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    Radiate Realness with Claire Auchmuty

    enMay 30, 2023

    About this Episode

    As Northern Irelands first Professional Divorce and Relationship Coach, I am passionate about empowering individuals to dare to believe that their story matters. Then, from this standpoint, together we become curious as to what might be possible for them moving forward into a life that they actually want to live in.
    Having experienced a divorce myself, a sense of clarity and a degree of control is what I can offer to help you navigate the turmoil of your relationship breakdown.
    During my 36 years nursing career in both paediatrics and Emergency Medicine (16 years at management level) I have first-hand experience of helping families to navigate trauma and crises in highly stressful environments.
    Since training and qualifying as a Professional Divorce Coach, I left my nursing post and have blended my nursing experience, personal divorce journey and professional training, and now help families in a different way.
    I live beside some of the most amazing beaches on the North Coast of Ireland and I love to sea swim (sometimes!!) I have lots of fun making memories with my two amazing boys and am currently project managing a house renovation—just another “hat” to wear!!

    Recent Episodes from Radiate Realness

    Radiate Realness with Jenna Hastie

    Radiate Realness with Jenna Hastie

    Jenna Hastie, a beacon of resilience and transformative healing, began her nursing journey in 2003
    at Glasgow Caledonian University, where her passion ignited. Her career, a testament to love and
    dedication, reached its pinnacle as a trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner in a General Practice,
    surrounded by an extraordinary team and appreciative patients.

    Jenna Hastie's personal journey, a poignant tale of resilience, began in 2012 when mystery
    symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, lethargy, and migraines took hold. Despite seeking answers, doctors
    dismissed these concerns, attributing them to the challenges of motherhood. It wasn't until 2016,
    during her stint as an Emergency Nurse Practitioner, that Jenna finally received diagnoses of chronic
    fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

    Navigating a demanding career, Jenna faced the relentless impact of these conditions. In 2019, while
    working in primary care as a trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner, she received the diagnosis of axial
    spondyloarthritis. The conventional treatments offered little solace, prompting Jenna to forge a
    unique path to healing, a journey that would lead her to profound self-discovery and transformation.

    Her narrative takes a harrowing turn as she confronts the limitations of Western medicine, enduring
    the side effects of medications and the toll on her body. In the face of debilitating illness, Jenna
    contemplated the unthinkable but found strength in love and a flicker of hope. A profound shift
    occurred as she embraced the power of mindset and neuroscience, rewiring her brain and
    envisioning a life beyond the confines of illness.

    Jenna's journey of self-healing seamlessly merged her extensive medical knowledge with
    neuroscience, ancient wisdom, and spiritual practices. The resulting 3D healing method, a holistic
    approach addressing the mind, body, and soul, became her lifeline. As she untangled the intricate
    connections between thoughts, emotions, and well-being, Jenna experienced a remarkable
    transformation. Her journey to remission, medication-free and pain-free, defied the expectations of
    a chronic and progressive autoimmune disease.

    Emerged from the depths of despair, Jenna's newfound purpose extends beyond hospital walls. Her
    calling transcends the confines of a medical profession, reaching into the shadows of chronic illness
    to guide others on their path of healing and transformation. The 3D healing method, rooted in
    the understanding of limiting beliefs, nutritional imbalances, chronic stress, and the soul's
    dimensions, offers a beacon of hope.

    Transitioning from the conventional path, Jenna embarked on a profound mission—to unravel the
    mysteries of autoimmune and chronic diseases. With a keen focus on hidden triggers often
    overlooked by Western medicine, she delved into the complexities of conditions like fibromyalgia
    and chronic fatigue syndrome. Jenna's expertise extended beyond fixed or irreversible root causes,
    exploring the enigma that eludes conventional understanding.

    Jenna invites others to recognize the immense power within—the power to paint a masterpiece of
    resilience and strength on the canvas of past experiences. Her message resonates: the journey of
    healing involves synchronising the dimensions of being—mind, body, and soul. With unwavering
    conviction, Jenna implores individuals to embrace their ability to transform pain into power and
    challenges into catalysts for growth.

