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    Explore "ballet" with insightful episodes like "A Conversation With Jen Sommers, Director of Houston Ballet Academy", "Chatting With Lauren Richter, Principal Tulsa Ballet Center For Dance Education", "Inside BalletMet: Talking Trainees and Second Company with Maria Torija", "Ballet Bridge Programs: Maria Konrad, Director Nashville Ballet 2" and "The Realities Of Post-Grad Ballet Programs With Alan Hineline, CPYB" from podcasts like ""Ballet Help Desk", "Ballet Help Desk", "Ballet Help Desk", "Ballet Help Desk" and "Ballet Help Desk"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    A Conversation With Jen Sommers, Director of Houston Ballet Academy

    A Conversation With Jen Sommers, Director of Houston Ballet Academy

    Today we are talking with Jennifer Sommers, the Director of the Houston Ballet Academy. Tune in to hear how students can audition to get into the academy, how scholarships work and what traits students need to possess in order to be successful in a residential ballet program. This episode also covers what life is like once dancers arrive for their time at the school.

    Chatting With Lauren Richter, Principal Tulsa Ballet Center For Dance Education

    Chatting With Lauren Richter, Principal Tulsa Ballet Center For Dance Education

    Ballet Help Desk sat down with Lauren Richter, School Principal for the Tulsa Ballet Center For Dance Education to learn more about the school, its trainee program as well as the second company, known as TBII. She talked about how the programs recruit, the performance opportunities available, the best ways to audition and how students can progress through the school and into the main company. 


    Inside BalletMet: Talking Trainees and Second Company with Maria Torija

    Inside BalletMet: Talking Trainees and Second Company with Maria Torija

    Ballet Help Desk sat down with Maria Torija, Director of the Academy at BalletMet. Tune in to hear all about how the trainee program is structured, how the school recruits and how they work with BalletMet2. Dr. Torija also discusses how the school provides career support for its students as well where trainees and second company dancers ultimately end up. 


    Ballet Bridge Programs: Maria Konrad, Director Nashville Ballet 2

    Ballet Bridge Programs: Maria Konrad, Director Nashville Ballet 2

    Maria Konrad sat down with Ballet Help Desk to share her experiences working with Nashville Ballet Two's trainees and dancers, preparing them for future ballet careers. Gain insights into the unique blend of training and performance opportunities that shape the dancers' journeys and get the inside scoop on this crucial stage of professional development.

    Nashville Ballet: https://www.nashvilleballet.com
    Nashville Ballet 2: https://www.nashvilleballet.com/nb2
    Ballet Help Desk: www.ballethelpdesk.com
    Submit Year-Round Reviews: https://forms.gle/DQXvQbJqtdnREjHQ7
    Support Ballet Help Desk: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=JBTG3G2W77EJ8

    Instagram: @BalletHelpDesk
    Subscribe To Our Newsletter: https://ballethelpdesk.com/newsletter/


    The Realities Of Post-Grad Ballet Programs With Alan Hineline, CPYB

    The Realities Of Post-Grad Ballet Programs With Alan Hineline, CPYB

    We sat down with Alan Hineline, Director of the Pre-Professional Division & Resident Choreographer at Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet to get his take on the growing world of post-graduate ballet programs. We asked him why so many programs seem to be popping up, how he helps his students figure out the best fits and the role he sees post-graduate ballet programs playing in the future. For anyone trying to make sense of this new world, this episode is a must-listen!

    Note that CPYB is currently auditoning students for both summer as well as year-round placement in its school. Information about auditions can be found here:

    Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet Website: https://cpyb.org/
    Ballet Help Desk: www.ballethelpdesk.com
    Submit Year-Round Reviewshttps://forms.gle/DQXvQbJqtdnREjHQ7
    Instagram: @BalletHelpDesk
    Subscribe To Our Newsletter: https://ballethelpdesk.com/newsletter/

    Navigating The Post-Graduate Levels in Ballet Education

    Navigating The Post-Graduate Levels in Ballet Education

    Join us as we chat with former San Francisco Ballet Soloist, Julianne Spratlin. Julianne now runs Dance Training Center, San Francisco a pre-professional ballet program. We discussed the current state of ballet training and how she sees the role post-graduate or "bridge-level" training plays in a dancer's journey.

