
    " How to have joy no matter what" by Hiram Kemp

    enJune 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Biblical joyDespite hardships, we can find joy through God's grace and peace, emphasized in the Bible over 400 times, and called for Christians to maintain even in challenging times.

      Even in the face of loss and hardship, we can find joy through God's grace and peace. Irvin Abney's passing serves as a reminder of the promise of resurrection and life to come. C.S. Lewis emphasizes that joy is the ultimate desire of the human heart, and despite the challenges we face, the Bible assures us that joy is still possible. The Bible mentions joy and rejoicing over 400 times, highlighting its importance. Christians are called to be joyful people, even in the midst of hardship. Biblical joy is not just a giddy feeling, but a stubborn view toward life that chooses joy despite the ups and downs. Paul, despite being in prison, encouraged the Philippians to rejoice and set their minds on joy. By receiving God's grace and peace, we can have joy no matter what circumstances we face.

    • Grace and PeacePaul teaches that true joy comes from receiving God's grace and peace, which are more valuable than material blessings. Grace is God's kindness, and peace is inner tranquility. We cannot earn these gifts, only receive them with humility.

      According to Paul in his letter to the Philippians, true joy and happiness come from receiving God's grace and peace. Paul was the first to combine the Greco-Roman greeting of grace and the Hebrew concept of peace in this way. Grace represents God's kindness towards us, and peace is an inner tranquility and harmony with God. These spiritual realities are more valuable than material blessings. Paul emphasizes that we cannot earn grace, it is a gift from God, and we must be humble and open to receive it. By focusing on God's grace and peace, we can have joy, no matter what challenges we face in life. Paul's message challenges us to prioritize spiritual treasures over earthly ones and to be receptive to the grace and peace that God extends to us.

    • Choosing JoyFocusing on God's grace, remembering the good things, and practicing gratitude can help us choose joy and overcome negativity even in the midst of challenges

      , according to the Bible, we can choose joy and find happiness by focusing on God's grace, remembering the good things in our lives, and practicing gratitude. As Paul wrote to the Philippians, we can experience true joy by opening ourselves up to God's grace and peace. Even when facing hardships and difficulties, like Paul did in his imprisonment, we can choose to remember the good things and give thanks to God. By making a conscious effort to focus on the positive, we can overcome negativity and find joy in the midst of challenges. As Audrey Hepburn once said, "I will make the conscious decision to choose joy." And as we see from the examples of biblical figures like Jacob, David, and the two spies, this principle has been practiced throughout history. So, no matter what life throws our way, we have the power to choose joy.

    • GratitudeFocusing on gratitude and practicing it daily can help us keep things in perspective, improve our outlook on life, and bring us peace and joy, even during challenging times

      , despite the challenges and hardships in life, it's important to focus on the good and practice gratitude. As Paul's example shows, even when life seems to be making things worse, we can choose to remember the good things and count our blessings. Learning to count and prioritize what's truly important can help us keep things in perspective. Surrounding ourselves with positive people and focusing on praise and gratitude can also make a big difference in our outlook on life. Most importantly, trusting that God is working in our lives, even when we can't see it, can bring us peace and joy, no matter what.

    • God's love and joyBelieving in God's love and presence can bring joy and peace even in difficult circumstances, and abounding in love through knowledge and discernment leads to righteous fruits.

      That we can have joy in our lives no matter what circumstances we face if we believe that God is always working on our behalf and if we abound in love. According to the Bible, Paul emphasized this idea in Philippians 1:6, where he expressed confidence that God would complete the good work He had started in the lives of believers. Paul also encouraged the Philippians to abound in love through knowledge and discernment, leading them to bear the fruits of righteousness. This perspective is in contrast to the modern-day issue of overwork, which can lead to physical and emotional harm, as highlighted in an article from BBC. By trusting in God's unwavering presence and love, we can find joy and peace even in difficult times. Ultimately, God's goodness and love are ever-present in our lives, and we should appreciate and respond to them with love and gratitude.

    • Prioritizing God's loveStudy Scripture, seek first God's kingdom, live for a cause greater than ourselves to prioritize God's love and experience joy no matter what.

