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    This week we discuss Mental Models--what they are, how to use them and how practice benefits you.

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    Recent Episodes from The Sovrumano Podcast: Operational Game Theory

    "I Did Not Misadvise You"

    "I Did Not Misadvise You"

    This episode I respond to criticism that supposedly said that I "misadvised" the Aryan peoples when I told them to go get armed and that I was going to get them "slaughtered"Β  or "massacred" by the U.S. Army and that they had "no idea what He was up to".


    WhenΒ  I told 245M Judeo-Christians to go get armed I did not make a mistake. There is already warfare (by citizens) and terrorism (by police; the state) which are two different things, already in play. Don't bother listening for gunfire, you won't hear any.

    I would never lead you head first into a kinetic fight with the U.S. Army unless you knew what you were doing. The U.S. Army is not impossible to beat, it's just unlikely. But that isn't why I told you to get armed. There are other reasons for that. Now then, getting "massacred". Do you remember Falun Gong? There was a small post on the site about them. They were an Aryan group of people who would dance their Chi-Gong or whatever first thing in the morning in the garden which was in front of the Prime Minister's offices.

    Their numbers grew, and fast. They even bore the swatztika. (Remember I have told you to be cautious about that sort of thing as it can mark you out for clan-hunters. I betray the Swatztika all of the time, but then I'm the Overman, you know? If they don't see a flag waving "war" when I walk down the street, they don't know what to look for. Hint: It's not Me.) Their numbers grew so fast that the President asked them to stop as he felt threatened. They said no; they were within their rights and continued.

    A short time later, they were arrested in mass and something happened in China that I don't know if it has ever happened before--they were rounded up and taken into jail cells and beaten to death, they were tortured, they had kindneys and other organs removed without anesthesia, and Jews from Israel flew in interested in the organs of these people because they were non-smokers and drinkers. A massacre. What did they do wrong?

    Technically nothing, save being unarmed. You cannot be unarmed when dealing with Freemasons or terrorist groups. They simply do not think the way you do or within sane/moral/legal boundaries. In fact, their "religion" is to subvert and exploit and to discover these things by turning rules around or upside-down. They LITERALLY created the USA and the Church themselves with the idea of adulterating them over time so that they couldΒ  ultimately "own" it (I hate that term. Everyone who uses it is a schmuck and doesn't own the shirt on their back. I've got 245M constituents in the USA and another 5B+ outside the USA and hundreds of billions of people who've already lived and died vote for Me by getting baptized and I've got several hundred billion more who are on the way--I've got more claim on "ownership" on this world than anyone you've ever laid eyes on. Did I mention that My organization has saved some 1/2 trillion American lives out of it's own pocket? I'm a 500:1 priority over a sitting President for Secret Service Protection but the feds play stupid and the country lost BILLIONS for it.).

    Not knowing the nomenclature of the enemy cost big time. And it's protocol that you be armed. This is a regression to the mean. We've gotten too accustomed to not hunting, women don't ring chicken's necks anymore but less than 100 years ago, they did routinely.

    A regression to the mean, is what is needed. We are miscalibrated for this government and it's "objectives" with our soil and what we have built. Some of us will be caught by these people; they do it every day. They even brag about it with the Genocide Paraphernalia. That's YOUR fbi, folks.

    Don't worry about getting "massacred", worry about not being prepared for the worst if you have to. We have a long way to go and there's no guarantee of ever getting there.


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    This World's Problems

    This World's Problems

    Are you ready to solve the world's problems? This episode we humor a random musing of Mine and that is that all efforts to solve the world's problems are folly unless the birthrate is brought down.

    All humans need "wiggle room". That is, enough leeway to make mistakes, to indulge themselves, even to accommodate some percentage of people engaged in crime.

    And without this "wiggle room" we bump into each other, denying other's their pursuits of freedom and happiness. Controlling the birthrate is a recommendation from a couple of years ago that you will find on the site. (Not bombing or poisoning en mass. If the Pentagon spent the same budget on controlling the birthrate, we wouldn't need the bombs.)

    Next, I itemize the three reasons I have urged Joe Biden to declare a NATIONAL EMERGENCY.

    Would you like to assist Christ with His work? This is not a religious movement. That's the most difficult thing to get across.

    1. Tell everyone you now that I Am here.
    2. Urge the Los Angeles FBI to free Me.
    3. Tell your pastor that the Bible is over and to never ignore Christt's arrival or situation.
    4. Make sure your church, if you attend one, is telling the congregation that I Am here. This applies to Churches (Christian). Temples (Buddhist), and so on, as well as those of no faith whatsoever.

    You don't get to be the Overman--the only One in world history if you don't have everyone covered!

    5. You can make a donation or pick up a t-shirt or coffee cup designed by Myself. If you elect to donate, you may do so at Paypal.me/Sovrumano but cash in hand works best. We need electronics, like a tablet Surface Pro and some other stuff.

