
    657: Lilith Comes Calling

    enJune 04, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Supernatural encounters, occult fascinationThe hosts of the Confessionals Podcast, Tony Merkel, Joel, and Justin, share their personal experiences with the supernatural and their fascination with the occult, and how these experiences have drawn them deeper into the subject.

      The hosts of the Confessionals Podcast, Tony Merkel and his guests Joel and Justin, shared their experiences with the supernatural and the allure of unexplained phenomena. Merkel recounted an encounter with a giant and otherworldly entities, while Joel spoke about his fascination with forbidden books and the occult. The trio discussed their shared interest in the unknown and their experiences pushing them deeper into the subject rather than away. Additionally, they mentioned upcoming events, including Squachella on August 3rd and the release of the documentary "Sasquatch and the Missing Man." Listeners are encouraged to share their own experiences and become members for exclusive content.

    • Unknown noises in natureStrange noises in nature can be explained by various reasons including unknown animals or even unexplained phenomena, as seen in a group of friends' nighttime hike experience.

      A group of friends went on a nighttime hike in East Tennessee and heard strange sounds they couldn't identify. They contacted a biologist friend, Justin, who suggested it could be a shoe bill, an African bird known for its distinctive clicking sound. Although skeptical, they continued their search, considering the possibility of an escaped captive bird. They also encountered potential UFO sightings and animal howls, adding to the mystery of the night. The friends' experience highlights the intrigue and excitement of exploring the unknown in nature.

    • Encounter during night hikeStrange occurrences during a night hike included hearing unidentified sounds, finding missing tree branches, and discussing a potential new disorder, but the group concluded it was a personal perception issue, not a real disorder, and the heavy rain made it difficult to distinguish external sounds.

      During a night hike, the group encountered strange occurrences, including hearing unidentified sounds and finding a missing tree branch, which they later realized had disappeared on their way back. The group also discussed a new disorder they had heard about, where people's faces and reflections supposedly transform into demonic appearances. However, they came to the conclusion that this was not a real disorder but rather a personal perception issue. The night was also marked by heavy rain, making it difficult to hear any external sounds. Overall, the group experienced an intriguing and unexplained night during their hike.

    • COVID-19 and mental disordersOngoing discussions explore potential link between severe COVID-19 cases and development of mental disorders like schizophrenia, with some reports suggesting an increase in paranormal experiences, including a focus on Lilith. Societal stressors and personal experiences contribute to the complexity of understanding these phenomena.

      There are ongoing discussions about the potential link between severe COVID-19 cases and the development of mental disorders like schizophrenia. Additionally, there are concerns about an increase in reports of paranormal experiences, with Lilith being a particular focus. Some believe this could be due to societal stressors or even a planned agenda. The complexity and vastness of the topic, along with personal experiences, can make it challenging to fully understand Lilith and its connections to other phenomena. It's important to approach such topics with an open mind and a recognition of their complexity.

    • Appalachian forest gods and goddessesEncountering unexplained phenomena in the Appalachian region and stories of forest gods and goddesses may hold deeper meanings and connections

      The speaker shares a personal experience of encountering strange occurrences and legends in the Appalachian region, which he connects to ancient mythologies of forest gods and goddesses. The stories of unexplained phenomena, including the sighting of a woman in white, were passed down through generations and seemed to coincide with the speaker's research on these deities. The encounter with the woman in white in his backyard was a pivotal moment that left him feeling intrigued rather than frightened. The research and personal experiences led him to believe that these stories and mythologies might hold deeper meanings and connections.

    • Encounter with evil entitiesEncountering evil entities in the occult can lead to manipulation and dangerous consequences, even if they initially appear as trusted figures

      The speaker's encounter with supernatural entities during his involvement in the occult was a real and unsettling experience. He recounted an instance where an old lady entity appeared in his room, initially disguised as his deceased grandmother. Despite recognizing it wasn't his grandmother, he engaged with the entity, which then revealed its true, evil form. The speaker emphasized that these entities were manipulative and sought to fulfill his deepest desires, even if it meant leading him down a darker path. The experience left a lasting impact on him, and he now recognizes the potential danger and consequences of seeking forbidden knowledge.

    • Obsession with the unknownObsessing over the unknown can lead to negative influences and sacrificing priorities, even in the music industry where hidden meanings can manipulate listeners

      Obsession with the unknown can lead individuals down dark paths, potentially influenced by external forces. The speaker's experience with the entity Lilith illustrates this, as they were drawn into an obsession with understanding her origins and identity. This obsession led them to question their priorities, with the potential sacrifice of their family on the line. The music industry, with its historical ties to the spirit of Lilith, was identified as a potential source of such influences. The industry's ability to manipulate through music and lyrics can lead listeners down unintended paths, often with hidden meanings. Ultimately, the speaker's journey involved a realization of the importance of responsibility and the decision to prioritize their family over their obsession.

    • Religious text exploration, RedemptionContinually seeking new perspectives and knowledge in religious texts can lead to a deeper understanding of God and the truth. Redemption is always possible, even after making mistakes or feeling lost.