    Dance Training Center SF: https://www.dtc-sf.com/

    Summer Intensive Auditions: Advice From Houston Ballet Academy Rehearsal Director, Kelly Myernick

    Summer Intensive Auditions: Advice From Houston Ballet Academy Rehearsal Director, Kelly Myernick

    Join us as we chat with Kelly Myernick, Rehearsal Director and Principal Teacher for Houston Ballet Academy. Our conversation covered a broad range of topics related to ballet summer intensive auditions, including what she loves to see, what dancers shouldn't do, the pros and cons of submitting video auditions and even what the admission rate to the Houston Ballet Academy Summer Intensive is! Tune in for a great conversation!

    Ballet Audition Photos And Videos: A Definitive Guide

    Ballet Audition Photos And Videos: A Definitive Guide

    Tune in for our chat with Emily Brunner, a professional dance photographer based in the Philadelphia metro area. Emily shares invaluable insights on camera positioning, perfect lighting techniques, and the secrets to capturing stunning audition photos and videos.

    Emily Brunner Photography: https://www.emilybrunnerphotography.com/


    看舞蹈剧庆生 Watching Beijing Dance Theater to Celebrate My Birthday

    看舞蹈剧庆生 Watching Beijing Dance Theater to Celebrate My Birthday

    Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of 5 Minutes Chinese! In today's episode I want to share how I celebrated my birthday with a wonderful performance by the Beijing Dance Theater based on the Oscar Wilde fairy tale "The Nightingale and the Rose." Thank you for tuning in. Find the script and useful expression below. Have a great week!


    这次演出的名字是夜莺与玫瑰:The Nightingale and the Rose。它是英国作家王尔德的一个童话。这个故事是一个夜莺,它受到大学生的爱情感动,所以它决定帮助这个大学生在冬天也能给他心爱的姑娘献上一朵红色的玫瑰。所以在一个寒冷的夜晚,夜莺决定用自己的血染红玫瑰,可是当这个大学生把玫瑰献给他的爱人的时候却被拒绝了。因为他太穷了。一怒之下大学生就把夜莺用生命换来的玫瑰扔到了大街上。北京当代芭蕾舞团以这个故事为主线进行了多样的编舞。我觉得非常地好看,非常地有创意,最后结束的时候,演出赢得了全场经久不息的掌声。



    1. 演出 (yǎnchū) - Performance
    2. 庆祝 (qìngzhù) - Celebrate
    3. 巡演 (xúnyǎn) - Tour (as in a performance tour)
    4. 创意 (chuàngyì) - Creative/Innovative
    5. 主线 (zhǔxiàn) - Mainline/Plot (in the context of a story or performance)
    6. 留言本 (liúyánběn) - Guestbook
    7. 生命 (shēngmìng) - Life
    8. 拒绝 (jùjué) - Reject/Refuse
    9. 特别 (tèbié) - Special
    10. 经久不息 (jīngjiǔbùxī) - Unceasing/Continuous (applause in this context) 
    11. 一怒之下 (yī nù zhī xià) - In a fit of anger (literally: under one's anger)
    12. 芭蕾舞团 (bāléiwǔtuán) - Ballet troupe
    13. 献上 (xiànshàng) - Present/Offer
    14. 染 (rǎn) - Dye
    15. 失落 (shīluò) - Disappointed/Downcast

    Support the show

    Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at TheLoneMandarinTeacher@outlook.com.

    The Audition Blueprint: Advice From Robert Fulton, Co-Founder of Ballet Scout

    The Audition Blueprint: Advice From Robert Fulton, Co-Founder of Ballet Scout

    Join us as Ballet Help Desk sits down with Robert Fulton, a dancer with Nevada Ballet Theatre and the Co-Founder of Ballet Scout. Robert takes us through not only how Ballet Scout can help with sourcing auditions, but he also talks, in detail, about what dancrs should consider when conducting their searches, thing to consider about programs and what matters in evaluating potential summer intensives.

