
    About this Episode

    How much longer can I keep teasing the podcast name change to Table Rush!  Not much longer I hope.  It is eminent.  I talk about the journey to this point and the refining of the Perfect Customer.  What message I want to bring.  Etc.  And just a bit reflective on the path to this point.  Lots to be grateful for.

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    Mischa Zvegintzov  00:03

    This episode is about the how... Oh my God.  There's so many distractions right now. cars everywhere. I walking a different route and there's so many people.  it's Halloween ish. people in costumes skateboarders.  people with kids dressed up their dogs dressed up.  A whole pack of 30 somethings just skateboarded by dressed up as everything from...  It's all ladies so from cowboys dressed up as males to bunnies to everything in between. all on skateboards some of them pushing kids. but oh my goodness, and I'm just having bouts of insecurity as I'm walking with my phone and my MV88 mic recording.  Anyhow talk about messy action but this thought is so top of mind for me that I've just got to express it. And and basically it's that you know, The original podcast The Accelerated Path To Peace  podcast you know, although I'm changing the name and doing a rebrand to Table Rush. Table Rush masterclass. that the original accelerated path to peace podcast was indeed you know, documenting, documenting of my, of my entrepreneurial journey, the starting of the podcast, just to add a year ago. You know, hitting a year ago, this actually could be on the actual year anniversary. But, you know, step one, define an audience or your, your, you know, your dream customer.

    Mischa Zvegintzov  02:14

    So I worked up a rudimentary dream customer to get into the game who I thought it was, and that was the, perhaps, you know, brokenhearted, divorce dad? And how do we, how do we help that person get back on track? Or what when they're ready, you know, they're like, Alright, I'm done suffering. And being in the mire. So, let's, let's break through and in charge forward. and, and then, you know, the dream 100 putting together that list of 100 people who, who I want to work with in that regard. So there was so many people that helped me along the way with meditation, yoga, spiritual practices, energy work, writing, journaling, you know. Kyle Cease was in there such a major influence on me. And, you know, Rod Stryker, and his, his ideas, and the, the Dharma code, you know, your life mission statement. and, and working on all that stuff, and really going deep with meditation and writing and journaling and self growth. and and hunkering down you know, and, anyhow.  so all those people within all those modalities, and then really having my mind open to, well, there's those modalities that Misha used. And there's the, you know, recovery framework that's within athletes been such a big part of my life for 30 years, 35 years, on my whole life, really, because my parents were trying to get sober in my youth, as well. So deep roots there, but that there's all these other modalities that once I opened my mind, just a little, it was like, wow, there's all this cool stuff out there cool ways to calm your mind to find center to tap into, you know, to tap into your inspiration. and and, you know, the tools of a Good Life Summit came out of that as I started interviewing all these amazing people and all these things. and all that's a big part of the entrepreneurial journey, right? Mischa trying to find what he's good at. How can Mischa help? Who is that person that Mischa can help?

    Mischa Zvegintzov  04:58

    And then, you know, bring entrepreneurship into that which I love entrepreneurship and have my whole life and, and it's a great my spirituality absolutely expresses itself through my entrepreneurship. And so although, you know, there's some changes ahead that hopefully everybody will stay with me with and enjoy and like and prosper in, but perhaps not I totally understand it. I am just trying to say that we're not trying to say I am saying that...  you know, the first 360 episodes have been about my entrepreneurial journey, and my struggles with new ideas, new concepts, learning new things. And the online world. I've been so offline. For the last five years, as I've dug into yoga, and all that stuff, like, I was basically non existent on the social media and really just digging deep on the internal work. So this is like a fast forward process for me. Or was that is that the right word? Fast forward? I don't know, I think you understand what I'm saying. But just talking about the learning and things I'm trying to do to grow an audience that, you know, building summits, all these things. And it's interesting, because I really was relatively tech savvy. You know, in my younger years, that's normal for a lot of adults, actually, we sort of are super tech savvy and then we turn into the parents who aren't tech savvy, perhaps. And I've definitely experienced some of that.  But still am tech savvy.  I love the direct response marketing. I thrived within that, and the mortgage business for 15 years, and creating flyers and mailing lists and mailing to them and then, you know, collecting emails and nurturing my old clients with email campaigns, and then being available when they needed help.

