
    #324 – Daniel Negreanu: Poker

    enSeptember 27, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Gaining an Edge in Poker Through InformationRecognizing both conscious and subconscious cues from opponents, as well as their background and type of person, can give you an advantage in poker.

      Poker is a game of information.To gain an edge, one needs to be able to read their opponents.This involves both conscious and subconscious cues.Conscious cues can involve verbal statements, while subconscious cues can involve body posture, eyes, throat, pulse, etc.Different players have different styles; while Phil Ivy may try to intimidate, Daniel Negreanu prefers to have his opponents relax and give off more subtle cues.It is important to also consider the background of your opponents; a lawyer may be comfortable with deception, while a Sunday school teacher may not.Finally, it is important to recognize the type of person you are playing against and how it affects their decision making; a person who feels unlucky will be more likely to fold when bluffing.

    • Understanding Your Opponent's Range of HandsTo succeed in Poker, you must assess the potential hands your opponents could be holding by considering the range of hands in the game. This range can be narrowed down when a player raises and can help you make better decisions for a higher chance of success.

      Poker is a game of psychology and strategy that requires players to make decisions about what their opponents are holding.To do this, players can assess the range of hands that their opponents have, which is the potential hands they could hold based on what has been seen in the game so far.This range can be represented by a grid which is narrowed down when a player raises.By understanding the range of hands that your opponents have, you can make better decisions and have a higher chance of success in the game.

    • Winning a Game of Poker Through Strategic DecisionsPoker is a strategic game where players must assess their opponent's actions in order to narrow down their range of hands. It is important to think about their range and not just their specific hand and to have a balanced range of value hands and bluffs. Making the right decisions and understanding the range of hands can help you win a game of poker.

      Poker is a strategic game where players must make decisions based on the range of hands an opponent might have.By assessing their opponent's actions on the flop, turn, and river, it is possible to narrow down their range of hands.It is important to think about what the opponent might have in their range and not just their specific hand.Bluffing can be used to create false mental models and gain an advantage, but it is important to also make sure to have a balanced range of value hands and bluffs.Through making the right decisions and understanding the range of hands, it is possible to win a game of poker.

    • Understanding Opponents Essential for Poker SuccessTo become successful in poker, it is important to understand opponents' tendencies and switch between game theory optimal (GTO) and exploitative play. Being at the cutting edge of suboptimal play is key to becoming a better player.

      It is important to understand the opponents in a poker game to become successful.Knowing their tendencies, either physical tells or betting patterns, is essential to gain information to exploit them.One has to switch between game theory optimal (GTO) and exploitative play to play better.GTO is playing like rock-paper-scissors, where you cannot be exploited, but it does not guarantee a win.On the other hand, exploitative play takes into account the opponent's history to adjust your play accordingly.The higher the buy-in, the more similar the players' profiles are, as they have similar style of play.Being at the cutting edge of suboptimal play is the goal.By watching the top players, one can learn to adjust their play to become better.

    • Adapting Strategies to Outsmart Opponents in PokerTo be successful in poker, players must be able to shift their strategies, play unorthodox moves, and be willing to make large bets to exploit their opponents' weaknesses.

      Learning from the conversation between Lex Fridman and Daniel Negreanu, poker players have to be able to shift their strategies to stay ahead of the game.Specifically, Michael Adomo was able to find success by playing unorthodox moves and exploiting his opponents' weaknesses.Daniel Negreanu also notes the importance of being willing to "go for it" and make large bets even if they may seem illogical, as it allows him to take advantage of his opponents' tendencies.Ultimately, poker players must be able to adapt to be successful.

    • Strategizing to Gain an Advantage in PokerConsider your opponents' reputation and use it to your advantage when making decisions in order to gain an advantage in Poker.

      Poker is a game of strategy and mind games.One player must consider what hands the other might have and how that might affect their own strategy.When playing against an opponent, you must consider their reputation as an aggressive player.This player may be more likely to bluff or take risks in order to gain an advantage.Knowing this, you must decide whether you should call or fold based on what your opponent may be representing.Ultimately, it is up to you to decide how you want to be perceived by your opponent and how to use that to your advantage.

    • Harnessing Uncertainty and Resilience at the Poker TableBetting strategically can give you an edge in poker, but it's important to remember that luck still plays a role and it's important to stay resilient in the face of disappointment.

      Poker is a game of uncertainty and resilience is key to playing well in tournaments.Betting can control how opponents perceive your range of hands, making it important to understand how your bet size affects what they think you have.Having the correct hand is essential, but the hands you are representing can be just as important.Superstitions may have a role to play in the game, but it's important to not fall in love with any particular hand.Even if you play optimally, you may still lose due to luck and it's important to stay resilient in the face of disappointment.

    • Understanding the Balance of Skill, Luck and Ethics in PokerPoker is a game of skill, luck and ethics. It is important to recognize when one is not playing well and to find situations where one can be profitable. Additionally, it is important to consider the ethical implications of playing people much worse than oneself.

      Poker is a game of skill and luck.It is important to understand the difference between bad luck and making bad decisions.It is essential to be able to recognize when one is in a state of delusion of thinking they are great when they are not.It is also important to be able to find situations where you can be profitable regardless of one's skill level.Lastly, it is important to understand the ethical implications of playing people much worse than you, as well as the potential rewards.

