
    About this Episode

    Today we will talk about why we tend to steal other people's dreams and believe that they are ours, we end up following someone else's path and that makes us feel unhappy and we have to stop that!

    Recent Episodes from Adriana Says

    Stop chasing happiness

    Stop chasing happiness
    In this episode we talk about how fleeting happiness is and how you should not try to chase it, but seek to have inner peace. This feeling is much deeper, lasting and real, it has nothing to do with external factors and you can have inner peace even in the midst of pain and suffering. I assure you that if you pursue that feeling of well-being with you, happiness will come to you!
    Adriana Says
    enFebruary 28, 2024

    Qhy is so difficult for us to love ourselves?

    Qhy is so difficult for us to love ourselves?
    In this episode we will talk about the difficulties of self-love, why even though we know we should love ourselves, we don't do it. I want to encourage you to keep practicing, not to give up and above all to know that self-love is the best investment you can make in your life because it is the only one that will always give you much more.
    Adriana Says
    enFebruary 14, 2024

    Your dreams are not important, what matter is that you keep dreaming

    Your dreams are not important, what matter is that you keep dreaming
    In this episode I talk about the value of dreaming big and making it a skill, it doesn't matter if you fulfill your dreams or not, but never stop dreaming, because that's what keeps us alive. You may have many dreams in your past that you did not fulfill, but it is that ability to dream, to seek something huge that energizes you. I have a graveyard full of dreams that were never fulfilled, but I seek to make it bigger each time, because I will never regret dreaming big.
    Adriana Says
    enFebruary 06, 2024

    The Art of Mindful Living: Embracing the Beauty of Thinking Less

    The Art of Mindful Living: Embracing the Beauty of Thinking Less
    Welcome to the 30th episode of "Adriana Says" where I share insights on how to live a happier and more peaceful life. In this episode, we will discuss the power of thinking less to reduce stress and anxiety, drawing examples from everyday experiences like planning a party or managing a busy schedule. I want to emphasize the importance of tackling one task at a time and I encourage you to recall your best moments in life, where thinking less led to pure enjoyment.
    Adriana Says
    enJanuary 22, 2024

    Flight, Fight, or Freeze: How Your Instincts Shape Your Reactions

    Flight, Fight, or Freeze: How Your Instincts Shape Your Reactions
    In this episode, we talk about survival instincts and how we react to risky situations. We explore the idea that there are not only two instinctive responses, but three: flee, fight or freeze. I invite you to reflect on our instinctive way of reacting to danger in order to prepare ourselves with tools to better face any negative situation in our personal relationships.
    Adriana Says
    enJanuary 18, 2024

    Inspired Living: My "Midnight Library" Wisdom for Your Best Life

    Inspired Living: My "Midnight Library" Wisdom for Your Best Life
    Hello again!! in this episode I share my thoughts and reflections on the concept of trying new things and living without regrets. I just read "The Midnight Library" and it has influenced my perspective on the decisions we make in life. Like living our best life, cause things could bde different but not better. Join me and lets embrace our best lives and approach ourselves with kindness and understanding.
    Adriana Says
    enJanuary 15, 2024

    Clearing the Debt: How to Prioritize Your Own Desires and Achieve Self-Fulfillment

    Clearing the Debt: How to Prioritize Your Own Desires and Achieve Self-Fulfillment
    Today we're delving into the topic of self-fulfillment and the importance of honoring your own desires. Do you have dreams and goals that have been pushed aside for various reasons? Well, it's time to reclaim them. In this episode, I'll remind you why you deserve to prioritize yourself, why you owe it to yourself to follow your heart's desires, and how to clear the debts you've created within. Get ready to take that first step towards self-fulfillment, because you deserve it.
    Adriana Says
    enOctober 23, 2023

    Leaving the Wrong Story: Finding Courage to Create a Better Life

    Leaving the Wrong Story: Finding Courage to Create a Better Life
    Welcome to another episode of Adriana Says, the podcast that aims to empower and inspire you to live your best life. In today's episode, we will discuss the power of leaving the wrong story behind. I want to share the importance of recognizing when a situation, relationship, or job is no longer serving you and must be left behind. True bravery lies not only in taking risks but also in knowing when to close the door and choose a new path. If you're ready to break free from the constraints of an unsatisfying story, this episode is for you. So grab a cup of tea, find a cozy spot, and let's dive into today's episode.
    Adriana Says
    enOctober 18, 2023

    Happy birthday to me!! and my birthday ritual

    Happy birthday to me!! and my birthday ritual
    In this episode I will share with you my birthday ritual where I write a letter (or record like today) to my future self, it is my gift to myself next year. I think it's important that we celebrate our path and document our life and all the wonderful things we have and above all that we ARE!!! hopefully it will inspire you to do the same in your life.
    Adriana Says
    enSeptember 12, 2023