      To experience joy no matter what, we need to prioritize God's love and reorder our affections accordingly. This involves studying Scripture, seeking first God's kingdom, and living for a cause greater than ourselves. Paul emphasizes the importance of both knowledge and discernment, and the need to approve of things that are excellent. Delighting in difficulties and suffering for Christ's sake can lead to greater joy, as seen in Paul's example in prison. By focusing on God's eternal purpose, we can put our joy out of reach of this world and find deeper fulfillment. Consider who you are serving and pouring yourself into, as living for a cause greater than ourselves can bring greater joy and meaning to our lives.

    • Serving Others, Living for JesusFocusing on serving others and living according to the gospel brings true joy and fulfillment, and making our identity in Jesus is key to experiencing this joy.

      Living a self-centered life can lead to instability and unhappiness, while committing to serve others and live for Jesus brings true joy and fulfillment. By focusing on serving others and living according to the gospel, we can find meaning and purpose beyond ourselves, and ultimately experience joy no matter what circumstances come our way. Additionally, making our identity in Jesus and living consistently with the gospel are key to experiencing this joy. Paul, in the book of Philippians, provides an inspiring example of someone who lived fully for Jesus, even in the face of hardships and persecution. By following his example and making the decision to always live for Jesus, we too can experience the joy that comes from a life well-lived for God.

    • Faith in JesusSharing personal experiences, the speaker encouraged the audience to trust in Jesus as the Christ, repent of sins, seek forgiveness, and find eternal joy through faith.

      No matter what challenges we face in life, financially, physically, or with our family, having faith in Jesus can bring us eternal joy. This was expressed during a discussion where someone shared their personal decision to follow Jesus and the joy it has brought them. They encouraged the audience to trust in Jesus as the Christ, repent of their sins, and seek forgiveness through baptism or prayer. The invitation was extended to anyone who needed to restore their joy and find peace in their lives. The group then sang a song to encourage and support each other on this spiritual journey. Overall, the message was one of hope and the transformative power of faith in Jesus.

    Recent Episodes from Lehman Ave Church of Christ

    "Jesus The Fullness of God" by Neal Pollard

    "Jesus The Fullness of God" by Neal Pollard

    July 21, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon


    Jesus The Fullness of God - (Colossians 1:19)

    • "Fullness" - (Col. 1:19, 2:9)
    • Fullness: What God is, Jesus is exactly
    • Because Jesus is Fully God... Reconciliation is possible - (Col. 1:19-23)
      • The Harmony of Reconciliation - (20)
      • The Hurdles of Reconciliation - (21)
      • The Holiness of Reconciliation - (22)
      • The Hope of Reconciliation - (23)
    • Because Jesus is Fully God... The church is important - (Col 1:24)
      • Since Jesus is its head, I must submit to him
      • Since Jesus is its head, I must suffer for him
      • Since Jesus is its head, I must serve him
    • Because Jesus is fully God... The gospel is powerful - (Col 1:25-27)
      • The gospel is a gift from God - (25)
      • The gospel is the word of God - (25)
      • The gospel is the mystery once hidden... (26-27)
      • The gospel is God's glorious riches - (27)
    • "Walk worthy of the Lord" (Four participles)
    • Because Jesus is fully God... His business is urgent - (Col 1:28-29)
      • There is an urgent message
      • There is an urgent method
      • There is an urgent purpose


    Duration 40:04

    "How the Devil Works in Our Lives" by Hiram Kemp

    "How the Devil Works in Our Lives" by Hiram Kemp

    July 21, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon


    How the Devil Works in Our Lives Hiram Kemp Introduction: 1. While it is true that ____________ is at work in our ____________, it is also true that the __________________ is at work in our lives. 2. The early ______________ of the ______________ tell us about his entrance into the world and __________________ humanity. 3. We can ______________ the _______________ but, only if we _____________ and _______________ how he ___________________. I. __________________ (Genesis 3:1-6; John 8:44) II. __________________ (Matthew 4:3; 1 Thess. 3:5) III. _________________ & __________________ (2 Corinthians 4:4, 11:14) IV. ____________________ (1 Tim. 3:6) V. ____________________ & __________________ (Luke 13:16; 2 Cor. 12:7) VI. ____________________ (Rev. 12:9-10) VII. ____________________ Good _______________ (1 Thess. 2:18) Conclusion: 1. The _______________ wants to _____________ our _______________. 2. Jesus came to ___________ to ___________ him and __________ his __________. 3. The way to __________ the _________ is to ___________ your life to ___________.


