
    Pride Month Pandering, Caitlin Clark Controversy, and Woke Drama at Washington Post, with Dave Rubin | Ep. 809

    enJune 04, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Independent mediaIndependent media offers freedom and liberation from traditional media structures' constraints and biases, allowing for in-depth exploration of topics without interruptions or external editorial control

      Megyn Kelly and Dave Rubin discussed the freedom and liberation they experience in producing their own content outside of traditional media structures, contrasting it with the constraints and biases of mainstream media, specifically mentioning The Washington Post's financial struggles and recent leadership changes. They believe more people are turning to independent voices due to media's perceived dishonesty and biases, and the duo prides themselves on their ability to explore topics in depth and without the interruption of commercials or external editorial control.

    • Washington Post crisisThe Washington Post's crisis, caused by perceived leftist propaganda and misinformation, has led to a loss of audience and revenue. Efforts to revitalize the organization by bringing in competent people have sparked outrage from staffers due to lack of diversity in hiring, and the future of the newspaper remains uncertain.

      The Washington Post is facing a crisis due to its perceived leftist propaganda and misinformation, leading to a loss of audience and revenue. In response, the newspaper's leadership is bringing in competent people, primarily white men, to revitalize the organization. However, this decision has sparked outrage from staffers, who feel that women and people of color were not given equal consideration for these positions. The situation has become a source of amusement for some, as they watch "wokeness" consume and potentially destroy the institution. Ultimately, the future of the Washington Post remains uncertain, with some questioning whether it's too late to save it. The speaker expressed no sympathy for the newspaper's predicament and instead expressed enjoyment at the situation.

    • Rule of Law and Justice SystemTrump's conviction highlights concerns about the rule of law and justice system, with critics arguing that any criticism of the verdict is an assault on the system itself, and the incident also underscores the need to reconsider the balance of power between the executive branch and Congress

      Former President Donald Trump's bid for the presidency once again raises significant concerns about the rule of law and the justice system in America. Trump's conviction for a business-related crime has sparked an all-out assault on the system of justice, with critics arguing that any criticism of the verdict is an assault on the system itself. Despite the conviction, it's unlikely Trump will serve jail time, and the appeals process could take years. Regardless of the outcome, the controversy surrounding Trump's legal situation has galvanized his supporters and detractors alike, with some arguing that the country cannot survive if political candidates are jailed. The incident also highlights the need to reconsider the balance of power between the executive branch and Congress, as the executive has gained too much power over the years, moving away from the founders' original vision.

    • Politicization of Justice SystemThe politicization of the justice system raises concerns over the potential for unfair treatment towards former presidents and the impact on the country's stability.

      The discussion revolves around the perceived difficulty in imprisoning a former president, using Donald Trump as an example. The speaker expresses concern over the potential politicization of the justice system and the seeding of ground for his incarceration. They also criticize the media, specifically MSNBC, for their coverage and what they see as a disregard for the country's well-being. The speaker argues that Trump's presidency brought about improvements in various areas, such as immigration and the economy, and that these achievements should not be ignored. They also express concern over the current state of the country, particularly regarding immigration and the potential for a slow-motion collapse. The speaker believes that the United States will survive another Biden term but emphasizes the importance of addressing the corruption in the justice system.

    • Political and cultural climateThe current political and cultural climate, driven by issues of immigration and identity politics, is causing unease and division among Americans, potentially leading to social unrest and violence.

      The current political and cultural climate, particularly regarding immigration and identity politics, is causing a sense of unease and division among many Americans. The speaker believes that if left unchecked, this could potentially lead to a breakdown in social cohesion and even violence. They also express concern about the current administration's immigration policies and the perceived lack of accountability for those entering the country illegally, using the recent shooting of two NYPD officers by an undocumented immigrant as an example. The speaker remains hopeful that there will be a backlash against this trend, whether it be through a change in administration or societal pressure, and that this will lead to a renewed focus on law and order and national unity. However, they also acknowledge that this could potentially lead to a worsening of the cultural battles currently being fought, particularly around issues of identity and ideology.