    In the radiant light of Jenna Hastie's journey, she stands as a testament to the inherent power within
    each individual—a power to heal, to transform, and to illuminate the path to a brighter reality.

    Radiate Realness
    enMarch 06, 2024

    How We Created the 'Unstoppable Stories Anthology' Book in Just 4 Months"

    How We Created the 'Unstoppable Stories Anthology' Book in Just 4 Months"
    "Unleashing an Unstoppable Vision: How We Created the 'Unstoppable Stories Anthology' in Just 4 Months"

    Unleashing an Unstoppable Vision: How we Created the “Unstoppable Stories Anthology” in just 4 Months.

    In September 2023, a pivotal moment arrived when my podcast, "Radiate Realness," won the “Outstanding Podcaster of the Year” award on World Suicide Prevention Day. I dedicated it to those lost to suicide, reinforcing the podcast's mission to spark vital conversations on the subject.

    Motivated to deepen my impact, I envisioned an anthology titled "Unstoppable Stories," composed of narratives from twenty-five inspiring women, with royalties supporting suicide prevention education.

    A productive October 2024 meeting with my publisher set a deadline to bring these powerful women together, aiming for a meaningful pre-release at Crom Castle, Ireland.

    This venture taught me the importance of valuing all connections, for their future potential is boundless.

    Alignment was key, the contributors needed to share a heartfelt energetic connection with myself and the anthology's mission. The project was a merging of inspired thoughts, intention, discipline, and focused action.

    "Unstoppable Stories" is now a reality, an International Best Selling Anthology, featuring twenty- five powerful narratives and special chapters, with all royalties contributing to the fight against suicide. It's a testimony to collective strength and the enduring impact of shared visions.


    Radiate Realness
    enMarch 06, 2024

    Struggling to Breathe: The Diary of a Psychiatric In-Patient - Niamh Brownlee

    Struggling to Breathe: The Diary of a Psychiatric In-Patient - Niamh Brownlee

    Struggling to Breathe: The Diary of a Psychiatric In-Patient


    After achieving high academic success, Niamh Brownlee became a primary school teacher, first in Kent then back home in Belfast. But all was not well. Gradually, Niamh became more and more depressed until reaching the point where she just wanted to die.

    At the age of 24, she was admitted to hospital. Although at rock bottom mentally, she had the presence of mind to keep a diary of the 31 days she spent in two psychiatric hospitals in Northern Ireland. This helped her survive and begin the tentative process of recovery.

    Five years later, Niamh has decided to share her diary of those days in the hope that others will feel less alone and come to believe that recovery is possible, and help is out there.

    Her diary is also instructive for those who provide mental health services. It gives a rare insight into psychiatric in-patient experience and is a plea to improve the quality of care.

    Niamh’s diary is a raw account of feeling utterly worthless, but ultimately it is a diary of discovery and hope.

    Radiate Realness
    enJanuary 31, 2024

    Radiate Realness with Marnie

    Radiate Realness with Marnie
    Marnie, a dedicated personal trainer, and special needs support worker is in a loving relationship with her partner, Matthew. Together, they share three wonderful boys and a precious new baby girl. 
    Marnie's life has been deeply shaped by her passion for supporting those who have faced the challenges of suicide and sibling loss. A personal tragedy struck when Marnie's mother took her own life during her childhood, profoundly influencing the path she would take. 
    The recent loss of her brother, just over two years ago, ignited a profound journey of self-discovery and inner healing. Now, Marnie is eager to share the transformative practices she has embraced, including meditation, grounding, skycology, and cold therapy. Her mission is to inspire, assist, and in-still hope in others who have endured similar trauma.
    Radiate Realness
    enJanuary 25, 2024

    Radiate Realness with Maura Jackson

    Radiate Realness with Maura Jackson

    Having overcome life events which would have broken many, Maura’s risen through mental health battles with resilience, and now lives for today, receiving standing ovations for her motivational speaking, has people crying with laughter with her standup, has bared all on Channel 4’s Naked Education to talk Menopause, and regularly wins awards as an inspirational charity CEO.