    • The Value of Perseverance, Resilience, and Humility in Daniel Negreanu's StoryDaniel Negreanu's story is a valuable lesson in perseverance, resilience, and humility, even when faced with adversity such as losing a million dollars in a short span of time. He never lost faith in himself and continued to move forward with transparency and without compromising his values.

      Daniel Negreanu is a professional poker player who has had his ups and downs but no matter what he never lost faith in himself.He evidences this in his refusal to be a hustler or kiss anyone's ass and in his resilience in the face of adversity.Even when he lost a million dollars over 48 days and felt hopeless, he stilled picked himself up and kept going.He was also very transparent with his viewers, letting them experience the pain and struggles he goes through.This is a valuable lesson in perseverance, resilience, and humility.

    • Applying Strategy and Resilience in PokerMistakes are inevitable and can be used as opportunities to learn and improve. Focus on making the best decisions, not on the results, even in the times of greatest adversity.

      A poker player was playing in a tournament with a variety of different buy-ins.He was applying a strategy for the whole seven weeks, but despite making the best possible decisions, he was still losing.He realised that in poker, just like in golf, mistakes are inevitable and can be used as opportunities to learn and improve.He also learnt that resilience is key and that the focus should be on making the best decisions, not on the results.This holds true even in the times of greatest adversity.

    • Allowing Emotion, Taking a Good Night's Sleep, and Possessing a Positive Outlook are Essential to SuccessHaving a positive outlook, allowing yourself to feel emotion, and taking a good night's sleep are essential to success.

      Daniel Negreanu has had a long and insightful journey in poker.He experienced failure early on by going to Vegas with $3000 and losing it all in 24 hours.It was his lowest point and he had to walk back to his budget suites with no money.It was a moment of despair, but he found strength in himself to keep going.He emphasizes the importance of allowing yourself to experience the emotion and not suppressing it.He also recommends taking a good night's sleep and having faith that everything will be alright in the morning.So having a positive outlook, allowing yourself to feel emotion, and taking a good night's sleep are essential to success.

    • Sleep as a Priority During EventsTaking naps between tournaments and getting enough sleep helps to reset the mind and have enough energy. Eating right and working out can help to get back to normal routine within six weeks.

      Daniel Negreanu is a professional poker player and has to focus on sleep as a priority during events such as the World Series of Poker.Although he is usually very regimented with his diet, he allows himself to indulge in treats during the World Series as they help him relax.He also takes naps between tournaments to help him reset his mind and have enough energy.Negreanu is blessed with being a good sleeper, but when he can't get eight hours of sleep, he makes sure to nap.Although he is aware that his body takes a beating during the World Series, he trusts that with eating right and working out, he can get back to his normal routine within six weeks.

    • Achieving Success Through Hard Work, Motivation and DedicationDaniel Negreanu's story is a reminder that we can all reach our goals with the right attitude and effort.

      Daniel Negreanu's story of success is an example of what hard work, motivation and dedication can achieve.Although he had to overcome doubts and challenges, he persisted in staying ahead of the game.He prepared for competitions by studying opponents, formulating game plans and learning new techniques.His determination and resilience has made him one of the greatest poker players of all time.His story is a reminder that we can all reach our goals with the right attitude and effort.

    • Staying Open to Learning and Evolving with the TimesTo be successful, it is important to stay humble, respectful, and introspective and to stay up-to-date with the ever-evolving world and maintain a good work ethic. Technology can offer optimal solutions to any challenge.

      Humility, respect and introspection can take you further in life than just relying on talent.No matter how talented you are, it’s important to be open to learning new things and to stay up-to-date with the times.In the past, people had to rely on their own skills and experiences or the knowledge of their peers to become successful.Now, with the help of technology, you can access the optimal solutions to any challenge and get ahead.Keeping up with the ever-evolving world and maintaining a good work ethic can be a great advantage in life.

    • Balancing Solver and Intuition for Optimal Poker PlayPoker players should use solvers to make complex calculations and find the best move, but should also build up strong intuition and understanding from the solver's recommendations to avoid becoming overly dependent on it.

      Learning from the output, we can see that solvers provide an efficient way to aid in decision making for poker players.Solvers use the player's cards and their opponents range to make complex calculations and find the best move.Although solvers are helpful, it's important to also build up strong intuition and understanding from the solver's recommendations so as not to become overly dependent on it.Balancing both solver and intuition is key for any poker player.

    • Mastering the Fundamentals of PokerTo be successful in poker, it is important to understand both online and live poker strategies and to use the right approach for the right situation.

      Playing poker requires skill and intuition, as well as the ability to think one step ahead.Online poker requires players to focus on fundamentals, such as game theory, to gain an edge against opponents.It is important to be aware of the data available online and to use it to create a strategy.It is also important to remember that playing online means there is no information to be gained from observing your opponents; thus, decisions must be made based on logical reasoning and analysis.Live poker, on the other hand, requires players to use their intuition and feel for the game to make decisions.Both styles of play can be enjoyable, but it is important to remember to use the right approach for the right situation.

    • Manipulating the Outcome of the Game Through Charismatic ControlEven a few words can have a powerful effect and change the outcome of a game when used by an experienced player with a deep understanding of game theory.

