
    333. Konstantin Kisin and the Counter-Woke Revolution

    enFebruary 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Open Dialogue and Positive Messages Making a Great ImpactAdults should not be afraid to tell children what they need to hear and conversations like the one between Jordan and Constantine Kissen can serve as an example of how open dialogue and positive messages can make a great impact.

      Jordan was speaking with Constantine Kissen, a Russian-British satirist and social commentator, who had made a powerful speech at the Oxford Union.His words resonated with millions who had been looking for a positive message.He argued that adults should not be afraid to tell children what they need to hear.He also discussed the population catastrophe which had been predicted in the 1960s, but which never actually occurred due to the abundance of primary resources.The conversation between the two of them serves as an example of how open dialogue and positive messages can make a great impact.

    • Achieving Long-Term Sustainability Without Sacrificing the FuturePoverty alleviation, especially on the energy front, is a practical way to achieve our goal of long-term sustainability and to solve the real problems of the world. We must recognize the privilege the Western world enjoys and use it to make a positive change.

      We have achieved a great milestone - 8 billion people in the world now have access to basic resources.This has allowed us to become richer and richer.However, some people claim that our way of living is unsustainable and that we need five earths to feed everyone on the planet.But, this is wrong.When people are poor and struggling to get their next meal, they cannot think of the future.But, when they can afford the basic necessities, they start to think about the long-term sustainability.We can progress without sacrificing the future.We can solve the problems of the world with practical attempts and this can be achieved by ameliorating poverty, especially on the energy front.We must understand the privilege that the Western world enjoys and use it to solve the real problems of the world.

    • Finding a Balanced View of Climate ChangeTo make real progress towards solving the climate change problem, we must recognize the complexities of the situation and work together to find a balanced solution that acknowledges the heroic nature of individuals striving for environmental stewardship.

      In today's world, we are aware of the climate change problem; but many people turn to a religious worldview to make sense of it.It often involves an idea of 'nature as hapless virgin' and society as the 'rapacious monster'.This religious worldview, however, is incomplete and does not account for the complexity of the situation.Rather, a more balanced view is necessary.For instance, nature can also be seen as a 'hideous gogan like demon' and culture as the 'walled garden' that protects us from its ravages.It is important to recognize the heroic nature of individuals who strive to form a relationship with the planet that approximates environmental stewardship.Moreover, we must also be aware of people's tendency to resort to 'woke enterprises' as an easier solution to the climate change problem.It is easy to wave a placard and complain about an oil company, but it is much harder to do something concrete and real.To make real progress, we must learn to recognize the complexities of the situation and work together to find a balanced solution.

    • Making the Most of Our Privileged OpportunitiesWe should be thankful for the chances we have been provided with and strive to extend these opportunities to others.

      We are privileged with so many opportunities in life.Though, we may not have earned them, we should make the most of the gifts we have been given and work hard to extend those opportunities to others.This is how we can atone for the unequal distribution of talents in the world.We can use our privilege to help those less fortunate, and show gratitude for the chances we have been provided with.Instead of self-hatred, we should use this as a motivation to make a positive difference.

    • Channeling Rebellion into Constructive OutletsTaking on responsibility is the best pathway forward to find meaning and build relationships, abilities, and creative endeavors.

      Young people need an outlet to channel their rebellion into something constructive.Showing them a way out of wokeness by hard work, building, and creating is important.Rebelling against the status quo is natural, but it's important to note that the world is not perfectable - all you can do is tinker at the edges.Jordan Peterson's books teach that sometimes taking on responsibility is the best pathway forward.It's a way to find meaning to sustain you through suffering and build relationships, abilities, and creative endeavors.Doing something brings the realization of trade-offs and the truth that the world is imperfect.

    • Taking Responsibility for Achieving a Meaningful LifeHaving a meaningful life requires effort and taking responsibility can be the starting point for a constructive future.

      Having a meaningful life can be daunting, especially when one has no idea where to start.Rather than do nothing, a good place to start is to look at what other people are doing that works.There are seven or eight major domains to consider, such as having an intimate partner, family, parents, siblings, children, friends, and so on.Doing so may not necessarily lead to the desired goals, but it can help to set a low bar.It is also important to remember that having a family is not a must but can be a good way to find meaning.Being creative is always an option, but it is not for everyone.Achieving a meaningful life requires effort, and taking responsibility can be the starting point for a constructive future.

    • Crafting a Meaningful Life Through PlanningCreating a plan for your life is a necessity to lead a meaningful life and keep anxiety away. It is important to take care of your mental and physical health, learn something new and make productive use of your free time, and consider doing something on the civic front.

      Having a plan for your life is important for a successful future.It is important to take care of yourself, both mentally and physically.It is also important to learn something new and make productive use of your free time.People should think about doing something on the civic front and regulate their behavior in relation to temptations.Having a good plan for your life is key and can help keep anxiety away.It can create meaning and help people identify with their pathway forward.It is not an option but a necessity for a meaningful life.

