
    Ep. 1226 - 'Paw Patrol' Indoctrinates Pre-Schoolers With Radical LGBT Propaganda

    It's essential to consider the potential harms caused by individual actions on others and strive for a balance between individual freedoms and collective well-being and safety.

    enSeptember 20, 2023

    About this Episode

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the makers of Paw Patrol have hired a new writer who happens to be an LGBT extremist activist. That's why her first move was to invent Paw Patrol's first non-binary character. This is blatant and radical LGBT indoctrination in one of the most popular children's shows in the world. We'll discuss. Also, the Left is touting a new poll that supposedly proves that most Americans agree with them on the trans issue. But the truth, as always, is the opposite. Plus, the Senate has relaxed its dress code so that John Fetterman can still dress like a slovenly bum. In our Daily Cancellation, should men care about a woman's "body count"? Yes of course they should.




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    🔑 Key Takeaways

    • Nickelodeon hires a new writer with radical views, raising concerns about the indoctrination of young audiences. PureTalk Wireless offers upgrades without increasing prices, and the importance of questioning the values instilled in children through entertainment is emphasized.
    • Ensure discussions and materials about complex topics like abortion and queerness are age-appropriate, respectful, and provide accurate information to avoid confusion and disconcerting children.
    • Critics argue that children's entertainment is subtly indoctrinating kids into social issues, using Paw Patrol spin-off as an example. Parents need to be aware and protect their children.
    • Parents should stay engaged and protective of their children's upbringing despite media's promotion of controversial concepts without clear definitions or explanations.
    • Support for gender-affirming care is mainly for adults, and opposition to it exists for minors, emphasizing the importance of scrutinizing poll questions.
    • Biased language in polls and public discourse can skew perceptions and lead to inaccurate conclusions. Honest and unbiased information is crucial for informed decision making.
    • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer relaxed the Senate dress code to make it more inclusive and comfortable, sparking debates about maintaining traditions and standards in formal settings.
    • A US Senator's disregard for dress codes and professional behavior raises questions about his maturity and commitment to his role, undermining the dignity and importance of the Senate and Congress.
    • The decision to maintain power of a controversial figure may signal societal norm decline, while a new safety feature on Lyft could unintentionally increase risks for women
    • Clear definitions and boundaries are essential for effective and fair policy implementation, but can be challenging in areas like gender and drug use. Nuanced conversations are necessary to find solutions that balance individual freedoms and societal responsibilities.
    • It's essential to consider the potential harms caused by individual actions on others and strive for a balance between individual freedoms and collective well-being and safety.
    • Focusing on those who profit from selling harmful substances, rather than just the individual users, is crucial for preventing harm to others.
    • While some believe men shouldn't care about a woman's body count, others find it significant. It's crucial to engage in open and respectful dialogue on sensitive topics to better understand each other's perspectives.
    • Men care about women's body counts for reasons like potential health risks and loyalty, and women who flaunt their past experiences in a vulgar way may repel potential partners.
    • Women should consider their past actions and how they impact their current and future relationships, as men value loyalty, good morals, virtue, dignity, class, and grace in a partner.

    📝 Podcast Summary

    New Hire at Nickelodeon Raises Concerns Over Children's Content

    The hiring of a new writer, Lynn's Amir, with radical LGBT activist views by Nickelodeon for the popular children's show Paul Patrol, raises concerns about the indoctrination of young audiences. Amidst claims by the left that most Americans agree with their stance on trans issues, it was revealed that the opposite is true. Additionally, the Senate relaxed its dress code for John Federman, and there's a debate on whether men should care about a woman's past sexual history. PureTalk Wireless offers an upgrade for its customers with added data and a mobile hotspot without increasing the price. Meanwhile, the lack of transparency regarding the people behind children's entertainment is concerning. Lynn's Amir, an unknown figure, was recently hired by Nickelodeon to write for Paul Patrol's spinoff, Rubble and Crew. With the immense popularity of Paw Patrol, millions of children are exposed to content produced by individuals like Amir. It's crucial to question who these people are and what values they instill in young audiences. In a recent video, Amir shared their views, which further highlights the importance of this discussion. The left's claims about American opinions on trans issues and the Senate's dress code relaxation are just a few of the topics covered on The Matt Walsh Show. The show also touches upon the value of supporting companies like PureTalk Wireless that offer upgrades without hidden fees.