      Personal growth and spiritual exploration go hand in hand. The speaker emphasizes the importance of continually seeking new perspectives and knowledge, especially when it comes to understanding religious texts like the Bible. He shares that the more deeply one delves into these texts, the closer they get to God and the truth. The speaker also warns against the dangers of selling one's soul or getting too consumed by material wealth, urging that redemption is always possible. He shares examples of individuals, like Zacchaeus in the Bible, who turned their lives around after realizing they were living under a lie. The speaker encourages anyone who may have made mistakes or felt lost to let go of that lie and embrace the possibility of redemption.

    • Redemption and JudgmentGod's grace is sufficient for redemption, regardless of past mistakes. Christians should focus on building bridges and fostering open communication, rather than judgment and fear.

      No matter what your past may be, the grace of God is sufficient for redemption. It doesn't matter if you've never experienced salvation or if you've strayed from your faith, Jesus Christ is always running after you, ready to welcome you back. However, the Christian community can sometimes be judgmental, making it difficult for people to openly seek forgiveness and change. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and we should be open to learning from others, even if their beliefs differ from ours. The Christian movement should focus on building bridges and fostering open communication, rather than dehumanizing those who believe differently. Ultimately, our goal as Christians should be to connect with our neighbors and spread love, rather than focusing on the fear of hell.

    • Creating disciples, spreading loveAs Christians, we should create disciples and spread the gospel through kind actions and conversations, aiming to break down barriers and be nice to difficult people, leading by example and spreading love and compassion, remembering everyone has a story and a struggle, and our way of living is a powerful form of spreading the word of God.

      As Christians, our job is to create disciples and spread the gospel through kind actions and conversations, not just by preaching or condemning others. We should aim to break down barriers and be nice to those who may be difficult or mean, leading by example and spreading love and compassion. It's important to remember that everyone has a story and may be going through struggles that we're not aware of, and a simple act of kindness can make a big impact. Additionally, it's important to remember that we all have a reason for being here and a job to do, which is to create disciples and spread the word of God. We may not always have grand gestures or miraculous signs, but the way we live our lives and treat others is a powerful form of spreading the gospel.

    Recent Episodes from The Confessionals

    Members Preview | 673: Greece's Portal Island

    Members Preview | 673: Greece's Portal Island
    In episode 673: Greece's Portal Island, Christos joins from Greece to share about his strange encounters on the island of Kos and beyond. Christos recounts his experiences with mysterious creatures, unexplained time loops, and unusual lights in the sky. He describes a bizarre creature with arachnoid legs and hair, appearing in the middle of nowhere, and a night filled with strange lights performing impossible maneuvers in the sky. He also shares unsettling incidents of time loops and eerie, predatory sensations on deserted roads. This was a captivating conversation full of twists and turns, blurring the line between myth and reality.

    7/27/24 - Smokey Mountain Bigfoot Conference: http://smokymountainbigfootconference.com
    8/1/24 - Armed Media Conference: Click Here

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
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    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

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    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Joel's Psalm
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 25, 2024

    Realm Invaders | Weird Wednesday Wake Up

    Realm Invaders | Weird Wednesday Wake Up
    This morning Tony will explore the bizarre AI spoof phenomenon, discuss the shocking UFO sightings linked to the assassination attempt of Donald Trump, and analyze the eerie footage of the Hatman caught on camera at an accident scene. Are the realms spilling over with entities from other realms into ours?

    7/27/24 - Smokey Mountain Bigfoot Conference: http://smokymountainbigfootconference.com/
    8/1/24 - Armed Media Conference: Click Here

    Merkel Media Apparel: https://merkmerch.com/
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    The Confessionals
    enJuly 24, 2024

    672: The Farm Of Terror

    672: The Farm Of Terror
    In episode 672: The Farm Of Terror, Eric Mintel, from Eric Mintel Investigates, shares his extraordinary journey from performing at the White House to exploring the mysteries of the supernatural. He explains the chilling encounters and eerie phenomena that he has documented, from ghostly apparitions and UFO sightings to cryptid investigations. In particular, Eric shares his experiences from his investigations on Lee Hample's property from episode 659: The Beast Of Bray Road, where Lee has encountered this cryptid creature countless times, and has been documenting it for several years. Eric's investigation stories aim to enthrall listeners with firsthand accounts of the paranormal, unraveling the thin veil between our world and the unknown.

    Eric Mintel
    Website: ericmintelinvestigates.org
    YouTube: @ericmintelinvestigates9241

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    The Confessionals Members App:
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    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
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    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
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    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Grey
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 23, 2024

    RELOADED | 430: Chipped In My Chest

    RELOADED | 430: Chipped In My Chest
    In Episode 430: Chipped In My Chest we are joined by Nick. He reached out to the show to talk about the paranormal experiences he had in life leading up to his incarceration. He has dealt with demonic entities, UFOs, and pulling a chip out of his chest. Then in the Overtime Nick shares about the amazingly supernatural experiences he had during his 7-month stay in jail that will leave the listener in shock and awe!

