
407. Discussing Communism in All its Glory | Michael Malice


December 21, 2023

TLDR: Dr. Jordan B. Peterson interviews author Michael Malice about his latest book 'The White Pill', exploring Ayn Rand's philosophy and anarchism amidst discussing historical atrocities in Russia.

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  • Exploring Authoritarian Regimes and the Importance of AlternativesThe conversation highlights the brutal consequences of authoritarianism, emphasizing the need for alternative systems that prioritize individual freedoms and voluntary association.

    Jordan Peterson and Michael Ellis discuss the dire consequences of authoritarian regimes, particularly the Soviet era, and the importance of alternative social and psychological relations. They explore the concept of anarchism and its distinction from impulsive hedonism, focusing on voluntary association as the antithesis to power and compulsion. They emphasize the brutality associated with the Soviet regime and the denial of liberties for the sake of revolution. The conversation highlights the disillusionment experienced by individuals like Berkman and Goldman, who were hoping for improvements in working conditions but witnessed the horrors of the Russian citizenry under the Bolsheviks. The discussion sheds light on the difficulties faced by citizens in terms of housing and the impossibility of finding new places to live. Overall, the conversation serves as a reminder of the dangers of totalitarianism and the importance of alternative systems that prioritize individual liberties and voluntary association.

  • The disastrous consequences of government control over basic necessitiesGovernment control over basic necessities can lead to lack of motivation, abuse of power, suffering, and the need to resort to spying and informing on neighbors for survival.

    Government control over basic necessities like food can lead to disastrous consequences for individuals and their communities. Jordan Peterson's account of the communist regime's attempts to implement communal eating and government-run cafeterias reveals the flaws in this idealistic vision. The lack of motivation and accountability among those responsible for cooking and cleaning, coupled with the potential for abuse of power by the government, resulted in widespread hardship and suffering. Families turned against each other to gain favor with authorities, leading to mass deportations and starvation. People resorted to spying and informing on their neighbors in order to secure food for their own survival. The actions of the regime exposed the cruel and sadistic nature of those in power, causing immense suffering for the population. This serves as a cautionary tale against blindly entrusting essential resources to the government.

  • Unveiling the Brutal Realities of Living Under a Totalitarian RegimeLiving in a totalitarian dictatorship under state control leads to unimaginable suffering and alienation, highlighting the importance of understanding the consequences of a communist revolution.

    Living under a totalitarian dictatorship is unimaginably terrifying and dehumanizing. This conversation between Jordan Peterson and Michael Malice sheds light on the brutal realities faced by individuals in the Soviet Union. The state controlled everything, and any suffering or criticism was seen as a threat to the regime. Admitting pain or acknowledging issues meant going against the state's narrative, which led to further suffering and alienation. The sadistic nature of those in power goes beyond what most people can even conceive. Understanding the consequences of a communist revolution is crucial, and there are numerous sources available for education on this topic.

  • The Cold War and the Hidden Truths of Communism: A Failed Education SystemIt is crucial to educate students about the atrocities of the Cold War and communist regimes to prevent history from repeating itself and promote a better understanding of the world.

    The modern education system in the West has failed to teach students about the true horrors of the Cold War and the atrocities committed in the name of communism. Despite the immense impact of the Cold War on foreign policy and the millions of lives lost, many educated individuals have little to no knowledge of these events. This lack of awareness can be attributed to a deliberate effort to censor and portray communist regimes in a positive light during that time. However, there is hope in the fact that these regimes were eventually defeated, offering a story of triumph over adversity. This story of victory should serve as a reminder of the importance of understanding history and learning from past mistakes.

  • The pitfalls of pursuing a utopian society and the consequences of disregarding individual value.Striving for an ideal society without considering individual worth and learning from past failures may result in catastrophic consequences.

