
    The Daily Promise

    Begin your day with a positive 3 minute reminder of God’s goodness and promise to you. With all the negative in the world, you can use a little positive inspiration. 1 promise, 3 minutes, 5 days a week. The Daily Promise is a positive look at the scripture promises and how they can work in your life. If you are tired of all the bad news, begin your day with a quick reminder of how much God loves you and His promises to you.
    enBilly Taylor1603 Episodes

    Episodes (1603)

    When You Seek the Lord, You Find Him

    When You Seek the Lord, You Find Him

    Today's Promise: Jeremiah 29:13

    God doesn't hide from you. He isn't avoiding you. He desires you to find Him.

    Seeking God always results in finding Him. No matter where you are in your walk with God, there is more to be discovered.

    There is a condition to this promise. You have to seek the Lord with all your heart. Half-hearted or part-time seeking won't bring you much success.

    When seeking after God's heart becomes your priority, you will find Him. When you find Him, you find everything you need.

    The Daily Promise
    enMarch 13, 2024

    God Gives Me Peace and Rest

    God Gives Me Peace and Rest

    Today's Promise: Ephesians 1:2

    Every blessing begins with God's grace. God's grace is His undeserved blessings, favor, and gifts to you. Every day God showers His grace on you.

    There is nothing you can do to earn the grace of God.

    The peace of God is the result of His grace working in your life.

    It's God's desire for you to live in His peace. Since God is pouring out His grace on you today, why allow your heart to be troubled by the problems you face?

    Because you have peace with God, you can also have peace with those around you.

    The Daily Promise
    enMarch 12, 2024

    We Are God's Children

    We Are God's Children

    Today's Promise: Galatians 3:26

    Salvation is all about what Christ did for you, not what you did to earn your salvation.

    Jesus' death and resurrection finished the work needed to bring you salvation. All you have to do is come to Him in faith.

    When you put your faith in Jesus as Savior, God wraps you up in Him. The Bible calls this being "in Christ." His righteousness now covers you. His standing before God becomes your standing. You are clothed in the sonship of Jesus. Because you are in Christ, you are a child of God. All the riches of Christ become yours.

    The Daily Promise
    enMarch 11, 2024

    Saturday Review

    Saturday Review

    Saturday is review day on The Daily Promise. Every Saturday, we review the promises of the week so we can allow them to go deep into our hearts and lives.

    Here are the promises we covered this week.

    Exodus 23:20 - Angels Go Before You

    Luke 19:4-5 - God Calls You by Name

    1 John 4:4 – Christ in You is Greater Than the World Around You.

    2 Timothy 1:7 – Jesus Gives You Victory Over Fear.

    James 4:7 – You Have Victory Over Satan.

    The Daily Promise
    enMarch 09, 2024

    Rest the Devil and He Will Flee

    Rest the Devil and He Will Flee

    Today's Promise: James 4:7

    Today, you will come face to face with a temptation or an attack of the devil. Each day he brings custom-made temptations and spiritual attacks your way.

    As a follower of Christ, you have guaranteed victory over Satan if you follow this promise's three simple steps.

    1. Submit to God.

    2. Resist the Devil.

    3. He will flee from you.

    So many Christians live in defeat to temptation and the attack of Satan. As you submit yourself to God and resist Satan, you will walk in victory over the enemy, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

    The Daily Promise
    enMarch 08, 2024

    You Hace Victory Over Fear

    You Hace Victory Over Fear

    Today’s Promise: 2 Timothy 1:7

    We all have fears; they are a natural part of life. However, if you are not careful, fear can pull you down and keep you from all God has for you.

    Satan uses a spirit of fear to pull you away from God. Fear is released when you focus on your abilities and the world around you. Fear grows when you allow it free reign in your heart and mind.

    Today, you can live above fear in the power, love, and self-control of Christ in you.

