
    Adventures in Movies!

    Every week AIPT Movie Editor Nathaniel Muir and his cinema partner in crime Blake Heath discuss indie and genre movies you have have never heard of, the ones you cannot hear enough about, and the ones you never want to hear about again.
    enNathaniel Muir274 Episodes

    Episodes (274)

    Episode 263: Look Before You Leap: '13/13/13' (2013)/ 'Amelia's Children' (2024)

    Episode 263: Look Before You Leap: '13/13/13' (2013)/ 'Amelia's Children' (2024)
    It’s something of a throwback episode for Look Before Your Leap week. We review two nonsensical movies: one is a release from The Asylum and the other is a Portuguese import. Both are fun in their own way, but one is horrible while the other has to be seen.Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful. Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1. Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

    Episode 262: She's Lost Control: 'Night of the Cobra Woman' (1972)/"Stopmotion' (2024)

    Episode 262: She's Lost Control: 'Night of the Cobra Woman' (1972)/"Stopmotion' (2024)

    We may give our opinions on a few movies each week, but it is rare that we go back and remind the audience that they have to go out and watch something. Lovely, Dark, and Deep is the rare exception. We have absolutely gushed about it since we first saw it last year and are glad to see it has finally been released in theaters. There are a lot of options on what to spend your theater bucks on, but this is an absolute must-see.

    True Detective: Night Country was over before it began and we have a lot to talk about. We also discuss just how close the world came to getting a Truth or Dare 2 (not the Madonna version). But the strangest news of the week just may have been who has been attached the the Bee Gees biopic.

    Night of the Cobra Woman is a strange movie. The story of a woman who is bit by a cobra who apparently has to sleep with men to remain young never really materializes. A person's first appearance sees assault then kill a woman while his last scene is him saving the day. People realize their significant others are in danger and just leave. Nothing makes sense and it looks like everyone involved had no idea what they were doing. At least the make up effects were good.

    Stopmotion is the exact opposite. The story of a talented artist who becomes obsessed with their work is not new to horror. But the performances, effects, and storytelling in the film are fantastic. Though this is live action, it also includes some great animated moments. The horror is expertly done and there is something for all genre fans to enjoy.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 261: Toxic & Erotic: 'The Lair of the White Worm' (1988)/ 'No One Would Tell' (1996)

    Episode 261: Toxic & Erotic: 'The Lair of the White Worm' (1988)/ 'No One Would Tell' (1996)

    When over 100 million people watch something, there is no way we can avoid talking about it. We discuss our favorite trailers from this year's Super Bowl. And yes we chose to talk about Knuckles instead of Wicked. And was there a commercial for Scientology during the big game or are people just messing with us?

    Bram Stoker is a horror icon, but not in the same way as other creators like Stephen King or John Carpenter. Stoker is known for Dracula and nothing else. It is the rare case where the work has completely overshadowed the author. Still, "Bram Stoker's Dracula' still carries a lot of weight to many more than just horror audiences.

    But when you ask people to name any of Stoker's other works, the question will probably be met with a blank stare. in 1988, director Ken Russell gifted the world with his take on The Lair of the White Worm. Sexy, sensual, frightening, and an assault on the senses, the film is an underrated gem that we could not say enough good things about as hard as we tried.

    After school specials went away a long time ago, but those who are old enough, remember them fondly. Though it was a Lifetime movie, 1996's No One Would Tell definitely fits in the category. Its story of a high school girl being abused by her boyfriend is a powerful one that remained with anyone who saw it.

    But how well does it work in 2024? Putting aside how strange it is to see Fred Savage and Candance Cameron star in a movie about respecting women, it is a very effective movie. There are some poor writing decisions that are impossible to ignore, but the tension, pacing, and overall tone make for an impactful watch.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 260: Fear the Unknown 'Gods of the Deep' (2024)/'Out of Darkness' (2024)

    Episode 260: Fear the Unknown 'Gods of the Deep' (2024)/'Out of Darkness' (2024)

    It seems like cult movies are a thing of the past. Sure, there are ones that find a big following on streaming networks, but it is not the same as the little films with the outrageous box art that was always rented out. They were the movies whose titles would spring up constantly even though they never played at a theater. Those day are definitely long gone, but one indie film is making noise in the United Kingdom.

