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    JRE MMA Show #110 with Craig Jones & Alex Volkanovski

    en-usMay 27, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the world of martial arts with top fightersThe Joe Rogan Experience features engaging conversations with top martial artists like Alexander Volkanovski and Alex Jones, and highlights the impressive talent of upcoming fighters in the Ultimate Fighter competition.

      The Joe Rogan Experience, both the podcast and the live events, bring together some of the most exciting and entertaining figures in the world of martial arts. During a recent podcast episode, hosts Joe Rogan and Craig Jones discussed their experiences with top fighters like Alexander Volkanovski and Alex Jones, as well as their upcoming grappling show. Despite some memory lapses and mixed personalities, the conversations were lively and engaging. The talent level of upcoming fighters in the Ultimate Fighter competition was also highlighted as a major improvement over the years, with many displaying impressive skills and knowledge. Overall, the Joe Rogan Experience continues to be a platform for exploring the world of martial arts and showcasing the best talent in the sport.

    • Training with UFC Champion Alex VolkanovskiDespite being outclassed by a UFC champion, the speaker remains eager to face larger opponents if the circumstances are right, and acknowledges the issue of shadow banning on social media platforms.

      The speaker, a fan of MMA, had an opportunity to train and spar with Alex Volkanovski, a UFC champion. The experience was intense, with Volkanovski outclassing the speaker in grappling and striking. Despite the uneven matchup, the speaker expressed interest in facing larger opponents, such as Gabi Garcia, if the circumstances and financial compensation were favorable. The conversation also touched on the topic of shadow banning on social media platforms, with both parties acknowledging that they have experienced it, but unable to pinpoint the exact reasons why.

    • Misunderstanding Instagram's Shadow BanInstagram's shadow ban can be unclear and based on various factors, including content context. Be mindful of platform policies to avoid potential account restrictions.

      Instagram's algorithm can be complex and unpredictable, leading to misunderstandings about being "shadow banned." The speaker shared personal experiences of encountering this issue, with one instance involving filming Nazi symbols in a store leading to account restrictions. The speaker also emphasized that the reasons for being shadow banned are not always clear and can be based on various factors, including the context of the content. It's important to remember that Instagram's policies prohibit certain content, and users should be mindful of these guidelines to avoid potential account restrictions. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of understanding the nuances of social media platforms and their policies.

    • The Swastika's Complex HistoryThe Swastika, once a symbol of peace and prosperity in various cultures, has been adopted as a symbol of hate by the Nazis, causing its avoidance in many places today.

      The swastika symbol, which has been used for thousands of years in various cultures like Hinduism and Buddhism, has been inverted and adopted as a symbol of hate by the Nazis. As a result, the use of the swastika, especially in its right-facing direction, is problematic and avoided in many places today. The upcoming Tokyo Olympics have even prompted Japan to update some symbols, including the Manji, to be more tourist-friendly. The symbol's complex history was discussed in detail during a five-week filming for an upcoming ESPN series, featuring fighters Ben and Brian Ortega. Despite some misunderstandings and tensions between the two, the series promises an intriguing fight between them, scheduled for September in the United States.

    • Champion thrives on proving doubters wrongDespite contracting COVID, the champion pushed through rigorous training, proving his strong recovery and determination.

      The speaker, despite being the champion, enjoys the challenge of being an underdog and proving doubters wrong. He believes the 145-pound division is filled with top talent, which motivates him. The speaker contracted COVID during his training camp, but pushed through with rigorous sessions, unaware of his infection. He attributes his ability to perform well despite the setback to his strong recovery and determination. The speaker also shares that other fighters, including Cody Garbrandt, have experienced similar situations with COVID during their training camps.

    • Impacts of COVID-19 can vary greatlyIndividuals can experience mild to severe symptoms, and factors like health and immune system may influence the outcome.

      COVID-19 can have varying impacts on individuals, with some experiencing mild symptoms while others face more severe consequences. This was evident in a group of individuals who trained together and all contracted the virus. One individual, despite training hard, only experienced mild symptoms initially but later developed pneumonia and coughed up blood. Another individual, who got vaccinated, experienced severe side effects including swollen lymph nodes and fluid retention. The reasons for the varying impacts are not fully understood, but factors such as individual health and immune system are believed to play a role. It's important to remember that everyone's experience with COVID-19 can be different.

