
    About this Episode

    When was the last time you had a political discussion with another believer? (Did it go well?)

    In this episode of “12 Truths & A Lie,” Pastor J.D. teaches about the four myths Americans believe about politics—myths that are just as active inside the church as outside it. These four myths tend to turn political discussions into raging arguments, so it’s important that we recognize them and learn to avoid them.

    You’ll learn how to navigate political differences without compromising your convictions, setting your hope not on the stars and stripes of our flag, but in the scars and stripes of our Savior.

    We’ll have a new episode next Monday—this time about sex (and you thought politics was controversial!). Subscribe now to be the first to listen! 

    Check out J.D.'s new book '12 Truths & A Lie'

    Recent Episodes from 12 Truths & A Lie Podcast by J.D. Greear

    Conclusion: The Lie Revisited

    Conclusion: The Lie Revisited

    Fund conversations that matter: donate.accessmore.com

    Can you remember the last time you went through a period of intense doubt? 

    In this episode of “12 Truths & A Lie,” Pastor J.D. talks about the most famous doubter of all time—Thomas—and shows us how we can deal with our doubts. Many of us think that our doubts disqualify us spiritually. But doubt is like a raised foot: It can step backwards in unbelief, but it can also walk forward in faith.

    You’ll learn what to do with your doubts, as well as what God says to you in the midst of your doubt. Like Thomas, you may not get all of your questions answered. But you may get something even better—a love too wonderful for words. 

    Check out J.D.'s new book '12 Truths & A Lie'

    If I’m Really a Christian, Why Do I Keep on Sinning?

    If I’m Really a Christian, Why Do I Keep on Sinning?

    Fund conversations that matter: donate.accessmore.com

     Do you ever feel stuck in your sin? Do you ever wish you were more able to kick old habits and overcome old temptations? 

    In this episode of “12 Truths & A Lie,” Pastor J.D. walks us through the temptation of Jesus, showing us how Satan brings his battle against Jesus—and against us. He doesn’t begin where we might expect, enticing Jesus to do sinful things. He begins, instead, with identity. 

    You’ll learn to spot the three traps Satan always uses, and you’ll hear about the one truth that enables you to withstand any attack.

    Our final episode releases next Monday. It’s about doubt, and you won’t want to miss it! 

    Check out J.D.'s new book '12 Truths & A Lie'

    Bonus: Why Does God Care so Much About My Sex Life with Rebecca McLaughlin

    Bonus: Why Does God Care so Much About My Sex Life with Rebecca McLaughlin

    Fund conversations that matter: donate.accessmore.com

    Join J.D. Greear for a special bonus episode of his podcast, 12 Truths & A Lie. Pastor J.D. is joined by author and apologist, Rebecca McLaughlin for a conversation around the question, “Why Does God Care So Much About My Sex Life?” McLaughlin shares that, “According to the bible, the whole point of Christian marriage between a man and a woman is to point us to a much greater relationship, which is Jesus’ love for his people. The story of the bible is not a story of hate, but a story of love.” Listen to Rebecca brilliantly unpack the Bible’s teaching on sexuality and marriage in a compelling discussion with J.D.

    Rebecca McLaughlin holds a PhD from Cambridge University and a theology degree from Oak Hill Seminary in London. She is the author of Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion, The Secular Creed: Engaging Five Contemporary Claims, and Jesus Through the Eyes of Women. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram, or her website. 

    Check out J.D.'s new book '12 Truths & A Lie'

    Why Does God Care so Much About My Sex Life

    Why Does God Care so Much About My Sex Life

    Fund conversations that matter: donate.accessmore.com

    Do you remember the first time someone had “the talk” with you? Chances are, they didn’t pick up their Bible to walk you through God’s view of sex.

    In this episode of “12 Truths & A Lie,” Pastor J.D. walks through 1 Corinthians 6, showing us that sex is more than just biology, but a deeply spiritual reality. In our day, with so much confusion about sex, we need this teaching more than ever. 

    You’ll learn how God designed sex, where our society gets sex wrong, and what we can do with our own sexual guilt and shame.

    New episodes drop every Monday—with bonus episodes on Thursdays. Don’t miss any, subscribe today! 

    Check out J.D.'s new book '12 Truths & A Lie'

    Bonus: How Should Christians Handle Political Differences with Collin Hansen

    Bonus: How Should Christians Handle Political Differences with Collin Hansen

    Fund conversations that matter: donate.accessmore.com

    Join J.D. Greear for a special bonus episode of his podcast, 12 Truths & A Lie. Pastor J.D. is joined by his good friend and journalist, Collin Hansen to wrestle with the question, “How Should Christians Handle Political Differences?” Listen as Collin and J.D. take a deep dive into how we got to where we are in our society, where political and cultural differences have divided us as never before. The conversation gets very practical when J.D. asks Collin, “How should we tackle conversations around the dinner table with our friends and family to avoid the blow-up usually caused by political disagreements?” Collin’s answer invites us to take a genuine interest in people’s actual lives and pursue deeper relationships rather than sniping each other over political disagreements. Download and listen to this amazing conversation between two longtime friends. 