    And, don't forget to check out the Ballet Help Desk Summer Intensive Boot Camp!

    Plié & Slay! A Guide To Researching & Scheduling Ballet Summer Intensive Auditions

    Plié & Slay! A Guide To Researching & Scheduling Ballet Summer Intensive Auditions

    Can you believe it's already time for ballet summer intensive planning? You're thinking, "we just finished this summer! Well, buckle up! It's time for researching and developing that summer intensive audition list. Jenny and Brett give you a detailed overview of how to get it all done!

    Check out everything else you need to nail summer intensive season here: https://ballethelpdesk.com/summer-intensive-bootcamp

    Francis Veyette: What The Heck Does Potential, Facility and Body Type REALLY Mean?

    Francis Veyette: What The Heck Does Potential, Facility and Body Type REALLY Mean?

    Ballet Help Desk sits down with Francis Veyette, a former principal dancer with Pennsylvania (now Philadelphia) Ballet and the Co-Founder of the Veyette Virtual Ballet School. In this episode, we tackle all of those loaded terms like potential, facility, and body type. Fran helps demystify what they all mean and also talks about what traits a dancer needs to have to be successful.

    The YAGP Effect: A Chat With YAGP's Hailey Kolker And Sergey Gordeev

    The YAGP Effect: A Chat With YAGP's Hailey Kolker And Sergey Gordeev

    Join us for an insightful conversation with Hailey Kolker and Sergey Gordeev, two senior members of Youth America Grand Prix (YAGP), the world's largest student ballet competition. In this episode, we delve into the impact of YAGP on the world of dance, exploring its influence on young dancers and the broader dance community. Hailey and Sergey offer unique perspectives on the journey of budding dancers, discussing the myriad opportunities provided by YAGP. Tune in to gain valuable insights into the YAGP experience and the ways in which it continues to shape the future of dance worldwide.


    Insights from Peter Merz, Regional Tour Director of ADC IBC

    Insights from Peter Merz, Regional Tour Director of ADC IBC

    In this episode, we chat with Peter Merz, the Regional Tour Director of the ADC IBC ballet competition. 

    Peter's extensive experience and knowledge in the field provides a no-nonsense look at the inner workings of ADC IBC, its role in shaping the ballet landscape, and the impact it has on aspiring dancers worldwide.

    If you're seeking straightforward, factual information about ballet competitions and the role they play in the dance community, this episode is a valuable resource. Peter's expertise offers a clear and insightful perspective for anyone interested in the art of ballet and the competitions that help shape its future.

    If you like what your hear, please be sure to leave us a review!

    ADC|IBC: https://www.adcibc.com/

    Vasile Petritiu Unplugged: Founder of the World Ballet Competition

    Vasile Petritiu Unplugged: Founder of the World Ballet Competition

    Join us as we sit down with Vasile Petrutiu, the founder of the World Ballet Competition, to hear him explain why he founded the event as well as why it’s different from the other ballet competitions in terms of scoring and transparency. And, be sure to listen as Mr. Petritiu lets us in on some pretty wacky things that happened over the years!


    Boys In Ballet: A Definitive Discussion With ABT Dancer, Patrick Frenette

    Boys In Ballet: A Definitive Discussion With ABT Dancer, Patrick Frenette

     In this episode, we are joined by Patrick Frenette, a dancer with the American Ballet Theater and one of the co-founders of the Boys Ballet Summer Intensive.

    Mr. Frenette shares his insights into the challenges and triumphs of boys who dare to dance through a candid conversation, heartfelt anecdotes, and valuable advice, shedding light on the transformative power of dance and the importance of breaking gender stereotypes in the ballet community.


    Boys Ballet Summer Intensive: https://boysballetsummerintensive.com/

    Patricke Frenette in Dance Magazine: https://pointemagazine.com/patrick-frenette-ballet/

    Danseur Documentary: http://danseurmovie.com/