    There is a longing within us for a utopian state where everyone is equal and all distinctions and conflicts are abolished. This desire for a paradise-like society often attracts intellectuals and those who have been victims of religious or ethnic conflicts. However, history has shown that attempts to create this worker's paradise through hyper-organized government and radical equality have inevitably led to disastrous consequences, even to the point of unimaginable violence. This difficulty in learning from past failures can be attributed to the inherent narcissism of intellectuals, who believe they possess the intelligence and competence to bring about a successful utopia. Additionally, societies that lose their foundation on the value of the individual as a soul tend to struggle in maintaining a just and flourishing society.

  • The dangers of prioritizing group identity and vilifying success.Dividing people into groups and demonizing success can lead to chaos, brutality, and catastrophic consequences. History teaches us the importance of valuing individual freedom and learning from past mistakes.

    When group identity becomes paramount and success is associated with oppression, societies can quickly spiral into chaos and brutality. This was seen in the case of Rwanda, where ethnic tensions resulted in the genocide of millions of people. Similarly, in post-revolutionary Russia, the communist regime classified individuals and their families based on group guilt, leading to the eradication of private property and the persecution of anyone associated with success under the czars. The danger lies in dividing people into groups and vilifying success, which can justify extreme measures and scapegoating. It is crucial to recognize the catastrophic consequences of ideologies that prioritize group identity over individual freedom and to learn from history to avoid repeating these mistakes.

  • The Link Between Intellect, Entitlement, and SadismRecognizing the relationship between intellect, entitlement, and sadism is crucial in preventing potential harm caused by individuals seeking power and control over others due to a sense of bitterness and entitlement.

    There seems to be a connection between intellect, entitlement, and sadism. Jordan Peterson suggests that individuals who were praised for their intelligence without having to put in much effort can develop a sense of pride and entitlement. When these individuals face setbacks and find that their intellect is not enough to achieve success or gain recognition, they can become bitter. This bitterness can then manifest into a sadistic nature, seeking power and control over others. This pattern can be seen in historical figures like Lenin and in popular culture portrayals of intellectuals. It is important to acknowledge and address these tendencies to prevent the potential harm caused by the combination of intellect, entitlement, and sadism.

  • The Power and Betrayal of Oppressive RegimesUnder oppressive systems, people were forced to betray their loved ones and cruelty was rewarded, illustrating the immense power and toxicity of oppressive regimes.

    Under oppressive systems like the Soviet Union and East Germany, people were forced to become sadistic and betray their loved ones. The system encouraged and rewarded cruelty, as those who were willing to go to extreme lengths to force false confessions or turn in their own family members were the ones who received promotions and benefits. Love and genuine sympathy became acts of counter-revolutionary propaganda, as listening to someone's suffering meant listening to the truth, which was considered dangerous. The fear of the truth was so ingrained in society that even people closest to each other became informers, resulting in unimaginable betrayal and heartache. This illustrates the immense power and toxicity of oppressive regimes and the lengths they will go to control their citizens.

  • The Power of Collective LiesEvery individual's participation in lies perpetuates oppressive systems, but even a few individuals who refuse to participate can challenge tyranny and make a difference.

    In a totalitarian society, the power doesn't solely come from the top, but from the collective participation in lies. The need for unearned moral superiority drives individuals to turn in their neighbors, causing trouble and feeling powerful. This behavior stems from boredom, loneliness, sadism, or jealousy. People in Western societies often have a misguided notion that tyranny is enforced solely by a few oppressive figures, but the truth is that every single person lies about everything all the time. However, even a handful of individuals who refuse to participate in the lies can make a difference and potentially bring down a tyranny. It is crucial to recognize the role we play in perpetuating or challenging oppressive systems.

  • The Power of Resistance: Standing Against Authoritarian RegimesStanding up against oppressive systems, even as a minority, can lead to significant change. It is important to refuse to give in to lies and propaganda, and to criticize and expose the tactics of oppressive states.

    Standing up against oppressive systems, even if you are in the minority, can make a significant impact. Both Jordan Peterson and Michael Malice highlight the importance of refusing to give in to the lies and propaganda of authoritarian regimes. They point out that change can happen with a small group of people who are willing to resist and demonstrate an alternative path. They reference examples from history, such as the labor movement in Poland, that brought down the Soviet government. It is crucial to criticize and expose the tactics of oppressive states like China and not to valorize them. Despite initial hopes, China's descent into a totalitarian regime should serve as a warning for the potential dangers of appeasement.

