
    Podcast Summary

    • The Flint water crisis: government negligence and citizen empowermentDespite government denial, the residents of Flint took charge, educated themselves, and demanded action to address the toxic water and protect their community.

      The Flint water crisis in Michigan was a result of poor decision-making and negligence by the government and environmental agencies. The people of Flint experienced health issues such as hair loss and rashes due to the contaminated water from the Flint River, which was heavily polluted by the previous car manufacturing plant, Buick City. Instead of addressing the issue, the Flint government and Michigan Environmental Protection Division denied the problem and dismissed the concerns of the citizens. However, the residents of Flint took matters into their own hands and educated themselves about water sanitation and laws, becoming citizen scientists. They confronted the government with scientific evidence and demanded action to address the toxic water and the poisoning of the community.

    • The dangers of lead pipes and the need for safer alternatives.Lead pipes, while historically used for their resistance to corrosion, pose serious health risks and should be replaced with safer materials to protect communities.

      The issue in Flint was not the presence of chlorine in the water, but rather the high levels of lead caused by corrosive water running through lead pipes. Lead pipes have been used for centuries, even dating back to ancient Rome, due to their resistance to corrosion and malleability. However, lead is highly toxic and poses serious health risks. Despite its unique properties, such as being soft, strong, dense, and a poor conductor of electricity, lead should not be used in water pipes or other applications where it can leach into the environment. The conversation highlights the need to prioritize the safety and health of communities by finding alternative materials that do not pose such risks.

    • The ongoing concern of lead paint in older houses in the United States.Lead paint and other sources of lead can still be found in older houses, posing health risks. Preventive measures have been taken, but a complete ban on lead paint was not established until several years later.

      Lead paint has been a significant issue in the past and continues to be a concern in older houses in the United States. While lead paint has been banned in manufacturing products for homes since 1978, houses built before that year likely still have lead paint. Additionally, lead pipes and other sources of lead can be found in these older houses. Lead can also be present in unexpected places like leaded glass, which has potential health risks. Measures to prevent lead poisoning have been taken over the years, with Baltimore being one of the first cities to ban lead pigment in interior paint in 1951. However, it took until 1971 for federal regulations to be established, and several more years for a complete ban on lead paint.

    • The dangers of lead and its impact on the environment and human health.Lead, once widely used in gasoline and still present in various products, poses a significant threat to the environment and human health, underscoring the importance of responsible recycling and proper handling.

      Lead was a commonly used additive in gasoline until it was phased out in the seventies. This was done to prevent a problem called knocking in high-performance engines, but it was known that lead was harmful to human health even at that time. Lead in gasoline contributed to air pollution and contaminated the soil and water. Lead has also been used in cosmetics, jewelry, pottery, and is still found in car batteries and laptop screens. It is important to responsibly recycle car batteries and electronics to prevent lead from leaching into the environment. Lead has a tendency to persist and can cause serious harm if not properly handled.

    • Extracting and Recycling Lead: A Sustainable ApproachExtracting and recycling lead through copulation or smelting is crucial for its effective reuse. Furthermore, exploring less toxic alternatives and reusing existing lead resources can help minimize the need for mining and processing.

      Lead is a naturally occurring element that doesn't occur in its pure form. It is typically found in the earth in the form of oxides or sulfides and often combined with silver. To separate lead from these compounds, a process called copulation or smelting is used, which involves heating the lead sulfide in the presence of oxygen. This converts it into lead oxide and sulfur dioxide, allowing the lead to be separated out. Recycling lead is important because it can be reused effectively, and there is a process called secondary extraction that retrieves lead from items like car batteries. Ultimately, the goal should be to reduce the need for mining and processing lead by finding less toxic alternatives or reusing existing lead resources.

    • Addressing the dangers of lead exposure and the importance of precautionary measures.Test and safely remove potential lead sources, such as lead paint and plumbing. Replace lead pipes and be aware of the dangers of copper. Prioritize addressing lead exposure for a safe and healthy environment.

      Lead paint and emissions from refining and processing are significant sources of lead vapor emissions in the environment. The conversation also highlights the dangers of lead exposure and emphasizes the importance of taking precautions, especially in older houses with lead paint or plumbing. It is crucial to have any potential lead sources tested and to hire professionals to safely remove lead if necessary. While lead pipes may not pose an immediate threat if the water is non-corrosive, it is still advisable to replace them. It is also worth noting that copper can also be a concern, but it is not as harmful as lead. Overall, being aware of and addressing lead exposure is essential for maintaining a safe and healthy environment.

    • The Dangers of Lead Exposure and Testing MethodsLead is a highly toxic substance that can easily enter the body through various means. It behaves similarly to calcium and can cause serious health problems, especially in children, affecting brain development and cognitive functions. It is crucial to minimize exposure to lead as there is no safe concentration for it in the body.

      Lead is highly toxic and has no beneficial function in the body. It can easily enter the bloodstream through inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact. Testing for lead exposure can be done through a blood test, which is considered accurate and easy to perform. The alternative test, called the zinc protoporphyrin test, measures a byproduct of red blood cell breakdown in the presence of lead and is less accurate. Lead behaves similarly to calcium in the body, which can lead to serious health problems as it settles in calcium receptors throughout the body, including the bones and neuronal activity. Children are particularly vulnerable to lead exposure, as it can disrupt brain development, leading to cognitive and behavioral issues. It is important to minimize exposure to lead as there is no safe concentration for it in the body.

    • The Hidden Dangers of Lead PoisoningLead poisoning can have severe consequences on children's brain development, causing cognitive and behavioral issues, as well as various health problems. It is essential to prevent lead exposure and be aware of its potential dangers.