    Discussing Complex Topics with Young Children: The Case of 'What's an Abortion Anyway?' and 'Rainbow Parenting'

    There is a concern regarding the appropriateness and potential indoctrination of young children through certain books and media, specifically a book called "What's an Abortion Anyway?" and the author Lynn Zameer's work, including her book "Rainbow Parenting." The discussion raises questions about the age-appropriateness of discussing complex and sensitive topics, such as abortion and queerness, with young children. Critics argue that these topics can be confusing and disconcerting for children, and that the way they are presented in these materials can be overtly propagandistic. The debate highlights the importance of considering the potential impact on children's development and understanding when introducing these topics. It's crucial to ensure that discussions and materials are age-appropriate, respectful, and provide accurate and complete information.

    Concerns over children's media exposing controversial topics

    There are concerns about inappropriate content being introduced to children through media, specifically in the form of subtle indoctrination into certain social issues. The example given is the introduction of a non-binary character in the Paw Patrol spin-off, Rubble and Crew, whose appearance and accessories are intentionally designed to align with the transgender flag. Critics argue that this is part of a larger trend of exposing children to controversial topics and ideologies through children's entertainment. The concern is that this indoctrination could lead to further exploration and acceptance of these issues at an age where children may not fully understand the implications. Additionally, some argue that individuals and organizations promoting these ideas are not being held accountable for their actions and that parents need to be vigilant in protecting their children from such influences.

    Ongoing efforts to introduce complex concepts to kids through media

    There are ongoing efforts to introduce complex and controversial concepts, such as non-binary identities, to young children through media and entertainment. Critics argue that this indoctrination happens without clear definitions or explanations, making it difficult for children to fully understand. Those promoting these concepts often mock those who object, insisting that it's just a children's show while also celebrating its inclusion. Parents are encouraged to let the entertainment industry decide what their kids are exposed to, leading to concerns about the values and ideologies being instilled. It's essential for parents to stay engaged and protective of their children's upbringing, despite facing mockery and criticism.

    Examining Transgender-Related Questions in Polls

    While there is a poll suggesting most Americans don't prioritize transgender issues and generally support gender-affirming care for adults, it's essential to examine the specific questions asked in the survey. When looking at the actual phrasing of the transgender-related questions in the poll, it becomes clear that the support for gender-affirming care is for adults, not minors. The poll also reveals that a significant portion of Americans, even in this poll, oppose gender-affirming care for minors. It's crucial to scrutinize polls and surveys' exact questions to understand their true implications.

    Biased language in polls and public discourse on gender-affirming care

    The information presented in polls and public discourse on certain issues, such as gender-affirming care, can be biased and misleading due to the use of propaganda language. This can result in skewed perceptions and inaccurate conclusions. For instance, the phrase "gender affirming care" is often used to describe medical interventions for those who are confused about their gender, but a more honest description would include the potential for sterilization and castration. When presented with an honest and unbiased question, most people would likely oppose such interventions. However, due to the biased and dishonest framing of the issue, significant support for the practice is difficult to rally. It's important for individuals to be informed and critical of the language used in public discourse and to seek out honest and unbiased information to make informed decisions.

    Senate Debates Dress Code: Comfort vs Tradition

    While some people may argue for individual comfort and the abolition of dress codes, there are valid reasons for maintaining certain standards, particularly in formal settings like the US Senate. The discussion around Senator John Fetterman's newfound freedom to wear casual attire on the Senate floor has sparked debates about comfort versus tradition, with some arguing that politicians should be held to a higher standard. Ultimately, the decision to change the dress code was made by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who aimed to make the Senate a more inclusive and comfortable environment for all members. While some may view this as a step towards a more relaxed and casual political landscape, others believe that maintaining certain standards is important for the respect and dignity of the institution.