      Daniel Negreanu is a poker champion who has been playing for many years.He remembers one hand in particular that he found especially memorable.A friend of his had bet all in on the river and his opponent was struggling to make a decision.Negreanu used his charm and experience to psychologically manipulate the other player by telling him to call, stating that it will be "all over baby".His strategy worked and his friend won the hand.This serves as a reminder that even a few words can have a powerful effect and change the outcome of a game.Negreanu has experienced ebbs and flows of playing styles over the years but has come to the conclusion that the most dangerous version of himself is when he combines a deep understanding of game theory with his years of experience and comfort level at the table.

    • A Study in Tenacity: Phil Ivy, The Greatest Poker Player of All TimePhil Ivy's intense drive for perfection and ability to focus on and correct mistakes sets him apart and makes him the greatest poker player of all time.

      Phil Ivy is widely regarded as the greatest poker player of all time.He is an incredibly focused and tenacious player with an intense drive for perfection.He has been dominant in all forms of poker, and has made millions in many arenas.He is unique in his approach, taking lessons from iconic athletes like Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan, and while he may not be having the most fun, his ability to focus on and correct mistakes is what sets him apart.No one can quite match Phil Ivy's skill, and it takes an immense amount of effort to beat him.

    • Mastering the Art of PokerPoker is a unique game requiring both strategy and the courage to take risks, and the legendary players have mastered it through their understanding of the game, strategic minds, and experience.

      Poker is a unique game of both strategy and personalities.Legendary players like Doyle Bronson, Phil Heu, Danielle Neno, and Justin BMO have mastered the art of reading their opponents and executing their strategies.Not only do they have a great understanding of the game, they also have the courage and confidence to take risks.They have the experience and work ethic to understand the game, along with an intuitive strategic mind to make the best decisions.They have also seen poker evolve over the years and understand what it takes to be successful.Poker is a great game that is both challenging and rewarding, and these players have mastered it.

    • Daniel Negreanu: A Poker Player Who Has Seen the TransitionDaniel Negreanu is an example of a successful poker player who has seen the transition of the game from a game for the mob to a professional sport. He has great confidence and self-awareness, built a multi-million-dollar bankroll, and is determined to stick around and hates to lose. These qualities make him one of the greatest poker players of all time.

      Daniel Negreanu is an example of a poker player who has seen the transition of the game from a game for the mob to a professional sport.He has seen the online world and has a great resume at the World Series of Poker.He has a lot of faith and confidence and does not lack in belief that he can win.Phil's biggest strength is his self-awareness and humility which allows him to learn from others.He has also built a multi-million dollar bankroll without any sponsorships.He is also determined to stick around and hates to lose.These are the qualities which make Phil one of the greatest poker players of all time.

    • Learning is a Life-Long Process: Daniel Negreanu's AdviceStay open-minded, hungry to learn, and maintain a healthy balance in order to stay successful and relevant.

      Learning is a life-long process, and staying on top of the game is important to remain successful and relevant.Daniel Negreanu has shown the importance of having humility and respect for the younger generation and their knowledge.He believes that it is important to stay open-minded and to try and learn from them, rather than to poo poo their ideas.He is a scholar of the game and is able to adjust to the ever-evolving culture and games.Negreanu also believes that balance is important in order to maintain a healthy mental state.With this in mind, he recommends studying daily and staying hungry to stay on top.

    • Dedication and Practice: The Keys to Success in PokerTo be successful in the game of poker, one must be comfortable in front of the camera, be prepared to play for long hours and have accountability when making mistakes.

      Poker is an ever-evolving game which requires a lot of dedication and practice.Daniel Negreanu is an example of this, as he takes days off to focus on other activities and then comes back when he has the itch to play again.Through his experiences, he has learnt that one has to be comfortable in front of the camera in order to be successful in the game.He also understands that to win the main event of the World Series of Poker, one needs to be prepared to play for long hours and to face unfamiliar players.It also helps to have accountability when making mistakes in the game.Daniel's vlogs have been beneficial for the poker community as it provides a platform to learn and grow.

    • Patience, Calculated Risks, and Aggressive Play are Essential for Winning the World Series of Poker Main EventPlaying the World Series of Poker Main Event requires patience, calculated risks, aggressive play, and an understanding of chip values and when to make risky moves. Knowing when to play tight and when to go for the win is essential for success.

      An amateur playing in the World Series of Poker Main Event needs to be patient and take calculated risks.They should understand that pros are usually not bluffing and that they should not over-bluff either.Playing aggressively and taking advantage of the other players' weaknesses are key.At the final table, it is important to pay attention to chip values and to not be afraid to make risky moves, as the rewards can be substantial.Knowing when to play tight and when to go for the win is essential for success in this tournament.

    • Understanding The Difference Between Going For First Place And Winning The Most MoneyLearning to play poker requires strategic and financial decisions. It is important to seek out resources to help improve, such as books, streaming sessions and game theory, in order to become a better poker player.

      Learning to play poker requires strategic and financial decisions.It is important to understand the difference between going for first place and winning the most money.One must also be willing to take risks and understand how to analyze hands.Moreover, it is important to learn from mistakes and similar situations.There are many resources available to help poker players improve, including books, streaming sessions and game theory.It is important to seek out these resources in order to become a better poker player.