    We have talked a lot about the inglorious fall of the Alien franchise. We have also discussed how Fede Alvarez constantly disappoints us. Now that the two are together, is there any hope for either?

    Gods of the Deep does not mess around. This means there is no character development and little in the story way of plot. But there is lots of Lovecraft. And the special effects are some of the best to be found in indie cinema. It is a brave decision to forgo pretty much everything that is supposed to make a movie worth watching. Does Gods of the Deep pull it off?

    Even braver is writing a movie with a made up language and setting it 45,000 years ago. Out of Darkness does just that and gives it a horror twist. We talk about the surprising depth, how scary it managed to be, and whether it was still too pretentious.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 259: Teen Slasher Week 'Hide and Go Shriek' (1988)/'Departing Seniors' (2024)

    Episode 259: Teen Slasher Week 'Hide and Go Shriek' (1988)/'Departing Seniors' (2024)

    There are not enough haunted attractions. There are haunts set up all over the country during October. And most cities have some type of ghost tour, but there are very few year round places that are devoted to horror. Blumhouse is doing something to fill that void. But can the studio responsible for The Exorcist: Believer and Truth or Dare really give horror audiences what they want?

    There are so many zombie movies to choose from that even the good ones tend to be forgotten. 28 Days Later is one of the strongest entries in the genre and its sequel is not too bad. For years there has been talk of a third entry. We talk about the latest news concerning the movie and whether we want to see it.

    There have been occasional resurgences, but teen slashers saw their greatest output during the 80s. The genre became so popular that it was even able to break into the mainstream. The decade also saw a number of knock offs that ended up becoming cult classics and fan favorites.

    Maybe we are too old for Departing Seniors. A familiar premise with a modern perspective, the film had us wondering what today’s youth are really like. We are not sure if all of today’s high school students are pieces of crap or if it is just a case of poor writing? Where do you draw the line between bravery and cowardice?

    One thing is for certain, the 2024 film is a great entry point for younger audiences looking to try out teen slashers. It does not have the cringier elements found in older movies while dealing with topical issues. It is also well acted and has a fun little story. There are some flaws along the way, but it is definitely worth checking out. If you ever wanted to see what would happen when Karate Kid III and Saved by the Bell met, then this is the show for you.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 258: Let's Dance 'The Death Tour' (2024)/'Realm of Satan' (2024)

    Episode 258: Let's Dance 'The Death Tour' (2024)/'Realm of Satan' (2024)

    We began the year by talking about the movies we liked the least and most from 2023. Unsurprisingly, we had little crossover with the Academy Awards but the Razzies did have some of our picks, but is that a good thing?

    Oppenheimer was one of the biggest movies of the year. So why did it take so long to get a Japanese release date? The answer might surprise you. We also talk about the Chinese box office and how it can affect our show in the future.

    The Death Tour is probably not about what you think. Screening at the Slamdance Film Festival, the documentary is about a pro wrestling tour that takes place in the Northern Territories. When it comes to wrestling, it is fairly simple to deliver a compelling product. All it takes are engaging stories and a storyline.

    This film definitely has interesting personalities. It has the normal tales of self-doubt and redemption found in these types of documentaries, but it also brings different stories and themes that would set it apart. Regrettably, The Death Tour makes decisions that would make it a difficult watch for even fans of the sport.

    Realm of Satan is already getting a lot of flack. Made in collaboration with members of the Church of Satan, the documentary is not an exploration of the inner workings of the organization. Instead, it is an experimental film that seems to be about people. It is certainly not for everyone.