  • The Dangers of a Centralized Surveillance StateResisting the allure of a technologically-driven utopianism is crucial in protecting individuality and pursuing genuine happiness in a society that values convenience and obedience.

    We are rapidly moving towards a centralized surveillance state, driven by the convenience of technology and people's desire for safety and obedience. This shift towards a society where everything is tracked and controlled poses significant risks to individual freedom and meaningful pursuits. While some may find comfort in a life of mild pleasure and numbness, this approach ultimately fails to provide true happiness and fulfillment. However, during times of existential crisis, there is potential for transformation and reflection on the insufficiency of a superficially satisfying life. It is important to resist the allure of a technologically-driven utopianism and instead prioritize the protection of individuality and the pursuit of genuine happiness.

  • Recognizing individual worth and challenging political authority for a just society.Valuing and protecting individual rights and freedoms is essential for a fair and thriving society.

    Both Michael Malice and Jordan Peterson emphasize the importance of recognizing the intrinsic worth of the individual in constructing a just and thriving society. They both highlight the illegitimacy of political authority and the need to live life to its fullest. Malice expresses his belief in anarchism and individualism as essential components of a fair society, while Peterson acknowledges the role of individualism in countering the collective mindset. They draw attention to the criticism leveled by figures like Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman against the Soviet Union, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging leftist voices in the fight against totalitarianism. Ultimately, the key takeaway is the significance of valuing and protecting individual rights and freedoms for the betterment of society as a whole.

  • Exploring the Boundaries of Individualism and SelfishnessJordan Peterson challenges the notion of individualism and raises questions about its relationship with selfishness, emphasizing the importance of understanding the balance between personal freedom and responsibility towards others.

    Jordan Peterson raises questions about the relationship between individualism and selfishness. He examines Ayn Rand's ideas and her emphasis on pursuing self-interest. Peterson wonders how to differentiate between individualism and hedonism, as well as lower-order motivational states. He discusses the developmental process of a child and how they gradually integrate their instinctual sub-personalities to form a unified identity. Peterson's exploration suggests that there might be a fine line between pursuing self-interest and being driven solely by immediate desires. This leads to a deeper consideration of what it truly means to be an individual and how to navigate the balance between personal freedom and responsibility towards others.

  • Differentiating Self-Interest and Selfishness: Two Contrasting ExamplesSelf-interest should not be solely equated with selfishness, as it encompasses a broader concept of pursuing personal goals and values in accordance with a moral code.

    There are different definitions of self-interest and selfishness. Ayn Rand contrasts two types of selfishness in her work. The first type is represented by Peter Keating, who is solely driven by striving for social status and has no internal values or sense of self. The second type is exemplified by Howard Roark, who pursues his own goals and values in accordance with his moral code. Rand sees this second type of selfishness as being nested inside a larger scale conceptualization of integrity. However, it's important to note that the mere pursuit of social status should not be automatically dismissed as not being self-interest. Understanding and defining self-interest requires taking into account one's own values and moral code.

  • The Importance of Prioritizing Personal Growth and IntegrityPrioritizing status above personal growth and integrity may lead to a shallow existence, while choosing to align with our internal systems and maintain consistency in our actions can lead to a more fulfilling life.

    In short, one big takeaway from this conversation is that prioritizing status above all else, like Peter Keating, may lead to a one-dimensional existence lacking a true sense of self. Jordan Peterson argues that there are underlying constraints in both the natural and social world that optimize interrelationships and lead to a pattern of behavior that satisfies our internal systems. When we deviate from this pattern, our conscience calls us out, urging us to realign with the optimal path. Michael Malice further emphasizes that life is inherently meaningless, but we have the opportunity to shape our own identity and be consistent in our actions. Choosing to prioritize personal growth and integrity, even in difficult times, can lead to a more fulfilling and admirable life.