    Mischa Zvegintzov  07:18

    And, and so this is very much, Mischa 2.0. And, you know, the, the, the emergence of that and, and I hope people are learning and enjoying the ride with me, and I'm doing my best to add value. And I just, I guess, maybe this in an appreciation for where I am right now. and how some things and ideas are coalescing, and coming together. and that although you know, it's a, it's a big shift in branding and podcast name, that it's exciting for me because it's going to be more focused. I'm dialing in the focus, right, the original, you know, thesis for The Accelerated Path To Peace  was very broad, very broad, you know, a wide net.  and, but very much about documenting my entrepreneurial journey, trying to be of service trying to learn how to craft my skills to bring the market and an entrepreneur way. and then hopefully, hopefully, inspire other people to do the same. And just have fun too. I'm big about having fun these days. You know, what, I do this for free and for fun? Yes, I would. And it turns out I am, because I am not at profitability yet. I'm trying. I'm working hard. But hopefully that's around the corner at some point. And anyway, I I just I'm just very excited to continue to talk in a more focused way about my entrepreneurial journey.  about the skills and tools and frameworks and systems that I'm creating to help people.  And that you get to come along with me and yeah, that's what I've got. I think that's enough. So So to recap, you know, the, The Accelerated Path To Peace  podcast was very much about my entrepreneurial journey, can literally hear it almost from the beginning 360 episodes ago to where I am now today. And this is just a refinement of that focus of that and, and so much of the musings again won't be the same. But hopefully there'll be more focused and more useful and more... you know, I'll have... again as I've said... what I'm good at, I'll be able to you know, turn into products to help people. So there we go enough out to me. Thank you for listening. The change to the new podcasts name. Table Rush is eminent. Hopefully it will not be a surprise for you when that happens. All right, love to all. 

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    Recent Episodes from Table Rush Talk Show!

    695 - Turning Passion into Purpose: The Sigals' Battle Against Addiction through Podcasting

    695 - Turning Passion into Purpose: The Sigals' Battle Against Addiction through Podcasting

    In this episode, we sit down with Joanie and Steve Sigal, the visionaries behind the "Addiction Podcast - Point of No Return." With nearly 900,000 downloads and hundreds of impactful interviews, their podcast stands as a testament to the power of media in driving social change. We discuss their transition from corporate marketing to podcasting, the significance of addiction awareness, and the role of consistency in content creation. Their story is a compelling narrative of resilience, hope, and the transformative potential of podcasting.

    Show Notes:

    • Introduction to Joanie and Steve Sigal and their podcast, "Addiction Podcast - Point of No Return"
    • Discussion on the importance of addressing addiction and providing hope through storytelling
    • Insights into the Sigals' marketing background and how it shaped their podcasting journey
    • The role of consistency and engagement in building a successful podcast
    • How listeners can support the Sigals' mission at www.patreon.com/theaddictionpodcast

    www.patreon.com/theaddictionpodcast - Listeners can join the community, donate, and help spread the message of recovery and support.
    - 866-989-4499 - Free plug for Bobby Newman's phone number for interventions.

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    694 - Leading with Serenity: Jack Shitama's Guide to Non-Anxious Leadership

    694 - Leading with Serenity: Jack Shitama's Guide to Non-Anxious Leadership

    In this enlightening episode, Mischa Zvegintzov sits down with Jack Shitama to discuss the transformative approach to leadership known as the non-anxious presence. Delving into family systems theory and Jack's personal journey from entrepreneurship to spiritual leadership, they unpack the nuances of inspiring change without succumbing to the pressures of anxiety. Discover the keys to becoming a leader who navigates challenges with grace and empowers others through choice and calmness.

    Show Notes:

    • Introduction to Jack Shitama, the force behind the non-anxious leader concept.
    • Discussion on the role of family systems theory in understanding leadership dynamics.
    • Insights from Jack's journey and the impact of his spiritual and professional background on his leadership philosophy.
    • Key takeaways on how to cultivate a non-anxious presence and inspire effective collaboration.

    www.thenonanxiousleader.com: This is Jack Shitama's website where people can sign up for his "Two for Tuesday" newsletter and find information about his books and resources on non-anxious leadership.