    Due to its structure, it managed to be both entertaining and plodding. The moments that were the stereotypical view of what a Satanist is impressed us the least while the scenes that were more grounded were way more interesting. Shocking and silly, Realm of Satan is one of the most unique looks at Satanism you will ever see.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 257: Just Your Average Vampire 'A Vampire in the Family' (2023)/ 'Sunrise' (2024)

    Episode 257: Just Your Average Vampire 'A Vampire in the Family' (2023)/ 'Sunrise' (2024)

    Dune: Part 2 is slated to be one of the biggest releases of this year. What better way to commemorate its release than to revisit David Lynch’s version of the Frank Herbert classic? Forty years after its controversial initial release, Lynch’s Dune will see a limited release in theaters.

    Is there anything more that we need to say about The Exorcist: Believer? We have made it clear since watching it that we absolutely detested the sequel to one of the most important horror movies of all time. The latest news of the project - and its planned future - have us both thinking about the future and past.

    When we first discussed the trailer for Netflix’s A Vampire in the Family, we were pleasantly surprised. It looked like good old fashioned goofy fun. Little did we know that we would be introduced to what has to be one of Brazil’s most cherished comedic treasures.

    We have covered a lot of strange films on our humble little podcast. None have straight up confused us like 2024’s Sunrise. The story somehow becomes more confusing if you pay more attention to it. The fact that it is a vampire movie without an actual vampire is strange enough, but add flashbacks that make no sense, characters that do things without reason, and a backstory that brings nothing, the film left us speechless.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 256: Our favorite movies of 2023

    Episode 256: Our favorite movies of 2023

    Before we gush about 2023, we talk about one of the most underrated remakes of all time. Largely ignored at the time of its 1988 release, The Blob is an excellent remake of a sci-fi classic. With the news that David Bruckner is attached to the next iteration of the film, we talk about what excites us - and why Bruckner has his work cut out for him.

    A lot of big news came out of Hollywood this past year. From strikes to a billion dollar phenomenon, the movies were constantly in the news. So much so that many films were overshadowed by it all. That being said, it was a great year for genre cinema. From January all the way through December, we kept seeing awesome movies.

    But which ones did we like best? Naturally, there is horror talk, including two of the biggest releases (at least for horror fans) of the year. But we also talk about lost sub-genres, the direction true crime can take, and The Booty Boys. It is a eclectic episode this week.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 255: Least favorite movies of 2023

    Episode 255: Least favorite movies of 2023

    Before we get down to business, we talk some movie news. Mickey Mouse has entered the public domain - sorta - and on cue a pair of horror movies and video game were announced. When the same thing happened with Winnie the Pooh, people were amused. This announcement has been met with widespread anger and we cannot figure out why.

    The news of a new horror prequel arriving in 2024 is no big surprise. Still, it is hard not to get excited after seeing the trailer for The First Omen. Great music and the use of reverse footage looks fantastic. The Omen is an excellent movie that often gets overlooked, and we are looking forward to seeing what the new movie will do.

    An episode like this one requires a disclaimer. This week’s show is all about our least favorite movies of 2023, and while we may use the word “worst” interchangeably, it is not our intent to insult that work that was done by the cast or crew of any of these films. Each one is discussed in a vacuum and we understand that everyone involved has and can do great work.

    That being said, these movies sucked.

    From big budget mainstream theater releases to smaller indie films making their festival run, we talk about the movies that we enjoyed the least. It is a varied list that sees us talk about Dracula, true crime, and one of the greatest horror movies of all time. And for the first time ever, we drastically disagree about one of the worst picks.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 254: New Year's Evil: 'Angel Baby' (2023)/'Blackwood Evil' (2000)

    Episode 254: New Year's Evil: 'Angel Baby' (2023)/'Blackwood Evil' (2000)

    It has been a tumultuous few weeks for Scream VII. After losing its two leads, the movie was rocked with the news that its director had quit. There will still be a future for the popular franchise, but should there be? American television is a strange thing. Shows either go on for too long or are canceled before their time. It is rare to see a series come to a satisfactory end. But it looks like that is exactly what is going to happen with What We Do In the Shadows.