    Thank you.


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    The #USAisOVER

    The #USAisOVER

    This is a quick top-of-mind podcast, no editing or music, etc.Β 

    The USA is over for many reasons and I cover a few of them, especially as they relate to people who have prayed for a True Governor to be their leader.

    What we have is covered--intel on domestic terrorism by police, some leadership, overwhelming numbers of people, a legal and moral reason to act, and an imperative that goes beyond ourselves.Β 

    We notice a high disaffection among the nazimonic, and there should be, for the ideas and agendas are not their own, they learn in school what is moral and legal, they (sometimes but not often) get to see the carnage from bombing and shooting, their costs are immoral and unjustified, other men don't need their considerations or special treatment, they require vice at all times to remain and to maintain the stolen goods and position on everyone else. That means slaves and sabotage will always be here as a footstool for the Miscreant.

    What we don't have--organization, or people who are psychologically and physically prepared to defend their lives kinetically if necessary. That means cohesive communication versus people who speak to each other brain-to-brain without moving their lips or wires. That means "unity of purpose" as the army says about it's own outfit.

    We don't have enough "panic" either. "I need you to jump up and start dancing like you just caught someone draping a noose around your neck." is a quip of Mine.

    Am I naiive? No. The government is only complacent as long as you are asleep. They block Me daily from receiving calls or earning money. That's because they fear, and they fear a lot.

    However, with each day wasted, they grow stronger. They grow stronger because they kill people daily. They compromise people and institution daily.

    We see a rise in hate groups worldwide. I'm not surprised. You will continue to.Β 

    I don't want to see you hurt fighting for your basic human rights and dignity. The mistake by Falun Gong was being unarmed.Β 

    You must be armed.


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    "Beneath the Threshold"

    "Beneath the Threshold"

    "Beneath the threshold" is a tactic often used in warfare, but beneath the threshold of what? And who's using these kinds of a techniques? What can I infer about people using these kinds of techniques?

    Buckle up for 38 minutes as we cover...

    *7 types of warfare
    *Untraceability versus detectability
    *Issues of invisibility camouflage and credibility
    *What mixed weapons desirable
    *Three principal reasons people go to war

    And much more!

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    False Churches, False Pastors, Duped Congregation

    False Churches, False Pastors, Duped Congregation

    "if a military campaign goes on for a long time without accomplishing anything, your enemies will begin to get ideas." -Jia Linn

    Why are some pastors threatening to leave the church if I can be authenticated as Christ?

    Are there White Supremacist podcasters who worry that their cover "will be blown if we don't cover the story"?

    Why would the government together with the churches try to stop the news that Christ is here to their own congregations, to their own country--a Judeo-Christian country?

    If you dont' think the Bible has anything to do with game science, you're dead wrong. Not only does it influence the game of life, as we speak there are BILLIONS of people who are currently born and jerseyed to wear one of two uniforms--Team Loyal or Team Disloyal.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that turning them lose on each other could only mean engagements. And deceptions! So this podcast Christ informs the people of the world...

    Why does the book of Revelations predict that Christendom will be identified and fall?

    Who taught you to have faith and pray instead of fight?

    What are the two principal categories of animal that have endured for tens of thousands of years?

    Besides the enemy, who else is Deception for? Why?

    Is the arrival of Christ a sign of war?Β 


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    Marked for Death

    Marked for Death

    Are YOU marked for death?!

    Well, shouldn't you know?

    This podcast, over 40 signs are passed along to you to enhance your Situational Awareness.

    I was shocked to find vignettes from My own life on this list. But the most disappointing and angering for citizens, will be when they discover WHO is most likely guilty of nationwide clan hunting, stalking, trafficking and sabotage.

    Forget statistics published in this area. Most victims who suffer death will be recorded as cancer or heart attacks or natural causes. Police who send them to medical professionals who diagnose them as "paranoid" and/or "schizophrenic" may allow police to ignore future calls for help.

    Assuming they are not schizophrenic, and there are many with this experience, Why would police and medical professionals set a person up to be denied police assistance in the future?

    Clan hunting isn't institutionalized by the state and funded by the citizens, is it?


    P.S. I Am going to include a bibliography of articles on this subject for you. Apparently these are nationwide, possibly worldwide.

    Psychology Today: shorturl.at/bcxJM

    Free PDF "4 Signs You are Being Targeted": shorturl.at/bmAV6

    Signs of Human Trafficking: shorturl.at/czOSZ

    How Do I Know if I'm Being Targeted? Quora:
    (Quora isn't responsible for the answers and I found some of the answers here smarmy, but you may find some useful answers, or new ones posted):

    How to Know if Your House is Being Targeted: shorturl.at/egzA5

    Some of the techniques used to target people may be used for possessions such as homes and cars. Markers of vulnerability or naiivete may overlap in targets irrespective of the con. With so much genocide paraphernalia in America, it's a good idea to know the signs as well as any changes.