    Jack Shitama, non-anxious leader, family systems theory, transformative leadership, spiritual leadership, calm leadership, leadership without stress, collaborative leadership, leadership dynamics, anxiety in leadership

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    693 - Unlocking Website Profits: A Deep Dive with Web Wizard CJ Gilbert

    693 - Unlocking Website Profits: A Deep Dive with Web Wizard CJ Gilbert

    This episode features an enlightening conversation with CJ Gilbert, who shares his profound knowledge on making websites work harder for your business. We delve into strategies that transform a website from a static page into a dynamic tool that attracts customers, enhances sales, and improves service efficiency. CJ emphasizes the importance of viewing your website as valuable real estate in the digital world, the only platform you truly own and control.

    Show Notes:

    • Learn more about CJ Gilbert and his work at Ask a Web Geek.
    • Discover the "Five Keys to Unlock the Profit Hidden in Your Website" and how to apply them to your business.
    • Insights into the common pitfalls entrepreneurs face with their websites and how to overcome them.
    • The critical role of defining clear goals and understanding your target market for website success.
    • The significance of website content in driving search engine visibility and attracting the right audience.

    SEO Keywords: CJ Gilbert, website profit, business growth, online presence, website development, digital strategy, entrepreneurial success, target market, search engine optimization, digital marketing.

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    692 - AI for Social Good: Unveiling the Impact with Mara Cairo

    692 - AI for Social Good: Unveiling the Impact with Mara Cairo

    In this insightful conversation, Mischa and Mara Cairo, Product Owner of Advanced Technology at Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute), delve into the transformative power of AI in driving social change and industry innovation. They discuss Amii's strategic initiatives in AI, the importance of public education on AI's potential, and how generative AI is influencing the technological landscape. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of AI, social impact, and the future of technology.

    Show Notes:

    • Introduction to Mara Cairo and her role at Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute).
    • Discussion on AI's role in societal improvement and industry evolution.
    • Insights into Amii's collaborative projects with various sectors.
    • The significance of educating the public about AI.
    • The impact of generative AI and adapting to technological advancements.

    Check out Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute)here https://www.amii.ca/

    Check out the Upper Bound AI conference Mara mentioned here https://upperbound.ai/

    Email Mara Cairo here laura.cairo@amii.ca

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    691 - AI Meets Cold Outreach: Charles Cormier's Revolutionary Lead Gen Podcast Strategy

    691 - AI Meets Cold Outreach: Charles Cormier's Revolutionary Lead Gen Podcast Strategy

    In this episode, Mischa sits down with Charles Cormier, an entrepreneur who is redefining lead generation through his unique blend of AI-driven cold outreach and podcasting. With an ambitious goal of interviewing 10,000 CEOs, Charles shares his journey, challenges, and the unconventional tactics that have led to his success. From facing educational system barriers to harnessing his ADHD as a superpower, Charles's story is one of resilience, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of goals. Listeners will gain insights into the power of cold emailing, AI, and podcasting as tools for business growth and networking.

    Show Notes:

    • Introduction to Charles Cormier and his unique approach to lead generation.
    • Discussion on Charles's goal of interviewing 10,000 CEOs and his progress.
    • Insights into Charles's background, including his educational journey and early career challenges.
    • Exploration of Charles's strategies in AI-driven cold outreach and podcasting.
    • Charles's perspective on resilience, innovation, and utilizing personal strengths for business success.
    • Advice for entrepreneurs on leveraging unconventional tactics for growth and networking.


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    690 - 'SEO-Optimized Content: Just a Buzzword?' Unpacking Digital Strategies with Martin Pietrzak

    690 - 'SEO-Optimized Content: Just a Buzzword?' Unpacking Digital Strategies with Martin Pietrzak

    In this episode, Mischa Zvegintzov sits down with Martin Pietrzak, the visionary CEO behind Pinch Marketing, to discuss the evolving landscape of digital marketing in the tech and startup sectors. They explore Martin's two-decade journey, his firm's unique approach to B2B digital marketing, and the stories of resilience and innovation that have propelled his career forward. This insightful conversation sheds light on the power of strategic marketing, the role of content in customer engagement, and the personal motivations that drive industry leaders like Martin.