    When we spoke about the trailer for Angel Baby a few weeks ago, we both agreed it looked like generic fun. Well, we were half right. Filled with familiar tropes, the film is perfect for Escape to the Woods subgenre. It is its attempt to do something different where things fall apart. Filled with interesting ideas but little else, it ends up being a huge disappointment.

    We love found footage movies. Even the flaws that come with them are easy to look over - even if they can be annoying. The origins of the genre are murky. While there is no doubting The Blair Witch Project brought it to the mainstream, it certainly was not the first. What people choose to count as found footage is where the confusion comes in.

    One thing there is no debating is that Blackwood Evil is the first found footage movie to attempt to capitalize on the success of Blair Witch. (Well, if nothing else, it is one of the first.) There is a reason most people have not heard of it. The production is awful; some scenes cannot be seen, while others are impossible to hear. The acting is atrocious and there is not a hint of anything scary until over an hour has passed.

    So, why did we like it so much? This is definitely a movie you have to grade on a curve. It was released over two decades ago when there was not much of a template to follow. The characters may be the most realistic ever seen in found footage and the lack of polish actually works to its benefit. It would not be accurate to say that Blackwood Evil is a good movie, but it is one that should be seen.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 253: Last Holiday Episode 'Mister Organ' (2023)/'Anna and the Apocalypse' (2017)

    Episode 253: Last Holiday Episode 'Mister Organ' (2023)/'Anna and the Apocalypse' (2017)

    There is a surprising amount of genre film news this week. Godzilla Minus One has done well among critics and audiences. This has led to a re-release that sounds pretty cool. For the time being, it is only in Japan, but we are sure it will come to America. We also talk two upcoming sequels. One has us excited; the other? Not so much.

    We have been planning on talking about Mister Organ for weeks now. The documentary sounds innocent enough. An investigative reporter finds out about a strange parking scam and decides to follow up. It ends up being a mistake that changes his life for the worse.

    The titular character is one of the most terrifying people ever captured on film. He is manipulative, calculating, and always seems to be one step ahead of everyone. We talk about how unremarkable he seems to be (this adds to how frightening he is) and how Mister Organ uses interviews and lots of conversations to showcase how terrifying he is. This includes an epic rant from Blake.

    We close out our holiday horror shows with the world’s only zombie apocalypse musical. When Anna and the Apocalypse was released six years ago, it seemed destined to be a Yuletide regular. So why did it fail to even reach cult status?

    The simple answer is that it is not that good. The idea is creative and the setting is perfect for what the creators had in mind. Unfortunately, the mix of comedy and high drama never effectively come together. The songs are decent, but derail the more serious aspects. The more horrific scenes take away all the fun. Anna and the Apocalypse is a mess.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 252 Stocking Stuffers: 'Emanuelle's Revenge' (2023)/'The Sacrifice Game' (2023)

    Episode 252 Stocking Stuffers: 'Emanuelle's Revenge' (2023)/'The Sacrifice Game' (2023)

    It has been a while since we last talked about video games, but some announcements at The Game Awards sparked our interest. (At least on the show.) We also speak about Smile 2 and its imminent release. Plus, how the change from Ryan Gosling to Christopher Abbott in Wolf Man may actually be a good thing.

    Whether the original French or the Italian spin offs, the  Emanuelle franchise holds a special place in the memories of a certain age group. Short on plot, but highly sexual, the films eased the transition into young adulthood. Most would be hard pressed to remember what they were actually about, but they still managed to leave an impression.

    Emanuelle’s Revenge is the latest installment and, unsurprisingly,  it has its share of sexy moments. In what will be a surprise to many, the story takes precedence. Highlighting it all are some strong performances, with Beatrice Schiaffino stealing just about every scene she is in at the titular and titillating lead. But do all the pros outweigh the cons?

