
    379: Romantic Spirit, Levitation & The Closet | Paranormal Mysteries

    enJune 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Haunted DollsHaunted dolls can manifest as powerful spirits, leading to intense and complex paranormal experiences, such as footsteps, knocking, and even sexual encounters, but they may eventually move on.

      Some people have had paranormal experiences with haunted objects, specifically dolls. Classic gamer74 shared his experience of purchasing a haunted doll on eBay, which turned out to be a powerful spirit. The doll, named Sarah, would make her presence known through footsteps, knocking, and even communicating through Ouija boards. One intense experience involved Sarah appearing in the middle of the night and having sex with the owner. However, she eventually moved on, leaving him with memories of a vivid encounter. Virginia Slim also shared her story of growing up with the ability to see and communicate with spirits, but refusing to accept it until her late teens. These stories serve as reminders that paranormal experiences can be both intense and complex, and not always what pop culture portrays them to be.

    • Paranormal experiencesAt 17, a man challenged paranormal occurrences in his bedroom, leading to unexplained experiences that left him suspended above his bed. His family shared similar experiences, but the risks and consequences should be considered before exploring the paranormal.

      Curiosity and defiance towards the unexplained can sometimes lead to extraordinary experiences. The individual in this story, at the age of 17, decided to challenge what he believed to be supernatural occurrences in his bedroom. He gave them three days to provide tangible evidence, but what ensued were a series of strange events that left him suspended above his bed and unable to breathe. Despite the lack of rational explanation, his family believed him, and they all shared similar unexplained experiences. This story serves as a reminder that sometimes, the unexplained can be real, and it's essential to approach such experiences with an open mind. However, it's also crucial to consider the potential risks and consequences of challenging the unknown. The individual in this story got what he asked for, but it opened doors that might have been better left closed. It's essential to approach the paranormal with caution and respect, and to remember that some things may be better left unexplored.

    • Unexplained experiences in homesSome homes can leave lingering unexplained experiences, such as feelings of being watched, shadows moving, and even physical sensations of presence, despite no physical evidence

      Some homes, despite their physical appearance, can hold unexplained and unsettling experiences. The speaker shares their personal story of living in a house in Ohio, where they and their family experienced various odd occurrences. These included feelings of being watched, shadows moving, and even physical sensations of someone's presence. The most disturbing incident was when the speaker felt a presence in their bedroom, which grew increasingly intense until they turned on the TV as a distraction. Despite no physical evidence of anything being there, the feeling of being watched remained. The speaker's uncle's mother-in-law, who was a non-practicing medium, also described having a strong presence in the same bathroom. These experiences demonstrate that some homes may hold more than just physical structures and can leave lingering effects on those who live there.

    • Childhood paranormal experiencesChildhood encounters with the paranormal can leave lasting impacts, including unexplained phenomena and feelings of fear or hatred, that can affect individuals throughout their lives.

      Childhood experiences with the paranormal can leave lasting impacts on individuals. The speaker shared two encounters with unexplained phenomena that occurred in his aunt's house when he was young. In the first experience, he saw a rocking chair rocking on its own in a dream, with an unseen presence looking at him. His aunt later revealed that her grandmother had used to sit in that chair. In the second experience, the speaker felt someone watching him in the middle of the night and saw a figure in the doorway, which later appeared beside him in bed. Though the figure had no distinct features, the speaker felt a deep sense of hatred from it. These experiences have stayed with the speaker to this day, affecting his ability to sleep with his back to a doorway or closet. These stories serve as a reminder of the potential impact of the paranormal on our lives, even when we are young.

    • Paranormal EntitiesEncounters with paranormal entities can bring both fear and comfort, and their behavior can be unpredictable and sinister even when seemingly loving.

      The author's experiences with paranormal entities in two different homes left her feeling both terrified and comforted. In the first house, she felt the presence of a malevolent entity that made her fear for her safety. In the second house, she encountered a maternal and loving entity that brought comfort through small signs of her presence. However, this entity also revealed itself to be more powerful and sinister when challenged, leaving the author living in fear for years. Despite her faith and attempts to seek help, the entities continued to haunt her, but the arrival of a new life brought a sense of peace and the return of the comforting presence. Overall, the author's experiences highlight the complex and unpredictable nature of encounters with the paranormal.

    • Demonic and maternal experiencesUnexplained experiences with a loving maternal spirit and a terrifying demonic entity tested the speaker's faith and caused intense emotions

      The speaker experienced the presence of a loving, maternal spirit they referred to as "Our Lady," but was later terrorized by a demonic entity. The experiences included warnings about foul language, mysterious occurrences, and intense dreams. The most vivid and memorable experience was a dream where the speaker was visited by an older woman who identified herself as a friend and expressed love for the speaker and their baby. However, after Our Lady's absence, the demonic entity returned with full force, causing terrifying experiences during dreams and leaving the speaker feeling helpless and hopeless. The speaker also reported seeing strange lights in the sky during a stargazing session, which they couldn't explain. Ultimately, the speaker's faith was tested as they tried to protect themselves from the demonic entity and seek answers about the unexplained phenomena.

    • Paranormal experiencesParanormal phenomena can touch all of our lives in various ways as shared by ClassicGamer74, Virginia Slim, Dakota, and A on Paranormal Mysteries Podcast.

      Each episode of Paranormal Mysteries brings unique and personal paranormal experiences to light. Tonight, we heard from ClassicGamer74, Virginia Slim, Dakota, and A, who shared their encounters with the unexplained. These stories serve as reminders that paranormal phenomena can touch all of our lives in various ways. If you have had a paranormal experience or would like to learn more about the show, please visit paranormalmysteriespodcast.com or find the contact information in the show notes. Join us next time as we continue to explore the unknown together. Thank you for tuning in and being a part of this community.

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    Tonight, I’d like to resume that tradition, and add Midweek Mysteries back into my weekly schedule, and I have a couple of reports that are quite fitting.

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    © Copyright Paranormal Mysteries Podcast

    380: Metallic Sphere, Witch’s Torso, Alien Exam & Burning Man | Paranormal Mysteries

    379: Romantic Spirit, Levitation & The Closet | Paranormal Mysteries

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    377: High Strangeness in Australia, Haunted Trail & Ghost in the Bathroom
    Over the last few weeks I’ve been moving my family from northern Michigan to eastern Tennessee, and it’s been quite a journey. And although I’ve been busy getting settled in our new home, I’ve been counting the days until I could once again step foot back into the world of the unexplained. And that day is finally here.

    Written or Voicemail: https://www.paranormalmysteriespodcast.com/tell-your-story
    Email: paranormalmysteriespodcast@gmail.com
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