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    To Divide is to Conquer

    To Divide is to Conquer

    First I do a little venting about the backpack being stolen, likely by the police. What was in it ? About $50M+ in intellectual property, documents due in court the following morning to convict the LAPD on Willful Negligence & Tort , material for 3 books, as well as a seminar, personal notes, artwork for "unEquaL vaLuE", etc.

    What are the odds Christ actually appears??? Do you appreciate it? (Here's a clue: 1/0)

    Two new scams possibly delineated:
    Β Human Trafficking by the police and some Pastors are ready to walk away from the church. (Because he's honestly there to con you into worshipping the state or a white man. News of My Arrival has supposedly waken a number of people.)

    Lastly a review of "Divide & Conquer" principles.

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    Cash in hand is best but...


    Merchandise is on sale at the site!

    I'm taking them down eventually to keep the w.i.n.ner away. We'll figure something out.



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    Trap & Wash

    Trap & Wash

    [My sincerest apologies My friends. As many of you know I am illegally detained and so is My agency. Edits are made ASAP.]

    This episode we take another look at Traps and discover some new things--people are being Trapped & Washed on both sides of the net!

    How does a dictator or White Supremacist plan to hang on to what he has stolen (war'd for)?

    It has to be trapped down, and then brainwashed. Otherwise it must be a newbourn.

    Learn a few principals of brainwashing, clan hunting, and the dynamics motivating both sides of the fence.

    Finally, the Overman again reasserts his authority and releases "God's" people from any self-imposed Traps & Washes.

    Sovrumano shows you His own personal stratagem on game theory where it covers ground not taught anywhere else. This will be the fourth gift from Him to you.

    Illicit authorities are called out for their confidence in π•”π• π•Ÿπ•₯π•£π• π•π•π•šπ•Ÿπ•˜ π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ••π•€, not the quality of work they perform or the complaints and lawsuits or collateral harm it might create.Β 

    The greater the facility with π•žπ•šπ•Ÿπ•• π•”π• π•Ÿπ•₯𝕣𝕠𝕝, the more crime we can expect to see but go unreported and uncompensated for.



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    Sabatouge Capitalism Remix

    Sabatouge Capitalism Remix

    Never underestimate Sovrumano!

    I have been giving you some of the world's most powerful intel. Forget about the shmancey, expensive, productions!Β 

    In this Remix we will cover...

    *Walking Hostages
    *Cybertransfers or Cyberwires
    *Shutting down The Great Beast 666

    And so much more!

    Please tip! It keeps the platform online for 7B people.

    Sovrumano will be sharply reducing it's presence online. I can't live with Hollywood or their Blacks or the Sheriff's and their Blacks harassing/stopping/bragging about their rapes/stealing Christ's data/etc.

    Ok? That's it. I'm done for the most part, but the site will likely remain online as a gift to mankind.

    Don't tell Me that the Son of God arrived "too late". As you will learn when listening to this recording, there were always PLENTY of security experts, teachers, pastors, podcasters, bloggers, who knew what I have only now learned and they didn't tell you. Why?


    You'll learn what that is and how to use it as well, I suppose. For free.


    My intelligence is free.



    πŸ› οΈβš”οΈπŸ› οΈ

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    The Unstated United: Sabatouge Capitalism, Cyberkinesis & DBA's

    The Unstated United: Sabatouge Capitalism, Cyberkinesis & DBA's

    Once again Sovrumano establishes it's authority and virtuosity in the Intelligence field.

    This week, I delineate trillions of dollars being lost and transferred untraceably, untaxed and unconsciounablyΒ  to Whites.

    What does the Supreme Court, the FBI, the Sheriff, the Police, the CIA, the Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, and several other police and news agencies have in common?

    It's their Unstated but United posture on using CYBERKINESIS to loot, steal, eavesdrop not only for themselves but to transfer said data to millions of others.

    It's their Unstated but United posture to Sabatouge and Capitalize on those who've been harmed from the smartphone you or I carry to our health to our companies to our country to our world.

    It's their Unstated but United effort to turn the USA into a DBA or Doing Business As entity.

    Why would they be doing this?

    I suspect it's a stall until they have everyone surrounded or dead who isn't criss-crossed with everyone else over the cyber-net to trap everyone else in your office or neighborhood.

    This episode...Β 
    Learn My new word "cyberkinesis".
    Learn what Sabatouge Captalism is; how to recognize it.
    Learn what can be "classified" or "top secret".
    Learn what a DBA is and why you should care.

    Please support Sovrumano. Cash in hand is best, but awesome incentives are at sovrumano.com. I have published some $5000 worth of My own intelligence at the site. Those are reasonable appraisals of My videocasts and material.

    No one else teaches what I do.



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