
    JRE MMA Show #156 with Royce Gracie

    enMay 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Gracie Family's Journey to Popularize Brazilian Jiu-JitsuThe Gracie family's commitment to demonstrating Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu's effectiveness through public competitions and UFC matches, despite perceived arrogance, led to its rapid growth in popularity.

      The Joe Rogan Experience podcast featured a conversation with Rorion Gracie, the pioneer of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in the UFC. Gracie discussed how he and his family popularized the martial art by challenging other styles in public demonstrations and UFC matches. Despite some perception of arrogance, they aimed to prove the effectiveness of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu through direct competition. Gracie's calm demeanor and obedience to his father's instructions to not hurt opponents were crucial in showcasing the art's techniques rather than just raw power. The Gracie family's dedication to spreading Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu led to its rapid growth in popularity, starting with UFC 1 in 1993.

    • The Gracie Family's Unique Impact on Brazilian Jiu-JitsuThe Gracie family, led by Carlos, instilled a defensive mindset in Jiu-Jitsu, enabling smaller fighters to succeed against larger opponents in the UFC.

      The Gracie family, particularly Carlos Gracie, had an unusual yet significant impact on the history of martial arts, particularly Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Carlos's confidence in the art was so strong that he believed his fighters would not be harmed, even in bare-knuckle fights. His sister, however, had a different perspective and wanted to see blood and opponents sent to the hospital. The Gracie family's persistence, vision, and large number of children led to the widespread popularity of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Carlos's early matches against formidable opponents, such as Kimura and Santana, showcased their determination to test their skills. Carlos instilled in his sons a defensive mindset, encouraging them to not walk in to win but to not lose. This defensive approach made Jiu-Jitsu a unique art, with the focus being on the opponent making a mistake first. The early UFC events featured fighters of vastly different sizes, with Royce Gracie, at 178 lbs, facing much larger opponents. Despite the size difference, Royce's defensive Jiu-Jitsu skills allowed him to succeed. The Gracie family's influence on Jiu-Jitsu and the UFC continues to be felt today.

    • Learning opponents' movements in early MMA trainingEarly MMA training focused on understanding opponents' movements rather than just striking or grappling techniques, emphasizing distance management and gaining an opponent's respect.

      The early days of mixed martial arts training, as described by the speaker, involved a focus on understanding opponents' movements rather than solely on striking or grappling techniques. The speaker recounted his own experience of being jumped in a bad neighborhood and wanting to learn self-defense, leading him to train in Brazilian jiu jitsu. He emphasized that his initial training was more about learning his opponents' movements than learning to fight back with specific techniques. This approach, which was also mentioned by Hickson, was about distance management and gaining an understanding of an opponent's style. The speaker reflected on the feeling of humiliation when he first started training and realized how little he knew about effective fighting. Despite this, the focus on converting potential opponents into students rather than trying to beat them up allowed the training to grow and spread. The speaker's second father and mentor, Horian, played a key role in this approach, using his intelligence and calculated nature to build the training program in a garage setting.

    • The UFC brought various martial arts styles togetherThe UFC revolutionized martial arts by showcasing different styles' effectiveness, leading to a surge in interest and accelerated evolution.

      The UFC revolutionized the world of martial arts by bringing together various styles and making them accessible to a global audience. Before UFC, martial arts were often seen as separate entities with little crossover. However, the UFC's early events showcased the effectiveness of different styles in a real-life setting, leading to a surge in interest and adoption. This shift not only changed the perception of martial arts but also accelerated their evolution at an unprecedented rate. The UFC served as a catalyst for martial artists to challenge each other and learn from one another, ultimately leading to a more comprehensive and effective martial arts landscape. Today, the understanding of martial arts as a whole has evolved significantly, with jiu-jitsu serving as the bridge between striking and grappling arts.

    • The Power of Brazilian Jiu-JitsuDespite smaller size, a proficient Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighter can overcome larger opponents through mastery of submissions and defense.

      Effectiveness in martial arts, particularly in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, comes from a deep understanding of defense and technique rather than relying solely on size and strength. This was exemplified by the original Ultimate Fighter, Royce Gracie, who became a pioneer in the UFC and showcased the power of Jiu-Jitsu against larger opponents. Gracie's father, a smaller man, challenged larger fighters to prove the art's effectiveness, and his son carried on this legacy by emphasizing the importance of submissions and defense in combat situations. The history of Jiu-Jitsu and its impact on the UFC demonstrates that even a smaller, technically proficient fighter can overcome a larger opponent, making it the only martial art that truly delivers on its promise.

    • Fair play for MMA fighters: Keep advantage after takedownsMMA rules should allow fighters to resume from same position after a takedown and dominant round, considering longer rounds or eliminating rounds for a more realistic and exciting fight experience.