      Lead poisoning can have significant negative effects on children's brain development and overall health. The presence of lead in the body can hinder the proper formation of brain regions and disrupt communication between them. This can lead to various problems in cognitive, emotional, and behavioral development in children, including lower IQ scores. Additionally, lead poisoning can cause other health issues such as kidney failure, bone and joint pain, decreased sex drive, infertility, diarrhea, and high blood pressure. Lead mimics calcium, a vital mineral in the body, and prevents it from carrying out its necessary functions, resulting in a cascade of harmful effects. It is important to be aware that lead poisoning may go unnoticed, as symptoms can be attributed to other factors. Therefore, it is crucial to take measures to prevent lead exposure and recognize its potential dangers.

    • The link between lead use and criminal behavior in children: More research needed for causation and impact assessment.Strong evidence suggests that lead use is linked to criminal behavior and cognitive impairments in children, but further research is required to establish causation and fully understand the impact. Treatment options are available to address lead poisoning.

      There is strong evidence linking lead use and emissions to criminal behavior and cognitive impairments in children. Various studies have shown a correlation between lead use and a rise in criminal activity about 20 years later. However, while the findings are significant, more research and data are needed to establish causation and fully understand the impact. Scientists acknowledge the need for further investigation and caution against jumping to conclusions. Additionally, the cost of mitigating lead in the environment is a major concern, but widespread awareness and vocal support from the scientific community may help change public opinion and prioritize actions to address lead poisoning. Treatment options for lead poisoning include medications like Succimer to reduce blood lead levels and chelation therapy with EDTA for acute toxic doses.

    • Importance of a Nutritious Diet in Displacing Lead in the BodyConsuming foods high in calcium and vitamin C can help displace lead in the body, but severe lead poisoning can cause kidney failure. Lead toxicity affects not only humans but also animals in the food chain. Residents affected by the Flint water crisis may face challenges in receiving compensation. Impoverished residents face difficulties accessing proper assistance.

      A nutritious diet can help displace lead in the body. By consuming foods high in calcium and vitamin C, the body can absorb calcium and displace lead, thus aiding in the removal of lead from the body. However, it is important to note that severe lead poisoning can cause kidney failure and anemia, making it hard on the kidneys. The discussion also highlights the widespread impact of lead toxicity, not only affecting humans but also other animals in the food chain. Shifting focus to the Flint lawsuits, it is mentioned that compensation for residents affected by the lead water crisis may be unlikely due to legal hurdles such as sovereign immunity and the need to prove specific causation. Furthermore, the conversation sheds light on the dire situation faced by impoverished residents who continue to drink leaded water without the means to seek proper assistance.

    • Creating a Compensation Fund: An Effective Solution for Environmental DisastersImplementing a victim's compensation fund can provide timely aid to those affected by environmental disasters and avoid the complications of lawsuits. Holding responsible parties accountable is crucial, while supporting communities in need is vital. Finland's low political corruption can serve as a model for a fair and socially responsible society.

      Setting up a victim's compensation fund, similar to what was done for the deep water horizon spill, may be a smarter approach to helping people affected by environmental disasters. Instead of relying solely on lawsuits, legislating this fund can ensure that the victims receive prompt compensation without the messy details being dragged out in public. Additionally, it is important for the government not to fight against holding those responsible accountable, as it can lead to trouble. The conversation also highlights the ongoing public health scare in Flint and the need for support for the city. Finally, the conversation briefly touches on the low level of political corruption in Finland and the benefits of a more equal and socially responsible society with higher taxes.

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    The music used for United States of Lead was created by Bertsz on Freesound.org (https://freesound.org/people/Bertsz/)


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    7 Steps to an Amazing City:


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    3. Attention to Detail
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    5. Inclusiveness
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    Thanks for listening and look forward to having you join us for the next episode.


    Links Mentions During Show:



    About  Manny Teodoro

    My research stands at the nexus of politics, public policy, and public management. I work mainly on American environmental policy design, evaluation, and implementation. This line of research includes explorations of public vs. private utility management, and regulatory implementation as a matter of environmental justice. On the public management side, my work emphasizes professional labor markets as and predictors of innovation and organizational performance. My book 2011 book Bureaucratic Ambition (Johns Hopkins University Press), argues that career concerns shape organizational innovation and democratic governance. My 2022 book The Profits of Distrust (with Samantha Zuhlke & David Switzer, Cambridge University Press) links the meteoric rise of the commercial drinking water industry to distrust in government and a broader withdrawal from civic life.

    Perhaps my most challenging and exciting work is my applied research on water and sewer utility management, policy, and finance. I’ve served on expert advisory panels to state governments, UNICEF/World Health Organization, the American Water Works Association, and dozens of local governments. I work directly with government, community, and industry leaders to improve water affordability, equity, and regulatory implementation. To that end, in 2022 I joined the Water & Health Advisory Council

    I’m lucky to have received a classic Jesuit education at Seattle University. A Truman Scholarship sent me to Cornell for a MPA, and I earned a PhD in Public Policy & Political Science at the Ford School at the University of Michigan (Go Blue).

    About Your Host, Jim Hunt:

    Welcome to the “Building Amazing Cities and Towns Podcast” … The podcast for Mayors, Council Members, Managers, Staff and anyone who is interested in building an Amazing City.


    Your host is Jim Hunt, the author of “Bottom Line Green, How American Cities are Saving the Planet and Money Too” and his latest book, “The Amazing City - 7 Steps to Creating an Amazing City”


    Jim is also the former President of the National League of Cities, 27 year Mayor, Council Member and 2006 Municipal Leader of the Year by American City and County Magazine.


    Today, Jim speaks to 1000’s of local government officials each year in the US and abroad.


    Jim also consults with businesses that are bringing technology and innovation to local government.


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    A Special Thanks to Bearing Advisors for the support of this podcast:  www.BearingAdvisors.Net