
    JRE MMA Show #158 with Tank Abbott

    enJune 06, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • MMA gloves innovationJoe Rogan introduced MMA gloves to protect hands and enhance performance, modifying them from wrestling gloves to generate power and minimize injuries

      Joe Rogan, an early MMA legend, introduced the use of gloves in fights to protect his hands and enhance his performance. Rogan, who first met the podcast host in the late 90s, shared stories from the early days of UFC when rules were more lenient, allowing for more aggressive fighting styles. He recalled how he came up with the idea of wearing gloves during a trip to a sporting goods store and modified them to make them suitable for wrestling. Rogan's innovation allowed him to generate power in his punches while minimizing hand injuries, making him a formidable opponent in the ring. The conversation also touched on Rogan's experiences with injuries and the pressure to fight despite physical limitations.

    • UFC's unpredictability in early daysThe early UFC was marked by loose regulations and unexpected challenges, leading to unpredictable opponents and circumstances for fighters. Fighter Tank Abbott's determination and fighting spirit allowed him to win a fight against a much larger opponent in Dothan, Alabama, despite being under the influence of alcohol.

      The early days of the UFC were marked by loose regulations and unsanctioned events, leading to unexpected challenges and opponents for fighters. For instance, at UFC 12, Tank Abbott was supposed to fight in Buffalo but ended up in Dothan, Alabama, where he unexpectedly encountered a much larger opponent, Ferrozo. Despite the unexpected circumstances, Abbott's determination and fighting spirit led him to win the fight, even while under the influence of alcohol. This experience highlights the unpredictability and rugged nature of the UFC during its early years. Additionally, Abbott's passion for fighting started from a young age, with a desire to box despite his mother's objections. He eventually found a trainer and began his boxing journey, leading to his debut in the UFC. Overall, Abbott's story showcases the grit, determination, and unpredictability that defined the UFC during its early days.

    • Fighter's fortitudeEven a less skilled fighter can overcome a more experienced opponent with the right mindset and determination. Fighter's fortitude cannot be learned in a gym, it comes from within.

      Fighting is not just about technical skills, but also about mental fortitude and toughness. The speaker, who has a background in martial arts and fighting, emphasizes that even a less skilled fighter can overcome an opponent with greater experience if they have the right mindset and are willing to fight with all their might. He shares an anecdote about a confrontation where he was able to defeat an opponent with more professional boxing experience by using brute force and determination. The speaker also discusses how some skilled fighters can crumble under pressure in actual fights, while others, like legendary UFC fighters, never give up and find a way to win no matter the circumstances. He concludes by stating that fighter's fortitude is a crucial aspect of combat sports, and that it cannot be learned in a gym or through techniques alone. Instead, it comes from within, and true fighters embody this mental and emotional strength.

    • Subscription management with Rocket MoneyRocket Money helps users manage and cancel unwanted subscriptions, saving them up to $740 a year. With over 5 million users and $500 million in total savings, it's a popular and effective tool for simplifying finances.

      Rocket Money is a helpful tool for managing and canceling unwanted subscriptions, saving users up to $740 a year. With over 5 million users and $500 million in total savings, it's a popular choice for those looking to simplify their financial situation. The app's ease of use and significant impact make it a valuable resource for anyone looking to save money. During the discussion, there was also mention of a personal anecdote about a UFC fight and a dispute with a referee. While this story was interesting, it doesn't directly relate to the main topic of Rocket Money. However, it does highlight the determination and persistence of the person sharing the story, who refused to give up even when facing adversity. This is a valuable lesson that can be applied to various aspects of life, including managing finances and canceling unwanted subscriptions with the help of Rocket Money.

    • MMA politics and bias in early daysThe early days of MMA were marked by bias, sponsorships, and unfair fights, but the sport's true nature as a diverse and challenging fighting game prevailed.

      The early days of mixed martial arts (MMA) were chaotic and influenced by various factors, including politics and sponsorships. The speaker shared a personal experience where a referee, John McCartney, was allegedly biased during a fight, leading to his expulsion from an event. The speaker also mentioned that in the early days of MMA, fights were not always fair and could be rigged. Additionally, the speaker expressed that boxing and MMA are different but complementary fighting styles, and that MMA was facing opposition from various quarters in its early days. Despite these challenges, the speaker emphasized that MMA is a true fighting game, requiring a diverse range of skills.

    • Perseverance in Ultimate FightingRaw fighting skills and determination led a criminal record holder to discover the world of ultimate fighting, despite initial resistance and skepticism.

      The speaker's determination and raw fighting skills led him to discover the world of ultimate fighting, despite facing obstacles and skepticism along the way. He recounts how he stumbled upon boxing training and, despite initial resistance, managed to secure a spot in a fight due to his reputation as a formidable fighter. The speaker's background in wrestling and street fighting made him an intriguing prospect for the ultimate fighting scene, and he was eventually discovered by Art Davy, a key figure in the early days of the sport. Despite his criminal record, the speaker's unwavering desire to compete ultimately led him to the opportunity to participate in an ultimate fighting event. The story highlights the importance of perseverance and natural talent in achieving one's goals, even when faced with challenges and setbacks.

