
    Sheila Ss Near Death Experience Episode 71

    enNovember 28, 2022

    About this Episode

    Sheila has a wonderful experience with Jesus, where lessons are taught and love is exchanged.

    Recent Episodes from Afterlife Pod

    Episode 140- Jean R NDE 'the spiritual way is to help each other' NDERF.org

    Episode 140- Jean R NDE 'the spiritual way is to help each other' NDERF.org
    Jean woke up in a hospital bed unable to breathe, experiencing excruciating pain. After finding the nurse call button, Jean was rushed to receive medical attention, as her blood pressure was dangerously low. She had two near-death experiences. In the first, she encountered a profound sense of unconditional love and underwent a life review focused on relationships. She chose to return to life for the sake of her sons. In the second experience, she visited a city representing the afterlife, where she learned that all religions are valid paths and that Earth is a place for spiritual growth through experiences. She witnessed the importance of human relationships and helping others. The city was filled with love and purposeful work. She also glimpsed a darker place where people were consumed by material possessions. She entered a temple and felt overwhelming love and approval. As a result of these experiences, she lives in the moment, prioritizes human relationships, and holds no fear of death, focusing instead on living a life of love and caring for others.

    Episode 139 Michaele S NDE- Love is constant, never fading, always embracing you' NDERF.org

    Episode 139 Michaele S NDE- Love is constant, never fading, always embracing you' NDERF.org
    Michaele recounts a near-death experience when they collided with a train at a level crossing. She felt a sense of detachment and saw a being of light who offered her a choice to continue living. She was shown the essence of her life and experienced a profound sense of love and healing. After returning to her body, she received help from a mysterious woman and eventually recovered in the hospital. Despite the physical healing, the experience left her feeling profoundly changed and struggling with depression as she grappled with the unchanged circumstances of her life. However, over time, she came to understand the transformative power of love and acceptance.

    Episode 138- Demi B NDE 'love is all that matters' NDERF.org

    Episode 138- Demi B NDE 'love is all that matters' NDERF.org
    At the age of 14, while camping with her family near Tillamook, Demi experienced a near-death encounter while playing in the ocean. Pulled into a sinkhole by a strong current, she found herself engulfed by an overwhelming sense of peace and love as her soul seemingly left her body. She described being surrounded by vibrant colors and music in a tunnel-like space, moving toward a bright light where she felt a profound connection to all things and received messages about the importance of love and the interconnectedness of all beings. Despite the allure of staying in this blissful state, she was gently urged to return to her body by an unseen force, eventually being pulled to the surface by a companion. Over the years, she grappled with the messages received during her near-death experience, particularly the concept of being the same as every blade of grass. It wasn't until encountering string theory on TV years later that she found an explanation, understanding that all matter, including humans and plants, is composed of energy. This realization affirmed the profound insights gained during her experience. Her subsequent readings, such as Anita Moorjani's "Dying to be Me," further validated her experience, reinforcing the belief in a higher power and the importance of love. Despite the challenges of daily life, her goal is to remember and share her transcendent encounter with those open to hearing it.

    Episode 137 Brian T NDE 'love was real, as much a force as a feeling' NDERF.org

    Episode 137 Brian T NDE 'love was real, as much a force as a feeling' NDERF.org
    In this 2004 account, the writer recounts a near-death experience they had approximately 30 years prior. They emphasize the challenge of describing the depth of their experience, comparing it to drawing a magnificent sunset in the sand. Despite being brought about by an overdose of drugs, the experience felt more real than waking consciousness. The writer describes a separation from their body, a profound sense of unity with a greater reality, and a journey through a tunnel. They express feelings of weightlessness and exhilaration during this journey, culminating in a radiant and serene landscape filled with blissful beings. They encounter a radiant being of pure light, emanating intense love and understanding, and feel drawn to it irresistibly. The encounter with this being fills them with an overwhelming sense of love and understanding, and they feel recognized and embraced by it. Despite their reluctance to leave, they understand the necessity of returning to physical life. Upon awakening in their bed, they are deeply affected by the experience, declaring it as more real than waking life itself. The writer reflects on their experience in light of later encounters with accounts of near-death experiences, realizing the similarity between their own experience and those reported by others. They marvel at the joyful nature of their experience, despite its origins in drug use.

