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    A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast

    Welcome to A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast, the podcast where we respond to your questions and comments on issues of faith, social justice and church life. Don't be afraid to write in and ask your question because if it matters to you, it matters to us and it just might be a matter of faith. Whether it be faith in God, faith in others or faith in yourself. We are brought to you by the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program and Unbound: An Interactive Journal on Christian Social Justice for the Presbyterian Church (USA). Submit questions to faithpodcast@pcusa.org. LISTENING GUIDES FOUND IN PODCAST SHOW NOTES.
    en-usSimon Doong and Lee Catoe200 Episodes

    Episodes (200)

    God through the Eyes of Sexual Abuse Survivors w/ Grace Ji-Sun Kim & Susan M. Shaw

    God through the Eyes of Sexual Abuse Survivors w/ Grace Ji-Sun Kim & Susan M. Shaw

    *Trigger Warning: episode contains language of sexual abuse*

    Special Guests:
    Grace Ji-Sun Kim & Susan M. Shaw, Authors of Surviving God: A New Vision of God through the Eyes of Sexual Abuse Survivors

    Guest Questions:
    How can the way we see or understand God contribute to sexual abuse or oppression? Also, how does the experience of abuse impact a survivor’s understanding of God?
    Surviving God:
    A New Vision of God through the Eyes of Sexual Abuse Survivors

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    Chaplaincy alongside Native and Indigenous Communities w/ Catherine Witte

    Chaplaincy alongside Native and Indigenous Communities w/ Catherine Witte

    Special Guest:
    Catherine Witte, Former Chaplain & Pharmacist, Indian Health Service, US Public Health Service

    Guest Question:
    What was your experience working in both health and spiritual care for Native Americans/American Indians? What did you observe about Native and Indigenous experiences with the US health care system?

    Indian Health Service's Resources on Cancer

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    Our Connection with the Earth w/ Randy Woodley

    Our Connection with the Earth w/ Randy Woodley

    Special Guest:
    Rev. Dr. Randy Woodley, Author of Becoming Rooted: One Hundred Days of Reconnecting with Sacred Earth

    Guest Question:
    In the modern day of technology, how do we connect with the Earth? How do we encourage people to connect to the Earth who might not have regular access to nature such as people living in urban areas or those who have grown up exclusively in the digital age?

    Becoming Rooted: One Hundred Days of Reconnecting with Sacred Earth

    Journey to Eloheh: How Indigenous Values Lead Us to Harmony and Well-Being

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    Black Women and the Ivory Tower w/ Jasmine L. Harris

    Black Women and the Ivory Tower w/ Jasmine L. Harris

    This week we welcome...

    Dr. Jasmine L. Harris, Associate Professor of African American Studies & Program Coordinator of African American Studies, University of Texas at San Antonio, & Author of Black Women, Ivory Tower: Revealing the Lies of White Supremacy in American Education

    Guest Question:
    What institutional and structural changes are needed for Black women to be able to truly be accepted, welcomed and empowered while pursuing higher education?

    Black Women, Ivory Tower: Revealing the Lies of White Supremacy in American Education

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    Connecting With Your Divine Self w/ Kevin Garcia

    Connecting With Your Divine Self w/ Kevin Garcia

    Changes are coming to the podcast! From now on, we will focus more on our guests. You'll get a little banter from us, our conversation with the guest, and then a brief debrief toward the end. Sending love to all of our listeners who have been on this journey with us!

    Special Guest:
    Kevin Garcia, Author of What Makes You Bloom: Cultivating a Practice for Connecting with Your Divine Self

    Sometimes you are just burned out on religion, church or faith. It could be due to trauma, frustration or just being over it. How do we rediscover our spirituality when we reach this point?

    What Makes You Bloom: Cultivating a Practice for Connecting with Your Divine Self

    40 Reflections for 40 years of the Commitment to Peacemaking

    Journey through the Mist: A Spiritually Guided Lent

    Kevin Garcia's Website

    Meditations to Accompany What Makes You Bloom

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    A Matter of Faith website

    A Conversation with the Stated Clerk w/ Bronwen Boswell

    A Conversation with the Stated Clerk w/ Bronwen Boswell

    This week we talk about AWARDS SEASON and all the things surrounding them.

    Special Guest (18:07):
    Rev. Bronwen Boswell, Stated Clerk, PCUSA

    Guest Question:
    What do you see as the future of the church? Challenges? Opportunities?