    • Individual's Unusual Vaccine Side Effects and Decision to Withhold Second DoseOpen communication between individuals and healthcare providers is crucial for addressing vaccine concerns and ensuring safety, while anecdotal evidence doesn't always indicate causation.

      The individual in this case experienced unusual symptoms after receiving the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, including an enlarged lymph node, discomfort, and unusual urine color. Although concerned, they were not urged to seek medical attention by medical personnel, who attributed the symptoms to the vaccine. The person ultimately decided not to get the second dose due to concerns about missing training and potential side effects. It's important to note that anecdotal evidence of vaccine side effects does not necessarily indicate a causal relationship, and the vast majority of people experience no serious side effects from the vaccine. However, this experience highlights the importance of open communication between individuals and their healthcare providers regarding vaccine safety and any concerns about potential side effects. Additionally, the individual in this case missed approximately one week of training due to their experience with the vaccine. The dedication to training in the grappling community is intense, with many individuals training seven days a week.

    • Eddie Bravo's Impact on Leg Locks in Jiu JitsuEddie Bravo's dedication to leg locks revolutionized their usage in Jiu Jitsu, leading to a shift in the community and the dominance of his students in competitions.

      Eddie Bravo's influence on Jiu Jitsu, specifically in the area of leg locks, cannot be overstated. Bravo's dedication to the technique was unparalleled, and his instructional materials provided a platform for others to learn and excel in this area. Prior to Bravo's focus on leg locks, they were not commonly used due to limited opportunities to showcase them in tournaments. However, Bravo's students, such as Garretonin, Gordon, Nicky, and the speaker himself, began to dominate with leg locks, leading to a shift in the Jiu Jitsu community. The speaker's personal experience of teaching himself leg locks by observing Bravo's team is a testament to Bravo's impact. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the contrast between the early days of leg locks in Jiu Jitsu and their current prevalence, with the speaker noting that leg locks began to take over around 2015. The conversation also touched on the challenges posed by larger opponents, such as Horrors, who were known for their use of leg locks, and the importance of being prepared for such opponents.

    • MMA Fighter's Tumultuous Childhood and Questionable TacticsDespite a challenging upbringing, an MMA fighter's aggressive tactics led to injuries, forcing him to reconsider his approach in future matches. Attitudes towards leg locks vary among fighters and tournaments.

      The MMA fighter discussed in the conversation, known for his intimidating size and ferocious fighting style, had a difficult childhood which contributed to his aggressive approach in the ring. He was particularly skilled in leg locks and took advantage of opponents' perceptions of him to cheat and skirt the rules. Despite his questionable tactics, he faced injuries from other fighters, leading him to be more cautious in future matches. The conversation also touched upon the varying attitudes towards leg locks in MMA and grappling tournaments, with some fighters refusing to tap even when seriously injured.

    • Athletes prioritizing pride over health in Jiu Jitsu and grapplingAthletes may continue competing despite injuries, risking long-term damage and career-ending injuries. Spectators should be aware of the risks involved in high-contact sports.

      Some athletes in Jiu Jitsu and grappling competitions prioritize their pride and commitment to the match over their physical wellbeing. An extreme example of this was seen when Vinny Mengele, despite having his fibula snap during a match, continued to compete rather than tap out or seek medical attention. This disregard for injury can lead to serious consequences, including long-term damage and potential career-ending injuries. It's important for athletes to prioritize their health and safety, and for spectators to be aware of the risks involved in these high-contact sports.

    • Innovative coaching techniques for faster learningEffective coaching can shorten the learning process and eliminate guesswork. Innovative coaches like John experiment with techniques from various arts to help students progress faster and perform better.

      Effective coaching can significantly shorten the learning process and eliminate guesswork. John, as described, is an innovative coach who borrows techniques from various arts and experiments with them in training. His attention to detail and focus on the essentials enable his students to progress faster and perform better. The example of leg breaks in kickboxing illustrates the importance of remaining calm under pressure and the value of a coach who can provide clear guidance. Despite the intensity and complexity of martial arts training, John's dedication to studying and refining techniques sets him apart as an exceptional coach.

    • Learning from others and staying engaged in preparationContinuously observe fights, learn from others, and maintain a well-structured training camp with balance and recovery to optimize performance.

