

    Explore "Huobi" with insightful episodes like "2023/09/15|2024牛市啟動!Arthur Hayes預言:AI與加密貨幣結合看好Filecoin", "TKX Capital and Investing into Crypto in Asia with Chris Lee", "2023/01/13|2023重大消息:台灣行政院開管加密貨幣!Coinbase再度裁員與幣安員工將破萬成對比;以太坊核心會議暫定3月啟動", "2022/11/23|幣圈新聞快報" and "八卦事 EP24 | 分一次漲一倍? 幣圈分叉是免費紅包還是海市蜃樓? ft. 火幣台灣機構業務負責人 Harry" from podcasts like ""HOYA BIT NEWS", "Analyse Asia with Bernard Leong", "HOYA BIT NEWS", "HOYA BIT NEWS" and "富彼事 Fubees"" and more!

    Episodes (7)

    2023/09/15|2024牛市啟動!Arthur Hayes預言:AI與加密貨幣結合看好Filecoin

    2023/09/15|2024牛市啟動!Arthur Hayes預言:AI與加密貨幣結合看好Filecoin
    本集新聞重點 00:25-02:43 2024牛市啟動!Arthur Hayes預言:AI與加密貨幣結合看好Filecoin 02:44-05:52 富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團計劃推出比特幣現貨 ETF,SEC主席表示正在審 05:52-07:11 CZ 是幣安美國的發展阻礙?探討三種業務運營方向以應對不確定性 07:12-06:38 火必十週年正式更名HTX,代表Huobi、Tron與Exchange 本集資料來源 動區動趨、鏈新聞 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 官網 https://tw.hoyabit.com/5VN3j 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 粉絲團 https://bit.ly/3NRzO8b 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT Instagram http://bit.ly/3tRBd5t 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT YouTube https://bit.ly/3zZN19f ☕️讓我們也有一杯咖啡可以等~ https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/d7809906-34d5-467b-a47e-7319f0ed7205 製作播報:Kandice Lucy 監製編審:Cathy

    TKX Capital and Investing into Crypto in Asia with Chris Lee

    TKX Capital and Investing into Crypto in Asia with Chris Lee
    "The first thing is that the crypto market is still quite small compared to the equity [market]. [The size of the crypto market to equity market is about] one to 120, less than 0.8%, not even 1%. So, some smaller projects are very manipulated. [It is a] tough market, and second thing is that a lot of people say the variation for crypto is Twitter driven. So when Elon Musk or CZ send out a Tweet, it can pump up the project by about 5% to 10%. Because each [crypto] project is like religion, people believe in you." - Chris Lee


    Fresh out of the studio, Chris Lee, co-founder & partner of TKX Capital joined us in a conversation about TKX Capital and his perspectives on how to invest in crypto projects and protocols globally in an uncertain era. Chris began the conversation with his background as the former CFO for both cryptocurrency exchanges: OK Coin and Huobi, and what he learned from meeting Warren Buffett in person. Next, he deep-dived into the mission, vision and investment thesis of TKX Capital and shared his thoughts on the current crypto market. Last but not least, he offered his thoughts on what great looks like for TKX Capital.


    Podcast Information: The show is hosted and produced by Bernard Leong (@bernardleong, Linkedin) and Carol Yin (@CarolYujiaYin, LinkedIn). Proper credits for the intro and end music: "Energetic Sports Drive" and the episode is mixed & edited in both video and audio format by G.Thomas Craig (@gthomascraig, LinkedIn).


    本集新聞重點 00:00-02:35 加密貨幣要管了! 行政院3個月內指定主管機關 02:36-04:47 Coinbase 再度裁員 與幣安再招聘15-30%員工成對比 04:48-06:31 2023以太坊核心會議暫定3月啟動「主網」 上海升級刪除 EOF 06:32-08:06 微策略新金主!選擇權公司Group One購入13.5%股份成為第二大股東 🔍本集資料來源 自由時報電子報、鏈新聞、動區動趨 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 官網 https://tw.hoyabit.com/5VN3j 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 粉絲團 https://bit.ly/3NRzO8b 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT Instagram http://bit.ly/3tRBd5t 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT YouTube https://bit.ly/3zZN19f ☕️讓我們也有一杯咖啡可以等~ https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/d7809906-34d5-467b-a47e-7319f0ed7205 製作播報:Lucy、Kandice 監製編審:Cathy


    本日新聞重點 大買Coinbase股票、GBTC!女股神信心表示:FTX不會對區塊鏈造成毀滅 比特幣3週拋壓上升400%!Vance Spencer:主導地位可能被以太幣取代 新口號:「火必,必火」!Huobi 宣佈更名,全力強化業務戰略核心 薩爾瓦多政府將建立加密貨幣發行框架,提交《數位資產發行法》 🔍本集資料來源 動區動趨、桑幣區識 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA Bit 官網 https://tw.hoyabit.com/5VN3j 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA Bit 粉絲團 https://bit.ly/3NRzO8b 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA Bit Instagram http://bit.ly/3tRBd5t 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA Bit YouTube https://bit.ly/3zZN19f ☕️讓我們也有一杯咖啡可以等~ https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/d7809906-34d5-467b-a47e-7319f0ed7205 製作播報:Kandice 監製編審:Lucy、Candice

    八卦事 EP24 | 分一次漲一倍? 幣圈分叉是免費紅包還是海市蜃樓? ft. 火幣台灣機構業務負責人 Harry

    八卦事 EP24 | 分一次漲一倍? 幣圈分叉是免費紅包還是海市蜃樓? ft. 火幣台灣機構業務負責人 Harry
    分一次漲一倍? 幣圈分叉是免費紅包還是海市蜃樓? ft. 火幣機構負責人 Harry 一言不合就分叉 軟硬分叉是什麼? 一直分叉一直爽? 新舊兩版本 錢包多出聖誕禮物! ETC分叉事件始末 時光回溯大法發威 從POW到POS 礦工集體哭暈廁所 叛變礦工自開遊樂園 還有人要去玩嗎? ETH還能上車? 沒上車的勸你耗子尾汁 還有更多幣圈問題歡迎留言 有興趣進入幣圈小試身手 歡迎加入火幣交易所 邀請連結 https://reurl.cc/60NLDb 輸入推薦碼 ghn36223 享富彼事用戶專屬優惠! Podcast 週五下午三點準時更新 歡迎追蹤富彼事FUBEES IG https://www.instagram.com/fu_bees/ Intro/Outro : MIChelle 米咻 Content : Harry / Brent

    Episode 239: The Regulation Shift on Fintech in China with Zennon Kapron

    Episode 239: The Regulation Shift on Fintech in China with Zennon Kapron

    Zennon Kapron, founder & director of Kapron Asia and China Fintech, joined us in a conversation in how the Chinese government's new regulations are shaping the fintech space in China. We discussed the impact of Wang'lian on digital payments, the reduction of peer to peer landing companies and the ban on ICOs and cryptocurrency exchanges to the dynamic fintech space in China. Last but not least, we look at how the fintech industry in 2018 within China will be shaped by emergence of new verticals such as AI or new regulation that continues to shape the fintech space in China.