    • Individuals and misinformationIndividuals and groups spreading misinformation, even celebrating convictions, can harm democracy and society; fact-checking and accountability are crucial.

      Certain individuals and groups continue to spread misinformation and celebrate the convictions of others, despite the potential harm to democracy and society. Hillary Clinton, for instance, celebrated Trump's conviction and even released merchandise claiming she was right about everything. Meanwhile, figures like Fauci have faced threats and have been accused of spreading false information regarding COVID-19, including the effectiveness of masks and social distancing. The haughty attitude and lack of empathy from these individuals towards the consequences of their actions is concerning and highlights the importance of fact-checking and holding individuals accountable for their words and actions.

    • COVID-19 restaurant regulationsStrict COVID-19 regulations at restaurants can lead to the use of fake vaccine passports, potentially causing embarrassment and controversy.

      The speaker had a disappointing experience at a restaurant during the COVID-19 pandemic, where they had to use a fake vaccine passport due to strict regulations. However, they were later discovered by other patrons, leading to an awkward explanation. The speaker also expressed their disdain for Dr. Anthony Fauci and his handling of the pandemic, as well as their support for a heckler who disrupted one of his testimonies. The conversation also touched on various cultural topics, including Pride Month and intersectionality, leading to a discussion about clashing values and beliefs. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and challenges of navigating societal norms and individual convictions during uncertain times.

    • Media content and young childrenMedia promoting controversial topics to young children can be detrimental to their development, and parents should be vigilant about the content their children consume to protect their innocence.

      The influence of certain media content, particularly those promoting controversial topics to young children, can be a source of concern for parents. The speaker expresses her disapproval of specific children's content, citing concerns about gender and sexuality indoctrination. She believes that these issues are not age-appropriate for young children and can be detrimental to their development. The speaker also criticizes the "woke" culture for promoting divisive and confusing messages, and emphasizes the importance of treating everyone equally while maintaining personal boundaries. Ultimately, she advocates for parents to be vigilant about the media their children consume and to protect their innocence.

    • Intersectionality skepticismSpeaker expresses frustration with the concept of intersectionality, feeling it diminishes individual thoughts, feelings, and actions. They object to being labeled and question the motives of certain public figures.

      The speaker expresses frustration with the concept of intersectionality, feeling it reduces the importance of individual thoughts, feelings, and actions. They share an experience of their dog returning from daycare labeled as "gay," leading to confusion and objection. The speaker also expresses skepticism towards certain public figures and their activism, believing they manipulate messages for their own gain. In the midst of these frustrations, the speaker shares a personal anecdote about being encouraged to pursue a career or family, emphasizing the importance of listening to one's heart and conscience. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights a sense of exhaustion and skepticism towards societal messaging and the manipulation of language for various agendas.

    • Caitlin Clark's impact on WNBACaitlin Clark's record-breaking viewership numbers and controversy have brought unprecedented attention and jobs to the WNBA, making her the Michael Jordan of female basketball.

      Caitlin Clark, a basketball player in the WNBA, is breaking barriers and transforming the league with record-breaking viewership numbers. Despite some controversy over an incident on the court, Clark's impact on the sport is undeniable. She is the Michael Jordan of female basketball and is creating jobs, money, and mainstream attention for the league. The conversation also touched on the importance of acknowledging privilege, but it's important to remember that sports, including basketball, have the power to bring people together and overcome barriers, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation.

    • Gender and sexuality in women's basketballFocus on athletic abilities and competitive spirit in women's basketball, rather than gender or sexuality, and emphasize sportsmanship and respect for all athletes.

      The focus on women's basketball should be on their athletic abilities and competitive spirit, rather than their gender or sexuality. Kennedy's actions towards Caitlin Clark during a game were condemned by many, and her history of bad attitude and suspension from teams raises questions about her conduct off the court. The comparison of the treatment of female athletes, particularly those of different races, to the past is not a justification for present behavior. The conversation around this incident should revolve around the importance of sportsmanship and respect for one another on the court.

