
    One Degree Podcast

    A one degree shift in your actions today will make a significant difference in who you become in the long run. What is the long game and how do I play it? How do I know what God’s calling me to do? What’s the best way to handle conflict in my relationships? How important is my career? What is a healthy, biblical view of sex? How can reading my Bible not be so dull? Our goal is to give you practical tools to be faithful to every role in your life to which God has called you. Weekly episodes will dig deep into questions and topics you’re asking as you navigate life while following Jesus. Grab a seat on Nathaniel and Xan’s virtual cozy couch and join the conversation. Then make that one-degree shift today. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a show. Hang with us on thesibleys.co and at @thesibleys.co on Instagram
    en-usNathaniel & Xan Sibley92 Episodes

    Episodes (92)

    No. 90: Ultimate Reconciliation: Views on Hell Series

    No. 90: Ultimate Reconciliation: Views on Hell Series

    This is the third episode in our mini-series diving into different views on hell. Last week, we talked about Annihilationism. In this episode, we will cover the views of Universalism and Ultimate Reconciliation!

    Also, we keep saying this will be a three-part series, but we decided to add a fourth week to discuss Purgatory. So be on the lookout for that next week! 

    One Degree Shift

    Dive in to this discussion! Search the Scriptures. Read books and resources on this topic. Decide for yourself what you believe.

    Want to Stay a Little Longer?

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usMarch 05, 2024

    No. 89: Annihilationism/Terminal Punishment: Views on Hell Series

    No. 89: Annihilationism/Terminal Punishment: Views on Hell Series

    This is the second episode in our mini-series diving into different views on hell. Last week, we talked about Eternal Conscious Torment. In this episode, we will cover the view of Annihilationism.

    As we go throughout this series, regardless of where you find yourself, remember that hell is a real place. Whatever you believe about it, we don't want people to go there.

    Now if you’re thinking, “I already know about annihilationism, it’s an erroneous idea”…press play and keep listening. We think you will be surprised! 

    One Degree Shift

    Dive in to this discussion! Search the Scriptures. Read books and resources on this topic. Decide for yourself what you believe.

    Want to Stay a Little Longer?

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usFebruary 26, 2024

    No. 88: Eternal Conscious Torment: Views on Hell Series

    No. 88: Eternal Conscious Torment: Views on Hell Series

    This week we're starting a mini-series on a more serious, heavier topic: four different views on hell. This week, we're looking at the view called "Eternal Conscious Torment."

    As we dive into our series on hell, we want you to have an open mind and search the scriptures for yourself. Evaluate your beliefs in light of Scripture. Oftentimes, we have assumptions about what we believe and throw around a few verses to support our arguments and don’t give it a second thought. So, we want to encourage you to dive in for yourself. 

    Also, let's remember the rules of hermeneutics (interpreting the Bible):

    • Allow the clearer passages to help you interpret the less clear passages.
    • Give consideration to the whole counsel of God.
    • If there are 50 verses to support one view, and 3 to support a different view, then the first view has a lot more credibility.  

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usFebruary 19, 2024

    No. 87: What is Sanctification?

    No. 87: What is Sanctification?

    In Christian culture, it's common to use “Christianese” words without exactly knowing what they mean.  So today we’re gonna break down one of those: sanctification. What does it mean to be sanctified? Is it our doing, or God's? Is there anything we can do to grow in sanctification?


    Want to stay on our virtual couch a little longer?


    Every follower of Jesus is called to be a theologian, and just because you don't have time to go to seminary right now, doesn't mean you can't go deeper starting today...

    JOIN THE THEOLOGIAN HAUS, our theology course & Bible study membership for just $9 today! Use code PODCAST to get 10% off for the life of your membership!

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usFebruary 05, 2024

    No. 86: Handling Conflict in Marriage

    No. 86: Handling Conflict in Marriage

    In this episode, we’re talking all about conflict in marriage and how to handle it.  We love talking about marriage, seeking to grow in marriage, etc… Basically, everything about it. 

    Marriage is such an incredible gift, but just like anything else must be nurtured.  

    Want to stay on our virtual couch a little longer?

    JOIN MARRIAGE LEVEL UP, our marriage course:

    This course is a step-by-step roadmap that will help you and your spouse develop a marriage you've always dreamed of. You will deepen your communication, increase your intentionality, and become a unified team on a unique-to-you mission as a family. And at the heart of it all, you'll be pursuing Christ and each other, together.




    One Degree Podcast
    en-usJanuary 29, 2024

    No. 85: Calvinism vs. Arminianism

    No. 85: Calvinism vs. Arminianism

    One of the hottest theological topics for modern day evangelicals is “are you an Arminian, or are you a Calvinist?” These are essentially two theological schools of thought loosely named after John Calvin and Jacob Arminius.

    In this episode we'll introduce the basic tenants of both theological schools of thought, primarily how each answers the question: How much freedom do humans have within their relationship with God?