    This week’s feature presentation is the latest feature from Jenn Wexler. The Sacrifice Game is a holiday horror movie that could have been something special. There are great performances, strong characters, and a fun premise. If only the ending were a little stronger…

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Adventures in Movies!
    enDecember 15, 2023

    Episode 251: Holiday Horror 'A Creature Was Stirring'(2023)/'It's a Wonderful Knife' (2023)

    Episode 251: Holiday Horror 'A Creature Was Stirring'(2023)/'It's a Wonderful Knife' (2023)

    Hollywood was crippled by strikes earlier this year. This led to a number of delays and changes including Dune: Part II. Thankfully, some great character posters were released. We also talk about one of the least talked about movies from one of our favorite actors. Plus, a look at the potentially great genre offerings coming at the end of the first week of December.

    A Creature Was Stirring sounds like it is going to be a goofy holiday horror movie. A mother carefully takes care of her daughter who is suffering from a mysterious sickness. When two burglars great into her home, she is forced to confront her checkered past. Along the way, there is a unique creature, some well done Christmas vibes, and a pretty creepy story.

    It's ending completely through us for a loop. It all but ruins every bit of goodwill that has been built by introducing a plot twist that makes little sense in the context of the story. We try to make sense of it and disagree over what it means for the movie as a whole. It also leads to the requisite conversation about whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie. (Spoiler alert: it isn't.)

    It's a Wonderful Knife is a title that seems to trap a movie into being little more than a spoof. While there are some allusions to the Frank Capra classic, the 2023 film brings some fun new elements. There are great characters, a fantastic villain, and well paced story that does not waste any time. It is an overall great addition to anyone's holiday horror catalog.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 250 Banned Movies: 'No Reason' (2010)/'Beyond the Darkness' (1979)

    Episode 250 Banned Movies: 'No Reason' (2010)/'Beyond the Darkness' (1979)

    Last week came some stunning news that seems to have crippled the Scream franchise - at least for the time being. What does the future hold for one of horror’s most iconic series? Perhaps even more stunning has been the success of Blumhouse Five Nights at Freddy’s. Against the odds, it has become the studio’s highest grossest movie of all time. We also talk about the Nosferatu adaptation from Robert Eggers. 

    Over the course of 250 episodes, there has been no more appropriate title than 2010’s No Reason. Graphic depictions of oral sex and babies being shot in the head are just a taste of what this extreme horror film has in store for anyone who dares to watch it. A series of random horrific things happen over the course of one grisly hour and even though a twist near the end tries to explain everything, it ends up being little more than shock cinema.

    Sometimes it seems like the Video Nasties list was made specifically for Italian horror movies. One filmmaker who constantly caught heat was Joe D’Amato. Antropophagus was banned for its scenes of a monster strangling a pregnant woman then taking the fetus from her womb and eating it. One of the Emanuelle movies he was in charge of featured a scene in which a woman ejaculated a horse. D’Amoto may not be on the same plane as Dario Argento or Lucio Fulci, but he definitely left his mark.

    Beyond the Darkness may be the perfect mix of sex and violence. Having plenty of each but not going overboard with either, the story pulls audiences in while disgusting them. The music (done by the always awesome Goblin) enhances the atmosphere, and while the story can get goofy and hard to understand, it is consistently fun. 

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 249: Thanksgiving Special Edition: 'Thanksgiving'

    Episode 249: Thanksgiving Special Edition: 'Thanksgiving'


    Eli Roth is a lot like Rob Zombie. (Or is it the another way around?) That is a bold statement, but we talk about what the two horror fans have in common - and it is not the fact they both had trailers in Grindhouse. The difference is Roth knows how to put together a movie. Still, there have been some missteps along the way. Does Roth let his worst instincts take over Thanksgiving or is it more like the classic Cabin Fever?