    Duration 39:24


    Hebrews by Harry Potter Part 7

    Hebrews by Harry Potter Part 7

    July 21, 2024 - Sunday AM Bible Class


    This quarter Neal and Harry conduct a class studying the book of Hebrews.



    • Jesus is Better - Hebrews 1-2
    • Why is Jesus Better? (1:1-4)
      • Because of what he has said (1:1-2)
      • The Source of his Message is divine
      • Because of who he is (1:2-3)
        • He is Heir (2): We get access to everything the Fater gives through His heir!
        • He is Creator (2; 11:3)
        • He is Deity (1:3)
        • Meaning... He's the radiance of His glory
        • He's the exact representation of His nature (EXACT DUPLICATE)
        • He is Sustainer (1:3)
      • Because of what He's Done (1:3)
      • Because of where He is (1:3)
      • He is reigning with God
      • Jesus is Better than the Angels (1:4-2:18)
        • The ancient world held angels in high regard!
        • Angel worship already troubled the early church (Col. 2:18)
        • The Angels are not God's Son, but Jesus is - (1:5)
          • Hebrews quotes the Old Testament about 40 times (second only to Romans)
          • Psalm 2:7; 2 Samuel 7:14
          • As a class, angels are called " sons of God" (Job) but no one of them is called "Son of God"
        • Jesus has received a better name than the angels
          • The angels are not to be worshipped, but Jesus is - (1:6)
          • Deuteronomy 32:43 (Septuagint or LXX)
          • Whenever anyone tries to worship the angels, they are quick to disrupt it (Revelation 19:10)
        • The angels are not deity, but Jesus is - (1:7-12)
          • Psalm 104:4
          • Angels aren't rulers; They are followers
          • Psalm 45:6-7; 102:25-27
        • The angels are not exalted and enthroned, but Jesus is - (1:13-14)
          • Psalm 110:1
        • The angels are not over the world to come but Jesus is - (2:1-13)
          • Hebrews 2:1-4 is not a digression from the subject, but a conclusion to chapter one
        • There are two dangers in ignoring Jesus and his message:
          • Drifting (2:1)
          • Neglecting His Word (2:2-4)
          • The writer quotes Psalm 8:4-6
        • It's ironic that the way for Christ to reign over the world to come is by being made lower than the angels for a little while in in this world
        • Based on these five reasons, God doesn't help angels, but He does help "the offspring of Abraham" (2:14-18)
        • He helps us:
          • He destroys the devil's power over us (2:14)
          • He delivers us from spiritual slavery (2:15)
          • He discharged our spiritual debt (2:17)
          • He devotes Himself to our assistance (2:18)


    Duration 43:19



    "Fearless Deeds of the Defenders: Luke’s Scripture (Book of Acts)" by Neal Pollard

    "Fearless Deeds of the Defenders:  Luke’s Scripture (Book of Acts)" by Neal Pollard

    July 14, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon - VBS Day 1 Adult Class


    Fearless Deeds of the Defenders: Luke’s Scripture (Book of Acts)

    • The growth of the early church in Acts
    • What does it take to be fearless?
      • Step one: Accuracy
      • The author's apologetic approach
        • "Presented"
        • "Proofs"
      • The amazing accuracy of Acts
        • Luke's use of nautical terms
        • Luke's use of the term "Politarch"
        • "Luke was exactly right and the critics exactly wrong" - (Gareth Reese)
        • Luke's accurate geographical and topographical references
      • The appropriate application
        • 1. Do you trust the bible?
        • 2. Do you READ / STUDY the bible?
        • 3. Do you ACCURATELY handle the bible?