    • Becoming an Expert Poker PlayerTo become an expert poker player, it is important to understand the basics of the game, the strategies involved, and how to attack the game on a deeper level. Taking free resources available online, such as Daniel Negreanu's masterclass, is a great way to do this. Different strategies need to be employed for heads up and multi-player poker, and players need to stay vigilant for any attempts to cheat.

      Learning poker requires a great deal of skill and knowledge.It is important to know the basics of the game and the strategies involved.To become an expert poker player, it is also important to understand how to attack the game on a deeper level.This can be done by taking free resources available online, such as Daniel Negreanu's masterclass, which breaks down the complexities of the game into a more manageable format.Different strategies need to be employed for heads up and multi-player poker, as the dynamics between them are vastly different.Finally, it is important to stay vigilant for any attempts to cheat, both online and offline.

    • The Risks and Consequences of Cheating in PokerCheating in poker is always a risk and casinos must ensure fairness and security to prevent it. Cheaters will always be punished for their actions.

      Cheating in Poker is always a risk, but there are many security measures in place to detect it.Daniel Negreanu shared a story of when he was cheated in a private game as a teenager.He learnt to be wary of who you trust and the importance of burn cards.Phil Ivy's case was a disaster as he exploited the imperfections in card printing and accepted a game he could beat.This is a reminder that casinos must ensure fairness and security and cheaters will always be punished.

    • Professional Players Must Always Consider the Risks and RewardsProfessional players can gain a competitive edge by recognizing the patterns and weaknesses of the game they are playing, but they must be aware of the consequences if they are caught exploiting these weaknesses.

      It is important to be aware of the imperfections in the game you are playing.Professional players can exploit these weaknesses to gain a competitive edge.This could be as simple as recognising the pattern on the back of the card or noticing when the deck is rich in face cards and adjusting your bet accordingly.However, if you are caught exploiting these weaknesses, you may face consequences such as being asked to leave the casino.Professional players must always be aware of the risks and rewards associated with playing the game.

    • Being Aware of Tells and Casino Rules in GamblingGambling can be an exciting pastime, but it's important to stay mindful of your surroundings and to follow the rules set by casinos.

      Gambling is a popular pastime, but it's important to always be aware of what's going on around you.Players can sometimes give off tells - small hints or clues to their style of play.One such tell is when they increase their bet size when the deck is favorable to them.Casinos also have rules to ensure that no one person is making too much money, and they might kick someone out if they suspect cheating.Despite this, casinos want to make money and so they still want players to win and come back.Characters in the movie Casino represent this, showing the highs and lows of the Vegas gambling lifestyle.People should always remember to be aware of their surroundings and enjoy the excitement of the game responsibly.

    • Embrace Risks and Find Joy in Giving to Achieve True FulfilmentFollow your passions, take risks and be generous to achieve a life of true fulfilment and happiness.

      Being passionate and following your dreams is key to living a life you can be proud of.Choose something you love and work hard to achieve it.Don't just pick something because you think it will make you rich.Take risks in your twenties and don't be afraid to make mistakes.Have a backup plan too.Find joy in giving, be generous and don't be afraid to put yourself out there.Finally, remember that true fulfilment and happiness come from doing something you love, not from becoming rich.

    • Money is Not the Only Source of HappinessMoney can bring comfort and security, but it can also be a source of unhappiness if it's used to fill emotional gaps. It's important to remember that money is not the end goal and that it can't buy the things that truly matter in life.

      Money is not the only source of happiness.While money can bring some level of comfort and security, it can also be a source of unhappiness if it's used to fill emotional gaps.It's important to remember that money is not the end goal, and that it can't buy the things that truly matter in life.It's also important to remain humble and stay true to yourself, no matter how much money you have.Don't let it change your outlook on life or how you view others.At the end of the day, money can be a great tool, but it's not the only source of joy and fulfillment.

    • Rekindling Love in the Human ConditionLove has a powerful impact on the human condition, and it is important to be patient and understand that the highs and lows are all part of the journey.

      Love plays a major role in the human condition.It can bring us joy, but also despair.Daniel Negreanu experienced this first hand when he fell in love with his current wife.Having previously been married and going through a break-up, he was jaded and resentful.He had to go through his own personal growth work and workshops before he was ready to be in a relationship.Eventually, with time, and patience, Negreanu and his wife found their way back to each other and their love rekindled.Love has a powerful impact on the human condition, and it is important to remember that the highs and lows are all part of the journey.

    • Accepting and Loving Someone for Who They AreIt is essential for healthy relationships to accept and love someone for who they are and be supportive in times of need. Furthermore, it is important to be aware of when to hold on and when to fold in any situation and not be too focused on the outcome.

      Learning to accept and love someone for who they are and not pass judgement can be a difficult challenge.However, it is essential for healthy relationships.Kenny Rogers’ famous song ‘The Gambler’ teaches us to know when to hold on and when to fold in any situation.This includes knowing when to walk away from something that isn’t working and when to stay strong in the face of challenges.Furthermore, it’s important to not be too focused on the outcome and enjoy the journey.Accepting and loving someone for who they are and being supportive in times of need is key to a successful relationship.

    • Taking Responsibility for Our Lives and Learning When to Fold and When to RunEvents can be painful and traumatic, but it is up to us to decide how we respond and what value we assign to them. We should also appreciate and be grateful for the positive influences in our lives.