    Presbyterian Church USA Policy Hub

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    Poor White America w/ Cedar Monroe

    Poor White America w/ Cedar Monroe

    Question of the Week:
    What are your thoughts on using electronic readers like tablets or phones to read instead of print media such as books, magazines or newspapers? Do you use digital methods to read the Bible?

    Special Guest: (12:30)
    Cedar Monroe, Author of Trash: A Poor White Journey

    Guest Question:
    We hear about how white supremacy culture harms people of color. But how does white supremacy impact and harm white people, especially poor and low-income whites? Does it impact them differently from whites of higher economic class?

    Trash: A Poor White Journey

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    The Sacred, Poetry & Hip-Hop w/ lenny duncan and Joe Davis

    The Sacred, Poetry & Hip-Hop w/ lenny duncan and Joe Davis

    WE are back for 2024! We are excited about what this year will bring for the podcast and for our listeners.

    Special Guests:
    Rev. lenny duncan, Author of Psalms of My People:
    A Story of Black Liberation as Told through Hip-Hop,
    and Artist, Educator & Media Producer & Joe Davis, Artist, Educator & Speaker (Author of Remind Me Again: Poems and Practices for Remembering Who We Are)

    Guest Question:
    What is the relationship between poetry and hip-hop as expressions of Black culture, identity and liberation?

    Psalms of My People:
    A Story of Black Liberation as Told through Hip-Hop

    Joe Davis Poetry

    Remind Me Again: Poems and Practices for Remembering Who We Are

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    Raising Kids Beyond the Binary w/ Jamie Bruesehoff

    Raising Kids Beyond the Binary w/ Jamie Bruesehoff

    We are still on a holiday break, but we will be back next week!

    Special Guest
    Jamie Bruesehoff, Author of Raising Kids Beyond the Binary: Celebrating God’s Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children

    Guest Question
    What specific gifts or opportunities do faith communities bring to the table in terms of inclusion and acceptance for transgender and gender diverse children?

    Raising Kids beyond the Binary:
    Celebrating God’s Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children

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    Rediscovering Faith w/ Matthias Roberts

    Rediscovering Faith w/ Matthias Roberts

    Special Guest:
    Matthias Roberts, Queer Psychotherapist & Author of Holy Run Aways: Rediscovering Faith After Being Burned By Religion

    Guest Question:
    Many people leave a church or faith community because they have been burned by that community. This could be due to trauma or frustration with the leadership, culture or theology of that group. Is it possible for other faith communities to help them heal and get back in touch with religion? Or do other communities need to allow the individual to do some of that healing work on their own first before approaching them or inviting them?

    Holy Run Aways: Rediscovering Faith After Being Burned By Religion

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    Church and the Patriarchy w/ Liz Cooledge Jenkins

    Church and the Patriarchy w/ Liz Cooledge Jenkins


    Special Guest:
    Liz Cooledge Jenkins, Author of Nice Churchy Patriarchy: Reclaiming Women’s Humanity from Evangelicalism

    Guest Question:
    Even in progressive faith communities, women don’t always feel seen, heard, validated or hear their experience reflected in sermons or scripture. How do we encourage more inclusion of female voices, experiences and perspectives, in communities that already claim to do so?

    Liz's Website

    Nice Churchy Patriarchy: Reclaiming Women’s Humanity from Evangelicalism

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    에피소드 4: 이민자 이슈가 뭐길래? (한국편)

    에피소드 4: 이민자 이슈가 뭐길래? (한국편)

    목사님이 현재 디아스포라 교회에서 하고 계신 사역에 대해서 좀 이야기를 해 주세요. 디아스포라 교회는 언제 어떻게 무슨 계기로 시작이 되었나요? 지금 교회는 어떻게 예배드려지고 있고 교인들과 어떤 사역들을 하고 계신가요?
    현재 한국 사회내에서 이민자들이 가지고 있는 주요 이슈들은 무엇이 있을까요?
    한국 사회 내에 이민자 권익 옹호를 위한 어떠한 노력들을 하고 있는지 소개해 주실 수 있으실까요?
    교회들은 이러한 문제를 해결하는데 어떻게 참여를 하고 있습니까? 교회가 이러한 운동을 하는데 참여해야 하는 이유는 무엇이라고 생각하십니까?
    한국인들은 이러한 다양성을 어떻게 받아들이고 있나요? 다양한 문화, 언어, 배경을 가진 이들을 환대하고 받아들이는데 한국 사회는 어떤 노력을 하고 있다고 보시나요?
    목사님에게 신앙이란 무엇입니까?