      Continuous learning and observation are crucial for improvement, even outside of structured training camps. The speaker emphasizes the importance of watching fights and learning from others, as well as taking time to evolve and expand knowledge during periods of rest from competition. He also highlights the value of having a well-structured training camp with a balance of high-intensity sessions and recovery time. The speaker's team, City Kickboxing, has a meticulously planned eight-week camp with sessions specifically tailored to the upcoming fight, even adjusting for time differences when fighting internationally. They also prioritize maintaining a consistent sleep schedule to optimize performance. Overall, the speaker stresses the importance of staying engaged in learning and preparation, both during and between training camps.

    • Adjusting sleep patterns for fights in different time zonesPro fighters adapt to new time zones by altering sleep schedules, using melatonin, and enduring temporary sleep disruptions for optimal performance.

      Professional fighters, like the speaker, go to great lengths to adjust their body clocks and sleep patterns to prepare for fights in different time zones. This can involve staying up late or waking up early to align their bodies with the new location. The speaker shared an experience of having to adjust his sleep schedule for a fight in Brazil, which involved staying up till 2 a.m. every night for a week. On fight night, he was woken up early for a drug test and had to drink water to help him urinate, making it difficult for him to get back to sleep. The speaker also mentioned using melatonin to help with sleep but only does so on non-fight nights. Overall, the process of adjusting to new time zones and sleep patterns is an important aspect of a fighter's preparation for an event.

    • The importance of a support system for athletesWorking with experts in nutrition, strength training, and conditioning can help athletes overcome challenges and improve performance.

      Having the right experts and support system in place can significantly improve a professional athlete's performance and help them overcome previous challenges. The speaker, a world champion grappler, shares how during his career, he struggled with back issues and a lack of proper nutrition and training schedules. However, working with the right team of experts, including nutritionists and strength and conditioning coaches, helped him fix these issues and improve his overall performance. He also emphasizes the importance of proper preparation, especially for athletes who compete in multiple disciplines like MMA, and the importance of listening to and learning from experienced professionals. The speaker's experience highlights the value of having a team of experts to help athletes overcome challenges and reach their full potential.

    • The Importance of Flexibility and Mental Toughness in Martial ArtsRegular stretching and maintaining flexibility are crucial for injury prevention and enhanced performance. Mental toughness and the ability to tolerate pain are essential for facing challenges during training and competition.

      Flexibility and mental toughness are crucial in martial arts, particularly when dealing with leg locks. Eddie Bravo's ability to endure and apply such techniques, despite the discomfort, showcases the importance of these skills. Flexibility, whether it's for kicks or joint manipulation, is a significant factor in mastering various martial arts styles. Regular stretching and maintaining a flexible body can help prevent injuries and enhance overall performance. Additionally, having a strong mindset and the ability to tolerate pain is essential in facing challenges during training or competition. Bravo's resilience and adaptability in the face of intense leg locks demonstrate the importance of these attributes in martial arts.

    • The Importance of No-Gi Training in BJJHistorically, gi training may not directly translate to success in no-gi BJJ due to differences in focus and techniques. Elite BJJ competitors should train in both gi and no-gi to develop a well-rounded skill set.

      Training exclusively in the gi for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) may not be beneficial for competition in no-gi BJJ. Historically, many elite gi competitors also excelled in no-gi due to the lack of no-gi competition and smaller talent pool. However, as no-gi BJJ grew in popularity and availability, it became clear that gi training did not directly translate to success in no-gi. This is because no-gi grappling focuses on wrestling and ground control without the use of collars or sleeves. Examples like John Jack Machado, who has one hand and developed a unique no-gi game, illustrate this point. Additionally, the growth of organizations like Metamoris and Eddie Bravo's Submission Underground have further solidified the importance of no-gi training for elite BJJ competitors. Overall, it's essential for BJJ practitioners to focus on developing a well-rounded skill set that includes both gi and no-gi training.

    • Grappling athletes' intense training and injuriesAthletes balance training for improvement and injury prevention, with some experiencing numerous injuries despite no drug testing in their community.

      While some grappling athletes may engage in bodybuilding workouts to enhance their appearance, the intensity of Jiu Jitsu training itself puts significant strain on the body. The discussion also revealed that there is no drug testing in their specific grappling community, and some athletes, like Gary, have endured numerous injuries throughout their careers. It's essential for these athletes to find the balance between training enough to improve and avoiding overtraining or injury. Trusting the knowledge and expertise of their coaching staff plays a significant role in their approach to training.