      This story teaches us that there is a difference between being a victim and taking responsibility for our lives.While events can be painful and traumatic, it is up to us to decide how we respond and what value we assign to them.This is our choice, and something we have control over.We can also learn from the gambler's philosophy: Every hand is a winner and a loser, so it is important to know when to fold and when to run.Finally, it is always important to appreciate and be grateful for the positive influences in our lives.

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    #435 – Andrew Huberman: Focus, Controversy, Politics, and Relationships

    #435 – Andrew Huberman: Focus, Controversy, Politics, and Relationships
    Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist at Stanford and host of the Huberman Lab Podcast. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack - AG1: https://drinkag1.com/lex to get 1 month supply of fish oil - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/andrew-huberman-5-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Andrew's YouTube: https://youtube.com/AndrewHubermanLab Andrew's Instagram: https://instagram.com/hubermanlab Andrew's Website: https://hubermanlab.com Andrew's X: https://x.com/hubermanlab Andrew's book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3RNSIQN Andrew's book: https://hubermanlab.com/protocols-book PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:24) - Quitting and evolving (17:22) - How to focus and think deeply (19:56) - Cannabis drama (30:08) - Jungian shadow (40:35) - Supplements (43:38) - Nicotine (48:01) - Caffeine (49:48) - Math gaffe (1:06:50) - 2024 presidential elections (1:13:47) - Great white sharks (1:22:32) - Ayahuasca & psychedelics (1:37:33) - Relationships (1:45:08) - Productivity (1:53:58) - Friendship
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enJune 28, 2024

    #434 – Aravind Srinivas: Perplexity CEO on Future of AI, Search & the Internet

    #434 – Aravind Srinivas: Perplexity CEO on Future of AI, Search & the Internet
    Arvind Srinivas is CEO of Perplexity, a company that aims to revolutionize how we humans find answers to questions on the Internet. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Cloaked: https://cloaked.com/lex and use code LexPod to get 25% off - ShipStation: https://shipstation.com/lex and use code LEX to get 60-day free trial - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/aravind-srinivas-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Aravind's X: https://x.com/AravSrinivas Perplexity: https://perplexity.ai/ Perplexity's X: https://x.com/perplexity_ai PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:52) - How Perplexity works (18:48) - How Google works (41:16) - Larry Page and Sergey Brin (55:50) - Jeff Bezos (59:18) - Elon Musk (1:01:36) - Jensen Huang (1:04:53) - Mark Zuckerberg (1:06:21) - Yann LeCun (1:13:07) - Breakthroughs in AI (1:29:05) - Curiosity (1:35:22) - $1 trillion dollar question (1:50:13) - Perplexity origin story (2:05:25) - RAG (2:27:43) - 1 million H100 GPUs (2:30:15) - Advice for startups (2:42:52) - Future of search (3:00:29) - Future of AI
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enJune 19, 2024

    #433 – Sara Walker: Physics of Life, Time, Complexity, and Aliens

    #433 – Sara Walker: Physics of Life, Time, Complexity, and Aliens
    Sara Walker is an astrobiologist and theoretical physicist. She is the author of a new book titled "Life as No One Knows It: The Physics of Life's Emergence". Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Notion: https://notion.com/lex - Motific: https://motific.ai - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off - AG1: https://drinkag1.com/lex to get 1 month supply of fish oil Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/sara-walker-3-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Sara's Book - Life as No One Knows It: https://amzn.to/3wVmOe1 Sara's X: https://x.com/Sara_Imari Sara's Instagram: https://instagram.com/alien_matter PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:40) - Definition of life (31:18) - Time and space (42:00) - Technosphere (46:25) - Theory of everything (55:06) - Origin of life (1:16:44) - Assembly theory (1:32:58) - Aliens (1:44:48) - Great Perceptual Filter (1:48:45) - Fashion (1:52:47) - Beauty (1:59:08) - Language (2:05:50) - Computation (2:15:37) - Consciousness (2:24:28) - Artificial life (2:48:21) - Free will (2:55:05) - Why anything exists
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enJune 13, 2024

    #432 – Kevin Spacey: Power, Controversy, Betrayal, Truth & Love in Film and Life

    #432 – Kevin Spacey: Power, Controversy, Betrayal, Truth & Love in Film and Life
    Kevin Spacey is a two-time Oscar-winning actor, who starred in Se7en, the Usual Suspects, American Beauty, and House of Cards, creating haunting performances of characters who often embody the dark side of human nature. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/lexpod to get 3 months free - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - AG1: https://drinkag1.com/lex to get 1 month supply of fish oil EPISODE LINKS: Kevin's X: https://x.com/KevinSpacey Kevin's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinspacey Kevin's YouTube: https://youtube.com/kevinspacey Kevin's Website: https://kevinspacey.com/ PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:14) - Seven (13:54) - David Fincher (21:46) - Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman (27:15) - Acting (35:40) - Improve (44:24) - Al Pacino (48:07) - Jack Lemmon (57:25) - American Beauty (1:17:34) - Mortality (1:20:22) - Allegations (1:38:19) - House of Cards (1:56:55) - Jack Nicholson (1:59:57) - Mike Nichols (2:05:30) - Christopher Walken (2:12:38) - Father (2:21:30) - Future
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024

