
    The effectiveness of joining FaceBook groups to grow your audience.

    enDecember 07, 2021

    About this Episode

    The strategy is join five or so FaceBook groups that have a 100k members total.  Than interact with those groups to generate organic traffic to your FB page, lead magnets ect.  Step A) was leave all of the groups I didn’t like!  Step B is find groups that I want to interact with.  That have quality interactions.  It turns out it’s a lot of work to find those quality groups that are a good fit.     So with some effort I’ve seen my Podcast downloads increase 25%!  With some at least doubling weeks. 

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    Mischa Zvegintzov  00:00 Oh, all righty. On this episode, I'm going to discuss the effectiveness of the 100k Facebook group strategy. Because I've been having some interesting results, some interesting results. So that'll be super fun to talk about.

    Mischa Zvegintzov  00:24 (Intro) Imagine a conscious contact with God so strong, that no matter what you are doing or not doing, that no matter what your kids are up to, or )Inot up to, and then whether you've got the person of your dreams or they're just not cooperating, that you are happy content, and at peace, a space where everyone else's thoughts, attitudes and actions are beautiful, and exactly as they are supposed to be. Well, this is the space where I like to play. My name is Misha Z. And this is today's pitch slap. Join me as I shed light on the thoughts, actions and attitudes that are causing you pain. And we train our minds to go to the capital S inner self, the joy that is waiting for us that God with in.

    Mischa Zvegintzov  01:16 Yes, the Russell Brunson 100k Facebook group strategy to grow your audience. And I would be naive to think if Russell Brunson wasn't the only one to have the strategy. But he's where I stumbled across it. And yeah, so it's it's kind of working. But before I get to that, I just want to say that my Table Rush masterclass YouTube channel, go check it out, just Google Table Rush masterclass. And it should come up. And you can check it out there should be by the time this episode publishes a good 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 interviews up there. But I keep getting confirmation that I am on the right track with that. So, you know, let's get back to the 100k. Cuz it could be a whole other episode. Yes, sorry, for the distraction. Since time is valuable, I'm not going to start over. But the 100k group strategy is such you find groups that you're interested in being a part of on Facebook, right? For anybody who is unaware, there's all sorts of cool Facebook groups out there on every niche, you can comprehend. Some of the groups are private. So you either need to be invited into the group, or you can ask to be invited, or you can ask for them to let you in. And some Facebook groups come with paid coaching. So perhaps you're in a paid coaching group and they have a Facebook group, stuff like that. But all sorts of different all sorts of different Facebook groups.

    Mischa Zvegintzov  03:39 Sorry, I'm a bit diverted. I'm an hoovering. Moms with dogs moms with kids. It's Halloween, right around the corner has ever recorded this. So we've got kids in Batman and Superman, princesses all over the place. All right, I made it through. And anyone who has a podcast or YouTube channel or a blog, a key to consistent publishing, is finding the times where you know you can you can bang out an episode. And so for me, it's when I'm walking. It's easy for me to record a podcast episode, you just get to hear my distraction as I stumble across kids.

    Mischa Zvegintzov  04:29 Anyhow, pick your groups. And so I've got some marketing groups. I'm interested in, obviously some Russell Brunson coaching group that I'm in small private group. I was in every kind of group. Not every kind of is that a lot of this like mindset groups, spirituality groups, you know, like Ram Das groups, when I thought I was going to be talking more and more about that and offering courses in that regard. I was in all those groups and but as I'm going a more business oriented direction, I found that those groups were you know...  the according to the 100k strategy, you get into your groups that have 100,000 people, so. And then. So preferably those groups are 25,000 each or less. So, if you found four groups of, excuse me five groups of 20,000. Now, you've got 100,000 people, each day you answer three questions within each group. So they've got to be active groups that have lots of questions, flowing through opportunities for you to comment, and add value. And then also, you do a value post. So a value posts that is just like, this is the thing that I learned today, or I'm focusing on or whatever that adds value, but doesn't request anything of the group. And then as you're doing your value posts, and answering questions, people will go, "gosh, who is this amazing person that's giving these great answers to these questions, and he was dropping these value bombs". And then they'll click on your Facebook profile. And then on your Facebook profile, it perhaps says what you does, but you do, or has cool links to all your fun stuff, then bam, you're creating free organic traffic, to your content, lead magnets, all this kind of stuff.