    • The importance of effective recovery in weightliftingEffective recovery through injury prevention, proper rest, and team support leads to stronger, healthier muscles with less soreness and more sustainable workouts.

      Effective training and recovery are interconnected. The speaker shares his personal experience of how his body recovers better when he is surrounded by a team that provides him with regular treatment and care. He emphasizes the importance of injury prevention and proper rest between workouts, which can lead to stronger and healthier muscles with less soreness. The speaker also mentions the different schools of thought in weightlifting, with some advocating for long rest periods between sets and avoiding going to failure. This approach allows for better technique and fewer exhausted muscles, leading to more effective and sustainable workouts. Ultimately, the speaker encourages considering the recovery aspect as an essential part of the training process.

    • Maximizing performance through proper rest and recoveryElite athletes prioritize rest and recovery between sessions to build strength, endurance, and mental toughness, enabling optimal performance in the ring

      Proper rest and recovery between training sessions are crucial for maximizing performance and achieving optimal fitness levels. Pushing yourself to your limits during each rep and training session helps build strength, endurance, and the ability to maintain a high pace throughout a fight. Elite athletes understand the importance of this mental and physical toughness, which is why they subject themselves to challenging workouts and embrace the discomfort. This mindset and training regimen allow them to perform at their best when it matters most, in the ring.

    • Fighter's mental toughness and cardio key to performanceFighters who can push through discomfort and fatigue have an edge in the ring. Cardio, explosiveness, mental toughness, and energy management are crucial for optimal performance.

      A fighter's ability to handle discomfort and push through fatigue plays a crucial role in their performance. The speaker believes that his own cardio and explosiveness, combined with his unwillingness to back down, give him an edge in the ring. He also suggests that rugby, with its demands on cardio and mental toughness, may have contributed to his abilities. The speaker notes that some fighters, even those who are fast-twitch and explosive, may tire early due to a lack of mental fortitude or poor energy management. He emphasizes the importance of pushing oneself beyond comfort zones during training to prepare for the rigors of competition.

    • The importance of effective defense in martial arts and lifeMastering defense builds confidence and increases chances of success in both martial arts and real-life situations

      Effective defense is crucial in martial arts and in life. A fighter, when discussing his experience, emphasized the importance of being able to handle uncomfortable situations and adapt, as this skill translates to dealing with pressures outside of the gym. He also mentioned the importance of having good defense to give confidence in being offensive. This concept was reinforced by a martial arts master who emphasized the importance of perfecting defense and not relying solely on offense. The ability to defend oneself well can make a significant difference in the outcome of a fight or a challenging situation in life.

    • Grappling skills can neutralize even the best strikersMaster grappling, maintain good hygiene, and focus on proper nutrition for optimal performance in MMA.

      Effective grappling techniques can neutralize even the most formidable strikers in MMA. The example given is that of Mark Coleman, who used his grappling skills to knock out the legendary striker Mirko Crocop. Despite dealing with a severe staff infection, Coleman's fear of the takedown kept Crocop on edge. This illustrates the importance of mastering various martial arts disciplines in MMA, as opposed to focusing solely on one area of expertise. Another key point discussed was the importance of maintaining good hygiene and overall health, especially for athletes who train rigorously. Using natural products like Defense Soap and incorporating probiotics into one's diet were suggested as effective ways to support a healthy body. Lastly, the conversation touched on the topic of diet and its impact on performance. While some fighters may not prioritize their diet as much as others, focusing on proper nutrition can significantly enhance athletic abilities. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of versatility, health, and dedication in the world of MMA.

    • Unique Australian Wildlife and Their ImpactsAustralian wildlife, including kangaroos and koalas, impact culture and ecosystems. Kangaroos cause damage and are culled, while koalas face habitat loss and disease. Both species require careful management.

      Australia is home to unique and abundant wildlife, including kangaroos and koalas, which have significant impacts on the country's ecosystem and culture. Kangaroos, in particular, are known for their large populations and can cause damage to cars and infrastructure. The Australian government has employed culling methods to control their numbers. Koalas, on the other hand, are more limited due to their specialized eucalyptus diet and are not hunted. However, they face challenges such as habitat loss and chlamydia. The Australian military once attempted to control the emu population due to crop damage, but the effort was unsuccessful. The kangaroo and emu are both prominent in Australian coat of arms. Despite their seemingly gentle appearance, kangaroos can be aggressive and violent towards each other. The Australian wildlife presents both challenges and opportunities, requiring careful management and appreciation.