  • The Importance of a Voluntary Social Hierarchy for Effective Societal StructureA voluntary social hierarchy, where individuals willingly participate and possess responsibilities, is crucial for resolving disputes and ensuring the harmonious operation of society. Understanding and establishing subsidiary hierarchies is essential for a complex and sophisticated society.

    Creating an effective societal structure requires a multidimensional system of value and a hierarchical organization. Jordan Peterson argues that a voluntary social hierarchy, where individuals willingly participate and possess requisite responsibilities at every level, is the alternative to a tyrant-slave dynamic. This hierarchical structure allows for effective dispute resolution and ensures the harmonious operation of the entire society. Moreover, Peterson suggests that the individual's identity and pursuit of enlightened self-interest cannot be solely located at their level, but must be a reflection of the overall functioning of the hierarchical system. He highlights the importance of understanding and establishing the necessary subsidiary hierarchy to transform individual orientation into a complex and sophisticated society.

  • The Importance of Hierarchy, Culture, and Time Preference in Building a Functioning SocietyBuilding a successful society requires voluntary collaboration, shared values, stable institutions, and diverse perspectives in decision-making, as well as consideration of long-term planning and progress.

    Hierarchies in society, including organizations like Starbucks, do not emerge automatically or by chance. They are created and maintained through voluntary collaboration and shared values. This highlights the significance of culture and the promulgation of ideas and morals in building a functioning society. Additionally, the concept of time preference plays a crucial role in this context. High time preference, driven by immediate gratification and lack of trust, can hinder long-term planning and progress. Stable societies and reliable institutions, including governments that prevent inflation, are necessary for individuals to make informed decisions and engage in productive long-term relationships. Ultimately, the Enlightenment idea that rational debate will lead to universal consensus is seen as illusory by some, suggesting the importance of considering diverse perspectives in societal decision-making.

  • Understanding Hedonism: Pleasure as a Balancing ActPleasure is not inherently bad, but it should be pursued in a way that aligns with long-term goals and social responsibilities, contributing to both personal well-being and the social system.

    Hedonism, or the pursuit of immediate pleasure, can be seen in different ways. It can be viewed negatively as short-term gratification that sacrifices overall integrity, or it can be seen as a source of pleasure that enhances life in a balanced and meaningful way. Pleasure, in this sense, is not inherently bad, but its demand should not undermine long-term goals and social responsibilities. Instead, the motivation for pleasure should be aligned with the pursuit of enlightened self-interest and maximal social utility. By setting up shared aims and engaging in activities that move us closer to those aims, we can activate the neurophysiological system responsible for enthusiasm and engagement, enhancing our overall well-being and contributing to the social system.

  • Nurturing Relationships for Mental HealthMaintaining healthy relationships with loved ones is essential for our mental health and overall well-being. It requires constant effort and care, but the rewards are worth it.

    Our primary relationships, whether it be with our family, spouse, or friends, hold great importance in our lives. These relationships are the foundation of our social interactions and carry a deep sense of obligation and responsibility. Being a good person, someone our loved ones can admire and rely on, means nurturing these relationships and being there for them when times get tough. On the other hand, neglecting or abandoning these relationships can lead to internal turmoil and guilt. It is crucial to understand that these relationships are not prisons, but rather dynamic entities that require constant effort and maintenance. Ultimately, our mental health and overall well-being greatly depend on the harmony we achieve in these hierarchical connections.

  • The role of voluntarism and force in establishing positive relationshipsVoluntarism is essential for cooperation, but force may be necessary when someone disrupts the harmony, ensuring the conditions for voluntary engagement and maintaining peace.

    The principle of voluntarism is crucial in creating optimized and positive relationships. When interactions are voluntary, cooperation becomes possible, leading to self-sustaining and constructive conversations. However, complications arise when one person disrupts the harmony by playing a status game or not playing fair. In such scenarios, the necessity of force or intervention may seem justified to maintain the necessary peace for voluntary associations. This concept is akin to respecting private property, where the owner has the right and responsibility to enforce rules within their domain. Therefore, force can be seen as a means of countering the initiation of force by trespassers and ensuring the conditions for voluntary engagement.