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    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
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    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
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    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 22, 2024

    Iron Don | Weird Wednesday Wake Up

    Iron Don | Weird Wednesday Wake Up
    Join us on this past Weird Wednesday Wake-Up replay! We had an incredible time discussing some extraordinary topics. First, we talked about Donald Trump receiving an Iron Man suit from Elon Musk, who claims to be an alien and uses his tech prowess to build it. We also delved into the mystery of a moon tunnel and questioned whether we ever truly went to the moon. Plus, we celebrated a major milestone—hitting 100,000 subscribers during the stream! If you missed it, tune in now!

    7/27/24 - Smokey Mountain Bigfoot Conference: http://smokymountainbigfootconference.com/
    8/1/24 - Armed Media Conference: https://linktr.ee/merkelmedia

    Merkel Media Apparel: https://merkmerch.com/
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    The Confessionals
    enJuly 19, 2024

    Members Preview | 671: The Moon Eyed People

    Members Preview | 671: The Moon Eyed People
    In episode 671: The Moon Eyed People, Shannon and Michael join Tony to recount their spine-chilling encounters and unexpected past. Mike begins by sharing his encounter with the legendary Moon Eyed People in the Smoky Mountains. What began as a night of drinking and storytelling turned into a surreal experience when he and his friend Daniel stumbled upon small, ghostly figures performing a ritual in the forest. He explained that these semi-transparent, bluish-gray beings, no taller than three feet, appeared out of the moonlight, pulling them into an ancient legend that blurs the line between myth and reality.

    But the intrigue doesn’t stop there. Shannon shares her personal stories of paranormal encounters, including experiences with shadow people, sleep paralysis, and spiritual warfare. She explains the truth about her past as a witch, her harrowing spiritual battles, and her eventual transformation through faith. Shannon's journey is full of twists and turns that ultimately led her to a vibrant life of faith alongside Mike and their family. 

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    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

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    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

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    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
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    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Walking In My Skin
    YouTube | Apple | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 18, 2024

    670: Weaponized Portals

    670: Weaponized Portals
    In episode 670: Weaponized Portals, Jessica Jones, a seasoned researcher and investigator, joins the show to share her spine-chilling experiences from over a decade of fieldwork, including a recent investigation of a Skinwalker cave in Tennessee and encounters with mysterious orbs and ETs. She dives into the mysterious cube portal in the Meadow, that was previously discussed on episode 
    617: The Meadow Project, a hotbed of high strangeness. Jessica also explores the uses of remote viewing, a technique once employed by the military, to uncover hidden truths about cryptids and otherworldly beings. Tony and Jessica connect the dots between the paranormal, cryptids, and the unexplained, challenging you to rethink what you know about reality.

    Jessica Jones
    Website: thecryptidhuntress.com
    YouTube: @TheCryptidHuntress

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    Armed Media Conference: Purchase Tickets Here
    Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Conference: Purchase Tickets Here

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
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    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
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    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Otherside of The Sun
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 16, 2024

    RELOADED | 158: The Green Light Alien

    RELOADED | 158: The Green Light Alien
    On Episode 158: The Green Light Alien, we have John joining The Confessionals to share his strange and  various experiences with us. He specifically shares an encounter with an alien he had as a kid that was later confirmed by someone else who had the same experience!

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    Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Conference: Purchase Tickets Here

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
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    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
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    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
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    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 15, 2024

    Introducing: After Dark with Wes and Tony

    Introducing: After Dark with Wes and Tony
    AFTER DARK will be a live show hosted by Wes Germer from Sasquatch Chronicles and Tony Merkel of The Confessionals. This exclusive, members-only show will feature live video call-in lines, providing a unique platform for deep dives into intriguing topics that each host finds fascinating but may not typically explore on their respective shows. From the potential advanced technologies used by ancient civilizations to the enduring mysteries of Amelia Earhart's disappearance and the world's mysterious triangles, no subject is off-limits on After Dark.

    After Dark premieres on Friday, July 12th at 9 PM EST! Mark your calendars, and set your alarms!

    Become a Member: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/join
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 12, 2024

    Members Preview | 669: The Church Of Unhallowed Ground

    Members Preview | 669: The Church Of Unhallowed Ground
    In episode 669: The Church Of Unhallowed Ground, Peter John begins this conversation by recounting a bizarre childhood encounter with a large moon that seemed to approach his window, a memory confirmed by his brother but confounding their mother due to an unexplained time lapse. This sets the stage for Peter's adult encounters after purchasing a decommissioned church. While renovating the church, he experiences escalating supernatural phenomena: his dog growls at 3:10 AM every night, objects move on their own, and keys mysteriously relocate.

    Peter vividly describes encounters with various apparitions, including a playful boy ghost who ages over time and a menacing figure he calls the "scare taker." The church, rich with historical artifacts and Masonic symbols, is a hotbed of supernatural activity. His accounts offer a thrilling and thought-provoking exploration of spiritual warfare in a once-sacred space, making for an engrossing discussion.

    Peter's Facebook with pictures

    Join Me At:
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    Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Conference: Purchase Tickets Here

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
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    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

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    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
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    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Head In The Clouds
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJuly 11, 2024