    Radiate Realness
    enJanuary 15, 2024

    Radiate Realness with Sandra Miskimmin

    Radiate Realness with Sandra Miskimmin

    Sandra Miskimmin, from Irvinestown, Northern Ireland, the Founder of SMASH
    Worldwide, helps women to put the pieces of their health jigsaw back together
    again, so they can feel amazing.
    Her mission is to provide women with the knowledge and power to understand the
    “jigsaw of living a healthy lifestyle.”
    Having lived with chronic back pain, numerous conditions and being classed as
    clinically obese in 2013, she undertook a dramatic change to her lifestyle and
    health and turned her life around. As a result of this, she went back to school and
    retrained in nutrition, weight management, naturopathy and behavioural change.
    She is passionate about educating women on how to implement easy strategies
    into their lives so they and their families can live a healthier life in the long run. She
    is devoted to helping women reach their fullest potential and being able to achieve
    their dreams because they have the energy and drive to do so. She shows women
    a new way of living, so they fall in love with themselves again, and love living a
    healthy lifestyle.
    She became a published author, having written a chapter in the best selling
    publication “SEEN Too”. This collaboration of heart centred women, documents
    their story of how they stepped into their passion, purpose and power.
    As a determined, self motivated business woman, she has won numerous awards
    for her business achievements over the past 20 years. She has spoken on stage
    on many occasions, with the highlight being, speaking on stage in Las Vegas, to
    over 1000 attendees at a conference.
    Her positive attitude and energy shines through when she is working with clients
    and her desire to ensure that clients succeed, drives her on a daily basis.
    When she is not helping clients, you will find her either in the kitchen creating tasty
    new recipes, in the gym, playing netball or at the side of a football pitch cheering
    on her boys.
    You can contact Sandra via email:- sandra@smashworldwide.com

    Radiate Realness
    enJanuary 08, 2024

    Radiate Realness with Joanna Hunter

    Radiate Realness with Joanna Hunter

    Meet Joanna Hunter, a trailblazing New Thought Leader, Metaphysical Teacher, Author, Speaker, and the High Priestess of the transformative LightWeb®. In her cosmic journey, Joanna birthed the world's largest metaphysical experiment, My Million Dollar Experiment, challenging the status quo and inviting seekers to join her movement of conscious millionaires. 

    Born in Stockholm, Sweden, now living in the magical Highlands of Scotland. Joanna's spiritual gifts ignited early, shaping a character-rich childhood. At 23, she started teaching metaphysical arts and divination, guiding thousands to embrace their spiritual gifts and master the ethereal laws governing our physical existence. A beacon of light, Joanna, alongside Skylar's collective consciousness, carries the sacred Codex of Light™ teachings, a spiritual guide for human ascension.

    As the human ambassador of the Codex of Light, Joanna empowers clients and students to deepen their connection with Source, elevating their vibration and unlocking internal magic for YOUnity consciousness. Her teaching style is a blend of heart, humor, and a touch of enchantment, creating a space where spirituality meets practicality.

    Joanna's entrepreneurial spirit clashed with her spiritual calling in her early days, juggling marketing with McDonald's at just 17 and birthing multiple businesses at 23 while being a young mother. Despite building and creating four separate six-figure businesses between 23 and 26, burnout struck hard, leading to multiple organ failure. This awakening spurred Joanna to integrate her entrepreneurial prowess with her mediumistic gifts, crafting a life of freedom.

    A natural storyteller, Joanna shares her life's tales intertwined with deep metaphysical truths to catalyze the awakening of the best versions of her audience. Skylar, the millions-strong collective consciousness she channels, serves as the unincarnated members of Joanna's soul tribe. Their mission is the coalescence of human ascension, bringing YOUnity to Earth and dispelling suffering by rekindling the magic of our soul's truth.