  • Voluntary Consent and Minimal Force: The Foundation of Proper Social OrganizationAnarchism, defined as voluntaryism, advocates for voluntary consent and opposes government control, debunking the misconception of chaos and violence, and promoting conflict resolution without unnecessary intervention.

    Proper social organization is based on voluntary consent and the principle of minimum necessary force. When someone violates another person's property or overstays their welcome, it is not considered initiating force to remove them from that property or revoke their right to stay. This concept applies to both personal interactions, such as someone crashing on your couch, and broader societal policies. Anarchism, when defined as voluntaryism, aligns with this principle by emphasizing voluntary consent and opposing government control over speech and actions. It challenges the popular misconception that anarchism is chaotic or violent and highlights the importance of allowing individuals to freely resolve conflicts without unnecessary intervention.

  • Upholding the Principle of Voluntary Consent in Relationships and InteractionsRespecting boundaries and seeking consent is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and preserving personal integrity.

    The principle of voluntary consent is crucial in maintaining the integrity of relationships and interactions. When someone violates this principle by overstaying their welcome or imposing their presence on others, it goes against the foundation of voluntary assets. This violation can lead to a loss of integrity and the deterioration of the relationship. It is important to recognize our responsibility in upholding this principle, even if it means confronting uncomfortable situations or making tough decisions. The idea of ordered freedom, where individuals have the freedom to choose their direction but within a framework of respect and consent, offers an alternative to tyranny and slavery. This principle aligns with both anarchist and libertarian arguments for limited government.

  • Personal Responsibility and the Dangers of External DependenceTaking personal responsibility for one's life is crucial to prevent external entities from taking advantage and to ensure long-term benefits and security. Sacrificing short-term comforts can lead to greater rewards in the future.

    The conversation between Michael Malice and Jordan Peterson highlights the idea that every bit of responsibility individuals don't pick up for themselves, tyrants will take and use against them. This is evident in history, where attempts to create a minimal government often result in the creation of larger and more oppressive governments. The conversation also emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and sacrifice for long-term benefits. The Old Testament's inquiry into the form of sacrifice that's pleasing to God shows that sacrificing short-term comforts and privileges can lead to greater rewards in the future. It serves as a reminder that individuals should take ownership of their lives rather than relying on external entities like the government for security and status.

  • Embracing the Present and Making Every Moment CountWhether through Judaism or Christianity, the message is clear: life is a precious gift meant to be lived fully and purposefully, with a focus on the present and making a positive impact.

    Judaism teaches us to appreciate and make the most of this life, considering it as a beautiful gift from the creator. Instead of constantly seeking answers about the afterlife, Judaism emphasizes living in accordance with God's wishes and cherishing the opportunities and purpose that this life presents. On the other hand, Christianity explores the integration of the eternal into the present moment, seeking to infuse every moment with the divine and recognizing the potential for eternal significance. It is important to recognize that this life is not a rehearsal, but a meaningful and unique opportunity for growth and contribution, regardless of one's religious beliefs. We should approach life with a sense of responsibility and seize every moment to make a positive impact.

  • Avoiding Dogmatic Thinking and Embracing Voluntary RelationshipsBy sacrificing the narrow self for the transcendental self, individuals can establish meaningful connections with themselves and others through voluntary association, creating enduring patterns and structures rooted in archetypal realities. Avoid dogmatic utopianism and embrace voluntary cooperation.

    In short, one big takeaway from this conversation between Jordan Peterson and Michael Malice is the importance of avoiding dogmatic thinking and embracing voluntary relationships based on eternal truths. They discuss the significance of sacrificing the narrow self for the transcendental self, which enables individuals to establish voluntary connections with themselves and others over time. They emphasize that meaningful patterns and structures exist within voluntary association, making it far from meaningless or anarchic. They also highlight the enduring impact of work rooted in archetypal realities, as it becomes part of a lasting tradition. Furthermore, they warn against the dangers of dogmatic utopianism and the horrors that can arise from it, asserting the need for an alternative that promotes voluntary cooperation and rejects moral relativism.

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