    Duration 41:28


    "How God Works in Our Lives" by Hiram Kemp

    "How God Works in Our Lives"  by Hiram Kemp

    July 14, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon


    How God Works in Our Lives - Romans 8:28-32  Introduction: 1. Some people believe in divine ____________. They believe all the events in  our lives are _______________ and we cannot ___________ them. 2. Others believe God is ________ at all ________________ in our lives and we   are in the world all on our _____________. 3. In _____________ God is shown to be directly _____________ in the lives of  His __________. God does not do things _____________ in the same ways   he did _________, but that does not mean he is far ____________________.  I. __________________ (Col. 1:5-6; 1 Thess. 2:13) II. ____________________ (2 Cor. 1:3-7; 7:6) III. __________________ (Genesis 45:4-5; Romans 8:28) IV. ____________________ (Romans 1:9; 1 Cor. 14:14-15) V. ______________________ (2 Cor. 1:11; Philippians 1:9; Philemon 22) VI. The ____________________ (Romans 8:26-27; 2 Cor. 3:17-18) VII. __________________ (John 15:3-8; Philippians 2:12-13 Conclusion: 1. God is still working in our ___________, but we need to use our ________ to work   for ____________. 2. God’s greatest work in our lives was done through the _________ and __________  of Jesus ___________. 3. God wants to _____________in you, will you ____________ Him?



    "A Survey of the Rich Blessings Found in the Church I Love (Epistles)" by Neal Pollard

    "A Survey of the Rich Blessings Found in the Church I Love (Epistles)" by Neal Pollard

    July 7, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon


    A Survey of the Rich Blessings Found in the Church I Love (Epistles)  Neal Pollard 


    • The Scheme of Redemption (Epistles: How to Live in the Church)
    • Exegesis helps us determine the purpose of a book
    • Consider just one blessing found in each epistle
      • Romans - "Being right with God"
      • 1 Corinthians - "Unity"
      • 2 Corinthians - "Comfort"
      • Galatians - "Freedom"
      • Ephesians - "The Love of God"
      • Philippians - "Joy"
      • Colossians - "Hope"
      • 1 Thessalonians - "Prayer"
      • 2 Thessalonians - "Endurance"
      • 1 Timothy - "Pattern"
      • 2 Timothy - "Boldness"
      • Titus - "Grace"
      • Philemon - "Providence"
      • Hebrews - "Covenant"
      • James - "Wisdom"
      • 1 Peter - "Resurrection"
      • 2 Peter - "Knowledge"
      • 1 John - "Brotherly Love"
      • 2 John - "Truth" - Command
      • 3 John - "Truth" - Example
      • Jude - "Divine Power"
    • We are imperfect, but we have perfect blessings in Christ


    Duration 35:53

    "True Love" by Neal Pollard

    "True Love" by Neal Pollard

    July 7, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon


    True Love - (Matthew 5:43-48) Introduction A. "The ___________ Person Believes He Is A Better Person Than The __________ Person" B. True Love May Be Best Presented When It Comes To How We Treat __________

    I. TRUE LOVE IS A MATTER OF ______________ (43-44) II. TRUE LOVE IS A MATTER OF ______________ (45) III. TRUE LOVE IS A MATTER OF ____________ (46) IV. TRUE LOVE IS A MATTER OF _______________ (47) V. TRUE LOVE IS A MATTER OF ________________ (48) A. We Must Incorporate Basic, __________-_________ Ways. Like What (Ex. 34:6-7)? Conclusion A. "How Much ______________ Is ___________ Getting Out of My Life?"


    Duration 33:07

    Hebrews by Neal Pollard Part 6

    Hebrews by Neal Pollard Part 6

    July 7, 2024 - Sunday AM Bible Class


    This quarter Neal and Harry conduct a class studying the book of Hebrews.