    • Merit vs IdentityThe debate around representation and inclusion is crucial, but it should not overshadow the merit and accomplishments of individuals. Negative impacts of wokeness on sports and media were discussed, including in basketball and women's field hockey. Allowing people to do their jobs and focusing on substance and merit were emphasized.

      The debate around representation and inclusion is important, but it should not overshadow the merit and accomplishments of individuals in various fields. The discussion highlighted the issue of wokeness and its potential negative impact on sports and media, with examples given from the world of basketball and women's field hockey. The conversation also highlighted the importance of allowing people to do their jobs. Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the impact of Caitlin Clark's presence on WNBA attendance and the media's obsession with clicks leading to questionable coverage. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of focusing on the substance and merit of individuals rather than their identity.

    • Hollywood nepotism and fake relationshipsHollywood prioritizes fame and celebrity status over merit and talent, leading to nepotism and fake relationships. Critical thinking is necessary to recognize the truth behind the narratives presented.

      The entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood, can prioritize fame and celebrity status over merit and talent, leading to nepotism and a lack of opportunities for those who truly deserve them. This was highlighted in the discussion about Kim Kardashian's daughter performing in the Lion King live performance, despite not being well-suited for the role. Additionally, the relationships in Hollywood are often fake and created for public consumption, further perpetuating the industry's focus on fame and image over substance. The discussion also touched on the mainstream media's tendency to fabricate stories and present them as truth, further contributing to the culture of fakery in Hollywood. Ultimately, it's important to be critical of the narratives presented to us and to recognize when things are not as they seem.

    Recent Episodes from The Megyn Kelly Show

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    Left Smears Kamala Critics as Racist and Sexist, and False Narratives Emerge, with Tulsi Gabbard, Michael Knowles, and RealClearPolitics Hosts | Ep. 846

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Tom Bevan, Carl Cannon, and Andrew Walworth, hosts of the RealClearPolitics Podcast, to discuss whether VP Kamala Harris could perform better than President Biden against Trump in November, how much money her campaign has raised, whether Harris' record will hurt her with swing voters, the undemocratic way Kamala Harris was anointed as the next Democratic nominee, how the left is spinning the reality of the situation, the spin from Chuck Schumer and others about the "grassroots," J.D. Vance's first week as VP nominee, the latest alarming details about security lapses regarding the assassination attempt, and more. Then Tulsi Gabbard, author of "For Love of Country,” joins to discuss the Democratic elite lying about the process that anointed Kamala Harris as the nominee, their attempt to spin the truth about the consequences of her policy, her experience why Harris failed as a 2020 Democratic candidate, Harris’ extreme policies, the false narratives being created around Harris' record and push toward lawlessness, how she pushed for less police on the streets, her viral debate moment with Harris, and more. Then Michael Knowles of The Daily Wire joins to discuss the left  and media attempting to make Kamala Harris seem cool and "brat," CNN trying to explain what "brat" even is, whether she's actually just awkward and vapid, how the the smears of the right as racist and sexist after Harris became the presumptive nominee, the false narrative that Fox host Brian Kilmeade said "colored" and insane reaction to it, using an old J.D. Vance clip about "cat ladies" to smear him, an incredibly emotional Elon Musk moment about radical transgender ideology and his son, and more.

    Bevan, Walworth, & Cannon- https://www.realclearpolitics.com/

    Gabbard- https://www.tulsigabbard.com/

    Knowles- https://www.dailywire.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 24, 2024

    Dem Elite Anoint Kamala, and Secret Service Director Finally Resigns, with Sen. Josh Hawley, Charlie Spiering, and Mike Baker | Ep. 845

    Dem Elite Anoint Kamala, and Secret Service Director Finally Resigns, with Sen. Josh Hawley, Charlie Spiering, and Mike Baker | Ep. 845