    Episode 135 Sharon M NDE 'real beauty shines from the soul' NDERF.org

    Episode 135 Sharon M NDE  'real beauty shines from the soul' NDERF.org
    In midsummer 2005, Sharon experienced a near-death experience during a lightning strike, leading to a profound spiritual journey. Initially disoriented, she found herself leaving her body and entering a house that seemed from a different time period. The experience continued with a journey through magnificent clouds filled with deep peace and love. The narrator encountered two men, identified as her deceased younger brothers, and later met Jesus. She then described a beautiful garden and a conversation with God, emphasizing the importance of self-love and recognizing God's presence in everything. The NDE also included visions of future events, such as the 9/11 attacks, natural disasters, governmental unrest, and a symbolic silver ribbon splitting the United States. The narrator shared her struggle to accept her own beauty and worthiness, learning that real beauty comes from within. The experience led to a deeper relationship with God, spontaneous Kundalini awakening, and increased sensitivity to energy.

    Episode 134 Joan LH 'I was connected to everything and everyone' NDERF.org

    Episode 134 Joan LH 'I was connected to everything and everyone' NDERF.org
    Joan underwent a spinal anesthetic for ankle surgery, leading to a near-death experience (NDE) when the anesthesia went awry. After being without oxygen for 5-8 minutes, she awoke in a coma, facing challenges in memory and comprehension. Despite physical recovery, the NDE left her feeling isolated, as her spiritual and emotional story clashed with her family's religious beliefs. Desiring answers, she pursued a lawsuit, won, and discovered that her brain functions varied post-NDE. Running became a source of solace, offering a sense of freedom and normalcy. Her NDE involved a profound experience of love, oneness, and freedom, challenging conventional religious views. Despite cognitive challenges, she pursued a career as a nurse, later becoming a Soul-Centered Professional Coach. Her journey of healing and self-discovery includes embracing her individual beliefs, finding peace, and working with hospice. She is happily married with two daughters, believing they are her reason for returning to life. She remains passionate about helping others realize their divine nature.

    Episode 133 Laurie L NDE 'Love and peace reigned here' NDERF.org

    Episode 133 Laurie L NDE 'Love and peace reigned here' NDERF.org
    The author shares their life journey, starting from their upbringing in Queens, New York, to their near-death experience (NDE) while white water rafting on the Rogue River in Oregon. During the NDE, they describe encountering angelic beings, a heavenly realm, and a profound sense of love. Despite the initial reluctance to return to Earth, they believe their purpose is to heal others, and their sensitive abilities have intensified post-NDE. The experience has deepened their spiritual connection, making them aware of the interconnectedness of life and the importance of choices. The author expresses gratitude for surviving the perilous incident on the Rogue River and a sense of purpose that continues to guide their life.

    Episode 131 Krista G NDE 'What joy it was to be in this place!' NDERF.org

    Episode 131 Krista G NDE  'What joy it was to be in this place!' NDERF.org
    Krista experienced a severe allergic reaction, leading to a life-threatening situation. In the midst of labor complications and the decision for a cesarean section, Krista's heart stopped, marking the beginning of her near-death experience (NDE). Krista described a profound and vivid journey beyond consciousness. She felt detached from her physical self, observing medical interventions to save her and her baby. As her heart stopped, Krista entered a realm of boundless love, peace, and oneness. She encountered a choice to move forward into an unknown realm, return to her earthly life, or explore a dark area. Opting to share her experience and serve others, Krista returned to her body at 9:26 am, saved by a timely response from medical professionals. After the NDE, Krista underwent a challenging recovery, facing memory loss and significant life changes. The experience transformed her perspective, freeing her from fear and anxiety. Despite internal battles and societal expectations, Krista eventually embraced her changed self. Over the years, she navigated various medical specialties, seeking fulfillment in helping others. After a period of inner work, Krista realized her life's purpose: to express love and inspire others to live authentically from their true nature.