    • Training with Elite Martial Artists: Insights and GrowthTraining with elite martial artists offers valuable insights, motivation, and opportunities for personal growth through improved skills and unique perspectives.

      Training with elite martial artists like Gordon Ryan provides valuable insights into the world of combat sports, as well as opportunities for personal growth. During training sessions, Ryan's dominance and finishing abilities serve as motivation and a benchmark for improvement. Despite the initial challenge of keeping up with him, the experience ultimately leads to progress and lower submission rates. Additionally, observing and learning from the greatest ground fighter of all time can offer unique perspectives on strategy, game planning, and adapting to opponents. Overall, training with an elite martial artist offers a wealth of knowledge and opportunities for growth.

    • Versatility and adaptability in MMAFighters need to be well-rounded and adaptable, with a diverse skill set to outmaneuver opponents and win fights.

      Versatility and adaptability are crucial in mixed martial arts (MMA). Fighters need to be well-rounded and able to switch strategies mid-fight based on their opponent's tactics. Muay Thai Max's unexpected change in fighting style during a recent fight served as a reminder of this. Ortega, known for his grappling skills, surprised many by opting for a stand-up fight instead. Details and precision are also essential, as shown by Ortega's effective use of submissions. Ultimately, having a diverse skill set and being able to adapt on the fly can make a significant difference in the outcome of a fight. Additionally, elite-level fighters cannot afford to have holes in their game, as anything can happen during a match.

    • Rivalries in Sports: The Epic Dimension of CompetitionRivalries in sports add an epic dimension to competition, showcasing the high level of skill and intelligence of athletes through intricate battles and constant adjustments.

      Having a rival or a foil in sports, like Max Holloway for Alex Volkanovski, adds an epic dimension to the competition. These close, high-level fights create memorable rivalries, much like Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier. The chess match between these athletes, with constant adjustments and counter-adjustments, is often overlooked by fans who are solely invested in their favorite fighter. However, these intricate battles showcase the high level of skill and intelligence of both athletes. For instance, in Volkanovski and Holloway's fights, they made tiny adjustments, and the ability to read and react to each other's strategies made for a competitive and exciting matchup. While fans may have strong emotions and allegiances, it's essential to appreciate the complexity and competitiveness of these high-level rivalries.

    • Discovering Opponent's Triggers on Reality TV ShowLeveraging opponent's sensitivity to pranks for mental preparation and gaining insights into their character during shared living experience on a reality TV show.

      During his time on a reality TV show with a fellow UFC fighter, the speaker discovered that his opponent was easily triggered and used this knowledge to play pranks on him. Despite the pressure of constantly being in each other's company leading up to their fight, the speaker was able to maintain a light-hearted attitude and keep things in perspective, even when pushing the boundaries with harmless pranks. The fighter's reaction to these pranks revealed his sensitive nature, which the speaker used to his advantage. The speaker expressed admiration for his opponent's fighting skills and anticipates their next match in the UFC. However, they had to be careful not to cross certain lines, especially regarding COVID safety protocols. Overall, the speaker's experience on the show provided valuable insights into his opponent's character and helped him prepare mentally for their upcoming fight.

    • Using mind games and psychological warfare for an edge in MMAFighters like McGregor use mind games to gain advantages, but weight classes and cardio requirements pose challenges when moving up or down.

      In the world of mixed martial arts and entertainment, creating conflict and stirring up tension can lead to better ratings, financial success, and memorable fights. Fighters like Conor McGregor know how to use mind games and psychological warfare to get under their opponents' skin and gain an edge in the octagon. However, it's important to remember that this is a business, and weight classes in the UFC can pose significant challenges for fighters looking to move up or down in weight. It takes dedication, time, and resources to make the necessary adjustments, and the cardio requirements of carrying additional muscle mass add another layer of complexity. Ultimately, fighters must find a balance between honoring the traditions of martial arts and adapting to the modern entertainment landscape to succeed.

