
    Women, Wives & Mothers - Part 2

    enJune 04, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Truth and CommunicationEmphasis on truth in communication during interconnected world, incomparable value, be truthful without weaponizing or disrupting, gain wisdom, discipline, understanding

      God has called Alan Jackson Ministries to spread His truth during this unique time in history when communication has exploded and the world has become more interconnected. This ministry intends to reach people through various means, including podcasts like Pastor Allen's Culture and Christianity. The importance of truth is emphasized, with Jesus using the phrase "I tell you the truth" to emphasize significant teachings. The Bible encourages us to buy truth and never sell it, as it is of incomparable value. The ministry urges us to be truthful people without using the truth as a weapon or being disruptive. By focusing on truth, we can gain wisdom, discipline, and understanding in a world filled with deception.

    • Honesty and truthfulness in relationship with GodHonesty and truthfulness are crucial for receiving God's blessings, admitting mistakes and asking for forgiveness are essential practices, and practicing honesty leads to a deeper relationship with God.

      Living in the blessing of the Lord requires honesty and truthfulness. Deception and dishonesty are incompatible with God's blessings. Admitting mistakes and asking for forgiveness are essential practices for maintaining a strong relationship with the Lord. The importance of honesty extends to all areas of life, including business and personal relationships. The use of manipulative language or justifications will not confuse God. Practicing honesty and admitting mistakes may be difficult, but it leads to a deeper and more authentic relationship with the Lord. Additionally, the value of prayer was emphasized as an essential part of Jesus' life and a crucial component of a strong spiritual foundation.

    • Jesus' prayer lifeJesus and the speaker's parents made prayer a habit and priority, recognizing its importance in deepening their relationship with God. Reading God's word consistently and systematically also informs and deepens our prayers.

      Prayer was a significant and integral part of Jesus' life and the lives of the speaker's parents. It was not just a fleeting or desperate act, but a habit of relational development. The speaker's parents instilled this value in their children, making it a regular part of their family life and routine. They understood that building a relationship with God required more than just occasional prayers, and that it should be prioritized like any other important relationship. The speaker fondly remembers being involved in their parents' small group Bible study, even if it sometimes disrupted their home life. They also emphasized the importance of reading God's word consistently and systematically, as it informs and deepens our prayers and understanding of God's character. Overall, the speaker encourages us to make prayer a habit and priority in our own lives, recognizing that it is a valuable tool for deepening our relationship with God.

    • Prayer and WorldviewSeek prayer and a strong, biblical worldview to navigate complexities and challenges, use your voice for the Kingdom, invest in relationship with God, and find practical steps for living out faith through the Culture in Christianity podcast.

      Prayer and a strong, biblical worldview are essential for navigating the complexities and challenges of the modern world. Pastor Alan encourages listeners to seek prayer and to use their voices to stand for the Kingdom of God, while also finding courage to own a worldview that brings freedom and liberty. The new Culture in Christianity podcast aims to provide a biblical perspective on current issues and offer practical steps for living out one's faith. Pastor Alan emphasizes the importance of investing our best efforts in our relationship with God and not treating Him as an occasional concern.

    • Dedication to GodEmulating the widow's dedication in Luke 21 and Paul's determination, strive to fully commit to serving and growing in our relationship with God

      Giving your best to God is essential for living a fulfilling and meaningful life. Witnessing this dedication in his parents' lives, the speaker emphasizes the importance of putting in our all for the Lord, just as the poor widow in Luke 21 did. Paul also encourages us to run the race of life with determination and focus, aiming for the prize. The speaker shares his own experience of not fully committing to cross country running, reflecting how many of us may approach our relationship with God in a lackadaisical manner. Instead, we should strive to prepare ourselves as God's soldiers, embracing the challenge and not shying away from the call to serve and grow in our faith.

    • God's kingdom roleWe should strive to give our best to God in recognition of His power and sufficiency in our lives, respecting the sacrifice made for us, and acknowledging our unique calling in His kingdom.

      We should strive to give our best to the Lord every day, recognizing the importance of our role in the unfolding of God's kingdom. This doesn't mean we earn our way to heaven, but rather that we respect the sacrifice made for us by acknowledging the power and sufficiency of God in our lives. The speaker encourages us to remember that God has called us in this unique time in history, and he will provide us with everything we need to bear fruit for eternity. Let us not take this calling lightly, but instead, stand firm in our faith and give our best to the Lord. This Mother's Day weekend, we are reminded of the importance of women, wives, and mothers in the dynamic of the kingdom of God. May we all be equipped with biblical truth and stand strong in our faith through Pastor Allen's New Culture and Christianity podcast. Consider supporting the ministry with a donation and receive special gifts in return.

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