    Senator's Unprofessional Behavior Raises Concerns

    The lack of professional attire and behavior from a United States Senator named John Federman, who constantly disregards dress codes, raises questions about his maturity and commitment to his role. The speaker expresses frustration that Federman, who can afford better, seems to prioritize comfort over appearance, and that this behavior is enabled and even celebrated by some, including media figures like Whoopi Goldberg. The speaker also criticizes the apparent double standard that allows Federman to avoid scrutiny or criticism for his actions, even when he checks into the hospital for mental health issues. The overall sentiment is that Federman's behavior undermines the dignity and importance of the Senate and Congress, and that it sets a dangerous precedent for future elected officials.

    Controversial figure's power and safety feature's implications

    The decision to allow a controversial figure to remain in power, as discussed, could be seen as a significant moment in American history, potentially signaling the decline of societal norms and values. Meanwhile, a new safety feature launched by Lyft, which allows women and non-binary individuals to match with female or non-binary drivers, aims to improve safety but raises concerns about potential abuse and increased danger for women. The irony lies in the fact that the feature, intended to protect women, may actually put them at greater risk by enabling predators to exploit the system. These issues highlight the complexities and challenges surrounding safety, identity, and inclusivity in today's society.

    The complexities of defining and enforcing policies on sensitive social issues

    The definition and implementation of policies, especially those related to sensitive social issues like gender and drug use, can be complex and problematic when clear definitions and boundaries are lacking. The discussion around Lyft's women-only rideshare program highlighted the challenges of defining and enforcing gender, and the ongoing debate around drug criminalization showcased the complexities of balancing individual freedoms with societal responsibilities. In another context, the lack of a clear definition of "small government" was criticized for leading to its misuse and expansion over time. It's crucial to have thoughtful and nuanced conversations around these issues to find effective and fair solutions. Additionally, the mention of Provia Hair Care offers a solution for those dealing with hair loss, using a natural ingredient and promising results without harsh side effects.

    Balancing individual freedoms and collective well-being

    While the debate around drug legalization and individual bodily autonomy raises important questions, it's crucial not to overlook the potential harms caused by these actions on others. In the case of drugs, focusing solely on the user overlooks the role of dealers and their impact on society. Similarly, while some argue for absolute bodily autonomy, it's essential to consider situations where individuals may be manipulated, coerced, or confused, and where actions could be harmful to them. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a society that balances individual freedoms with collective well-being and safety.

    Holding Profiteers Accountable for Harmful Substances

    The sale and distribution of harmful substances, such as drugs, should be considered a criminal offense due to the harm inflicted on others, not just the individual using them. The focus should be on holding those who profit from selling poison accountable for their actions, as they are directly causing harm to others. This perspective is applicable to various industries, including pharmaceuticals and drug dealing. The normalization of high "body counts" in modern society, as discussed in relation to sexual encounters, is another issue deserving of attention and consideration, as it can have significant psychological implications.

    The Debate Over Body Count in Modern Culture

    The debate surrounding body count in modern culture has led to strong opinions from various perspectives. While some argue that men should not care about a woman's body count, others find it significant. Helen Lewis, a feminist writer, expressed concern over the rise of misogyny and body count discourse on social media. She believes that men should not care about a woman's sexual history. However, she failed to provide any arguments or evidence to support her assertion. Instead, she criticized those who engage in body count discussions. It's essential to understand that men, in general, do care about body count, and this perspective should not be dismissed without valid reasons. The debate highlights the importance of open and respectful dialogue on sensitive topics. It's crucial to consider different viewpoints and engage in constructive discussions to better understand each other's perspectives.