      The rules in mixed martial arts (MMA) should favor an even playing field for all styles and fighters, with the advantage not skewed towards those who can stand up. The speaker argues that if a fighter takes down an opponent and dominates them, they should not be forced to start the next round standing up if the round ends before they can finish the fight. Instead, the fight should resume from the same position it ended in the previous round. This would make the fight more realistic and ensure that the fighter who earned the advantage maintains it. The speaker also suggests experimenting with longer rounds or even eliminating rounds altogether for a more exciting and less scripted fight experience. Ultimately, the goal is to create a fair and exciting fight for both the audience and the participants.

    • Understanding Pacing and Strategy in Martial ArtsEffective pacing and strategy in martial arts involve knowing when to defend, attack, and conserve energy. Traditional round formats allow for energy conservation, while longer rounds with fewer breaks can lead to more finishes but require greater endurance. Mental fortitude is crucial, as is the ability to read opponents and adapt to their tactics.

      In martial arts, especially in a championship fight, pacing oneself and knowing when to push is crucial. The traditional format of having multiple rounds, each with a specific duration, allows fighters to strategize and conserve energy. However, having longer rounds without breaks could lead to more finishes but also requires greater endurance. It's a mental game as much as a physical one, requiring fighters to know when to defend, when to attack, and when to conserve energy. In the early days of UFC, there were no time limits, making defensive strategies like Dan Severn's successful in the long run. Today, audiences are more educated, but the fundamentals of pacing and strategy remain the same. Even in grappling, having an opponent grab your gi can be advantageous, as it gives you a clear idea of their position and intentions. Ultimately, martial arts require a combination of physical and mental strength, and understanding the importance of pacing and strategy can make all the difference in a fight.

    • The debate over protective rules in MMARules in MMA have evolved to prioritize fighter safety, sparking debates about balancing protection and effective self-defense. Some prefer traditional bare-knuckle rules, while others support current regulations for wider appeal.

      The evolution of mixed martial arts (MMA) has led to stricter rules and regulations, moving from a focus on style versus style to a more protective approach for athletes. Some rules, like bans on knees to the head on the ground or hitting the back of the head, are controversial and have led to debates about the balance between protecting fighters and allowing effective self-defense. Some fighters and fans advocate for a return to the "old ways" of bare-knuckle fighting with no weight divisions or time limits. However, others argue that the current rules make the sport safer and more accessible to a wider audience. Ultimately, the debate highlights the ongoing tension between tradition and innovation in MMA.

    • Versatility in combat disciplines for MMA fightersMMA fighters need to master multiple combat disciplines and adapt to various situations in the ring. Early UFC arenas had unconventional designs, but a basketball court with a flat mat and warning track is a more practical solution.

      Modern MMA fighters need to be versatile in various combat disciplines such as jiu-jitsu, wrestling, striking, judo, kickboxing, and boxing. Kamar Usman, a UFC champion, is an example of a fighter who was significantly heavier than his fighting weight. The discussion also touched upon the early days of UFC and the unconventional ideas for the fighting arena, including a round ring with a pit and shocks, a bow, an octagon with barbed wires, and an electrical fence. The speaker suggested having a fight on a basketball court with a flat mat and a warning track instead, emphasizing the importance of eliminating non-human factors and having enough space to maneuver.

    • Using external resources can make a difference in overcoming challengesEffective techniques and adaptability can lead to victory in martial arts and beyond, debunking the myth that size and brute force are the only factors.

      Using external resources, like a wall or a technique learned from a martial art, can make a significant difference in overcoming challenges and achieving success. This was evident in the early days of the UFC when the founder's vision of showcasing martial arts without excessive violence gained skepticism from those around him. However, the technical skills and effectiveness of the fighters proved the doubters wrong, and jujitsu became a game-changer in mixed martial arts. The first UFC events demonstrated that size and brute force were not the only factors in winning a fight. Instead, the ability to adapt and use techniques effectively could lead to victory. This shift in understanding has had a lasting impact on martial arts and continues to be relevant today, as street fights and professional competitions showcase the importance of ground fighting and submission holds.

    • The UFC: A melting pot of martial arts with diverse skill sets and strategiesFighters in the UFC come from various backgrounds and practice multiple disciplines, requiring unique strategies and focus to succeed

      The UFC represents a unique and exciting time in martial arts history, where fighters come together with diverse skill sets and strategies. With the evolution of MMA, fighters now practice various disciplines such as kickboxing, karate, jujitsu, and wrestling. The focus is on who has the best strategy, and unique skill sets present unique challenges. For instance, a fighter like Pereira, known for his dangerous kickboxing, can render an opponent unconscious with just one shot. The discipline and focus of fighters, especially those from countries like Russia, play a significant role in their success. The future of MMA is promising, with more countries opening up to the sport and diverse talent emerging from different parts of the world. The discipline and unwavering focus of these fighters set them apart and contribute to their success in the UFC.

