racial healing
Explore "racial healing" with insightful episodes like "The Battle over Reparations at Georgetown" and "How to Be Courageous | Stacy McClendon" from podcasts like ""The Journal." and "Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris"" and more!
Episodes (2)
The Battle over Reparations at Georgetown
The Journal.
The Jesuits who founded Georgetown University sold 272 slaves to pay off debts and now they want to make amends with descendants, but a path to racial healing is complex.
June 19, 2023
How to Be Courageous | Stacy McClendon
Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris
Many of us know that meditation can confer benefits such as self-awareness, calm, and compassion, but what about courage? My guest today says, yes. Meditation can boost your courage quotient. And she will talk about exactly how. Her name is Stacy McClendon. She is a teacher at the Common Ground Meditation Center in Minneapolis. She also has a background in social work. This is the second episode in our weeklong series marking the one year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd. Stacy has been organizing and hosting weekly Truth and Justice Vigils online, available to anyone, during and after the trials of the men charged with murdering George Floyd. In this conversation, we talk about: a Buddhist list called the Ten Paramis, and how those qualities can support courage; how white people can step up and be courageous; how compassion is not a weakness; and how to be what she calls a “compassionate agitator.” One technical note, you might hear a little background noise, including church bells, birds, and Stacy’s 20 year old cat, Rain, who happened to share some opinions. We're offering 40% off the price of a year-long subscription for the Ten Percent Happier app until June 1st. Visit www.tenpercent.com/may to sign up today. Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/stacy-mcclendon-350 See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
May 26, 2021