
    About this Episode

    In this session, we're studying the Leo constellation, which tells the story of Yeshua, the Messiah, and includes three decans that explain salvation. 


    This story has been told since the creation of the stars by Yaweh, but many Christians may not have heard it this way before.


    In this session I used a song called All of it by Bonnie Grace


    Recent Episodes from Water, Wind, Wine Ministries's Podcast



    What do you do when anxiety strikes and Peace flies out the window? Dive into Philippians 4 for the antidote! I'll break down this passage about Accessing Inner Peace, even in chaos. Learn to trade anxious thoughts for thankful prayer and meditate on God's faithful goodness. Here's how to let Peace rule, no matter what hits the fan!

    Receiving from God

    Receiving from God

    Is it possible to just "receive" from God or do you have to earn it? Are unanswered prayers holding you back spiritually? Get clarity in this teaching video on how receiving from God works. You'll learn:

    • Why trying to earn God's blessings keeps you from fully receiving
    • How receiving salvation and other promises works the same way
    • The danger of "unbelief" and how to avoid divided faith

    Be encouraged and equip yourself to start walking in greater measures of God's miraculous provision and power!

    Confessing the Word of God

    Confessing the Word of God

    Speak the blessings of God over your life! In this faith-building audio, I slowly read Bible promises of prosperity, health, protection and more from Genesis to Revelation. Follow along, repeating these Scripture affirmations out loud. Let His Word dwell in you richly as you align your speech with His promises. Experience breakthrough and transformation!

    The Peace of God

    The Peace of God

    Do you struggle with constant anxiety and worry? Are you desperate for God's peace but don't know how to find it? In this practical teaching, I share biblical keys to overcoming fear and experiencing supernatural peace in every situation.

    Learn how letting the peace of God guide your decisions helps calm anxious thoughts. Discover what it means to "be anxious for nothing" as you release your requests to God in prayer with thanksgiving. Start cultivating peace rather than anxiety as you apply these practical tips from Scripture.

    Chapter Timestamps:
    0:00 Intro
    1:00 What Jesus taught about worry
    2:46 The key to overcoming anxiety
    5:00 Following God's peace

    Hamas and Psalm 83

    Hamas and Psalm 83

    In this week's broadcast, I reveal the shocking links between the current Hamas-Israel war, Psalm 83, and end times Bible prophecy. 

    You'll see how a jihadist plot hatched in 1983 led to the violence we're witnessing today between Hamas and Israel. 

    I also expose the religious motivations behind Hamas by reading directly from their own charter. 

    Additionally, you'll learn the origin story of who the Palestinians really are and where they came from biblically. 

    If you want to understand this conflict at a whole new level, this broadcast is a must!

    The Power of Thanksgiving

    The Power of Thanksgiving

    In this passionate, post-Thanksgiving message, I dive deep into the spiritual power of praise and gratitude.

    Learn why praise is so important - according to Psalm 22:3, God is literally enthroned on the praises of His people. When we praise God, especially in hard times, we are bringing Him powerfully into our situations to act.

    Discover the violent side of Jesus you may not know. Learn how a word Jesus quotes from Psalm 8 in the Bible carries connotations of aggressively "slapping shut" the mouth of the spiritual Enemy trying to attack us.

    You'll also find out:

    • How heartfelt thankfulness creates intimacy with God and makes Him move
    • How praise stops the devourer - the Avenger who wants to ruin us

    This raw, eye-opening teaching will revolutionize how you view Thanksgiving and praise. God moves through gratitude to silence the Accuser, protect us, and display His might. He wants deep personal relationship with you!

    The Beginning of the End

    The Beginning of the End

    Is the end near? Are the events unfolding in Israel signalling the beginning of the end times?

    In this eye-opening video, I discuss the brewing conflict in the Middle East and what it could mean prophetically. With so much turmoil in Israel, many fellow Christians have been questioning if this points to the tribulation period and return of Jesus Christ.

    I share my in-depth Biblical research on end times prophecy and why I believe we may have already entered the prophesied 7-year tribulation. Key topics covered include:

    • Why this conflict is not Armageddon but could lead to it
    • The Abraham Accords and why it may have triggered the 7-year timeline
    • The role of the coming Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast
    • Differences between tribulation and the wrath of God
    • Insights from Daniel, Revelation, and other Scripture
    • What the Bible says about the end times role of Israel, Jews, and Muslims
    • How our prayers and actions can influence God's prophetic timing

    While only God knows the day and hour, there are many signs indicating we are in the season of Christ's return. This message is not intended to provoke fear but hope and preparation.

    Please subscribe to be notified of more videos as I continue unpacking these end times prophecies and equipping the body of Christ for the days ahead.

    7 Years on the clock
    How not to be deceived
    The Sahih Muslim
    Abraham Accords
    Isis Article from the Atlantic
    Jews Sacrifice a goat in Israel

    Are you deceived?

    Are you deceived?

    As we enter the end times, it is crucial for Christians to not be deceived. Jesus warned in Matthew 24:24 that false signs and wonders will arise to deceive people. Even believers could potentially be misled. To avoid deception, we must be doers of God's Word, not just hearers (James 1:22). Simply hearing the Word without acting on it leads to self-deception. We must diligently put the Word into practice to protect ourselves from spiritual deception in these perilous times. Focusing on obedience guards us against the deceptive power of false signs and miracles.

    The Creation, The Fall, & The Flood

    The Creation, The Fall, & The Flood

    What would you do if you knew when Adam was created? 

    What about when he fell? 

    How can we know when the flood was?

    Does knowing when these things occur really affect our lives? Does it matter to us in our day to day?

    In this session I will teach you not only the dates of these events but how they prove the bible and how the stars cry out the story of Jesus and the timing of that story.

    This is so important for what is to come. 

    This is a long session but you will know the truth, and you will be free.



    Virgo is such an important constellation because it tells of the coming Messiah by way of a virgin birth.


    The Hebrew word for Virgo is “Betulah” and it means a virgin. 


    The Arabic word for Virgo means branch and this puts one in mind of Isaiah 11:1 which speaks of a rod coming forth from the stem of Jesse (ie. David the King) and a Branch growing out of his roots. This, as we understand by the subsequent verses is speaking of the Messiah,



    There are, from ancient times many stories of the “Queen of Heaven” – a virgin bringing forth the Messiah. For instance, in ancient, sacred, Chinese literature it is said that “A virgin will bring forth a child in the west.” The dominant reason for this is because all people groups originated in the valley of Shinar at the tower of Babel following the flood. 


    This knowledge, of a virgin bringing forth the Messiah as is written in the stars was even carried to the far north of the Gaelic tribes. An altar, dated to 100 BC from northern Europe bears this inscription: 

    “To the virgin who is to bring forth”