    #431 – Roman Yampolskiy: Dangers of Superintelligent AI

    #431 – Roman Yampolskiy: Dangers of Superintelligent AI
    Roman Yampolskiy is an AI safety researcher and author of a new book titled AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Yahoo Finance: https://yahoofinance.com - MasterClass: https://masterclass.com/lexpod to get 15% off - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off EPISODE LINKS: Roman's X: https://twitter.com/romanyam Roman's Website: http://cecs.louisville.edu/ry Roman's AI book: https://amzn.to/4aFZuPb PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (09:12) - Existential risk of AGI (15:25) - Ikigai risk (23:37) - Suffering risk (27:12) - Timeline to AGI (31:44) - AGI turing test (37:06) - Yann LeCun and open source AI (49:58) - AI control (52:26) - Social engineering (54:59) - Fearmongering (1:04:49) - AI deception (1:11:23) - Verification (1:18:22) - Self-improving AI (1:30:34) - Pausing AI development (1:36:51) - AI Safety (1:46:35) - Current AI (1:51:58) - Simulation (1:59:16) - Aliens (2:00:50) - Human mind (2:07:10) - Neuralink (2:16:15) - Hope for the future (2:20:11) - Meaning of life
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enJune 02, 2024

    #430 – Charan Ranganath: Human Memory, Imagination, Deja Vu, and False Memories

    #430 – Charan Ranganath: Human Memory, Imagination, Deja Vu, and False Memories
    Charan Ranganath is a psychologist and neuroscientist at UC Davis, specializing in human memory. He is the author of a new book titled Why We Remember. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Riverside: https://creators.riverside.fm/LEX and use code LEX to get 30% off - ZipRecruiter: https://ziprecruiter.com/lex - Notion: https://notion.com/lex - MasterClass: https://masterclass.com/lexpod to get 15% off - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/charan-ranganath-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Charan's X: https://x.com/CharanRanganath Charan's Instagram: https://instagram.com/thememorydoc Charan's Website: https://charanranganath.com Why We Remember (book): https://amzn.to/3WzUF6x Charan's Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ptWkt1wAAAAJ Dynamic Memory Lab: https://dml.ucdavis.edu/ PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:18) - Experiencing self vs remembering self (23:59) - Creating memories (33:31) - Why we forget (41:08) - Training memory (51:37) - Memory hacks (1:03:26) - Imagination vs memory (1:12:44) - Memory competitions (1:22:33) - Science of memory (1:37:48) - Discoveries (1:48:52) - Deja vu (1:54:09) - False memories (2:14:14) - False confessions (2:18:00) - Heartbreak (2:25:34) - Nature of time (2:33:15) - Brain–computer interface (BCI) (2:47:19) - AI and memory (2:57:33) - ADHD (3:04:30) - Music (3:14:15) - Human mind
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enMay 25, 2024

    #429 – Paul Rosolie: Jungle, Apex Predators, Aliens, Uncontacted Tribes, and God

    #429 – Paul Rosolie: Jungle, Apex Predators, Aliens, Uncontacted Tribes, and God
    Paul Rosolie is a naturalist, explorer, author, and founder of Junglekeepers, dedicating his life to protecting the Amazon rainforest. Support his efforts at https://junglekeepers.org Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - ShipStation: https://shipstation.com/lex and use code LEX to get 60-day free trial - Yahoo Finance: https://yahoofinance.com - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/paul-rosolie-2-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Paul's Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulrosolie Junglekeepers: https://junglekeepers.org Paul's Website: https://paulrosolie.com Mother of God (book): https://amzn.to/3ww2ob1 PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (12:29) - Amazon jungle (14:47) - Bushmaster snakes (26:13) - Black caiman (44:33) - Rhinos (47:47) - Anacondas (1:18:04) - Mammals (1:30:10) - Piranhas (1:41:00) - Aliens (1:58:45) - Elephants (2:10:02) - Origin of life (2:23:21) - Explorers (2:36:38) - Ayahuasca (2:45:03) - Deep jungle expedition (2:59:09) - Jane Goodall (3:01:41) - Theodore Roosevelt (3:12:36) - Alone show (3:22:23) - Protecting the rainforest (3:38:36) - Snake makes appearance (3:46:47) - Uncontacted tribes (4:00:11) - Mortality (4:01:39) - Steve Irwin (4:09:18) - God
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enMay 15, 2024

    #428 – Sean Carroll: General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Black Holes & Aliens

    #428 – Sean Carroll: General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Black Holes & Aliens
    Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist, author, and host of Mindscape podcast. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - HiddenLayer: https://hiddenlayer.com/lex - Cloaked: https://cloaked.com/lex and use code LexPod to get 25% off - Notion: https://notion.com/lex - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/sean-carroll-3-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Sean's Website: https://preposterousuniverse.com Mindscape Podcast: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/ Sean's YouTube: https://youtube.com/@seancarroll Sean's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/seanmcarroll Sean's Twitter: https://twitter.com/seanmcarroll Sean's Instagram: https://instagram.com/seanmcarroll Sean's Papers: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Lfifrv8AAAAJ Sean's Books: https://amzn.to/3W7yT9N PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (11:03) - General relativity (23:22) - Black holes (28:11) - Hawking radiation (32:19) - Aliens (41:15) - Holographic principle (1:05:38) - Dark energy (1:11:38) - Dark matter (1:20:34) - Quantum mechanics (1:41:56) - Simulation (1:44:18) - AGI (1:58:42) - Complexity (2:11:25) - Consciousness (2:20:32) - Naturalism (2:24:49) - Limits of science (2:29:34) - Mindscape podcast (2:39:29) - Einstein

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    $20K Mistake, Negreanu Beats Polk, NAPT Returns, & Guest Tom Orpaz EPT Barcelona Heater

    On the latest PokerNews Podcast, Chad Holloway, Connor Richards, and Matt Hansen catch you up to speed on what's been happening at EPT Barcelona, Daniel Negreanu defeating Doug Polk on High Stakes Duel, and the return of PokerStars' North American Poker Tour (NAPT).