    • Unifying the Spirit of ReligionReligion is a powerful tool that allows us to strive for self-improvement and work towards a better version of ourselves. It serves as a unifying spirit that prevents us from falling into psychological disintegration and social chaos.

      The story of religion is one of self-improvement, allowing us to start anew with God's mercy each week.It's a pathway forward to the rectification of our inadequacies, a unifying spirit that prevents us from falling into psychological disintegration and social chaos.The Bible is a series of meditations on the nature of this monotheistic animating spirit, as shown in stories like Noah and the Tower of Babel.In the story of Noah, belief in the voice of God is a faith decision, while in the Tower of Babel, Yahweh is the spirit that stands against totalitarianism.Religion is a powerful tool that helps us strive towards a better version of ourselves.

    • Taking Risks to Pursue a Higher PurposeFaith is trusting an internal intuition that provides direction in times of doubt, and taking risks in order to pursue a higher purpose.

      Abraham and Moses are two examples of individuals who followed an internal voice to take great risks in order to pursue a higher purpose.Abraham, who was privileged and had comfort, was called to leave and make his own way in the world.Moses was called to lead his people out of slavery and oppression into the desert.Both stories demonstrate the power of a transcendent force, guiding individuals to step outside their comfort zone and embrace adventure.This force can be seen as an internal intuition that can be trusted, and provides direction in times of doubt.Faith is not only believing in something, but also taking risks in order to pursue a higher purpose.

    • Integrating Intuition and LogosIntuition can be thought of as the "eye at the top of the pyramid" that helps make decisions, and may be the same as the Greek notion of logos, or the Judeo-Christian idea of God as the logos, which can provide appropriate guidance and help act in harmony with being itself.

      A person might have an intuition that guides them, but it can be hard to integrate this feeling with other feelings that may be conflicting.It can be difficult to conceptualize this intuition as "God," but it can be helpful to think of it as the "eye at the top of the pyramid" that can help them make decisions.This could be the same as the Greek notion of logos, which is the wisdom of the world making itself manifest, or the Judeo-Christian idea of God as the logos.Allowing this order to make itself manifest within someone can provide them with the most appropriate possible guidance and can help them act in harmony with being itself.

    • Unlocking Universal Truths Through Humility and OpennessAdmitting our weaknesses and listening to our intuition can help us gain a better understanding of the world around us.

      Humility and openness to correction are essential to learning.Without admitting that you have a problem and sacrificing the part of you that's wrong, you cannot open up to revelation.Our individual experiences are uniquely our own, however, the emotions we feel are universal and can be felt and understood by all.It is through this understanding that we can learn from one another and begin to comprehend the cosmic order.By listening to our intuition, we can unlock universal truths and gain a better understanding of the world around us.

    • Transforming the Human Experience Through Hypnosis and Shared MoralityHypnosis can be a powerful tool to transform the human experience by connecting us to one another through shared morality and conscience.

      The human experience is one of shared emotions, motivations and spiritual connections.We often communicate through a shared language of morality and conscience.Even those with unique perspectives can find common ground.Sometimes, this is experienced through the practice of hypnosis.Through deep trance identification, it is possible to take on the habits or even identity of another person.This can be a powerful and transformative experience, connecting us to the greater universe and each other.Despite the potential of organized religion to become corrupt, we must remain aware of the importance of morality and the connection between all of us.

    • Striking the Right Balance Between Individual Freedom and the Collective GoodThe Protestant Revolution gave individuals the freedom to decide matters of faith and religion, but we must find the right balance between our individual interpretations of religious texts and the collective good.

      The Protestant revolution gave individuals the freedom to decide for themselves on matters of faith and religion, without having to go through a middleman.This freedom gave individuals the power to interpret religious texts as they wished.However, this could lead to an over-liberalization of an individual's take on religion, and become detrimental to the society as a whole.The key is to find the right balance between individual freedom and the collective good.

    • Finding Our Own Morality and Respect for OthersWhile we may choose our own morality, it does not necessarily mean that the source of the intuition is us. Respect for the interpretations of others is important.

      Many people believe that in order to make sense of the world and unite humanity, some kind of spiritual or transcendent idea is necessary.This could be a god or a belief system.People who don't accept this often turn to their own intuition and morality to guide them.They might be faced with tough choices, but they still have the choice of whether to accept their intuition or not.It is important to remember that while we may choose our own morality, it does not necessarily mean that the source of the intuition is us.It is important to remember that everyone has their own interpretation of what is right and wrong and this should be respected.

    • Understanding Our Intuition and Connection to OthersWe have access to a pool of intuition that provides us with helpful advice. We must balance our vertical connection to the transcendent and our horizontal connection to others in order to create a well-constituted polity.