    One Degree Podcast
    en-usJanuary 15, 2024

    No. 83: Our Top 5 Reads from 2023

    No. 83: Our Top 5 Reads from 2023

    Happy 2024, One Degree fammmm! What better way to celebrate the New Year than to look back wistfully on the previous year? By talking about the books we read...

    In this episode we'll each go through our top 5 books we read during the year and chat a little bit about why we loved them!

    Want to Stay a Little Longer?

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usJanuary 02, 2024

    No. 82: Reading Your Bible Consistently in the New Year

    No. 82: Reading Your Bible Consistently in the New Year

    Merry Christmas, One Degree fam!! As you start looking toward the new year, it may be a great goal for you to be more consistent in your time in the Word. In this episode we chat about how to do that well. 


    Want to stay on our virtual couch a little longer?


    Every follower of Jesus is called to be a theologian, and just because you don't have time to go to seminary right now, doesn't mean you can't go deeper starting today...

    JOIN THE THEOLOGIAN HAUS, our theology course & Bible study membership for just $9 today! Use code PODCAST to get 10% off for the life of your membership!

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usDecember 25, 2023

    No. 80: Advent & Christmas Q&A (Pt. 1)

    No. 80: Advent & Christmas Q&A (Pt. 1)

    In this episode we're answering the first batch of questions we got via Instagram Q&A – focusing primarily on the tradition and background of Advent, whether Christmas trees are pagan, and the origins of the tree toppers. 

    Tune in next week for chats about our personal family traditions and perspectives on gifting.

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usDecember 12, 2023

    No. 79: To Santa or Not to Santa

    No. 79: To Santa or Not to Santa

    In this episode, we're going to be chatting about our personal perspective and convictions on "doing Santa" for our young children. 

    Want to stay on our virtual couch a little longer?


    Every follower of Jesus is called to be a theologian, and just because you don't have time to go to seminary right now, doesn't mean you can't go deeper starting today...

    JOIN THE THEOLOGIAN HAUS, our theology course & Bible study membership for just $9 today! Use code PODCAST to get 10% off for the life of your membership!

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usDecember 04, 2023

    No. 78: The Call of Foster Care for Christians

    No. 78: The Call of Foster Care for Christians

    If you haven't listened to last week's episode- before you read this, you should go back and either listen to it or read the show notes! Also, pause and watch this video: Francis Chan the REAL American Dream (it's only about 6 minutes)! Now that you've done the homework, we can jump into this episode!

    In the last episode, we talked about our personal experience and why we decided to become foster parents. This week, we're talking more about how Christians are called to foster care. We'll also talk about some of the pushback we could (and do) get against this conviction.

    We're not experts. We aren't coming at this conversation from a high horse. But we do want to challenge you to be involved in some way in the foster care system.

    Want to stay on our virtual couch a little longer?


    Every follower of Jesus is called to be a theologian, and just because you don't have time to go to seminary right now, doesn't mean you can't go deeper starting today...

    JOIN THE THEOLOGIAN HAUS, our theology course & Bible study membership for just $9 today! Use code PODCAST to get 10% off for the life of your membership!

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usNovember 20, 2023

    No. 77: Why we Became Foster Parents

    No. 77: Why we Became Foster Parents

    You've probably heard us mention over the past few months that we are now foster parents to a teenage girl! We are not pretending to be experts- we've only been foster parents for four months, but just wanted to share our hearts and thoughts about foster care. It has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding and growing experiences that we’ve ever had.

    In this episode, we’re gonna talk about why we started foster care, and in the next episode, we are going to issue a challenge to other Christians on why they should consider doing it. 

    WATCH THIS: Francis Chan's "The REAL American Dream" sermon

    Want to stay on our virtual couch a little longer?


    Every follower of Jesus is called to be a theologian, and just because you don't have time to go to seminary right now, doesn't mean you can't go deeper starting today...

    JOIN THE THEOLOGIAN HAUS, our theology course & Bible study membership for just $9 today! Use code PODCAST to get 10% off for the life of your membership!

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usNovember 13, 2023

    No. 76: 5 Tips for New Moms with Xan

    No. 76: 5 Tips for New Moms with Xan

    We're continuing our little two-part series this week with an episode talking to soon-to-be (or those who recently gained the title) new moms.  If you're expecting a new baby in the near future, our prayer is that this episode would serve you with some lessons we've learned in the past few years of entering parenthood and walking through the newborn season.

    Want to stay on our virtual couch a little longer?


    Every follower of Jesus is called to be a theologian, and just because you don't have time to go to seminary right now, doesn't mean you can't go deeper starting today...

    JOIN THE THEOLOGIAN HAUS, our theology course & Bible study membership for just $9 today! Use code PODCAST to get 10% off for the life of your membership!