    Show Notes

    • Introduction to Martin Pietrzak, CEO of Pinch Marketing
    • Overview of Pinch Marketing's approach to digital strategy and growth hacking
    • Martin's insights on creating impactful campaigns and SEO-optimized content
    • Discussion on the importance of resilience and innovation in the tech industry
    • Exploring the role of personal challenges in shaping entrepreneurial journeys
    • Martin's perspective on the future of digital marketing and technology

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    689 - "What about cold email to generate sales?!" A Conversation with Adam Rosen

    689 - "What about cold email to generate sales?!" A Conversation with Adam Rosen

    In this enlightening episode, our host Mischa Zvegintzov engages with Adam Rosen, the visionary behind EOC Works and Nomad Cloud. Adam shares his entrepreneurial journey, from selling his first tech startup to pioneering sales strategies for startups. His expertise in cold email marketing and support for nomadic entrepreneurs offers invaluable lessons for anyone looking to make their mark in the tech industry.

    Show Notes:

    • Introduction to Adam Rosen, entrepreneur and founder of EOC Works.
    • Adam's journey from launching to selling his first tech startup.
    • Insights into EOC Works and its approach to boosting startup sales through cold email.
    • Exploration of Nomad Cloud and its support for entrepreneurs with a passion for travel.
    • Adam's perspective on effective sales strategies and the importance of simplicity in business.

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    688 - Exploring AI's Future with Rob May: Insights from an AI Innovator

    688 - Exploring AI's Future with Rob May: Insights from an AI Innovator

    In this episode, Mischa Zvegintzov interviews Rob May, a renowned entrepreneur and AI expert. They delve into Rob's journey in the tech world, his early interests in AI, and his pivotal role in AI-driven marketing solutions. The conversation covers the evolution of AI, its impact on business models, document analysis automation, and the ethical considerations of AI in military and societal contexts. Rob shares his views on the future of AI, its role in the workforce, and its broader societal implications.

    Show Notes:

    • Introduction to Rob May, his background in engineering and entrepreneurship.
    • Discussion on Rob's early fascination with AI and his academic journey.
    • Insights into AI's role in automating document analysis and workflow improvements.
    • Ethical considerations of AI in military use and societal impacts.
    • Rob's perspective on AI's future in workforce displacement and economic implications.
    • Exploration of AI's potential in automating complex tasks and its limitations.
    • Discussion on the evolution of AI technologies and their business applications.
    • Rob's views on how AI might reshape societal norms and job markets.

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    687 - Unlocking Business Potential: Insights from Small Business Expert Barry Moltz

    687 - Unlocking Business Potential: Insights from Small Business Expert Barry Moltz

    In this episode, I sit down with Barry Moltz, a seasoned expert in small business, author, and educator, known for his dynamic approach to business growth and resilience. Barry shares his journey, including his venture into the world of authoring, his media appearances, and his unique take on managing small businesses. We explore topics ranging from leadership challenges, the art of securing referrals, to the impact of storytelling in business. Barry's engaging anecdotes and practical advice provide a roadmap for entrepreneurs looking to unlock their forgotten potential.

    Show Notes:

    • Introduction to Barry Moltz, his background, and achievements.
    • Discussion on Barry's experience as an author and the role his books play in his career.
    • Insights into Barry's approach to teaching entrepreneurship and small business management.
    • Barry’s take on the importance of storytelling in business communication.
    • Exploring the challenges faced by small business owners in areas like leadership and sales.
    • Barry's unique perspective on referrals and building trust in business.
    • The role of persistence and incremental changes in achieving business success.
    • Barry’s experiences in media, including his appearance on the History Channel.
    • Concluding thoughts and key takeaways for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

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    686 - Revolutionizing Marketing with AI: A Conversation with Tailwind's Danny Maloney

    686 - Revolutionizing Marketing with AI: A Conversation with Tailwind's Danny Maloney

    In this episode, Mischa Zvegintzov sits down with Danny Maloney, the CEO and founder of Tailwind, to explore the transformative power of AI in marketing. Danny discusses how Tailwind is helping small businesses and solopreneurs by automating and optimizing marketing strategies. From creating content to managing ad budgets, Tailwind is making it easier for businesses to reach their target audience effectively. Danny shares success stories, insights on the future of AI in marketing, and tips for small businesses looking to leverage AI technology.

    Show Notes:

    • Introduction to Danny Maloney and Tailwind.
    • The role of AI in today's marketing strategies.
    • How Tailwind is empowering small businesses and solopreneurs.
    • Success stories and testimonials from Tailwind users.
    • Discussion on the future of AI in marketing.
    • Tips for small businesses on incorporating AI into their marketing plans.
    • Q&A with Danny Maloney: Insights on AI, entrepreneurship, and digital marketing trends.
    • Conclusion and takeaways for listeners.

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