    • Jesus is Better - Hebrews 1-2
    • Why is Jesus Better? (1:1-4)
      • Because of what he has said (1:1-2)
      • The Source of his Message is divine
      • Because of who he is (1:2-3)
        • He is Heir (2): We get access to everything the Fater gives through His heir!
        • He is Creator (2; 11:3)
        • He is Deity (1:3)
        • Meaning... He's the radiance of His glory
        • He's the exact representation of His nature (EXACT DUPLICATE)
        • He is Sustainer (1:3)
      • Because of what He's Done (1:3)
      • Because of where He is (1:3)
      • He is reigning with God
      • Jesus is Better than the Angels (1:4-2:18)
        • The ancient world held angels in high regard!
        • Angel worship already troubled the early church (Col. 2:18)
        • The Angels are not God's Son, but Jesus is - (1:5)
          • Hebrews quotes the Old Testament about 40 times (second only to Romans)
          • Psalm 2:7; 2 Samuel 7:14
          • As a class, angels are called " sons of God" (Job) but no one of them is called "Son of God"
        • Jesus has received a better name than the angels
          • The angels are not to be worshipped, but Jesus is - (1:6)
          • Deuteronomy 32:43 (Septuagint or LXX)
          • Whenever anyone tries to worship the angels, they are quick to disrupt it (Revelation 19:10)
        • The angels are not deity, but Jesus is - (1:7-12)
          • Psalm 104:4
          • Angels aren't rulers; They are followers
          • Psalm 45:6-7; 102:25-27
        • The angels are not exalted and enthroned, but Jesus is - (1:13-14)
          • Psalm 110:1
        • The angels are not over the world to come but Jesus is - (2:1-13)
          • Hebrews 2:1-4 is not a digression from the subject, but a conclusion to chapter one
        • There are two dangers in ignoring Jesus and his message:
          • Drifting (2:1)
          • Neglecting His Word (2:2-4)
          • The writer quotes Psalm 8:4-6
        • It's ironic that the way for Christ to reign over the world to come is by being made lower than the angels for a little while in in this world
        • Based on these five reasons, God doesn't help angels, but He does help "the offspring of Abraham" (2:14-18)
        • He helps us:
          • He destroys the devil's power over us (2:14)
          • He delivers us from spiritual slavery (2:15)
          • He discharged our spiritual debt (2:17)
          • He devotes Himself to our assistance (2:18)


    Duration 45:21



    "How the Song of Solomon Can Bless Your Marriage" by Hiram Kemp

    "How the Song of Solomon Can Bless Your Marriage" by Hiram Kemp

    June 30, 2024 - Sunday PM Sermon

     How the Song of Solomon Can Bless Your Marriage   Hiram Kemp (Song of Solomon 1:1-4, 8:6-7) 

    • Healthy Self-image - (1:5-6)
    • Express Love & Admiration - (1:15, 5:10-16, 6:4-10)
    • Don't Neglect The "Little" Things - (2:15)
    • Keep Pursuing Each other - (1:2-4, 3:1-4)
    • Intimacy is a Blessing to be enjoyed - (4:16-5:1)
    • Remember every marriage has problems - (5:2-8)
    • We always marry...
      • A Sinner - (Eccl. 7:20)
      • A Changer - (Eph. 4:22-24)
      • A Suffer - (Job 14:1)
      • A Selfish Person - (Phil. 2:3-4)
    • Remain Friends - (5:16)
    • Love is invaluable - (8:6-7)

    Duration 38:03


    "The Blessings of Godly Leaders and Followers" by Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard

    "The Blessings of Godly Leaders and Followers" by Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard

    June 30, 2024 - Sunday AM Sermon


    The Blessings of Godly Leaders Hiram Kemp

    Ephesians 4:11-16

    1. Nearly every _____________ of ______________ has _______________. 2. We sometimes see many examples of _______________ leaders, but not enough  _____________ of good ______________. 3. One of the things God ____________ his people with is _____________ leaders. I. _____________ Gift from ____________ (Ephesians 4:11) II._____________ Us for ______________ (Ephesians 4:12, 4:16) III. _____________ Us Towards _____________ Maturity (Ephesians 4:13) IV. _____________ Us Against ______________ Pitfalls (Ephesians 4:14-15)

    The Blessings of Godly Followers Neal Pollard

    John 12:20-26

    A. The New Testament Uses The Word ___________ Times (Nearly All Of Them In The  ____________) I. GODLY FOLLOWERS ARE ________________ (24) II. GODLY FOLLOWERS ARE GIVEN __________ ________________ (25) III. GODLY FOLLOWERS ARE IN ____________ WITH ____________ (26) A. To Assure We Have The ________________ We Need: 1. ____________ them 2. ____________ them 3. _______________ the enormous task that faces them 4. ____________ for them Conclusion A. 4 Things _____________ Followers Do: B. Let Us Do Our Job In A ____________-Pleasing Way


    Duration  39:37