    • Exploring the Benefits of Saunas for Recovery and Well-beingSaunas enhance endurance, recovery, and red blood cell count, improving performance and wellness. Listen to your body and avoid overdoing it. Saunas also provide relief from joint pain and arthritis symptoms, emphasizing the importance of cross-training and recovery.

      The use of saunas for recovery and overall health has significant benefits, even if it's not as extreme as some individuals make it out to be. The heat helps increase endurance, improve recovery, and expand the red blood cell count, leading to better performance and overall well-being. Some individuals, like Laird Hamilton, even push their limits in the sauna despite having injuries, showcasing its mental and physical benefits. However, it's important to remember that everyone's tolerance and experience with saunas can vary, and it's essential to listen to your body and not overdo it. Additionally, the relief from joint pain and arthritis symptoms that some individuals experience when switching from grappling to no-gi is a testament to the impact of the sport on the body and the importance of cross-training and proper recovery methods.

    • Legendary Jiu-Jitsu Practitioner Elliot's Defiance of Age and InjuriesElliot's determination and positive mindset allowed him to train and compete despite age, injuries, and illnesses, but prioritizing health and safety is crucial.

      Elliot, a legendary jiu-jitsu practitioner, defied age and continued to train rigorously despite his advanced years. His athleticism and flexibility were remarkable, even for someone of his size. Elliot's positive mindset and determination allowed him to compete despite injuries and illnesses, including staff infections. The debate over whether to compete with an infection or take antibiotics is a complex one, but Elliot's approach was to compete first and then take antibiotics later. However, antibiotics can have serious side effects and the potential for infections to spread beneath the skin and near the bone can be dangerous. A tragic example of this is the death of a jujitsu kid from a staff infection in his eye that reached his brain. It's important to prioritize health and safety, especially when training or competing.

    • Sharing experiences of injuries and infections in contact sportsTraining in contact sports like MMA involves risks, including injuries and infections. Being informed and seeking proper medical attention is crucial.

      Training and competing in contact sports like MMA comes with risks, such as injuries and infections. The interviewee shared his personal experiences of training with a broken finger and dealing with MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infection. He also emphasized the importance of being informed about potential health risks and seeking proper medical attention when necessary. Additionally, the interviewee expressed concern that not all gyms adequately inform new members about these risks and the potential severity of infections like MRSA.

    • Epidemic Karate Conjunctivitis: A Viral Condition Causing Severe Eye DamageEKC is a viral condition causing long-lasting eye damage, highly contagious, spreads rapidly in gym settings, no known cure, symptoms include watering, crusting, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, lasts for months, can lead to permanent damage, avoid close contact with infected individuals, practice good hygiene, particularly around the eyes.

      E.K.C., or epidemic karate conjunctivitis, is a viral condition that can cause severe and long-lasting damage to the eye. It is highly contagious and can spread rapidly in a gym setting. The symptoms include constant watering and crusting of the eye, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light. There is no known cure, and treatment involves drops and chemical burns to clear the fluid and reduce inflammation. The condition can last for months, and in some cases, can lead to permanent damage or scarring. To avoid getting E.K.C., it's essential to practice good hygiene, especially around the eyes, and avoid contact with infected individuals. It's also important to note that the condition can be particularly challenging for athletes who need to make weight and compete in events like ADCC, where the pressure to perform can make it difficult to take time off or prioritize eye health. The condition is most commonly spread through close contact with infected individuals, and it can be particularly prevalent in gym settings where people train closely together.

    • Maintaining a healthy immune system and essential nutrients for skin healthSupporting immune system and providing essential nutrients can improve skin health and reduce inflammation. Balance training intensity and rest days, and consider training environments and hygiene for optimal skin health.

      Maintaining a healthy immune system and providing the body with essential nutrients, such as magnesium from seawater, can help improve skin health and reduce inflammation. Over-training and stress can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to skin conditions. Additionally, training environments and hygiene play a role in skin health, with exposure to sunlight and proper deodorization being beneficial. Balancing training intensity and rest days is important for overall health and reducing the risk of skin conditions. However, some athletes may be less susceptible due to their hobbyist status and stronger immune systems. It's important to remember that everyone's body responds differently to training and environmental factors, and individual needs may vary.

