
    Jocko Underground: Subconscious Excuses May Be Holding You Back

    enJune 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Time management for parentsPrioritize child's well-being and adapt to maintain workout routine, waking up earlier and having equipment at home are practical solutions, perfection is not the goal, staying healthy is the priority.

      When faced with time management challenges, particularly when caring for a young child with limited support, it's essential to prioritize and adapt. An "all or nothing" mentality may have worked in the past for achieving consistent workouts, but now, the priority shifts to the child's well-being and the parent's own health. Waking up earlier and having workout equipment at home are practical solutions to help maintain a workout routine while balancing caregiving responsibilities. It's important to remember that perfection is not the goal; staying healthy for yourself and your child is the priority.

    • Parenting and FitnessAs a parent, prioritize workouts with flexibility in schedule, using minimal equipment like a pull-up bar, multitasking during mealtimes, and maintaining consistency

      Finding time for workouts as a parent can be challenging, but it's essential to make it a priority. You don't need a full garage gym or large spaces to workout effectively. A simple pull-up bar can serve multiple purposes and allow you to perform various exercises. Be flexible with your schedule and find opportunities to workout around your child's routine. This could mean waking up earlier, working out during their naptime, or doing it after they go to bed. Remember, an all-or-nothing attitude won't work in this situation. Instead, focus on doing what you can when you can. Additionally, consider multitasking during mealtimes by doing kettlebell swings or other exercises while your child eats. Lastly, remember that consistency is key, and it's important to make time for yourself and your health, even with the added responsibilities of parenthood.

    • Best workout timeChoose a time with fewer interruptions, such as early morning or late evening, to make your workout a priority and maintain consistency in your routine.

      Finding consistency in your workout routine can be a challenge, but identifying the right time to exercise can make a significant difference. By choosing a time when interruptions are less likely, such as early in the morning before everyone wakes up or after everyone has returned home, you can reliably make your workout a priority. While this may require making a schedule change, the benefits of maintaining a consistent workout routine far outweigh the initial intimidation. Remember, even with young children at home, there are ways to incorporate your workout into your day, such as setting up a home gym or using a baby monitor while you exercise. Ultimately, the key is to find a time that works for you and stick to it. Of course, there are exceptions, and everyone's schedule is different, but making a consistent workout time a priority can help ensure that your fitness goals remain a priority in your busy life.

    • Mindset, Balancing ResponsibilitiesEmbracing challenges instead of focusing on interruptions can help effectively prioritize responsibilities and maintain stability for family life.

      Having a positive mindset can make a significant difference in balancing multiple responsibilities, such as fatherhood and fitness. The speaker shared his experience of focusing too much on interruptions during his workouts and how changing his mindset to embrace the challenges instead allowed him to effectively prioritize both his fitness and family. He also discussed his experience as a SEAL team member, acknowledging the frequent absences and long deployments but emphasizing the importance of making the most of the time available and finding ways to involve his family in his activities. For those in the military considering starting a family, he advised embracing the challenges and finding creative solutions to maintain stability and consistency for their children. The speaker's insights offer valuable advice for anyone seeking to balance multiple responsibilities and prioritize their personal and family life.

    • Jocko Underground platformJocko Willink's podcast community moves to jockounderground.com for more interaction, better communications, and stronger community bonds at a cost of $8.18/month to reduce reliance on external sponsors

      The Jocko Underground podcast, hosted by Jocko Willink, is creating an alternative platform for their community to connect and engage, away from external control. This platform, jockounderground.com, costs $8.18 a month and aims to provide more interaction, better communications, and strengthen the community. The age range of SEAL team members was briefly discussed, with an average age given for a SEAL platoon, but the focus was on the creation of this new platform. This move is to reduce reliance on external sponsors and provide more control for the podcast creators and their audience. If financial support is an issue, assistance can be sought via email. The goal is to build a stronger community, or "legion of troopers," through this new platform.

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