    The Daily Promise
    enMarch 07, 2024

    Greater is He that is in You

    Greater is He that is in You

    Today’s Promise: 1 John 4:4

    Satan may be working in the world around you, but the Holy Spirit in you is greater than the powers of darkness around you.

    As a follower of Christ, you can stand strong against Satan’s deception and lies by the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us.

    You can live in victory over Satan’s deceptions and temptations because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.

    The Daily Promise
    enMarch 06, 2024

    God Knows Your Name

    God Knows Your Name

    Today’s Promise: Luke 19:4-5

    Jesus cared about individuals. Although he taught the crowds, He always took the time to personally meet the needs of the sick and hurting.

    When Jesus came across a corrupt tax collector named Zaccheus, He could have condemned him for his corrupt business practices, but He looked past all that to a short little man with a hurting heart.

    God knows your name. God loves the world, but He loves you just as much. He knows your name and wants a relationship with you.

    The Daily Promise
    enMarch 05, 2024

    God Sends Angels Before You

    God Sends Angels Before You

    Today’s Promise: Exodus 23:20

    Do you know that God places angels before you to protect and guide you?

    God promised to send an angel before the people of God to guard them along their way and to lead them to victory as they entered the promised land.

    Today, God is sending angels to go before you. Here are three ways angels are working on your behalf.

    1. Angels guard you.

    2. Angels instruct you.

    3. Angels clear the path before you.

    There is no need to fear, for God has placed angels to go before you.

    The Daily Promise
    enMarch 04, 2024

    Saturday Review

    Saturday Review

    Saturday is review day on The Daily Promise. Every Saturday, we review the promises of the week so we can allow them to go deep into our hearts and lives.

    Here are the promises we covered this week.

    1 John 1:7 – The Blood of Jesus Removes Your Sin.

    Psalm 37:23 – Five Reasons to Delight in God’s Word.

    1 Peter 5:7 – Cast All Your Cares on Jesus.

    Psalm 37:23 – God Secures Your Steps.

    Lamentations 3:23 – God’s Faithfulness is New Every Morning.

    The Daily Promise
    enMarch 02, 2024

    God's Faithfulness is New Every Morning

    God's Faithfulness is New Every Morning

    Today’s Promise: Lamentations 3:23

    Every morning, God gives you a new start. Each day represents a new beginning of God’s grace, compassion, and lovingkindness in your life.

    The word “lovingkindness” used in this promise means God’s commitment love.

    No matter who you are or what you have done, you will never deplete the love God has for you. You will not push God so far that He will break his promise to you. His steadfast love and mercy will always be with you.

    The Daily Promise
    enMarch 01, 2024

    God Secures Your Steps

    God Secures Your Steps

    Today’s Promise: Psalm 37:23

    The average person in the United States takes about 4,700 steps a day. Over a lifetime, that’s a lot of steps. For the Christian, God has ordered each of those steps.

    First, God has an order for your steps.

    Second, God orders your steps by securing your footing.

    As God orders your steps, He keeps you from falling by ensuring you are standing on solid ground.

    The second part of this verse is a promise that when you allow God to order your steps, He delights in you.

    The Daily Promise
    enFebruary 29, 2024

    Cast all Your Cares on Jesus

    Cast all Your Cares on Jesus

    Today’s Promise: 1 Peter 5:7

    We all have worries, cares, and concerns. Sometimes life is hard. Every day, you have a choice. You can walk around worried and anxious, or you can give your cares to the Lord.

    God loves you so much that He invites you to place all your cares and concerns on Him.

    The humble person turns everything over to the Lord. The word “cast” here means to throw onto something or someone.

    When you cast all your anxieties on the Lord, you will find new strength, confidence, and faith as you trust the Lord’s goodness to bring you through.

    The Daily Promise
    enFebruary 28, 2024

    Five Reason to Delight in God's Word

    Five Reason to Delight in God's Word

    Today’s Promise: Psalm 1:3

    When you make God’s Word a priority in your life, you become like a firmly planted tree. When you delight in His Word, your roots go down deep, giving you strength and security.

