both good and bad types of actions you can take in life? Let’s dive into this topic together to understand what I mean and make sure you are on the right track to success!

    In today’s episode, we talk about:

    • Messy action means just doing it. Even if it’s not perfect, even if it's not where you want it to be, just do it. 
    • Your messy action doesn’t mean it’s a messy product, it just means it isn’t the final product. 
    • Have you asked yourself: “Is the type of action that you are taking the right action?”
    • Messy action is always good because it means you are willing to move forward and not be stuck. 
    • But are you possibly taking the wrong action? You can sometimes trick yourself that you are on the right path when the reality is that your actions are not moving the needle forward. It's like you’re doing busy work and stuck on a hamster wheel.
    • Think about what you are doing right now… is it moving the needle?
    • If it’s not, are you maybe spending time on a whole bunch of tasks that are a waste of time?
    • The first step is to evaluate if it is the RIGHT action. 
    • If you decide that your current action step does not move the needle, then choose what WILL and do it. Don’t run from it. 
    • Don’t hide behind fear, don’t be scared. Fear will come up, but you can’t run or quit, because then that needle stops moving.
    • Sometimes it takes time for the needle to move, but if you are consistent and know the actions you are taking are the right ones, it will pay off.
    • Are the actions you are taking really getting you closer to your goal, or is it helping you avoid the action you SHOULD be taking?
    • The only way you can move forward is by taking that right, messy action. So let’s do it together, sister. I’m here for you!

    Hang out with me more!
    Send me the message PODCAST over on Instagram at @rachelaperry and I’ll send you my "Parties-Optional Profit Plan!"

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    Hang out with me more!
    Send me the message PODCAST over on Instagram at @rachelaperry and I’ll send you my "Parties-Optional Profit Plan!"

    For Additional Resources for Direct Sellers:

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    Hang out with me more!
    Send me the message PODCAST over on Instagram at @rachelaperry and I’ll send you my "Parties-Optional Profit Plan!"

    For Additional Resources for Direct Sellers:

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    Remember, the conversation doesn't end when the broadcast does – join me on Instagram or Facebook where we can keep the chat flowing and the ideas growing.

    IG - @rachelaperry
    FB - @racheladamperry

    Hang out with me more!
    Send me the message PODCAST over on Instagram at @rachelaperry and I’ll send you my "Parties-Optional Profit Plan!"

    For Additional Resources for Direct Sellers:

    The Direct Seller's Podcast
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    Need some help figuring out who your ideal customer is? DM me on IG @rachelaperry and we can chat! 

    Hang out with me more!
    Send me the message PODCAST over on Instagram at @rachelaperry and I’ll send you my "Parties-Optional Profit Plan!"

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    The Direct Seller's Podcast
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    Hang out with me more!
    Send me the message PODCAST over on Instagram at @rachelaperry and I’ll send you my "Parties-Optional Profit Plan!"

    For Additional Resources for Direct Sellers:

    The Direct Seller's Podcast
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    Hang out with me more!
    Send me the message PODCAST over on Instagram at @rachelaperry and I’ll send you my "Parties-Optional Profit Plan!"

    For Additional Resources for Direct Sellers:

    The Direct Seller's Podcast
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    Hang out with me more!
    Send me the message PODCAST over on Instagram at @rachelaperry and I’ll send you my "Parties-Optional Profit Plan!"

    For Additional Resources for Direct Sellers:

    The Direct Seller's Podcast
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    Hang out with me more!
    Send me the message PODCAST over on Instagram at @rachelaperry and I’ll send you my "Parties-Optional Profit Plan!"

    For Additional Resources for Direct Sellers:

    The Direct Seller's Podcast
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    Hang out with me more!
    Send me the message PODCAST over on Instagram at @rachelaperry and I’ll send you my "Parties-Optional Profit Plan!"

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    The Direct Seller's Podcast
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    Hang out with me more!
    Send me the message PODCAST over on Instagram at @rachelaperry and I’ll send you my "Parties-Optional Profit Plan!"

    For Additional Resources for Direct Sellers:

    The Direct Seller's Podcast
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