      A life of learning is filled with moments of understanding and questioning.We may have access to a pool of intuition, which provides us with useful advice.Our intuition is not just something unique to us, but it is also structured in a way that facilitates our interaction with others.Sometimes we must sacrifice ourselves in order to combat bad religion, but even then we can explain this as a result of principles that have been ingrained in us by our life experiences and by our family.Ultimately, we must balance our vertical connection to the transcendent with our horizontal connection to others in order to create a well-constituted polity.

    • A Parent's Role in Achieving CoherenceBecoming a parent can be an opportunity to understand the concept of coherence, or the highest good conceivable. When we open ourselves up to loving another more than ourselves, we can glimpse a greater sense of unity and purpose.

      Being a parent can be a humbling experience, with a newfound sense of love and responsibility that can be difficult to comprehend.However, it can also be an opportunity to understand the concept of coherence, or the highest good conceivable.When we open ourselves up to love another person more than ourselves and are willing to sacrifice our own needs for theirs, we can glimpse a greater sense of unity and purpose.This is akin to the idea of the divine mentioned in the discussion, and the meta principle of all commandments being oriented towards the highest good.Although it may seem daunting to strive for such unity, having a child can be a powerful reminder of what it can look like.

    • Becoming Mature and Coherent Through LoveTo win the battle of ideas, we must focus on the seven or eight important things in life and articulate what we are for to inspire people to make the right choices.

      Parents who are not narcissists recognize that having a child is a huge responsibility that requires them to become more mature.Love is a result of this growth as it allows us to become more coherent.Recently, we discussed the Woke Enterprise and how it is similar to a religion.We can't just point out what is wrong with it, but must offer a positive and invitational vision.Otherwise, we will become just as deranged as those pushing the Woke agenda.To win the battle of ideas, we must articulate what we are for, such as focusing on the seven or eight important things in life.This is how we can inspire people to make the right choices.

    • Striving for Balance between Faith and RationalityRecognizing the importance of truth is essential in order to express our thoughts and opinions effectively, and to discover the divine and transcendent value within each of us.

      Life has meaning when we are able to express our thoughts and opinions and share them with others.To do this effectively, we must recognize the importance of truth and reality.The danger comes when we reject truth and instead focus on a battle that has no basis in reality.We must strive to maintain a balance between faith and rationality, as this is the only way to reach a common understanding.By recognizing the importance of truth, we can make strides towards discovering the divine and the transcendent value that is within each and every one of us.

    • Recognizing and Accepting the Reality of EvilPeople need to realize that there are risks posed to children and women's safety, and that criminal and bad people have always existed throughout history. We need to create a positive vision to combat this growing problem, one that allows for both alienation and choice.

      The truth claims of the woke identitarian movement are being challenged as people are starting to realize the risks posed to children and women's safety.It is naive to deny the existence of evil and narcissistic psychopaths who may be willing to deceive others.People cannot be solely blamed on a bad system, as criminals and bad people have always existed throughout history.We need a positive vision to combat this growing problem, one that allows for both alienation and choice.It is up to us to recognize and accept the reality of evil and to create a better future for everyone.

    • Uniting to Achieve a Positive Vision of the FuturePeople from all around the world are coming together to make a positive change in the world through a voluntary, shared responsibility.

      In this conversation, Jordan and Konstantin discuss the need for a positive vision of the future that can be united by all.The spirit of this vision is that it must be voluntary and based on widespread distribution of responsibility for everyone.They recognize that this is a difficult task, yet people from all around the world are coming together to make it happen.It is a great example of how people can unite to make a positive change in the world.

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    For Premier Danielle Smith:


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    LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/abdaniellesmith


    Info Page: https://www.alberta.ca/premier.aspx

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    Substack https://substack.com/@jdhaltigan 

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    This episode was recorded on June 28, 2024



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    Cool Worlds on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@CoolWorldsLab

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    Buy Tickets to “Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot”  https://www.angel.com/tickets/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot?utm_source=google-ads&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkJm0BhBxEiwAwT1AXNLKBwIwZgec8P6mId1nHLkQiJLyUWRUSU6RfngcU_rdJtWuStXtgxoCTpAQAvD_BwE


    “Sound of Hope” website https://www.angel.com/movies/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot


    Press and Cast information https://www.angel.com/press/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot 

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    For Dr. Eithan Haim:

    Legal defense fund via GiveSendGo - https://www.givesendgo.com/texas_whistleblower


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    This episode was recorded on June 15th, 2024



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    For Katharine Birbalsingh:


    On X https://x.com/miss_snuffy


    Documentary on the Michaela school  www.strictestheadmistress.com


    Website for the Michaela Community school in Wembley, London. Here you can sign up for a visit www.michaela.education 

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    For Ayaan Hirsi Ali:


    On X https://twitter.com/Ayaan?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Restoration Bulletin https://www.restorationbulletin.com/

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