    They also delve into the Global Poker US Poker Open (USPO), tell you about the first winner from the PokerStars Summer Series, cover two big hands involving pocket queens from the past week, and debate arguably the hottest topic of the week -- would you pay back $20K after a player grossly misread his hand and called off on the river (which actually happened on Hustler Casino Live)?

    As for a guest, Connor and Matt were at EPT Barcelona and caught up with Tom Orpaz, a high-stakes real estate entrepreneur who in his spare time can be found grinding the EPT High Roller circuit. Orpaz, who made headlines in 2020 for purchasing the most expensive apartment in the world, went on a tear at EPT Barcelona that saw him winning €25,000 No-Limit Hold'em and €50,000 Super High Roller Second Chance for two trophies and over $1 million in winnings, proving he can hold his own among the top pros. PokerNews caught up with Orpaz, who has proven to be one of the most entertaining and talkative players on typically reserved High Roller Circuit.

    Time Stamps
    *Time | Topic*
    00:27 | Welcome to the show
    01:15 | The North American Poker Tour (NAPT) is back!
    06:30 | PokerStars Summer Series in Philadelphia crowns first winner
    08:50 | Daniel Negreanu defeats Doug Polk on High Stakes Duel
    12:30 | Sponsor: Global Poker
    13:48 | What’s been happening at the EPT Barcelona?
    17:46 | Guest Tom Orpaz joins the show
    19:45 | Recreational poker player, professional entrepreneur 
    22:15 | Being chatty at the table
    23:00 | Knocking off the rust in Barcelona
    26:48 | What are your goals in poker?
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    30:45 | Weixiao Liao wins GUKPT London Main Event (£75,501)
    31:55 | Pocket queens the hand of the week – JRB’s questionable fold, Phil Nagy’s cooler
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    42:07 | More EPT Barcelona to come

    Ali Imsirovic's Cheating Video; Guest Vlogging Sensation Masato Yokosawa

    Ali Imsirovic's Cheating Video; Guest Vlogging Sensation Masato Yokosawa

    On the latest PokerNews Podcast episode, Chad Holloway and Jesse Fullen continue The Chad & Jesse Poker Show straight from the 2023 World Series of Poker (WSOP)

    They are joined by renowned Japanese vlogger Masato Yokosawa, AKA “World Wide Yokosawa.” While players in the United States might think folks like Brad Owen and Andrew Neeme have the biggest vlog followings in the world, that distinction actually belongs to Masato, who regularly clears 600K views on each of his vlogs!

    The Japanese vlogging sensation opens up about his start in poker, what inspired him to start a vlog, and how he’s managed to turn it into a smashing success with the help of a creative team. He also talks about his desire to win a WSOP gold bracelet, how Daniel Negreanu and Phil Hellmuth are perceived in his home country, and what the future looks like for poker in Japan.

    Chad and Jesse then do a new "Calling the Clock" segment in which they offer quick two-minute dialogues for topics on “The Board.”

    Here's a look at this episode's topics:

    - Man proposes to woman after winning WSOP bracelet
    - Man awaiting trial for “intent to commit murder” wins online bracelet
    - Daniel Negreanu proposes Poker Hall of Fame changes
    - Billy Baxter finishers runner-up in Seniors Event
    - Phil Hellmuth makes deep run in $10,000 H.O.R.S.E.
    - Ryan Eriquezzo multitasks way to 3rd gold bracelet
    - Shaun Deeb retakes 2023 WSOP POY lead
    - Mike Matusow nearly captures 5th gold bracelet

    Time Stamps
    *Time | Topic*
    00:35 | Welcome to the show
    01:29 | Thoughts on Ali Imsirovic’s video addressing cheating allegations
    03:20 | Bullshit on paying his dues
    06:57 | Call for Ali to be banned from all live events
    08:30 | Let someone ask the tough questions
    11:00 | Is there any redemption to be had?
    12:00 | Is it time for Ali to leave poker behind and move on?
    15:45 | Sponsor: Global Poker
    16:26 | The $1,100 buy-in, $1,000,000 GTD PokerNews Cup is here!
    19:30 | Man proposes to woman after winning WSOP bracelet
    21:30 | Man awaiting trial for “intent to commit murder” wins online bracelet
    23:30 | Daniel Negreanu proposes Poker Hall of Fame changes
    25: 30 | Billy Baxter finishers runner-up in Seniors Event
    27:30 | Phil Hellmuth makes deep run in $10,000 H.O.R.S.E.
    29:30 | Ryan Eriquezzo multitasks way to 3rd gold bracelet
    31:30 | Shaun Deeb retakes 2023 WSOP POY lead
    33:30 | Mike Matusow nearly captures 5th gold bracelet
    35:45 | Guest Masato Yokosawa joins the show
    37:00 | What got you into poker?
    38:20 | What got you interested in starting a vlog?
    40:35 | One vlog away from No. 200!
    41:30 | Do you get stopped by fans?
    42:20 | How did you get the “World Wide Yokosawa” nickname?
    43:30 | How long have you been coming to the WSOP?
    44:35 | Hitting $1 million in lifetime earnings
    45:05 | What would it mean for you to win a WSOP gold bracelet?
    46:00 | Respect for Daniel Negreanu
    50:00 | Playing high-stakes live-streamed games
    51:04 | How is Phil Hellmuth perceived in Japan?
    52:25 | How did you create such amazing vlogs?
    54:19 | What is poker like in Japan? 
    56:15 | What are your plans for the rest of the WSOP?