    Mischa Zvegintzov  07:04 So initially, I was more on the, like, the spiritual oriented metaphysical style groups had a lot of them. And what I found that was that a lot of the questions that were being answered were, like, dark and just stuffed it in make me feel shiny, and "yay!", right? Like, oh, my God, this is stuff that I don't want to I don't, it's not for me, right? Currently answering these questions or doing value bombs there, or what have you. So the last week, I have been cleaning up my groups, because I want to be efficient in my groups, and be in groups that I like, and that I believe I can add value in and that are fun for me. I'm all about fun. Right now. It's got to be fun of some sort. I mean, there's always can be frustration in the moment, but over arching an overarching bit of fun. I would like it to be sorry, distractions abound isn't walking more than usual today, it seems. And so it was actually a surprising amount of work leaving groups. So that was step a, leave the groups that, that I that? The interactions, I don't like the people in the group or not, for me, the questions that are being answered, I don't care about or don't inspire me to respond to, right, just cleaning it up a house cleaning. so I must have cleaned out 20 groups. That also meant now that I needed to start finding groups that I want did want to interact with. So I've been doing that and and it's more work than you might think. Cuz a lot of the public groups. It's just nonsense posts, spammers, all kinds of stuff. God bless, right, like, promoting, promote, promote. And so I'm looking for groups where I'm looking for quality interactions. So I am looking at the interactions that are happening. Is there a lot of interaction? Is it quality? are intelligent questions being answered? are intelligent questions being asked? Telogen answers. You know, like, I like the smart stuff.

    Mischa Zvegintzov  09:52 And there's something you know, this is just, I know where I can do well in. So that's what I'm looking for. I know who and what I want to interact with. So your person, your group, might be completely different. And that's cool. Find the groups that you can thrive in, that it's natural for you to interact with. Now, it might take some courage to start interacting, but that's alright. I mean, you got to go for it. So yes, it's been, it's been a bit more work than I anticipated. Cleaning up all the groups, joining new groups, and then leaving the groups once the private ones they let you in, and you're like, yep, not for me, leave that group. And then, of course, building the habit of answering questions and value posts. So I just want to say that, as I've been focusing on this for two or three weeks now, it started by just answering questions. It works, the process works, like I literally went from it's, it's at least 25% increase in my (sounds like an add doesnt it).  "At least 25% increase". A combination of Funnel Hacking Live, interacting with all the groups. Funnel Hacking Live group being one of them. So I got, I got to enter into that group as a result of going and it's a nice little group of a couple thousand People of like minded people... that there's a lot of interactions. So interacting in that group interacting in my coaching group interacting in a podcast group that I found.  I went from, hopefully having, you know, 300 downloads a week, to my new bar is 400. Like, I went all the sudden, I started having some 800, or 900, download weeks.  Where I'd never seen that before. And it was like, Wait a minute. So if you were to look at a graph, since Funnel Hacking live, you would see a steady increase as I've started interacting on groups that excite me. So I've got a long way to go to I get 100,000 People that I want to interact with within those groups. But per usual, as is the case was with most things. Effort!  You put the effort in, you're going to get results, and it doesn't need to be perfect effort. So I'm finding that I'll report back on further growth is that happens. I would encourage anybody that's trying to grow an audience. Start interacting with groups that you like, on Facebook. And then on your Facebook page, when people come to your page to see who is this smart person that's interacting. They can naturally click on your podcast link. I've got my podcasts like there currently.  So there you go. That's what I've got for you. This episodes stretched, a little stretched out a little bit. But pretty useful. Thanks for listening.

    Mischa Zvegintzov  13:49 (Outro) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for spending time with me today. As someone who has committed to growth and service to this world, I so appreciate your willingness to come with me go within and serve our world through change. If you found value in this podcast and you know someone who can use this message, share this episode with him, share it so our mission can be achieved one episode at a time and of course subscribe so you can hear more. And lastly, for more resources on what has helped me on my journey and can help you on yours. Go to be love dot media forward slash resources. That's B E L O V dot media, forward slash resources. Thank you again for listening.

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    • Tips for small businesses on incorporating AI into their marketing plans.
    • Q&A with Danny Maloney: Insights on AI, entrepreneurship, and digital marketing trends.
    • Conclusion and takeaways for listeners.

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