    • Spinal Stenosis in Athletes: A Common Condition with Severe ConsequencesSpinal stenosis, a condition causing disc deterioration, is prevalent among athletes, particularly those in contact sports. It can lead to pain, limited mobility, nerve damage, and even disc replacement surgery. Prevention includes good posture and moderate training. Risks and complications of surgery should be considered.

      Spinal stenosis, a condition involving the deterioration of discs, can lead to severe limitations and even the need for disc replacement surgery. This condition is particularly common among athletes, especially those engaging in contact sports like Jiu Jitsu. Bralio Estema, a World champion in Jiu Jitsu, is an example of someone who competed with multiple disc replacements. The injury can be debilitating, leading to pain, limited mobility, and even nerve damage. While prevention is limited, maintaining good posture and avoiding excessive training can help mitigate the risk. Additionally, the consequences of disc injuries can be unpredictable, as seen in the case of a fighter who underwent multiple disc replacements but later experienced atrophy in one leg. The risks and potential complications of disc replacement surgery should also be carefully considered.

    • Focus on strengthening muscles around affected area for preventing back problemsStrengthening muscles around the back can help reduce pressure on discs and improve overall back support, potentially preventing back problems. Personal experiences of relief through such programs and addressing hip issues and using correct muscles during movement were also mentioned.

      While there are innovative treatments for disc-related issues, such as stem cell injections, being explored outside of the US, the best approach for preventing back problems may be to focus on strengthening the muscles surrounding the affected area. This can help reduce pressure on the discs and improve overall back support. The speaker shared personal experiences of significant pain relief after undergoing such a program. Additionally, addressing issues at the hips and using the correct muscles during movement can also help alleviate back strain. The speaker mentioned trying various treatments like cortisone shots, MRI diagnoses, and neck strengthening exercises, and found relief through a combination of these methods and regular care.

    • Improving physical performance through equipment and techniquesUsing equipment like the DEX machine and stretching techniques can enhance mobility and athletic performance. Prioritizing these practices may depend on individual resources and background.

      The use of various equipment and techniques, such as the DEX machine and stretching, can significantly improve physical performance and mobility, especially for athletes. However, the individual's background and access to resources can impact their ability to prioritize and implement these practices. The conversation also highlighted the importance of learning from multiple sources, including coaches, videos, and personal experience, in developing and refining skills in martial arts. Despite limited exposure to top-level talent, the interviewee's determination and resourcefulness led them to travel and compete globally, ultimately contributing to their growth and success in the sport.

    • Impact of Long-Term Sitting on Lung Health and TravelSitting for extended periods can affect lung health, making it difficult to fly. Breathing exercises help bring lungs back to normal. Previous COVID-19 infection antibodies might lessen symptoms. Sauna use, vitamins, and testosterone therapy may boost overall health and COVID-19 resilience.

      Being in a confined position for an extended period can impact lung health and prevent travel. The speaker experienced this issue during a week-long stay, which led to his lungs being too high up in his chest to fly. To bring his lungs back to normal, he had to perform breathing exercises. The speaker also mentioned that having antibodies from a previous COVID-19 infection might make the second infection milder. Additionally, the speaker discussed his daily routine of sauna use, vitamin intake, and testosterone replacement therapy, which he believes positively impacts his overall health and may contribute to his ability to avoid severe COVID-19 symptoms.

    • Impact of extreme training and lifestyle choices on immune systemExtreme diets, rigorous physical activity, and head injuries can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses like COVID-19. Peak physical condition athletes may also experience a weakened immune system due to intense training.

      Extreme training and lifestyle choices, such as intense dieting, rigorous physical activity, and head injuries, can impact an individual's endocrine system and weaken their immune system, potentially making them more susceptible to illnesses like COVID-19. This was evident in a conversation where a person shared their experiences of being around COVID-infected individuals while not contracting the virus, despite not wearing a mask or practicing social distancing. They also discussed a friend with low testosterone levels, which they believed could be linked to his training regimen and diet. Furthermore, it was mentioned that top-level fighters, who are in peak physical condition for their fights, often experience a weakened immune system due to the extreme training they undergo.

    • The Ultimate Fighter: A Catalyst for MMA's GrowthThe Ultimate Fighter reality show played a crucial role in bringing public awareness to MMA and helped establish the UFC as a major player in the combat sports world.