    It is hard to talk about any high school slasher made in the last quarter century without talking about Scream. The movie deconstructed horror and its influence is still felt. It is a very high bar, and most films do not even come close to meeting that lofty standard. We break down the things that Thanksgiving was able to succeed at and what did not work as well.

    Whether they are there to be fodder or provide some level of depth, characters are an important part of any slasher. Thanksgiving has a surprisingly strong cast that do an excellent job getting audiences invested. But the thing most people will watch the movie for are the kills. The opening segment will clue in anyone watching. We discuss how well things were done and one of the most disturbing scenes we have watched all year.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 248: Origins of Horror: 'Leprechaun: Origins' (2014)/'Hell House LLC: The Carmichael Manor' (2023)

    Episode 248: Origins of Horror: 'Leprechaun: Origins' (2014)/'Hell House LLC: The Carmichael Manor' (2023)

    We may not have spent much time talking about it, but the actors strike loomed over our humble little podcast. Now that it is apparently over, we talk about the ramifications it had and what it means for the future. We also have a discussion about the the prequel to Stephen King's It, Welcome to Derry. There are plenty of stories to be told and the possibilities for  a strong King property are there.

    Leprechaun is a strange franchise. It is well-known with even people who have never watched any of them being able to name some of the movies in the franchise. And the titular character is a popular one. It is a smaller series whose first two entries were released in theaters before the rest went straight to video. Until 2014's Leprechaun: Origins.

    The WWE Studios release is an interesting one that moves the franchise away from its comedy horror roots and goes all in on the scares. The jokes have all been removed and the film has become a creature feature. How well does it work? Well the fact that the next entry was a return to what the Leprechaun is known for says it all.

    Hell House  LLC is another franchise that does not have the largest fanbase. While there is not one villain, there is an overarching story. The fourth installment adds to the lore while staying true to its original roots. We talk about the surprisingly strong characters, the straightforward storytelling, and whether we would want to see more of the found footage movies.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 247: Squeal Like a Pig Week: Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023)/'Squealer' (2023)

    Episode 247: Squeal Like a Pig Week: Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023)/'Squealer' (2023)

    Hollywood has all but come to a complete halt in recent months. One thing that has not changed is the news of more installments of established franchises. We talk about the interesting history of Highlander, the odd decision to make another Hocus Pocus movie, and how we feel about each one.

    We all knew that Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey was not going to set a new standard. It was clear from the beginning that it was going to coast as far as it could with its beloved children’s story adapted into a horror movie concept. If done correctly, that would be more than enough to make for a fun little horror movie. 

    Instead, it did the bare minimum. There is no story, characters, or even a proper ending. The filmmakers decided that the idea of a Winnie the Pooh horror movie would be enough to attract attention and instead gave audiences a pointless slasher with some admittedly awesome kills. So what can other horror movies learn from it?

    Squealer  has a strong opening and an interesting premise. At worst, it seems like it will be an engaging story. A lack of strong characters, a story that is way more filler than killer, and a number of subplots that add nothing make it a chore to sit through, however. Do a couple of gross moments save things. And what is Tyrese Gibson doing in it?

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 246: Halloween Traditions: 'Spirit Halloween: The Movie' (2022)/'Hayride to Hell' (2023)

    Episode 246: Halloween Traditions: 'Spirit Halloween: The Movie' (2022)/'Hayride to Hell' (2023)

    Viewing habits have changed drastically over the years. We talk about how delays have become a bigger part of the film calendar than ever before and how it now seems to take more than tentpole franchises to draw audiences. Plus, Mike Flannagan has another Stephen King adaptation coming and you may be surprised to hear who is part of the cast.

    We have not done too many - if any - family friendly horror. This may be because there is so little to find on Shudder. This week’s show covers both bases as we cover a scary movie that the kiddos can watch and enjoy from the supernatural streaming network. The fact that it takes place in a Spirit Halloween should seal the deal for all the young ones in your house.