    • Focusing on intense training for optimal fighting performanceDedicate time to rigorous endurance training, cutting off distractions, and preparing for long fights to enhance performance in the ring

      For optimal fighting performance, complete dedication and rigorous endurance training are crucial. The interviewee shares his personal experience of cutting off distractions, such as family, for a month before fights to focus solely on intense training. His routine included a mix of endurance activities like running, swimming, and strength training. He emphasizes that having endurance is essential to last through the first round and then building power. An example of his endurance training involves a 41-mile run and swimming across Tampa Bay, which required extensive preparation. The interviewee's longest fight was 6 rounds of 15 minutes against Sakuraba, and he also mentions other notable long fights in UFC history, such as Dan Severn vs. Mark Coleman (30 minutes) and Murilo Bustamante vs. Tom Erickson (185 vs. 300 lbs). These anecdotes illustrate the importance of mental and physical fortitude in the world of fighting.

    • The Gracie Family's Impact on Early MMA DevelopmentThe Gracie family, led by Royce and Renzo, revolutionized MMA by showcasing the effectiveness of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu against larger opponents, leading to numerous championship titles and an unparalleled legacy in martial arts history.

      The Gracie family, particularly Royce and Renzo, made a significant impact on the early development of mixed martial arts. They faced challenges in promoting the effectiveness of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu against larger, stronger opponents, but their successes in the UFC and other competitions helped establish the sport. Watching their matches was a valuable experience for fans, as access to recordings was limited and the level of skill was impressive. Renzo's reputation as a formidable fighter was so strong that people were surprised to learn his brother Royce was even better. Their success extended beyond their immediate family, with numerous other Gracie relatives also achieving championship status in various combat sports. The Gracie legacy remains unparalleled in the world of martial arts.

    • The world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: a cycle of learning and improvementRespect, discipline, and constant improvement drive the ever-evolving landscape of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, with individuals like Gordon Ryan pushing boundaries and inspiring growth.

      The world of martial arts, specifically Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, is a continuous cycle of learning and improvement. The respect and discipline instilled in this community create a family-like atmosphere where knowledge is passed down from generation to generation. Individuals like Gordon Ryan, who train relentlessly, push themselves to new heights, and challenge their peers, contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of this martial art. The importance of discipline, consistency, and constant improvement is a core principle that sets these athletes apart and drives them to excel.

    • The importance of dedication and discipline in mastering a skillConsistently putting in effort and refusing to rest on laurels are crucial for skill improvement. Finding a mentor or teacher is invaluable in the learning process.

      Dedication and discipline are key to mastering any skill and achieving greatness. Whether it's jiu jitsu, bow hunting, or any other pursuit, consistently putting in the effort and refusing to rest on your laurels is essential for improvement. As the speaker emphasized, even the best talent requires discipline to stay at the top. Additionally, finding a mentor or teacher who can provide guidance and instruction is invaluable in the learning process. The speaker's experiences with Gordon and John Dudley illustrate this point, as they were instrumental in helping him progress in jiu jitsu and bow hunting, respectively. Ultimately, the commitment to continuous learning and improvement, along with the passion for the craft, leads to mastery and success.

    • Respecting nature and appreciating the value of foodThe Gracie family hunts for high-quality meat, self-sufficiency, and a deeper connection to their food source. They use every part of the animal and educate others about hunting's benefits.

      Hunting is not just about the thrill or the fun, but it's also about the meat and the connection to the source of food. The Gracie family, who hunts, faced criticism from those who don't, as they shared pictures of their meals while the Gracie's posted pictures of their kills. However, the Gracie's explained that they use every part of the animal and educate those who are uninformed about hunting. They also emphasized that hunting is physically demanding and not always successful. Despite the challenges, they continue to hunt for the high-quality meat and the sense of accomplishment that comes with it. Wild game meat is considered the best in the world by the Gracie's, and they make sure to use every part of the animal, including donating leftovers to organizations that help feed the hungry. Overall, hunting is about respecting nature, being self-sufficient, and appreciating the value of the food we consume.

    • Unusual injury experience leads to move from California to FloridaSpeaker moved from California due to concerns over homeless crisis, frustration with state's handling of funds, and lenient criminal justice system, hoping for change but believing significant effort is needed.

      The speaker had an unusual injury experience in Montana when his son removed staples from his finger using pliers, and later moved to Florida due to safety concerns and frustration with California's handling of its homeless crisis and perceived lack of respect for personal rights. The speaker expressed concern over the state's missing $24 billion allocated for homelessness and the seeming ineffectiveness of the funds. Additionally, the speaker criticized the leniency of the criminal justice system, feeling that individuals cannot effectively protect themselves and their families. The speaker expressed hope for change but believes it will take a significant effort and leadership to address these issues.

