
    "Allegedly" The Podcast

    This is "Allegedly" The Podcast. We dont know the answers. Neither do you. Let's have a laugh and talk about it
    enMatt & Corey25 Episodes

    Episodes (25)

    Local Elections Matter: If You Know About Them...

    Local Elections Matter: If You Know About Them...

    What up doe!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're back and live from a new set up at Matt's house in Ferndale. Please pardon the dogs and noise but we're working on a moveable setup so we can pod from different spots and bring you more episodes

    This one drops just in time for you to enjoy your local election results. Did you even know this was going on?! i didnt, and its embarassing how hard these things are to find

    Enjoy the episode and please rate and subscribe!! 


    Hunter Biden Indicted, The Missing F-35 & The UAW Strike

    Hunter Biden Indicted, The Missing F-35  & The UAW Strike

    What up doe!!! we're here on a normal schedule for once BACK on Tuesday episode drop. As predicted the government has now weaponized the justice system so its Hunter Bidens turn to go through the gauntlet. Again. 

    The Military lost a plane that cost 80 million dollars yet i can track my iphone in Sri Lanka 

    The UAW has forced me to take the side of the big 3. NICE JOB NONE OF YOU


    thanks for listening. MWAH

    Remembering 9/11, Mel Tucker is the Dumbest Person Ever and I made the Metro Times

    Remembering 9/11, Mel Tucker is the Dumbest Person Ever and I made the Metro Times

    What up doe!!!! another hiatus, we know but family comes first! 


    Today we talk some 9/11 #neverforget and the end of our privacy with the good ole Patriot Act. From there things get crazy as the MetroTimes wrote and article about Matt's Twitter account asking one of their writers about his journalistic integrity. It only went off the rails from there. Finally we end with one of the dumbest humans ever, Mel Tucker and his down fall as he hit the trifecta of stupidity by sexting with a sexual assault victim. 

    LINKS: Metro Times Article



    Weaponizing The Justice System (Pre-Trump Mugshot) + Anthony Oliver

    Weaponizing The Justice System (Pre-Trump Mugshot) + Anthony Oliver

    What up Doe!! Sorry for the late upload but Matt refuses to pay for parking and the Cubs were in town.

    The boys get into an all time argument about whats going to happen pre-Election as Trumps lawyers get their pictures taken in Georgia for god knows what. 

    We didnt watch the debates but we talk about them and Chris Christys mooseknuckle.


    Thanks for listening and remember, we're just kidding!!

    It's Hot, More Trump Charges and Down Goes "USA WOMEN" Soccer

    It's Hot, More Trump Charges and Down Goes "USA WOMEN" Soccer

    What up Doe! Holy hell 20 episodes. thanks for the few of our listeners who have stuck by us the past 6 months or so. 


    We recorded this one late but another day means more Trump News. I think they should stop only because its making him stronger


    DOWN GOES USA WOMEN!! I'm happy and kinda sad. Rapinoe needs to go....


    Weather talk 





    Oppenheimer/Barbie Movie Madness

    Oppenheimer/Barbie Movie Madness

    What up doe!!!!! Episode 19 is live!! Barbie beats Oppenheimer as movie theatres managed to draw some viewers. Corey gets a little confused about how Oppenheimer could be depicted in terms of a biopic and theres the first "Constroversy" on the show. Twitter is dead along with the Obamas personal chef, the weather is turning on we go over long ass movies and the super hero franchises.



    *none of this is real - we're just joking"

    It's Never Too Late To Become A Gimp

    It's Never Too Late To Become A Gimp

    What up Doe!!!! Episode 18 is another Smoggy one and we think the air is just always like this now? Or maybe its the cloud of smoke that still hasnt lifted from the kid rock/ed sherenenen weekend ft special guest Eminem. we talk a little woodstock 99, living out your sexual fantasies and much much more!



    **this is all a joke, we're just kidding and none of this should be taken seriously bc its not. lolz**

    The Summer of Hunter

    The Summer of Hunter

    What up Doe!!!! Summer is in full swing and so is Hunter Biden. Taking the term White house literally after one of the most insane child support agreements ever. what a life. 


    we get into influencers and cool videos matt and corey watch. 


    also this epside was recorded with a piece of string holding together a microphone plug so shout out to us for powering through. 