    특별 손님
    정진우 목사

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    Advocating for Campus Ministry w/ Becca Seely and Ekama Eni

    Advocating for Campus Ministry w/ Becca Seely and Ekama Eni

    We are taking a holiday break...but only with our own convos...we will have guests all through the holidays!

    Special Guests:
    Rev. Becca Seely, Executive Director of the Vine NYC, & Ekama Eni, co-pastor of the Vine's uptown ministry in Manhattan

    Guest Question:
    College is an important time for faith development in a young person's life. Yet, we see many people stop going to church or engaging their faith when they enter college, regardless of the church or denomination they were raised in. We also see some colleges and churches reducing support for campus ministries. How do we encourage young people to be active spiritually during this time of their lives and also support these important ministries?

    Webinar: Jewish and Christian Voices for Peace

    The Vine NYC

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    Telling His Story w/ Nathan Sobers

    Telling His Story w/ Nathan Sobers

    Question of the Week:
    How do expectations we have for our own church (or the Church) affect us when those expectations may or may not be met?

    Special Guest: (11:55)
    Nathan Sobers, Commissioned Ruling Elder, Kendall Presbytery & Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Soda Springs, ID

    Guest Question:
    We don’t always get to hear people’s stories about how they came to be a Christian, Presbyterian, or just their faith journey in general. With that in mind, please tell us about yourself, your background and your faith journey. 

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    Una Cuestión de Fe: Celebremos la Navidad con República Dominicana con Jeniffer Rodríguez Michel

    Una Cuestión de Fe: Celebremos la Navidad con República Dominicana con Jeniffer Rodríguez Michel

    Rosa y Edwin le dan la bienvenida al podcast a Jeniffer Rodríguez Michel para hablar sobre la celebración de la Navidad en República Dominicana.

    Invitada especial:
    Jeniffer Rodríguez Michel
    es la pastora de la primera iglesia Presbiteriana de Ossining. Jeniffer y su esposo Kyle Craig son progenitores de Emma Sophia y Eric Gabriel. Jeniffer es la capellana de la Coral Ecuménica Cántico Nuevo donde se explora música diversa de todo el mundo. Le gusta pintar, cantar, ejercitarse y disfruta de un buen entremés!

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    The Importance of Christian Education w/ Sarah Dianne Jones

    The Importance of Christian Education w/ Sarah Dianne Jones

    Advent Traditions in the Context of the Violence in Israel/Palestine

    Special Guest: (13:15)
    Sarah Dianne Jones, Program Associate for The Center for Excellence in Christian Education, Union Presbyterian Seminary

    Guest Question:
    In a world of social media, constant information, and increasing awareness around social justice issues, where are the gaps in Christian Education currently? How can they be addressed?

    Educate a Child

    The Center for Excellence in Christian Education

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    Justice Minded Lent w/ Tyler Mayfield & Mary Alice Birdwhistell

    Justice Minded Lent w/ Tyler Mayfield & Mary Alice Birdwhistell

    This week we unpack Thanksgiving!

    Special Guests: (14:00)
    Tyler Mayfield & Mary Alice Birdwhistell, Authors of Hard and Holy Work: A Lenten Journey through the Book of Exodus

    Guest Question:
    Lent is often seen as a time to focus on centering one's self, taking a pause, and looking inward. But what would it look like to more outward at justice issues and actions during Lent instead?

    Unbound's Holiday Self-Care List

    Another Starry Black Night: A Womanist Advent Devotional

    Hard and Holy Work: A Lenten Journey through the Book of Exodus

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    A Dialogue with The Church of Scotland w/ Sally Foster-Fulton

    A Dialogue with The Church of Scotland w/ Sally Foster-Fulton

    We had an amazing conversation this week with the moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Rt Rev. Sally Foster-Fulton, about the importance of relationship, partnership, ecumenism, and interreligious dialogue. 

    Special Guest:
    Rt Rev. Sally Foster-Fulton, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland

    The Church of Scotland

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    Pastoral Burnout w/ James Fenimore & Carol Howard

    Pastoral Burnout w/ James Fenimore & Carol Howard

    Call your Representatives and Demand a Ceasefire in Gaza.

    Special Guests: (4:37)
    James Fenimore & Carol Howard, Authors of Wounded Pastors: Navigating Burnout, Finding Healing, and Discerning the Future of Your Ministry

    Guest Question:
    A pastor's job is very tough. How do we help support them to find strength and resilience to avoid burnout?

    Wounded Pastors: Navigating Burnout, Finding Healing, and Discerning the Future of Your Ministry

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