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri to discuss the Secret Service director finally resigning after her terrible appearance before Congress, the failure of law enforcement at the Trump rally causing the attempted assassination, the blame game we're seeing now, the lack of accountability and transparency, the contemptible actions of Sec. Mayorkas and the FBI in the wake of the assassination attempt, the attempted rebrand of VP Kamala Harris, the Democratic elite installing Harris as their new "party puppet," whether Harris could end up as president over the next few weeks and months, and more. Then Charlie Spiering, author of "Amateur Hour," joins to discuss how the elite on the left are attempting to rebrand Harris and appoint her as the nominee, calling her a "wine aunt," her history of rocky workplace relationships, why it's fair game to question how Harris got her start in politics involving her relationship with Willie Brown, her early work in San Francisco, the talking point about her being a tough prosecutor, Harris' terrible run as the "border czar," her far left believes on social issues, Kamala having a "brat summer," and more. Then Mike Baker, host of "The President's Daily Brief," joins to discuss how Secret Service should have handled the Trump rally, the timeline of events during the assassination attempt, all the areas where law enforcement went wrong, the breakdown of leadership and communication, the lies about "sloped roof" and more, and more.

    Hawley- https://x.com/HawleyMO

    Spiering- https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Amateur-Hour/Charlie-Spiering/9781668046074

    Baker- https://www.youtube.com/@presidentsdailybrief

    Magic Spoon: https://Magicspoon.com/MK or use promo code MK 
    Prager U: Make a 100% tax-deductible donation at https://PragerU.com/Socks & get your socks today
    Native Path: Visit https://nativepath.sale/MK now to claim your exclusive up to 45% OFF discount. 


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 23, 2024

    Biden Still Hiding After Dropping Out, and Elites Coronate Kamala, with Charles C.W. Cooke, and Jim Geraghty, and Dave Rubin | Ep. 844

    Biden Still Hiding After Dropping Out, and Elites Coronate Kamala, with Charles C.W. Cooke, and Jim Geraghty, and Dave Rubin | Ep. 844

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing the monumental news that Joe Biden has stepped down as nominee through a statement posted to his X account, why there are questions about the validity of his signature, the alarming way he looked when he was last seen on Wednesday, and more. Then Charles C.W. Cooke and Jim Geraghty of National Review join to discuss why it's strange that Biden hasn’t been seen or heard from for days, the true nature of his health condition, whether Biden really can remain president now that he's no longer running as the nominee, if Kamala Harris has an actual shot of winning the presidency if she's the Democratic nominee, her cringe and awkward moments that attempt to cover up her nervousness, young people online trying to make her awkwardness seem cool, her political failures during this administration, how top Dems will try to sell Harris to America and whether it will work, whether she might be installed as president in the next few weeks too, and more. Then Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, joins to discuss the failures of the Secret Service that led to the assassination attempt on Trump, the lack of accountability surrounding the incident, the Secret Service director Kim Cheatle being grilled by both sides of the aisle in a Congressional hearing, her refusal to give any actual answers, Nancy Pelosi’s endorsement of Kamala Harris, top Dems pushing Harris as the nominee while Biden remains hidden, and more.


    Cooke- https://twitter.com/charlescwcooke

    Geraghty- https://www.amazon.com/Dueling-Six-Demons-Dangerous-Clique/dp/1733734651

    Rubin- https://www.youtube.com/user/RubinReport


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 22, 2024

    BREAKING: Biden DROPS OUT of Presidential Race, with Emily Jashinsky, Rich Lowry, and Mark Halperin | Ep. 843

    BREAKING: Biden DROPS OUT of Presidential Race, with Emily Jashinsky, Rich Lowry, and Mark Halperin | Ep. 843

    Megyn Kelly delivers a breaking news bonus episode on the massive development with President Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race in a statement posted to X on Sunday afternoon. She's joined by Mark Halperin, founder of the Wide World of News Substack, to discuss his correct reporting that Biden would drop out this weekend despite indications he was going to try to stick around, how key former Speaker Nancy Pelosi was to the process, and more. Then Emily Jashinsky and Rich Lowry join to discuss how the Democratic elite and establishment media colluding to lie for months and years about the true state of Biden's cognitive decline, the dishonest spin that led to this moment, what might happen next in the 2024 election, the insane reaction to "hero" Biden after he agreed to step aside, VP Kamala Harris' most embarrassing moments of the past few years, the immediate push to make Harris the definitive candidate, how Republicans will work to tie Harris to the Biden presidency, her major flaws as a candidate, whether Biden should resign as president now that he won't be the 2024 nominee, the open questions about how he can't do the job, the danger to keeping him as the president, and more.