    Men's concerns about women's body counts are practical

    People cannot be forced to change their feelings or care about something they don't, especially when it comes to matters of personal values and experiences. In the context of the discussion about feminists and men's perceived attitudes towards women's body counts, the speaker argues that men care about this issue due to practical concerns, such as potential health risks, and questions of loyalty. The speaker also emphasizes that women who flaunt their past sexual experiences in a vulgar and defensive manner are likely to repel men rather than attract them. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that the best response to those who demand that men should not care about women's body counts is simply to acknowledge that men do care and that this is a valid concern.

    Men value women with self-control, dignity, class, and grace

    Men value a woman who has self-control, dignity, class, and grace. They want a woman they can be proud of and introduce to their loved ones. A woman's past sexual experiences, or body count, can impact a man's perception of her morals and values. Men are competitive by nature and want to feel that they have won a great prize when they win a woman's affection. If a woman does not treat herself as a great prize, men may not see her as high value. Therefore, it's important for women to consider how their past actions may impact their current relationships and their future prospects for finding a committed partner. Men value loyalty, good morals, virtue, dignity, class, and grace in a woman. If you're a single woman and you want to be all those things to a man, then don't go around sleeping with random guys. It's a simple choice to make if you want to be the kind of woman men admire and find attractive.

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    Ep. 1360 - Trump Announces Plan To Combat Anti-Whiteism. Anti-White Leftists Panic.

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    Ep. 1359 - Why The Pro-Palestine Campus Protesters Are A Bunch Of Childish Cosplaying Phonies

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    Ep. 1358 - The Government Floods The Country With Criminals And Punishes You If You Defend Yourself

    Ep. 1358 - The Government Floods The Country With Criminals And Punishes You If You Defend Yourself

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    Ep. 1356 - We've Crossed The Rubicon. Race Hoaxers Are Now Using AI.

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    Ep. 1355 - The Government Is Gearing Up To Declare A ‘Climate Emergency,’ Which Will Wipe Out What’s Left Of Our Freedoms

    Ep. 1355 - The Government Is Gearing Up To Declare A ‘Climate Emergency,’ Which Will Wipe Out What’s Left Of Our Freedoms

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the Biden Administration is gearing up to declare a “climate emergency.” What does that mean? Well, we need only look up to our neighbors in the north to see what that entails. And it’s not pretty. Also, Joe Biden has his worst Rob Burgundy moment yet. A leftist campus protester has trouble explaining why she’s protesting. AI is about to wipe out a huge number of jobs worldwide. Should we allow that to happen? And Greg Abbott says he’s having pro-Palestine protesters arrested because “antisemitism won’t be tolerated in Texas.” But is that a valid reason to arrest people? Of course not.




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    Ep. 1354 - Here's The Proof That The 'Free Palestine' Movement Is Just BLM Repackaged

    Ep. 1354 - Here's The Proof That The 'Free Palestine' Movement Is Just BLM Repackaged

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, as the campus protests continue to rage, one thing is becoming clear: the Free Palestine movement is BLM repackaged. And funded by the same people. I'll show the proof today. Also, Tennessee Democrats stage a "die in" to protest a bill that would allow some teachers to carry guns in class. A bystander is condemned for refusing to intervene as a woman was robbed right in front of him. But can we really expect men to intervene given the consequences? And the internet is horrified by a video of a normal guy working a normal 9 to 5 job. What's so horrifying about it? And what does this reaction say about our culture?




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    Ep. 1353 - Insider Investigation Reveals The Absurd Details Behind Eventbrite's Decision To Ban Me From Its Platform

    Ep. 1353 - Insider Investigation Reveals The Absurd Details Behind Eventbrite's Decision To Ban Me From Its Platform

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, a congressional investigation has revealed insider details about Big Tech's censorship of conservatives. A major focus of the investigation was Eventbrite's targeting of events related to me and my film, What Is A Woman. We'll discuss. Also, Ilhan Omar's daughter says she was rendered homeless and hungry after being arrested during a pro-Hamas protest on campus. Even worse, she was attacked with "chemical weapons," she claims. And Time Magazine publishes an article about parents who regret having kids. It's all a part of the ongoing attack on the family and marriage.




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