    Here are five reasons to delight in God’s word and become a firmly planted tree.

    1. A firmly planted tree can withstand the storms of life.

    2. A firmly planted tree is refreshing.

    3. A firmly planted tree lasts for generations.

    4. A firmly planted tree provides protection.

    5. A firmly planted tree is planted for a purpose.

    The Daily Promise
    enFebruary 27, 2024

    The Blood of Jesus Removes Your Sin

    The Blood of Jesus Removes Your Sin

    Today's Promise: 1 John 1:7

    Everyone struggles with sin. From the newest Christian to the oldest saint, we all wrestle with sin.

    Forgiveness is how God deals with sin. When Jesus died on the cross, He carried your sin with him. When you came to Christ through faith, God forgave every sin you have ever committed.

    So many Christians have a hard time accepting God's forgiveness.

    God forgave and cleansed you from your sin. You no longer have to carry the weight of your past sin and failure. You no longer have to identify with your sin.

    The Daily Promise
    enFebruary 26, 2024

    Saturday Review

    Saturday Review

    Saturday is review day on The Daily Promise. Every Saturday, we review the promises of the week so we can allow them to go deep into our hearts and lives.

    Here are the promises we covered this week.

    Ezekiel 36:26-27 – God Gave You a New Heart.

    Proverbs 10:28 – Hope in Christ Brings Joy.

    Proverbs 3:6 – God Will Make Your Path Clear.

    Joshua 23:10 – The Lord Fights the Battle for You.

    Jeremiah 29:11 – God has a Plan for Your Life.

    The Daily Promise
    enFebruary 24, 2024

    God Has a Plan for Your Life

    God Has a Plan for Your Life

    Today's Promise: Jeremiah 29:11

    Does God have a plan for your life?

    We all know that God loves us. The most famous verse in the Bible, John 3:16, specifically says that God loves us.

    He loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to save us. God not only loves you, but He also has a plan for your life. This promise says that His plan is good.

    When things aren't going the way you hope, never forget God is working in your life to bring about His good plan.

    The Daily Promise
    enFebruary 23, 2024

    The Lord Fights the Battle for You

    The Lord Fights the Battle for You

    Today’s promise: Joshua 23:10

    In this chapter, Joshua has grown old and gives his farewell speech to the people of God before he dies. He reminds them of all the incredible things God has done for them.

    It was not their strength or military power that brought the victory. God was going before them to fight the battle on their behalf.

    It was not their strength or military power that brought the victory. God was going before them to fight the battle on their behalf.

    You are empowered to walk in victory over the enemy because God has promised to fight for you.

    The Daily Promise
    enFebruary 22, 2024

    God Will Make Your Path Clear

    God Will Make Your Path Clear

    Today’s Promise: Proverbs 3:6

    Have you ever needed clarity? Ever felt like you needed God’s help in making a big decision? Today’s promise is about God leading us.

    We all need God’s direction in our life. Every day, we face decisions where we simply don’t know what to do.

    Turning to the Lord shouldn’t be your last resort when you are lost, but the first step when you begin your journey.

    When we acknowledge God in all our ways, we say, “God, today you are in control. All my goals, desires, and hopes are in your hands.

    The Daily Promise
    enFebruary 21, 2024

    Hope in Christ Brings Joy

    Hope in Christ Brings Joy

    Today’s Promise: Proverbs 10:28

    How you view the future affects how you live today. As a Christian, you have a hope that stretches beyond tomorrow and into eternity.

    When you have no hope, you quickly fall into despair. Without hope, you have little to live for. When you lose hope, you lose everything. Without hope, everything in life fades to a dull gray.

    You have hope because you know God is in control. Life is not an accident. God has a wonderful plan for your life.

     Joy fills your life as you place your hope and trust in Christ.

    SEO: As a Christian, you have hope because you know God is in control. Life is not an accident. God has a wonderful plan for your life. Your hope brings joy.

    The Daily Promise
    enFebruary 20, 2024