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    J.D. Vance on Trump, Addiction, and Family | November 2020 Re-Release

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    More from The Fifth Column: https://www.wethefifth.com/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 19, 2024

    J.D. Vance Takes Centerstage, and "Ear Truthers" in Trump-Hating Media, with Donald Trump, Jr., Rep. Byron Donalds, and Matt Taibbi | Ep. 841

    J.D. Vance Takes Centerstage, and "Ear Truthers" in Trump-Hating Media, with Donald Trump, Jr., Rep. Byron Donalds, and Matt Taibbi | Ep. 841

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Donald Trump Jr, host of the "Triggered" podcast, to discuss J.D. Vance’s acceptance speech at the RNC, his remarkable life story, the sweet moment with his mother, the evolution of Vance's feelings about Donald Trump, the left-wing media questioning whether Trump was actually shot, Joy Reid’s ridiculous coverage on MSNBC, how the Trump family has rallied around the former president in the wake of the assassination attempt, and more. Then Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida joins to discuss the Secret Service’s need to be held accountable for the failures that led to the assassination attempt, new details about when law enforcement identified the shooter as a person of interest, the growing list of Democrats calling for Joe Biden to step aside, how top Dems' attitude toward Biden has changed over the past few weeks, and more.  Then Matt Taibbi, editor of "Racket News," joins to discuss the evolution of Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski's narrative surrounding Joe Biden’s health and ability to serve in the wake of the CNN debate, how ridiculous it makes them look, what top Dems are saying now about Biden's political future, the media’s ridiculous coverage and skepticism of Donald Trump’s ear, using the term “photoganda” to discredit the iconic photos of Trump after the shooting, why the left doesn't like that Trump is getting positive attention for his bravery and courage, and more. 


    Trump Jr- https://rumble.com/c/DonaldJTrumpJr

    Donalds- https://x.com/byrondonalds

    Taibbi- https://www.racket.news/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 18, 2024

    More Dems Push Biden to Go, and Haley Endorses Trump and RNC Day 2 Highlights, with Vivek Ramaswamy, Rep. Elise Stefanik, and Ruthless | Ep. 840

    More Dems Push Biden to Go, and Haley Endorses Trump and RNC Day 2 Highlights, with Vivek Ramaswamy, Rep. Elise Stefanik, and Ruthless | Ep. 840

    Megyn Kelly is live from the Republican National Convention, with Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, the hosts of the Ruthless podcast, and Vivek Ramaswamy. She and Rep. Stefanik discuss Nikki Haley’s "strong" endorsement of Donald Trump at the RNC, her reasoning behind it, Ron DeSantis' speech at the convention, important moments from "everyday Americans" on night two, the state of antisemitism on college campuses in America today, how Stefanik handled the now-iconic Capitol Hill hearings with university presidents, new details emerging about the assassination attempt on Trump, what we know now about the shooter, and more. Then John Ashbrook, Michael Duncan, Josh Holmes, and Comfortably Smug, hosts of the Ruthless podcast, join to discuss Sen. Schumer reportedly asking President Biden to step aside, why the conversation is the "worst kept" secret at the RNC, what it means for Biden, what reportedly happened on a heated internal call between Joe Biden and Democrats on Saturday, how Biden’s memory and mobility problems are continuing to get worse, why foreign leaders can’t take Biden seriously, the contrast between him and Donald Trump’s strength and resilience, and more. Then Ramaswamy joins to talk about backlash he is getting from the media and left after his speech at the RNC, the appeal the GOP has to Gen Z voters and other demographics that typically vote Democrat, his history and friendship with J.D. Vance, why he thinks Joe Biden will be pushed aside as the Democratic nominee, what this means for Kamala Harris and the other Democratic names circulating, why he thinks Gavin Newsom has his sights set on 2028, Newsom's crazy policies taking over California, and more. 