    • Opportunities and determinationUnexpected experiences and outcomes can result from determination and seizing opportunities, even if they don't go as planned, and it's important to stay persistent and make the most of them.

      Determination and opportunity can lead to unexpected experiences and outcomes. The speaker shares a story about being given a chance to attend a UFC event despite being a college student with no connection to the world of fighting. Through a series of fortunate events, he was sponsored by a clothing company and even received a plane ticket to the event. Upon arrival, he was surprised by the scene and ended up partying with some people in the industry, only to later discover they had given him fake passes. Despite the initial disappointment, the speaker learned a valuable lesson about the importance of staying persistent and making the most of opportunities, even when they don't go exactly as planned.

    • Wrestling chaosSpeaker's expulsion from wrestling event led to chaotic cocktail party, causing fights and frustration over referee interventions, despite his belief in allowing fights to continue on the ground.

      The speaker's behavior during a wrestling event led to his expulsion and a series of chaotic incidents. Despite this, he managed to gain entry to a cocktail party using a connection and caused a scene by insulting the attendees. The night was filled with fights and chaos, and the speaker's training and strength were evident, despite his heavy drinking. He believed that fights should be allowed to continue on the ground and expressed frustration over referees breaking up fights. The speaker's actions resulted in his expulsion from the event, and he left feeling disappointed and misunderstood. Despite the chaos, the speaker believed he could have beaten any opponent that day due to his prime condition.

    • Martial arts dominanceThe speaker believes that martial arts fights are a way to assert dominance and protect oneself against perceived narcissists, highlighting the importance of self-defense and personal power.

      The speaker, who has a history of participating in various martial arts fights both in MMA and on the streets, enjoys confronting narcissistic individuals and sees fighting as a way to assert dominance and protect himself. He believes that people underestimate the human body's ability to endure pain and that he has a strong sense of fighter's fortitude. The speaker also mentions specific fights that he considers real and brutal, such as the one between Ken and Funaki, and Bas Rutten's first UFC fight against Kosaka. However, he admits that some fights may have been fixed, but emphasizes that there were also genuine battles. Overall, the speaker's perspective on fighting is rooted in his desire to defend himself against bullies and assert his dominance over those he perceives as narcissistic.

    • True fighting spirit vs rulesThe speaker values facing challenges directly and disapproves of relying on rules or tactics to win. He believes current UFC rules favor some fighters and disadvantage others, making fights less realistic and more about rule adherence than true combat skills.

      The speaker believes that true fighting spirit lies in facing challenges head-on and not relying on rules or tactics to win. He admires those who stand up to bullies or disrespectful individuals, like Joe Schilling, and disapproves of those who bluff or hide behind rules. He also believes that the current rules in UFC favor some fighters and disadvantage others, especially those who are not skilled in grappling or ground fighting. He suggests that the rules should be more balanced, allowing fighters to stay in their disadvantageous positions if they cannot escape, and allowing effective techniques like knees to the head to a grounded opponent. He believes that these rules make the fights less realistic and more about winning with the rule set rather than true combat skills.

    • Health risks of excessive drinkingExcessive drinking can lead to serious health complications, including organ failure, infections, and the need for lifelong medication to prevent rejection.

      The speaker shared a harrowing experience of undergoing a liver and kidney transplant after years of excessive drinking led to multiple health complications, including five strokes and a roundworm infection. Despite the challenges, including the need for lifelong medication to prevent organ rejection and the risk of contracting infections, the speaker persevered and learned the importance of taking care of one's health. The speaker also emphasized the importance of being aware of potential health risks, such as parasitic infections, especially when traveling to tropical climates. The speaker's story serves as a reminder of the consequences of unhealthy habits and the importance of prioritizing one's health.

    • Near-death experienceA near-death experience can lead to a new appreciation for life, emphasizing human connection and empathy over material possessions and accomplishments.

      A near-death experience can drastically change one's perspective on life. The speaker in this conversation recounted feeling isolated and invisible during his hospitalization, with medical professionals focusing solely on his ailments. He described a sense of detachment from reality and a realization of his own mortality. This experience led him to adopt a more compassionate and appreciative attitude towards life, recognizing that material possessions and accomplishments hold less value than human connection and empathy. He also acknowledged the importance of being present and engaged in one's relationships, as well as the potential for unexpected twists and turns in life. The speaker's experience underscores the importance of cherishing life and the connections we have with others.

    • Liver Failure and EncephalopathyA failing liver can lead to encephalopathy, causing sickness, nausea, and cognitive impairment, but individuals can still create art and inspire others despite their challenges

      Tank Abbott, a former professional mixed martial artist and UFC fighter, shared his personal experience of living with a failing liver and the resulting encephalopathy, which left him feeling sick, nauseous, and "crazy." He wrote a 900-page trilogy, titled "Bar Brawler," "Cage Fighter," and "Before there are rules," about a fictional character named Walter Fox who goes through similar experiences and becomes a famous fighter. The books are available on Amazon, and some people mistakenly believe they are autobiographical. Abbott wrote every page himself, despite not knowing how to type, and even created an audiobook version using AI. He encouraged those interested in his work to follow him on Instagram @tank.abbott. Despite having suffered five strokes, Abbott remains grateful for the opportunity to share his experiences and contribute to the early success of the UFC.

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