    Begging For A Drone Strike

    Begging For A Drone Strike

    What up doeeeee! What an episode we have for you today as the news cycle never disappoints and gave us 5 morons trying to find the Titanic thats 2.5 MILES underwater. why are they morons? well they went woke with their engineering department. OOPS

    Hunter Biden uses his dads power to avoid going to jail (duh) and not giving the child he had with a hooker the biden last name. Great guy tho! 

    From there things spin a little out of control as we talk about Bill Clinton's trips to Epstein Island, which president has killed the most people overall and matt compares lebron james/michael jordan to the trump/biden 2024 election.


    strap in, this is a fun one.



    DEMF Week

    DEMF Week

    What up Doe! It's our favorite week of the year as Movement Festival/DEMF/Techno Fest is this upcoming weekend at Hart Plaza. If you've never been before I highly reccomend checking it out as it is quite the people watching spectacular as well as great music and vibes. 

    We're way too dumb to get into whatever else is going on so enjoy our rambling.


    this is all fake and we're just joking



    Light Beer's Woke Wars

    Light Beer's Woke Wars

    What up Doe! Almost had to cancel this week due to Matt doing a home remodel but was able to make time to get in the pod. We get into the Bud Light vs Miller Lite and each trying to kill the brand they spent 50 years building by targeting people who dont even want beer. While this is happening a small fire erupts in the background from coreys apartment in the dirty D. From there we spin into the SMOKING HOT new sports illistrated swimsuit cover model (wouldnt) and martha stewart's appearance (would) and so much more.


    as usual we just joking everyone. none of this is real. you're not real. just relax. words cant actually hurt you. allegedly

    Nobody Is Safe - Tucker and Don Lemon Get Canned

    Nobody Is Safe - Tucker and Don Lemon Get Canned

    Wassup Everyone what a day as CNN and FoxNews have fired their darling hosts. One for telling possibly too much truth while one just couldnt stop insulting women & himelf.

    Also President Biden's entire family including a mystery Biden are on the Chinese & Ukranian payroll. Fun!

    Enjoy the show and hopefully you dont lose too many braincells. 


    *None of this is true and this podcast is completely made up*



    Wassup Ya'll the Boys are back for a special 420 Episode as we reminice about the golden days of pot smoking. Hash bash, getting high as balls and some stories from the past. We get into the Highland Park Water Bill debacle and try to figure out how a voting machine company got paid out so much money by a news station. We're in the wrong business.



    We're Not Dead Yet

    We're Not Dead Yet

    Hey All! We're back from a week off after work and Opening Day caused some scheduling conflicts. Thanks for sticking with us....

    We Open with Breaking News: Covid is over!!!!

    Trump indicted

    Nashville Gun Control 

    We're being taxed another 1.5 billion for District of Detroit

    Mayor of Eastpointe is a criminal after accusing everyone else of being a criminal 


    * as always, none of this is real and we are just joking

    Episode 7 - Totally Off The Rails

    Episode 7 - Totally Off The Rails

    sorry haters we're still here... my bad for the late drop but i'll do better to post on time (still tuesday tho!)


    This episode is a definite shit show as the boys were a bit unorganized. Fresh off our first ever trans school shooter, we do our best to not get cancelled. 

    Is TikTok cancelled? How much more info are they stealing than what we give to American companies?

    Our first call in guest ever - my 99 year old grandma


    Some other stuff - you might want to skip this episode....



    Spring Has Sprung, More Tech Layoffs, Some Movement/Techno Talk, Matt Saw A Movie & More

    Spring Has Sprung, More Tech Layoffs, Some Movement/Techno Talk, Matt Saw A Movie & More

    EPISODE SIX! The boys are finding their flow and come in HOT about getting local monuments cancelled, which brought us to Corey seeing the Martin Luther King Jr monstrosity that was unveiled in Boston like a month ago. 


    • Is Trump going to Jail? Who the fuck knows. Who the fuck cares. BBC just makes up whatever the want
    • Matt's new neighbors are AirBnB renters, most of which are kids raging on the weekends. What a concept for high school kids trying to party...
    • More Google people getting fired, which is more than likely a good thing because they didnt work anyways... These Tik-Tok's are amazing showing "A Day In The Life" of them doing no work at all
    • Movment Festival Ticket Prices are outrageous... 
    • Matt Saw Scream 6 - Full Review (not of the movie)


    ** please remember this is all fake and none of this is real. thank you for listening!**