
    Battle Between Good & Evil - Part 1

    enJune 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Daily Reality of Good vs EvilFocusing on changing the hearts of believers in the church is crucial for creating a better future, as many people, including Christians, have grown too sophisticated for God and need to be reminded of the importance of faith and the consequences of straying from it.

      According to Pastor Alan Jackson, the battle between good and evil is no longer a theoretical concept but a daily reality. He believes that focusing on changing the hearts of believers in the church is the key to creating a better future. Pastor Jackson emphasized that many people, including Christians, have grown too sophisticated for God and have adopted ideas that diminish His importance. He cited the works of thinkers like Alexander Solzhenitsyn as reminders of the importance of faith and the consequences of straying from it. He also encouraged listeners to read Eric Metaxas' book "Letter to the American Church" to awaken them to the current state of affairs and their role in pushing back against deception and darkness. The ministry's goal is to help people become more fully devoted followers of Jesus and lead with their faith everywhere they go.

    • Marxist ideas in Western cultureEmbracing Marxist ideas has led to a society that is increasingly divided and intolerant, with a growing emphasis on entitlement, personal irresponsibility, and the rejection of biblical values.

      Over the past few decades, Western culture has moved away from the perspectives of thinkers like Saul Bellow and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who emphasized the importance of God and spiritual values, and instead embraced the ideas of Karl Marx, who rejected religion. This shift has led to a rejection of faith in various areas of life, including education, work, and family. The result is a society that is increasingly divided and intolerant, with a growing emphasis on entitlement, personal irresponsibility, and the rejection of biblical values. This has played out in various ways, such as the celebration of violent organizations like Hamas on college campuses and the vilification of those who advocate for biblical principles. It's important to remember that Marxist ideas have a long and bloody history, and they should not be emulated. Instead, we should strive to uphold the values of love, forgiveness, and personal responsibility that are rooted in the Bible.

    • Courage to change from withinAs Christians, we must have the courage to listen to scripture, return to God, and seek change from within rather than expecting it from external systems or leaders to avoid destructive consequences.

      As Christians and members of the church, we must have the courage to listen to the counsel of scripture, return to God, and seek change from within, rather than expecting it from external systems or leaders. The history of the church shows that when we remain silent in the face of evil, destructive consequences can follow. We can learn from past mistakes and make a difference in our current situation by being proactive and engaged. The book "Letter to the American Church" by Eric Metaxas is an important resource that offers insights and warnings based on historical examples. By staying informed and taking action, we can be faithful to the message and way of life that has the power to change history.

    • Amazement and Fear in FaithEmbrace amazement in faith, trusting in God's power and miraculous abilities, while not being afraid to stand up for beliefs despite criticism and opposition. Remember unexpected methods and timing in God's plan can lead to great blessings.

      We should have more amazement and less fear in our faith journey. The story of Jesus calming the storm in the Bible serves as a reminder that God's power is greater than any challenges we face. Instead of focusing on the darkness and the wickedness of the world, we should be in awe of God's miraculous abilities. At the same time, we should not be afraid to stand up for our beliefs, even if it means facing criticism and opposition. The disciples' response to Jesus' command over the storm was one of fear and amazement. We can learn from their example and find peace in God's presence, even in the midst of a storm. Additionally, we should remember that God uses unexpected methods and timing to accomplish His will. In the story, Jesus asked the disciples to let down their nets at the wrong time, but they still obeyed and were rewarded with a bountiful catch. Similarly, we may be asked to take steps of faith that seem ill-timed or impossible, but if we trust in God's plan, we can experience great blessings.

    • Responding to God's callRespond to God's call with faith, humility, and courage, acknowledging the significance of Peter's transformation and looking forward to unprecedented responses. Remember that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces, and trust in God's power and authority to overcome challenges.

      We must respond to God's call with unwavering faith and humility, even when the world around us seems to be in darkness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not procrastinating and acknowledges the significance of Peter's response to Jesus, which led to a profound transformation. He encourages us to look forward to unprecedented responses to God and believes that we will be given the necessary resources to overcome challenges. The speaker also highlights that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces, and we need to have the courage to yield ourselves to God. Jesus' declaration in Matthew 16:18 that He will build His church and the gates of Hell will not overcome it is a declaration of intent and a reminder of God's power and authority.

    • Spiritual battle, prayerShift focus from debating spiritual forces to actively opposing them through prayer according to Ephesians 6:12, as neglecting Biblical principles can lead to destructive paths.

      Our focus should shift from debating the existence of spiritual forces to actively opposing them through prayer. The Bible warns us that our struggle is not against people, but against spiritual forces in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12). Yet, in our churches, we often spend more time discussing beliefs than taking action. We need to change our habits and prioritize prayer against these forces. Jesus came to bring life and give it to the full (John 10:10), but when we abandon Biblical perspectives and principles, we put ourselves on a destructive path. Eric Metaxas' book, "Letter to the American Church," highlights historical patterns repeating themselves and our responsibility to prevent negative outcomes. Support Alan Jackson Ministries to get your copy. Remember, it's crucial to acknowledge the spiritual battle and actively engage in prayer to make a difference.

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