    WILD Hustler Live Stream Drama - DAT Poker Pod Episode #131

    WILD Hustler Live Stream Drama - DAT Poker Pod Episode #131

    0:00 Recapping The Hand and Speculation Of Cheating Between Robbi & Gman 7:30 Daniel's First Take 19:00 Continuing To Break Down Robbi's Logic 22:45 Being Staked By Another Player In The Game (Rip) 25:00 Giving the money back to Garrett (admission of guilt?) 31:30 Exploring Different Ways To Potentially Cheat 40:00 How Sure Are We, Really? Follow @DatPokerPod on Instagram Email: datpokerpod (at) gmail (dot) com Intro/Outro Music By: https://twitter.com/murphchops

    Goodbye, Jesse Fullen; Guest Tyler Patterson Talks Big RGPS Win

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    On the latest PokerNews Podcast, it is Jesse Fullen's final episode before he departs PokerNews for an exciting opportunity, which he talks about alongside co-host Chad Holloway. The two also discuss Daniel Negreanu playing in a home poker game in Las Vegas after being invited by some high schoolers about to head off to college. Plus, learn about winners from both the 2023 Seminole Hard Rock Poker Open (SHRPO) and Triton Poker London stop.

    They also welcome guest Tyler Patterson, a World Series of Poker (WSOP) bracelet winner and World Poker Tour (WPT) champ, who is fresh off winning the RunGood Poker Series (RGPS) Checkpoint Finale for $200K. A consummate grinder, Patterson talks about his victory, what his life is like nowadays, competing for Thunder Valley's all-time money lead, and his upcoming plans, which include a trip overseas.

    Finally, before everything was said and done, Jesse shared some of his favorite memories from his time with PokerNews.

    Time Stamps
    *Time | Topic*
    00:27 | Welcome to the show
    01:05 | Teasing guest Tyler Patterson
    01:30 | Sponsor: Global Poker
    03:06 | Daniel Negreanu crashes neighborhood home game of kids headed off to college
    09:09 | Guest Tyler Patterson joins the show
    17:05 | Tight race in the Thunder Valley all-time money list
    20:20 | How did this win rank among your accomplishments?
    24:00 | Headed to EPT Barcelona
    26:00 | Sponsor: partypoker
    26:41 | 2023 SHRPO winners
    31:43 | Bryn Kenney, Phil Ivey & Timothy Adams among Triton Poker London winners
    36:11 | Sponsor: 888poker
    38:43 | Jesse’s last show – headed over to Poker Royalty
    40:35 | More geared for behind-the-scenes projects
    42:10 | The joy of live reporting
    43:00 | The Wynn Mystery Bounty events
    44:00 | The Texas Road Trip
    45:30 | Chad snaps at Jesse
    46:49 | The April Fools Jokes
    54:31 | Tune in on September 20 to see Jesse on a TV game show!

    Bots, Negreanu's Losses, MI Player Kidnap Update & Guest Clemen Deng

    Bots, Negreanu's Losses, MI Player Kidnap Update & Guest Clemen Deng

    On the first episode of the New Year for the PokerNews Podcast, Chad Holloway, Connor Richards, and Matt Hansen discuss poker bots on ACR, the risk of playing on unregulated sites, and offer an update on the Michigan poker player who was found zip-tied on the side of the road after allegedly being kidnapped.

    They then dive into Daniel Negreanu's poker tournament losses from 2023, his early win in 2024, and what's happening down at PokerGO Studio. There, Richards caught up with this week's guest, Clemen Deng, who has been a rising star in the high-roller streets.

    Finally, they wrap up by paying respect to Kara Scott, who parted ways with 888poker after eight years as an ambassador, reveal results for various Player of the Year (POY) races, and debate whether or not Jon Letzkus, the suspect in Las Vegas Strip area shooting, should be labeled as a poker player.

    Time Stamps
    *Time | Topic*
    00:23 | Welcome to the show
    00:50 | Sponsor: Global Poker
    01:43 | Are bots ruining online poker?
    05:42 | The risks of playing on unregulated sites
    09:30 | Update on Michigan poker player found zip-tied and apparently kidnapped
    13:30 | Daniel Negreanu releases losses for 2023
    19:12 | Interview w/ Clemen Deng
    21:25 | Kara Scott leaves after 8 years at 888poker Ambassador
    22:10 | Results from various Player of the Year (POY) races
    25:05 | Poker player Jon Letzkus suspected in Las Vegas Strip area shooting
    30:10 | What’s coming up for the crew?