    Collin Hansen serves as vice president for content and editor-in-chief of The Gospel Coalition, as well as executive director of The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics. He hosts the Gospelbound podcast and has written and contributed to many books, most recently Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation and Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ Is Essential. He has published with the New York Times and the Washington Post and offered commentary for CNN, Fox News, NPR, BBC, ABC News, and PBS NewsHour. He edited Our Secular Age: Ten Years of Reading and Applying Charles Taylor and The New City Catechism Devotional, among other books. He is an adjunct professor at Beeson Divinity School, where he also co-chairs the advisory board. 

    Check out J.D.'s new book '12 Truths & A Lie'

    How Should Christians Handle Political Differences?

    How Should Christians Handle Political Differences?

    When was the last time you had a political discussion with another believer? (Did it go well?)

    In this episode of “12 Truths & A Lie,” Pastor J.D. teaches about the four myths Americans believe about politics—myths that are just as active inside the church as outside it. These four myths tend to turn political discussions into raging arguments, so it’s important that we recognize them and learn to avoid them.

    You’ll learn how to navigate political differences without compromising your convictions, setting your hope not on the stars and stripes of our flag, but in the scars and stripes of our Savior.

    We’ll have a new episode next Monday—this time about sex (and you thought politics was controversial!). Subscribe now to be the first to listen! 

    Check out J.D.'s new book '12 Truths & A Lie'

    How Could a Good God Send People to Hell?

    How Could a Good God Send People to Hell?

    If you had 10 minutes and a divine eraser, what do you think you’d remove from the Bible? If you’re like most people, you might erase the idea of hell.

    In this episode of “12 Truths & A Lie,” Pastor J.D. shows us why it would be disastrous to remove hell from our Bibles. Hell may be a difficult doctrine to wrestle with, but when seen from God’s vantage point, it is essential to knowing, loving, and worshiping God. 

    You’ll be challenged to see God’s wrath for what it is—an expression of his goodness, justice, patience, and love.

    Episodes are released each Monday, and our next one is about politics. (Buckle up!) Subscribe now so you don’t miss it! 

    Check out J.D.'s new book '12 Truths & A Lie'

    I Believe in God… Why Do I Still Have So Much Anxiety?

    I Believe in God… Why Do I Still Have So Much Anxiety?

    What would you say makes you more anxious than anything else? Money, work, being alone, losing someone you love?

    In this episode of “12 Truths & A Lie,” Pastor J.D. addresses an emotion that we’ve all felt (and that all of us would like to feel less often)—anxiety. We know Jesus says we should not be anxious. But Jesus doesn’t just leave us there: He provides a way of healing for the anxious soul. 

    You’ll learn more about what fuels your anxiety, as well as what you can do to overcome it.

    Our next episode drops on Monday. Subscribe today so you find out the moment it’s available! 

    Check out J.D.'s new book '12 Truths & A Lie'

    How Can I Know God’s Will for My Life?

    How Can I Know God’s Will for My Life?

    When you’re looking for God’s guidance in a situation, don’t you wish he would just write the answer out in the sky? Or, maybe, send you a personalized text message?

    In this episode of “12 Truths & A Lie,” Pastor J.D. answers the question he gets more than any other: How can I know God’s will for my life? When faced with a tough life choice—about school, about work, about your relationships—many people are terrified they’ll somehow miss God’s will. 

    But God’s will isn’t some mysterious target we’re aiming at in the dark. As you’ll learn in this episode, the more important question is not how God guides, but whom God guides.

    Episodes release every Monday. Next up, we’re talking about anxiety. You won’t want to skip this one! 

    Check out J.D.'s new book '12 Truths & A Lie'

    Why Isn’t God Answering My Prayers?

    Why Isn’t God Answering My Prayers?

    Have you ever wondered why God answers some prayers, but not others? Some of the most painful moments in the Christian life revolve around unanswered prayer.

    In this episode of “12 Truths & A Lie,” Pastor J.D. talks about this universal, but disorienting, experience. He shows us, through the life of the patriarch Jacob, what God is up to when he seems so silent and distant. 

    You’ll learn five of the most common reasons God says “no” to our prayers, as well as helpful tips you can use in your prayers today. 

    New episodes come out every Monday—and the next one tackles the question I get more than any other. Subscribe today so you don’t miss it!

    Check out J.D.'s new book '12 Truths & A Lie'