    Spirit Halloween: The Movie is a straightforward story about a group of friends who decide to spend the night in the titular store. While there they must deal with a vengeful ghost. There are no twists or surprises and it is very much a “what you see is what you get” plot. It is perfect for a younger crowd, but it did not sit well with one of us.

    Two horror icons teaming up for a horror movie centered around Halloween sounds like a good idea. Especially with a premise as goofy as the one Hayride to Hell gives audiences. But when the story is about a white man refusing to give up his land due to tradition is the least of the problems the writing has, you know you are in for a tough watch.

    Hayride to Hell makes a strong case for most tone deaf movies we have ever covered. Even forgetting the protagonist who does not feel he has to pay back his bank loans, respect his neighbors’ legitimate concerns, or hire police for the crowded traffic, it is also incredibly misogynistic. Even if it were a 1970s exploitation flick, you would think they went too far.

    We were both on the same page scripting-wise, but we were in entirely different books when it came to the performances.  We all know Kane Hodder is a great villain, but how is he as a smarmy asshole? And is Bill Moseley' wacky performance able to save this awful film?

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 245: True Crime Week: 'The Man in the White Van' (2023)/'Last Stop Larrimah' (2023)

    Episode 245: True Crime Week: 'The Man in the White Van' (2023)/'Last Stop Larrimah' (2023)

    To call Piper Laurie an underrated genre icon would not be entirely correct. She was an award winning actress who grabbed the spotlight in pretty much everything she was in. It is not until looking at her entire career that her contributions can be truly appreciated. We also revisit the idea of a Halloween television show and talk about the future of the V/H/S franchise.

    True crime stories have real life horror naturally built into them. The Man in the White Van decides to lean into horror tropes and gives an almost slasher feel. It is a good idea in theory, but the execution makes for one of the worst things we have seen this year. From confusing editing to an ending that fails to work on any level, we go over everything it did wrong while trying to find something good about it.

    At the other end of the spectrum is Last Stop Larrimah. For obvious reasons, there are not a lot of lighthearted true crime documentaries. This HBO documentary looks at the mysterious disappearance of a man living in the Australian outback. He lives in a small town of eleven people, and everyone is a suspect.

    The film is able to mix humorous moments into its dark story without ever taking away from the gravity of the case. It is a bit of fresh storytelling that injects life into the genre. The already interesting case is made even more engaging thanks to the way in which everything unfolds. It is easily one of the better things we have seen this year.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com


    Episode 244: 'The Exorcist: Believer' Special Edition

    Episode 244: 'The Exorcist: Believer' Special Edition


    There is so much to unpack when it comes to The Exorcist: Believer. How the rights almost cost half a billion dollars. The fact there is literally not one exorcist in the movie. Trying to connect it to the original. But we mainly talk about how disappointed we were. Do we have ourselves to blame?

    It is hard not to go into some movies with high expectations - especially ones that have trailers as awesome as The Exorcist: Believer. As much as we anticipated it, we knew it would have to be something special to be one of our picks for best of the year. So, we went in with clear heads and just wanted to like it.

    That being said, the trailers did an excellent job of pumping us up and the name The Exorcist carries gravity. We talk about how both may have ended up doing more harm than good. Should this have been its own IP? We also discuss its place in the franchise and what it means going forward.

    It has been half a century since the original was released and proceeded to frighten audiences for decades. Few expected for the new release to have the same impact, but will it have any appeal to new audiences? Will horror fans be willing to accept it? The power of Christ compels us to talk about everything - and little of it is good.

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com

    Adventures in Movies! is a part of the Morbidly Beautiful Podcast Network. Morbidly Beautiful is your one stop shop for all your horror needs. From the latest news and reviews to interviews and old favorites, it can be found at Morbidly Beautiful.

    Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror. You can reach us personally or on Twitter @AdventuresinMo1.

    Music in the background from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com