    The profound wisdom imparted by Joanna and Skylar has guided thousands to align with their true selves, resulting in increased wealth, joy, and fulfilment. Step into the enchanting world of Joanna Hunter and Skylar, where metaphysics meets everyday magic.


    Radiate Realness
    enJanuary 01, 2024

    Johnny’s Cottage Takes to the Stage For Women’s Christmas

    Johnny’s Cottage Takes to the Stage For Women’s Christmas
    Women’s Little Christmas in Kerry just got a little bit bigger with a new stage show for one night only at Siamsa Tíre on January 6th, 2024. The internet sensation that is Johnny’s Cottage with Breeda Hurley, Miriam Moriarty Owens and Áine O’Callaghan is set to bring all the fun and mayhem of their online show to the theatre. The show entitled ‘Johnny’s Cottage, A Hooley in the Kitchen’ will be Live, Alive Oh!! It will feature a host of surprise guests, music, dance and laughter and promises to be a night to remember.
    Johnny’s Cottage is the brainchild of sisters Breeda and Miriam. A few years ago they decided one night to go live on Facebook to show friends how to bake an apple tart. The rest as they say is history! Two became three when their mischievous sister Áine joined in and then the hilarious antics really grabbed the attention of their many followers. The Johnny’s Cottage show now goes live at least three times a week. It has amassed a following of over 30,000 weekly fans and some of the videos have become viral sensations with millions of people watching. Johnny’s Cottage is a truly authentic entertaining show where the love of three sisters is evident and the fun they have is side-splitting.
    Miriam says: “We are not afraid to let our hair down and can get up to anything including swimming in a kid’s pool, falling into the bath, and mimicking TV shows such as the Rose of Tralee and the Apprentice. The stage show will be no different with lots of special guests on the night and some of our best bits.”
    Breeda continues: “The three of us embody what it is to live life to the full and not to ever care about any negative judgment. We have recently completed our first cookbook with a difference and now we are delighted to bring a night of good craic to Siamsa Tíre. We can’t wait and it is lovely to do this on the night of Women’s Little Christmas. Anything could happen on stage!
    Áine simply states: “Ye better watch out, especially Miriam.”
    Tickets for Johnny’s Cottage, A Hooley in the Kitchen are on sale now from the Siamsa Tíre box office by calling 066 7123055 or online by visiting siamsatire.com with the show starting at 8pm on Saturday January 6th, 2024.
    Radiate Realness
    enDecember 25, 2023

    What is your word for 2024?

    What is your word for 2024?
    What is your word for 2024? 
     In 2021, my word for the year was AUTHENTICITY… I thought it was going to be a beautiful, smooth year… which didn’t go exactly to plan! When I started to step into my authenticity, I realised my biggest problem was that I was a huge people pleaser, and it was creating a lot of conflict within me. As a result of stepping into my authenticity, 2021 was a huge year of personal and spiritual growth. 
     In 2022, my word for the year was RADIATE… After going through the journey of developing my authenticity, I was ready to radiate through the world and be truly 110% myself. This is where the podcast name “Radiate Realness” came about. Again, another year of huge growth. 
     This year, I set the word LEAP… It just so happens that the Chinese Zodiac sign this year was a rabbit! 2023 has been all about moving outside of my comfort zone and putting myself in scary situations. And this has put rocket fuel on my business this year!! From the creation of Radiate Realness to an Award-Winning Podcast!! 
     Next year, my word for 2024 is going to be ???? 
     Join me this Thursday 14th December at 9pm for my FREE Gathering Circle at 9pm, follow the link below  
     And I just know it’s going to be the biggest year yet. 2024 is the year of the dragon. So, I’m going to be scooping in places where angels can’t reach! I will be jumping out and spreading some serious fire in the world!! Watch this space… I’d love to know, what word are you setting yourself for next year? 
    Radiate Realness
    enDecember 14, 2023