    • Indoctrination of Liberal Ideologies and Societal ConflictRecognize the importance of open dialogue and unity in a society, as everyone's growth contributes to a stronger, more harmonious whole.

      There are individuals and external forces pushing for the indoctrination of liberal ideologies in various institutions, leading to societal division and conflict. This ideological warfare aims to suppress opposing viewpoints, with the ultimate goal remaining unclear. The confusion arises from the question of who benefits from this chaos and what the endgame is. Some believe it's about gaining more power or money, while others suggest it's an attempt to collapse Western society. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that everyone's growth and success contribute to a stronger, more harmonious society. By understanding this interconnectedness, we can work towards fostering open dialogue and promoting unity.

    • The importance of hard work and disciplineRebelling against traditional values can hinder progress and opportunity, communism has failed to deliver a better society, and embracing hard work, discipline, and success leads to a prosperous community.

      The desire to rebel against older generations and reject traditional values can lead to a lack of discipline, planning for the future, and hard work. This attitude, if left unchecked, can result in a society that lacks progress and opportunity. The speaker argues that communism, often proposed as an alternative to capitalism, has failed to provide a better society and instead leads to military dictatorships. Instead, the speaker advocates for a culture that values and celebrates success and hard work, which benefits individuals and communities alike. It's important to recognize that not all financial success is oppressive, and that the success of businesses and schools, for example, can provide opportunities for employment and education. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of hard work, discipline, and a positive attitude towards success in creating a good society.

    • Building a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu school in Sarasota, FloridaThe speaker is establishing a new Gracie Jiu-Jitsu school in Sarasota, Florida, which will be their headquarters and will open within 8 months. The school will be large and located near the beach.

      The speaker is currently building a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu school in Sarasota, Florida, which will serve as their headquarters. The school is expected to be large, with three floors, and is planned to open within approximately 8 months. The speaker has previously taught at a school and conducted seminars but is now focusing on building this new school for themselves and their son. The location is conveniently situated just 5 minutes from the beach. The speaker expressed excitement about the project and shared some humorous anecdotes about sharks and surfing. The speaker also mentioned that they have not practiced archery recently and do not have a suitable place to do so in their yard.

    • Practice and Confidence are Key to Mastering a SkillDedicate time and effort to consistently practice a skill to build confidence and muscle memory. Focus and calmness under pressure can be improved through training like martial arts.

      Dedication and practice are key to mastering a skill, whether it's archery or any other pursuit. The speaker emphasizes the importance of confidence and muscle memory, which can only be gained through consistent practice. He shares his personal experience of preparing for elk hunting by practicing shooting for hours every day for weeks, ensuring he feels confident in his ability to make long shots. He also mentions the influence of martial arts training on his ability to focus and remain calm under pressure, which helps him in archery and hunting. The speaker appreciates the peace and tranquility of being in nature, even if he doesn't always come home with game. He acknowledges that hunting requires patience and acceptance of the difficult and unpredictable nature of the experience.

    • Hunting instills important values and provides delicious meatHunting offers self-reliance, respect for nature, and bonding experiences, while providing a source of healthy meat. Cultural differences and gun laws add complexity to the conversation.

      Hunting not only provides delicious and healthy meat, but it also instills important values such as respect for nature and weapons, self-reliance, and the bonding experience between family and community. However, the accessibility to hunting and gun ownership varies greatly between countries, and the freedom to bear arms is a significant aspect of American culture that not everyone may appreciate or have the opportunity to experience. The speaker's memories of hunting elk and hog with his family and teaching his children these skills from a young age are deeply meaningful to him, and he values the self-sufficiency and respect for life that comes with it. The challenges and differences in gun laws between countries, particularly in the context of crime rates and societal structures, add complexity to the conversation. Ultimately, the speaker expresses a deep appreciation for the freedoms and experiences that come with hunting and gun ownership in America.

    • Appreciating the Role of Law Enforcement and MilitaryUFC legend Royce Gracie emphasized the importance of appreciating the role of law enforcement and military in protecting citizens and ensuring safety and security.

      We are fortunate to live in America and should appreciate the protection provided by our law enforcement and military. Royce Gracie, a UFC legend, emphasized this point during a conversation with Joe Rogan. Gracie, who has traveled extensively and understands the toughness of the world, acknowledged that it's not every day citizens who will defend us if needed. Instead, it's the police and military who are trained and prepared to do so. Gracie, who is also a jiu-jitsu expert, expressed his support for these institutions and even offered to visit Rogan's school in Florida once it opens. The conversation ended with mutual respect and appreciation between the two men. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of recognizing and valuing the role of our protectors in ensuring our safety and security.

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