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MegynKelly

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 17, 2024

    Trump's Compelling VP Pick of J.D. Vance, and Biden Refuses to Lower the Temperature, with Charlie Kirk, Hogan Gidley, and David Plouffe | Ep. 839

    Trump's Compelling VP Pick of J.D. Vance, and Biden Refuses to Lower the Temperature, with Charlie Kirk, Hogan Gidley, and David Plouffe | Ep. 839

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Charlie Kirk, author of "Right Wing Revolution," to talk about former President Donald Trump's dynamic VP pick of Senator J.D. Vance, Vance's compelling and inspiring life story, overcoming obstacles from his childhood, his talent as a politician and person, his military service, new details about the stunning security lapses that led to the assassination attempt on Trump, the terrible media coverage of the story, and more. Then Hogan Gidley, former national press secretary for Trump, and David Plouffe, co-host of "The Campaign Managers" podcast, join to discuss the highlights of the RNC night one, the unexpected speakers Amber Rose and the head of the Teamsters, the evolution of Trump's GOP, Biden refusing to lower the temperature in the NBC interview, whether he'll stay in the race, Morning Joe's MSNBC return and criticism of their bosses, and more.

    Kirk- https://45books.com/
    Gidley- https://x.com/JHoganGidley

    Plouffe- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-campaign-managers-with-kellyanne-conway/id1744469238

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MegynKelly

    Twitter: http://Twitter.com/MegynKellyShow

    Instagram: http://Instagram.com/MegynKellyShow

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 16, 2024

    Trump Assassination Attempt Fallout, And Florida Docs Case Dropped, with Emily Jashinsky, Eliana Johnson, Dave Aronberg, Mike Davis, Sean Parnell, and More | Ep. 838

    Trump Assassination Attempt Fallout, And Florida Docs Case Dropped, with Emily Jashinsky, Eliana Johnson, Dave Aronberg, Mike Davis, Sean Parnell, and More | Ep. 838

    Megyn Kelly begins the show with legal experts Dave Aronberg and Mike Davis to discuss the massive breaking news that Judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the Florida documents case against Trump, the political and legal ramifications of the decision, whether it could have an effect on other Trump cases, and more. Then Megyn discusses the details of Saturday’s assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, and the pivotal moment that America finds ourselves in after this historic and horrible moment. Then Sean Parnell, host of "Battleground," joins to discuss his experience at the Trump rally Saturday, the spiritual feeling he had there, the incredibly unifying way Trump handled the assassination attempt, and more. Then Chuck Marino, former Secret Service agent, and John Spears, former military sniper, join to discuss the various Secret Service and law enforcement failures in protecting Trump on Saturday, what the protocol should have been, the key issues of a lack of communication, addressing rumors circulating now, DEI efforts within the Secret Service, if these efforts contributed to the security shortcomings leading to the assassination attempt, what protocols should have been top priority, and more. Then Eliana Johnson, editor of the Washington Free Beacon, joins to discuss the terrible media coverage surrounding the assassination attempt on Trump, and Morning Joe being pulled from MSNBC this morning. Then Emily Jashinsky of UnHerd joins to discuss Trump’s resilience and bravery just seconds after the unthinkable happened, how this shows Trump's strength and leadership, how Biden continues to look weaker and less fit to lead America, the unhinged reaction from some in the media and celebrities, and more.

    Aronberg- https://www.youtube.com/@TrueCrimeMTN

    Davis- https://article3project.org/

    Parnell- https://officialseanparnell.com/



    Jashinsky- https://unherd.com/author/emily-jashinsky/

    Johnson- https://freebeacon.com/


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 15, 2024