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usNovember 06, 2023

    No. 75: 5 Tips for New Dads from Nathaniel

    No. 75: 5 Tips for New Dads from Nathaniel

    We're mixing things up a little this week on the One Degree Podcast with an episode talking to soon-to-be (or those who recently gained the title) new dads.  If you're expecting a new baby in the near future, our prayer is that this episode would serve you with some lessons we've learned in the past few years of entering parenthood and walking through the newborn season.


    Want to stay on our virtual couch a little longer?


    Every follower of Jesus is called to be a theologian, and just because you don't have time to go to seminary right now, doesn't mean you can't go deeper starting today...

    JOIN THE THEOLOGIAN HAUS, our theology course & Bible study membership for just $9 today! Use code PODCAST to get 10% off for the life of your membership!

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usOctober 30, 2023

    No. 74: Is Not Spanking "Withholding the Rod?"

    No. 74: Is Not Spanking "Withholding the Rod?"

    We're talking about a hot topic in this episode: spanking. We've randomly mentioned our take on this "debate" in other episodes, so now we're going to dedicate a whole episode to it! Really, we're going to be talking about the difference between punishment and discipline, and what is the goal of parenting?

    Want to stay on our virtual couch a little longer?


    Every follower of Jesus is called to be a theologian, and just because you don't have time to go to seminary right now, doesn't mean you can't go deeper starting today...

    JOIN THE THEOLOGIAN HAUS, our theology course & Bible study membership for just $9 today! Use code PODCAST to get 10% off for the life of your membership!


    One Degree Podcast
    en-usOctober 23, 2023

    No. 73: Faith Plus Works?

    No. 73: Faith Plus Works?

    How do we reconcile verses like James 2:14-26 (which emphasizes the necessity of works) with verses like Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 4, and Galatians 2:16 (which emphasize the pure necessity of faith)? Does the Bible contradict itself?

    We're going to be digging into these verses and discussing their differences and their applications for us as believers (because as always, we have these discussions to lead to more faithfulness in our own lives) in this episode.

    FREE RESOURCE: Guide to Studying Your Bible Theologically

    Every follower of Jesus is called to be a theologian, and just because you don't have time to go to seminary right now, doesn't mean you can't go deeper starting today...

    JOIN THE THEOLOGIAN HAUS, our theology course & Bible study membership for just $9 today! Use code PODCAST to get 10% off for the life of your membership!

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usOctober 16, 2023

    No. 72: Rapid Fire Interview with Xan & Nathaniel

    No. 72: Rapid Fire Interview with Xan & Nathaniel

    This episode is a really fun one for us because we have come up with a list of 10 questions to ask each other. Neither of us knows the questions the other has come up with or what the other person will answer, so you're getting our real and raw reactions and responses!

    Questions Nathaniel answered:

    1. What’s one thing you learned about yourself since we got married that you didn’t know before?
    2. If we could travel anywhere in the world together right now, where would you want to go and why?
    3. What is your favorite part about being a foster parent?
    4. What’s your favorite memory from our marriage and what makes it special?
    5. What is one of my habits/quirks that annoys you the most?
    6. What’s a hobby you’ve always wanted to get into but never had the chance to
    7. What is your biggest piece of marriage advice to newly engaged couples?
    8. What 3 items would you bring to a deserted island?
    9. If our marriage had a theme song, what would it be?
    10. What’s the most unusual skill or talent you have that most people don’t know about?

    Questions Xan answered:

    1. What is the most embarassing thing that has happened to you?
    2. What was your most formative childhood memory/experience and why?
    3. What is your favorite animal and why? 
    4. If you had to live somewhere and could never leave (think like a 50-mile radius) where would you live and why?
    5. What did you think the first time you saw me? 
    6. Who is an inspiration to you and why? 
    7. What is the strangest fact about you that people would never guess? 
    8. Do you have any hidden talents? 
    9. You are 95 years old and on your deathbed, what do you want people to remember you for?



    One Degree Podcast
    en-usOctober 09, 2023

    No. 71: Bible Study Tips for Beginners

    No. 71: Bible Study Tips for Beginners

    In this episode of the One Degree Podcast, we’re going back to the basics and discussing Bible Study tips for beginners! (Really this is for anyone who wants to go back to the basics). Even if you’ve been reading your Bible for years, it’s a good to come back every once in a while to the fundamentals.

    We’re gonna keep it short and sweet and give you the Sparknotes version: 


    • The difference between the Old Testament & New Testament
    • How to pick a Bible translation to read
    • The various genres of the Bible
    • Which books of the Bible to start with
    • Tips for staying consistent in Bible Study
    • Methods for getting more out of Scripture

    FREE RESOURCE: Guide to Studying Your Bible Theologically

    Every follower of Jesus is called to be a theologian, and just because you don't have time to go to seminary right now, doesn't mean you can't go deeper starting today...

    JOIN THE THEOLOGIAN HAUS, our theology course & Bible study membership for just $9 today! Use code PODCAST to get 10% off for the life of your membership!

    One Degree Podcast
    en-usOctober 02, 2023