      The Ultimate Fighter reality show holds significant historical importance to the growth and popularity of mixed martial arts (MMA). The show, which has seen many fighters rise to fame, including the middleweight champion discussed in the conversation, played a crucial role in bringing public awareness to the sport. The Fertitas' investment in the show, despite being in debt, led to its success and helped establish the UFC as a major player in the combat sports world. Despite the challenges, being a part of the show is seen as an exciting opportunity for new fighters to make a name for themselves and contribute to the rich history of the Ultimate Fighter.

    • Longer rounds favored strikers in Pride fightsJiu-Jitsu fighters struggled in early rounds but gained advantage as fights progressed under Pride's rules, allowing legends like Fedor to shine

      The longer rounds in traditional Pride fights favored strikers and wrestlers over Jiu-Jitsu practitioners. Five-minute grappling matches are challenging, and it's hard for Jiu-Jitsu fighters to take down, submit, or even engage opponents for extended periods. However, as the rounds progress, Jiu-Jitsu fighters tend to improve and gain an advantage. The old Pride rule of a 10-minute first round would have given Jiu-Jitsu fighters more opportunities to showcase their skills and potentially turn the fight in their favor. The Pride rules had both good and bad aspects, with some fights being authentic and others being questionable. Despite this, legendary fighters like Fedor Emelianenko thrived in the Pride environment, demonstrating exceptional submission skills, striking power, and endurance.

    • Exploring Elite MMA Talent in the PFLDiscover top MMA fighters in the PFL like Patricio Pitbull, Douglas Lima, and Gaydar Musasi. Recognizing talent beyond the UFC adds excitement and motivation for the sport's growth.

      The world of mixed martial arts (MMA) is thriving with elite talent and exciting fights across various organizations, including the Professional Fighter League (PFL). The PFL houses impressive fighters like Patricio Pitbull, Douglas Lima, and Gaydar Musasi, who are recognized for their skills and abilities. While the UFC remains the top organization, recognizing and appreciating the talent in other organizations adds excitement and motivation for the growth of the sport. With fighters continuously improving and pushing the limits, fans and athletes alike are driven to keep learning and evolving. If you're interested in watching high-level MMA matches, consider checking out flowgrapling.com for events and subscribing for access to a wide range of content.

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    #2158 - Harland Williams

    #2158 - Harland Williams
    Harland Williams is a stand-up comic, author, actor, musician, and host of "The Harland Highway" podcast.  www.harlandwilliams.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2157 - Duncan Trussell

    #2157 - Duncan Trussell
    Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comic, writer, actor, host of the "Duncan Trussell Family Hour" podcast, creator of "The Midnight Gospel" on Netflix, and the voice of "Hippocampus" on the television series "Krapopolis." www.duncantrussell.com www.youtube.com/@duncantrussellfamilyhour Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2156 - Jeremie & Edouard Harris

    #2156 - Jeremie & Edouard Harris
    Jeremie Harris is the CEO and Edouard Harris the CTO of Gladstone AI, an organization dedicated to promoting the responsible development and adoption of AI. www.gladstone.ai Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2155 - Brian Redban

    #2155 - Brian Redban
    Brian Redban is a stand-up comic, producer, co-host of the podcast and live-streaming YouTube show "Kill Tony," founder of the Deathsquad podcast network, and a co-owner of the Sunset Strip Comedy Club in Austin.  www.deathsquad.tv Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2154 - Remi Warren

    #2154 - Remi Warren
    Remi Warren is a hunting guide, writer, television personality, and host of the "Live Wild" podcast. www.remiwarren.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2153 - Dave Smith

    #2153 - Dave Smith
    Dave Smith is a stand-up comedian, libertarian political commentator, and podcaster. He's the host of the "Part of the Problem" podcast, as well as a co-host of the "Legion of Skanks” podcast. www.comicdavesmith.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2152 - Terrence Howard

    #2152 - Terrence Howard
    Terrence Howard is an actor of stage and screen lauded for his work in "Crash," "Iron Man," "Empire," and "Shirley," as well as a musician and researcher in the fields of logic and engineering. www.terryslynchpins.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2151 - Rizwan Virk

    #2151 - Rizwan Virk
    Rizwan Virk is an entrepreneur, video game pioneer, film producer, computer scientist, and author of several books, among them "The Simulation Hypothesis" and "The Simulated Multiverse." www.zenentrepreneur.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices